Thread: Have you ever beaten General Morgan Kendel? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Hired Hero
posted July 04, 2004 11:13 PM |
Have you ever beaten General Morgan Kendel?
Just wondering, have you ever beaten Gen. Morgan Kendel, that annoying guardian of Steadwick, 1 on 1?
Well, One time, I gathered about 10 Archangels, 20 Archdevils, and about 20 Black Dragons into one force. Also brought along 300 summat Royal Griffins, some 80 Champions, 60 Efreeti Sultans, and about 40 Scorpicores...Mananaged to beat Kendal in Steadwick.....In the 4th month!
But sheesh man, took a long time though...-_-
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 05, 2004 02:03 PM |
I decided to replay the RoE campaigns and finally finish them all without cheat codes (yeah, I used to be a big cheater ), and am stuck on that scenario. Didn't get to Kendal yet, I restarted when this hero with a moderate force came running around my place and my heroes in that area had nearly nothing. I suck so much at this game.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted July 05, 2004 02:37 PM |
In the 4th month eh?
But that mission fails if not done in 3 months. If I remember correctly, that is.
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 05, 2004 03:01 PM |
Hey... That's right! Mr. new person is lying, eh?
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
Adventuring Hero
posted July 05, 2004 03:05 PM |
If I remember corectly, you coulsn't get Angerls nor Archangels there too. And yes, you had to take Steadwick on month 3. I did that with Efreeti and Black Dragons... And Armageddon
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 05, 2004 03:15 PM |
LOL I knew it could be done in an easy way!
If there's a god out there, please let him lift my burden of HoMM suckiness!
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
Famous Hero
Warrior of the Heavens
posted July 05, 2004 03:19 PM |
An even easier way is to drag Kendall away from his castle and use a fast hero to defeat the remaining forces. It's cheap, but still better than replaying to scenario five times if you ask me.
Famous Hero
who will never walk alone
posted July 05, 2004 03:49 PM |
That General is the very reason why there are/were so many debates about hit and run
You know, these efreet sultans are quite fast creatures giving you the chance to go first in the battle and cast a damage spell, and are immune to armageddon
Hired Hero
posted July 05, 2004 07:41 PM |
Actually, yes, I used cheast....only used the all building thing though. Still hard.
And after the 3rd month, it allows you another month. It says Queen Cath Ironfist's forces were repulsed, but only after heavy losses. So yea, it really is 4 months.
Legendary Hero
posted July 05, 2004 07:53 PM |
patch your game and this scenario becomes easier ive read somewhere.
If not do as angelspit says, tease him out of castle.
Get a hero semi strong coming from left so grendal can reach and get main in distance to reach castle. then he will attack and kill your weaker hero and you can take over the castle. easy.
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 05, 2004 07:54 PM |
Come up with TWO heroes...first hero makes him using nearly ALL his spellpoints...after that, u attack with your main......not THAT hard...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Hired Hero
posted July 05, 2004 08:02 PM |
Well yes, I did that when I first beat it..
But I wanted to fight Morgan Kendel 1v1, face to face, mano a mano.....yea...>.>
Interesting experience though....Morgan had the Lion's Shield of Courage and the Sword of Judgement, meaning +9 to all primary skills....no wonder he's so tough >.<
Tavern Dweller
posted July 06, 2004 07:14 PM |
The last time I played that map, I got to Stedwick by boat with several heroes. We landed and rushed the castle while Morgan was outside. You don't have to fight him, you just have to take the castle.
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 06, 2004 08:13 PM |
I just tried it... Multiple heroes are not necessary. Just place your hero in that sanctuary near Steadwick and end your turn. Kendal left the castle in my case
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 06, 2004 08:51 PM |
Sure u can do it like this, but this will lower your points.....u will lose at least 25 points for NOT killing all enemy heroes..
Famous Hero
Warrior of the Heavens
posted July 06, 2004 09:00 PM |
Personally, I don't care much about points. The check mark on the campaign selection screen is my reward.
Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted July 06, 2004 09:50 PM |
If you don't wanna beat Kendal 1v1, you can do it my way.When you choose between Dungeon and Inferno, choose the Dungeon.There are several reasons for this choice: 1.Dungeon creatures are generally stronger and 2.Before you play "The Fall of Steadwick" (or something like that) you play a map with the Dungeon Overlords. You have to get Fly or Dimension door...It's a luck thing anyway,because you hav' to catch Kendal out of Steadwick, and stay away from the magic garrison because he could see ya...
