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Heroes Community > MapHaven Guild > Thread: [WoG] Time of Prophecy
Thread: [WoG] Time of Prophecy This thread is 8 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 14, 2009 11:16 PM
Edited by angelito at 23:17, 14 May 2009.

So it seems I have to blame the translator..

Here the picture of the german translation in my game:

The red arrow seems to show the speciality you are talking about. But the german translation says: Immunity to all SCHADENSZAUBER.

That's why I took the one below, which tells the same but only costs 75.
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 14, 2009 11:28 PM

Koni did a wonderful job

WoG is a bit dully anyway to be properly translated:

Here is the english one:

Harm= all not beneficial spells but it is disputable. Sorry for this problem, I guess that many of your problems would be gone very early if the right immunity was bought.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 15, 2009 01:16 AM

OK...Crack Hag was killed. Very tough fight without that complete immunity. Tried around 20 times before I was able to do the force field trick...

Couldn't survive God of Magic though, and lost 12 ladies, but I guess that's fine.

I have around 8000 ladies now....should be ok I guess...right?

Tried Scorpion King now, but I realized I bought balista instead of tent so my blind tactic doesn't work..lol

Have to load some days back and by me the right warmachine.

I still wanted to see what's next, so I just killed him with hugh losses (had around 1000 ladies left).

But Avalon seems tough then.....
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 15, 2009 01:22 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 01:28, 15 May 2009.

Apocalypse gets out day 222.

The easy option is: take a save before killing Apocalypse (so the towers stay on map) then wait a couple of weeks (until day 221) and give more damage to ladies. But something is saying me that you won't do it

The death blow is a must for killing SK. (split in 7 stacks and plan your shoots according to how many death blows you did)

How was Ufretin? I think Koni added a hint in german version, but I was against
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 15, 2009 09:25 AM

So it is no good decision to visit this altar and let Apocalypse disappear?

Ufretin was quite easy. "Quite" because I haven't used this freelancer's guild Wog speciality before. So I didn't know how it works. I even bought again some troops after 2 days, because I thought Ignissa killed the first stack. But those Ancient Behemots just took 1 step closer to her and were hidden pretty well behind the plants of the oasis..lol

Still it took 2 more tries, coz Ufretin was not able to visit the white tent because the summoned creatures blocked the path and didn't want to move on when Ignissa was dead.

I realized I have to move him next to Ignissa the same day I call for those helping guys.

I still have 1 seer to visit which I cannot find anymore..lol (Defeat Pyre for Joseph). Hope he wouldn't reward me with essential skills.....
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Hired Hero
posted May 15, 2009 09:36 AM
Edited by Koni at 09:43, 15 May 2009.


angelito, exactly that was my dilemma:

my dictionary tells
DAMAGE = Schaden
harm = Schaden

so it came, that "damage spells" and "harm spells" both were translated with "Schadenszauber".

But I think, the written costs should have cleared up what was the better of the two.

How was Ufretin? I think Koni added a hint in german version, but I was against

The "traitor" hints were taken away in the released version, as you can see with the cursed field trick at Malekith's tomb, which angelito didn't realize first.


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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 15, 2009 09:47 AM

I was joking about "blaming the translator" Koni. As Salamandre already mentioned, you did a great job.

But I really wondered about these 2 specialities when I first saw them, and came to the following conclusion:

The one I took (for 75 mil.) prevents from DIRECT damage, and the other one from ALL damage, including non-direct/ area spells like inferno or similar (this was before I have read the exact description).

But the better translation for the word "harm" would be "beeinträchtigen"

Great online dictionary I mostly use is this: www.dict.cc

I guess I will start the map new with all the information I have now and will do much better this time. I promise!
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Famous Hero
posted May 15, 2009 10:28 AM

Crag Hack was beatable without immunity and without speed greater than 32 . I made the tests to see if it's was possible. Anti-magic + double force fields where the tricks. I lost the God too in this fight but only when I played hard version. I think I gave once hydra attack to sorceress but don't remember well now and I didn't have time to check yet.

Anyway you made very well , specially considering it's the first time. I'm sure you will do much better now. Hope you will enjoy the last fight, there is a nice trick there to find for an easy fight ...

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 15, 2009 12:14 PM

So it is no good decision to visit this altar and let Apocalypse disappear?

It is all about the fact that you started upgrading in emerald quite late, lacking infos. So you can correct that  by waiting a bit and give more damage...now. Usually, if the player starts upgrading in emeralds as soon as he can, and constantly, there is no reason to wait at all. The ladies will be strong enough, and the tests were made without any "wait" option, even a day.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 16, 2009 07:58 AM

I will restart this map soon, but will give it a break first.

I started Empire of the World III yesterday (original english version) and have to say it looks great so far.

