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Heroes Community > Library of Enlightenment > Thread: Strategy for Certain Spells?
Thread: Strategy for Certain Spells?

Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted July 13, 2008 03:51 AM

Strategy for Certain Spells?

Hello! Everyone knows that using the right combination of spells in a hopeless predictment could turn the tides to your favor. But there are these certain spells that I either hardly use or don't fully understand the effect. And I heard these spells could be quite powerful.

Can someone help me come up with a strategy while using Force Field, Fire Wall, Forgetfulness & Misfortune? Any help would be greatly appreciated!  

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 13, 2008 10:25 AM

Expert forgetfullness means ALL enemy shooters fail to used their ranged attack and can fight in melee only.I dont think i need to explain why this is an excellent spell in certain situations.
Stars are just pin holes in the curtain of night.

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Famous Hero
with warm hands
posted July 14, 2008 01:15 AM
Edited by firespirit at 01:20, 14 Jul 2008.

If you get Luna from a Tavern, she has a really powerful Fire Wall you can utilize. It's very useful for taking on walking enemies with few troops of your own, as you can manouver the foes straight through the Wall. A fast flier can be used to make them run back and forth through the fire.

Force Field can block a creature completely from all melee damage when you cast it near the edge of the battlefield. Shooters can shoot behind it and Arch Devils or similar creatures can hide there, attacking only to return to cover. Using the Wait button is important here. This way you can dispose of large numbers of enemies, but it takes a lot of mana to execute, since Force Field only lasts for three rounds - you'll have to keep casting it over and over again. Force Fielded Arch Devils can clear a whole Dragon Utopia. If you have an Ammo Cart and ranged units, you can cast a Force Field to shield the cart and your shooters. This lets them keep on firing 'til the end.

Misfortune just sucks.

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Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted July 14, 2008 01:10 PM


It's very useful for taking on walking enemies with few troops of your own, as you can manouver the foes straight through the Wall.

Thanks for the great strategies! But correct me if I'm wrong: How do I lure those creatures into walking through the Wall of Fire? Is it smart to position the CPU's fave target (such as the Titans) right behind it, so melee cretures would walk over it or something? Whenever I cast this spell, those creatures simply walk beside it. And will the Wall grow when you're at Expert level or something?

Misfortune just sucks.

I agree. For something that costs over 10 sp, it sure doesn't make the combat any easier. Believe me I have cast it to around 400 Wolf Riders and still my 19 Naga Queens lost to them!

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Famous Hero
with warm hands
posted July 14, 2008 09:10 PM

You can cast more than one wall. One may be enough, but if there are many opposing stacks and a lot of space, you might have to cast another to force the foes where you want them to go. When the enemies are on the same row of hexes as the wall and our own troops, they should just walk right forward to their doom. They are rather brainless about the wall. It would be best to only have one stack for the enemies to target. If they survive the flames, and assuming that your own troop can fly, you can place it on the other side of the wall to lure the enemies for another warm walk. This works nicely with Luna and her Pixies/Sprites; her Fire Wall does double damage.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 15, 2008 08:18 AM

I agree. For something that costs over 10 sp, it sure doesn't make the combat any easier. Believe me I have cast it to around 400 Wolf Riders and still my 19 Naga Queens lost to them!
Misfortune doesn't work on neutral creatures. The only purpose of this spell is to reduce luck modifiers. So if a creatures has neutral luck (like every neutral creature except the halflings...), this spell is wasted.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 16, 2008 03:56 PM

You would be surprised at just how effective a force field is in castle sieges. Plug in those holes and have your archers decimate everything before they are overrun. Thats if you dont have implosion anyway.


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Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted July 19, 2008 06:31 PM

I have been using Force Field with my Arch Devils lately and almost always gets an advantage in battles (the No-Retaliation special also helps). I also found out that this spell can be used for Harpies when they do their strike and retreat sepcial.

Whenever I cast Forgetfulness, the shooters still shoot. Do I have to use it at Expert level for a stack to fully forget using their ranged atatcks?  

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Famous Hero
Galiv :D
posted July 19, 2008 08:25 PM


Whenever I cast Forgetfulness, the shooters still shoot. Do I have to use it at Expert level for a stack to fully forget using their ranged atatcks?  

Correct. If I'm right on lower levels it will make only "half of the selected stack to forget how to use their range attack in combat". I think it means the range damage is halved (as if 15 units shoot instead of 30). It is similar to Heroes 5 'Confuse' (dark magic spell).

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 28, 2008 04:32 AM

I actually remember taking out 200 chaos hydras with about 15 titans, 25 arch mages, 100 orc chieftains, 25 king cyclopes and 20 behemoths. Only lost two behemoths there. Anyway all you have to do is cast expert earth magic and expert sorrow. With bad morale and such low speed the hydras never got to my shooters.

Admittedly, that might not have happened had I not had the golden bow at the time...but meh.