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Famous Hero
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
posted July 18, 2004 06:22 PM |
Someday, I will try to beat Gen Ken. Instead, I adopted the cheap and dirty way. At the end of Groundbreaking, before I crushed Red, I maxed out all my heroes' exp, and built level 5 Mage Guilds in as many towns as possible. I had Dimension Door, and other goodies.
When the time came, I summoned a boat near the bottom of the map, south of Steadwick, and visited the Cartogrpaher. When Gen Ken left for the windmill, I used Dimension Door and attacked the sparsely defended Steadwick.
So I try to live a complicated world...
Famous Hero
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
posted July 24, 2004 06:47 PM |
I'm currently replaying the RoE campaigns, and I just finished Dungeons and Devils. This time, Kendal was a breeze. You just have to make a few preparations:
In the level Groundbreaking, before finishing, hire a bunch of heroes, and cap their level (12). This can be done by using the Battle Scholar Academies, as well as fighting wild monsters. I got a month of the Roc, so that's lots of EXP right there. Also, go for Expert Wisdom and Expert Earth Magic with all heroes. That way, they can Town Portal around later.
Anyway, at the end of Groundbreaking, I had 5 Level 12 Warlocks, a Level 12 Overlord, amd a Level 12 Knight (Christian, ironically). This gives you a HUGE boost in Steadwick's fall, as a hero's starting forces (plus their magic) can break through lots of wild monsters.
I basically went for economy during week 1, getting my Dungeon Capitol on Day 7 and having a City Hall in my Inferno town. Week 2 is all about creatures, and you should be able to have Castles and all creature dwellings (except level 7) in both your Inferno and Dungeon.
Also, make sure to visit the Refugee Camps, I found Black Dragons twice, which allowed me to conquer the two southwest towns with ease. They basically became Cash cows.
Another thing you MUST do is to flag the Manticore lair and the Dragon Cave Southeast of your Dungeon. This gets you two more of each per week (maybe three if your Portal of Summoning chooses them).
I basically separated my forces into two heroes. One had Dungeon troops (no Trogs or Hags), and the other had Inferno troops (no Imps). The other heroes basically visited Refugee camps, and picked up my Manticores and Red Dragons from their respective map dwellings.
Be sure to also conquer the Rampart Town in the North, so that Heroes in the field can Town Portal home and back to get troops.
I got to Steadwick at the beginning of Month 3 Week 2 with all other castles and garrisons beaten.
Kendal should be a breeze. First, I attacked with all my accumulated Knight troops from the two Castles (one in the Northwest and the other just east of Steadwick). With extensive Meteor Showering, I managed to reduce Kendal to 32 Zealots, 19 Halberdiers, 4 Marksmen, 77 Crusaders, 22 Cavaliers, 18 Champs and 130 Royal Griffins.
My second best hero had: 63 Horned Demons, 9 Arch Devils, 84 Cerberi, 68 Pit Lords and 28 Efreet Sultans, not to mention 9 ATT 6 DEF 11 SP 9 KNOW, as well as Expert Meteor Shower, Resurrection and Berserk. Using this army as well as extensive use of the three spells said above, I beat Kendel, with only 50 some Pit Lords surviving.
Even if I had lost that battle, I would have CRUSHED him, as my main hero, with secondary skills 9 11 13 7, with 99 Evil Eyes, 52 Scorpicores, 66 Medusa Queens, 43 Minotaur Kings, and finally 32 Black Dragons.
The key to beating Kendal is just spending an extra month or so in Groundbreaking, maxing out your heroes. Sure you'll get a lower score (I got Zombie) but you'll be able to say that you truly beat Dungeons and Devils.
Interesting side note about the campaign. It seems that in this "incarnation," Christian helped conquer Erathia, then helped in its Liberation.
Whew. Long Post.
So I try to live a complicated world...
Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted July 24, 2004 08:21 PM |
I'm also RePlaying RoE, and I got to Long Live the King, the Last map. The key is the 'Blitzkrieg' :attack fast, because if the Comp. has more castles, it'll upg. them fast and overwhelm you. At Dungeons&Dragons, I surprised Kendal outside of Steadwick and finished the map without any magic...
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