I am at the end of month 2, and just opened the quest guard south of Rome who wanted the sorceresses to be killed.

Hope I am not too late, but I try to collect all stuff I find (resources etc...), coz I don't know if I will lack later in game.

I heard it is possible to upgrade your level 7 troops in town to level 8. Is this possible in this map too? If not, am I supposed to run arround with a stack of surpremes AND my praetorians?

On a side not: I always forget if I should wogify a custom map at the start or not. I have chosen "NO" this time. That ok?
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 16, 2009 01:50 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 14:08, 16 May 2009.

TEW III has a custom dat file (must be placed in data), exactly as Freedom of Vanadia. So you have to click "YES" when it asks to wogify, and then the options I choose will execute. If you don't wogify, then most of options will execute from your default options, but this map needs specific options.

So, yes, it needs wogification. Make sure that you have the last version, I think the german one is also the last. I did not yet checked how Koni translated the dark tower (which gives the same options as the school of sorcery but thousands more now).

The 8th level monsters are available only for AI. The human will play only with archangels (pretorians) as best creature. The 3 supreme you have on first day can be used starting with month 2 to take creature banks with secondary heros. The creature banks regenerate every 28 days and must be visited the whole game (the Combo artefact need 5000 ressources of each). They will be harder and harder at each visit. For example a cyclop stockpile will have some 6000 cyclops month 5 to defeat. You may want to use something additional creatures to take it among with the 3 supremes.

Getting first aid for the secondary heros is a must.
warning: once a secondary hero got all 8 visible skills, he can not learn an additional one from your choice. So you have to give him the first aid before he reached 8 skills. After that he can visit the few dwellings which give earth/wisdom/air etc. They will be done in additional slots (9+)

Warning again: the Pacifist reported that after some several thousands of right clicks the game goes crazy (not enough memory to store all those right clicks). I never had those problems as I don't click right mouse much to get infos (its my map afterwards). No one else reported this bug.

So you may have to restrain yourself of getting too many infos about objects/monsters/mines if you are really an obsessed of the right click, as Pacifist.

Bonus: there are tens of hidden areas in this map, each with interesting bonuses. Every object can hide something behind it, artefacts, events, new paths.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 16, 2009 05:58 PM

TEW III has a custom dat file (must be placed in data), exactly as Freedom of Vanadia. So you have to click "YES" when it asks to wogify, and then the options I choose will execute. If you don't wogify, then most of options will execute from your default options, but this map needs specific options.
Description in your EoW III thread says: "ALL files in maps folder except the Heroescharacter.exe, which should be placed in DATA". So which is the right way to do?

So, yes, it needs wogification. Make sure that you have the last version, I think the german one is also the last. I did not yet checked how Koni translated the dark tower (which gives the same options as the school of sorcery but thousands more now)
I've downloaded the map you linked in your thread here.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 16, 2009 06:00 PM

Bah, I am getting old with all those dully maps. Of course, all the files must be placed in /maps except Characters.exe, which is optional.

Always listen to a read me txt. !

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 16, 2012 04:55 PM

I have a problem, i'm currently in Avalon at beginning of 4 month, resurrection spell doesn't work, i mean it does during the fight, but when I win, resurrected creatures are gone, I have Basic Earth magic. Just to say at the end that I'm new to Wog and that 'bug' is maybe me

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted December 16, 2012 05:07 PM

Advanced Earth is the cure-as soon as possible!
Of course if you fight on the special terrain,you will have earth at expert,but that have a lot to do with the map.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 16, 2012 10:36 PM

Thx! I missed one seer hut whit advance earth, off to kill some heroes

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 23, 2013 12:17 AM


Hi all,
I don't know if someone is still following this thread . Its been a while since anyone posted any reply, however I will try my luck. I have been playing this map for quite a while, and it is awesome. Im playing the Era edition and I have been progressing pretty good so far, but I'm stuck now. I defeated Pyre and the inferno heroes, and I went to the treasure chest to build castle gate. Now once all inferno heroes are gone it says that I can enter that scary cave. But there is a quest guard that ask me to defeat Marius. I cant proceed further down from the treasure chest (which builds the castle gate) since it is not disappearing once I take it. It still appears on the road before me. I'm not quite sure that that is the road I need to proceed, but I'm lost. I would appreciate your help.
Thank You

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 23, 2013 12:36 AM

Can you upload your latest save please? Then I will tell you what to do.
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Tavern Dweller
posted May 23, 2013 12:54 AM

Can you upload your latest save please? Then I will tell you what to do.

I've sent you an IM. Let me know if you get it.
Thank you

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 23, 2013 01:01 AM

I dont trust the forum IM so I guess posting reply is better. This is my latest save once I've defeated Pyre and the inferno heroes with the archers.

Thank You

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