You've heard many rumors about this place, that strange activities go on in there. Finally your curiousity became stronger than fear and here you are, standing next to these heavy wooden doors, shivering with fear and excitement. Your shaky hand raises to knock...

And suddenly before you even touched the wood, the door begins to open with a penetrating squeak. Angelito pops out of the gap before you can take a peek at what is inside. "What took you so long? I'm starving here, and they better be with proper sprinkles this time or... wait a minute... what are YOU doing here??" Your mouth is trying to speak but nothing comprehensible comes out and the next thing you know, the heavy door is shut right in front of your face. Faintly, you hear shouting behind the doors, something to do with donuts. You decide that it is wise to leave before hungry Angelito starts whipping penalties around.