I honestly think that sorrow has to be one of the most underrated spells in the game. Its a good spell to have unless your opponent has such good morale that it wont do much.

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Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted July 28, 2008 09:53 AM

With bad morale and such low speed the hydras never got to my shooters.

IMHO, you should've cast Slow either on Advanced or Expert Earth Magic. Because there's no 100% guarantee that they'll freeze each round, whereas when you cast slow, their speed would be like two times slower. Then, just let your shooters shoot to the end!

I honestly think that sorrow has to be one of the most underrated spells in the game. Its a good spell to have unless your opponent has such good morale that it wont do much.

Yeah I agree, although I seldom use the spell myself (due to the high cost of MP and because my heroes are always Expert in Fire Magic). A good speel to use for stacks with neutral morale.

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Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted July 28, 2008 08:42 PM

A verry good thing to do is the following:
Make your hero learn either Ballistics. Note that you can use this strategy only in siege battles.
Atack a strong enemy with 7 stacks, all populated by 1-3 creatures.
When it's the Catapult turn, you can cast a spell. Cats the most damaging of your spell or Frenzy they're fastest stack(s). Should you casted a damaging spell, retreat imediately if you can't survive the next round. In the second, expect carnage.
Try to resist as many rounds and watch the carnage. In the end, you've lost 5 Master Genies and 2500 gold, and the enemy has lost 500 wolf Raiders, 27 Ancient Behemoths and 57 Thunderbirds.

It's both garantued to work and unoriginal.
5 Times TV

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 28, 2008 11:33 PM

IMHO, you should've cast Slow either on Advanced or Expert Earth Magic. Because there's no 100% guarantee that they'll freeze each round, whereas when you cast slow, their speed would be like two times slower. Then, just let your shooters shoot to the end!

I did use expert slow before using expert sorrow . Otherwise, I never would have even engaged the hydras.

Of course, expert slow is much better than expert sorrow. Im just aying that, if you wanted to make the opponent's monsters advance even slower, you could also use sorrow and hope they get bad morale.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 29, 2008 01:19 PM
Edited by angelito at 18:02, 29 Jul 2008.

I would rather equipp Spirit of Oppression than casting sorrow though.

Sometimes it is needed you lurk away a stack of hydras from the middle of the battlefield back to the right side again (with a single fast unit like a serpent fly for example), so your shooters have enough time again to shoot. If the hydras would freeze coz of bad moral, on next turn, they could come very close to your shooters.

You save a lot of spellpoints...and you can cast better spells instead (bless, clone, blind etc...).
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 30, 2008 08:37 AM

I actually remember taking out 200 chaos hydras with about 15 titans, 25 arch mages, 100 orc chieftains, 25 king cyclopes and 20 behemoths. Only lost two behemoths there. Anyway all you have to do is cast expert earth magic and expert sorrow. With bad morale and such low speed the hydras never got to my shooters.

Admittedly, that might not have happened had I not had the golden bow at the time...but meh.

I honestly think that sorrow has to be one of the most underrated spells in the game. Its a good spell to have unless your opponent has such good morale that it wont do much.

whoa.  were they spread out or lumped to a single stack..?
precision would have helped to slaughter them quickly too.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 30, 2008 08:18 PM

They were spread out. If I didnt have expert earth magic, it would hae been a massacre for my troops.

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Tavern Dweller
Elite Casters
posted May 07, 2010 12:04 PM
Edited by Kushinada-hime at 12:16, 07 May 2010.

You'd be amazed at how expert Forgetfulness could work wonders in capturing the Tower Town with its garrison units composed mainly of shooters. Pair that with Blind and Haste/Teleport your units to the other side of the field and you're pretty much calling the battle your own.

"What makes a hero?"

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Adventuring Hero
2nd Level, Expert Blind
posted May 07, 2010 05:36 PM
Edited by Lure_of_Lilith at 17:40, 07 May 2010.


IMHO, you should've cast Slow either on Advanced or Expert Earth Magic. Because there's no 100% guarantee that they'll freeze each round, whereas when you cast slow, their speed would be like two times slower. Then, just let your shooters shoot to the end!

I did use expert slow before using expert sorrow . Otherwise, I never would have even engaged the hydras.

Of course, expert slow is much better than expert sorrow. Im just aying that, if you wanted to make the opponent's monsters advance even slower, you could also use sorrow and hope they get bad morale.

Blind could have worked beautifully too, so do Ice Bolts and Lightning Bolts. Were the Hydras neutral or were they units of an enemy hero?

You'd be amazed at how expert Forgetfulness could work wonders in capturing the Tower Town with its garrison units composed mainly of shooters.  Pair that with Blind and Haste/Teleport your units to the other side of the field and you're pretty much calling the battle your own.

No such luck, whenever I prepare myself for a castle siege, the CPU always has Naga Queens and Iron Golems defend the Castle.

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