Thread: [Mega-Project] The HOMM5 Role Playing Edition | This thread is pages long: 1 10 ... 13 14 15 16 17 ... 20 27 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted January 31, 2011 09:03 AM |
i can't download the RPE mod.it's a broken link or something else?

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 01, 2011 12:00 AM |
Sorry for my long time absence, It's good to see people are still having fun with my mod. It seems the link is working again

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 01, 2011 12:27 AM |
Are you kidding me? Your mod is awesome . Have had tons of fun with it. So did everyoneelse I recommended it to.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted February 01, 2011 06:50 PM |
i installed it and i still cannot run it.it says an error : DB Error creature #180.i have 3.1 ToE,i installed the mod in bin folder.i have no other mods installed.what can be the problem?

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 01, 2011 11:06 PM |
Thanks Azagal 
Adriancat, did you also place the .h5u files in the usermods folder?


Hired Hero
posted February 02, 2011 12:43 AM |
Are you planning any additions to this mod? There are a lot of good ones out there, but this is one of the best, in my opinion. It really added a lot to the game.

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted February 02, 2011 09:21 AM |
I forgotted to move something in data folder.Solved,thanks.great mode.

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 04, 2011 04:03 PM |
Quote: Are you planning any additions to this mod?
If it comes to gameplay, I don't think there is much left that can be improved. I would like to see an ingame skillwheel someday, but I'm too busy this year. I'm also awaiting H6 to see if it is still worth investing energy in H5.


Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2011 02:26 AM |
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I understand what you're saying about H6. Just wanted to thank you again for all your hard work.

Known Hero
posted February 09, 2011 08:01 PM |
Hi, I'm having a problem with this mod that I had before. Every time I level up, no matter the hero type, it always levels up in defense. I'm running it on windows 7 with no other mods.

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 09, 2011 10:17 PM |
That's an installation problem, please double check the readme if all files are in the right place and you are running the game from the right exe. Also check if the .h5u files are recognized by windows as to be opened by another program (like winrar), this can sometimes cause serious problems.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 23, 2011 06:27 AM |
can i play with quantomas AI and ur class system, and how can i install both with no problems?

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 23, 2011 12:45 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 23, 2011 11:12 PM |
This Mod is so epicly awesome that it leaves me completely speachless. 
What will happen now?

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 24, 2011 01:22 PM |
Quote: This Mod is so epicly awesome that it leaves me completely speachless.
Thanks for the compliment, but aren't you a little late to the party?

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 24, 2011 03:32 PM |
Better late than never.
Like I said, I haven't played H5 the last year or so, so I don't really check up on this section anymore.
What will happen now?

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted February 25, 2011 05:39 PM |
Well, it's good to have you back sometimes.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 11, 2011 12:53 AM |
feedback on RPE
Hello to All.
Great thanks and respect to the Author of RPE mod. It's awesome.
I would like to describe 2 bugs, that I encountered recently, and one potential request for enhancement:
1) Witch Hut bug.
If you have only 1 slot in your skills slots, Witch Hut will not teach you saying that you have no room for skills. It seems it's connected with the fact that in RPE you can use also the default slot (where there was a hero race specialization in version 3.1).
It's needed to fix the counter of skills logic somehow. Could it be in some lua-script? Any ideas ?
By now I found only this resource: "data\MapObjects\Witch_Hut.(AdvMapBuildingShared).xdb".
But I'm not sure that this is the right one for fixing.
2) Avenging Strike bug.
I tried to use the perk "Avenging Strike" for Demon Lord. The hero was appr. at 27 level and had also "Stunning Strike" and "Chain Attack" perks under Combat skill. So, after I attached "Avenging Strike" mark to the monster stack and monster attacked, my hero punished him TWO times, one after another (every time with stunning strike). I reproduced it several times in different battles. Why it hits twice?
3) SkillWheel.
Did anybody find or create a SkillWheel for RPE? Looking in PDF docs during the game is really not so convenient as built-in online button or off-line programm ( f.e. offline English version for 3.1 could be found here http://heroes.ag.ru/h5/skillwheel/SkillWheel_eng.zip )

Tavern Dweller
posted April 11, 2011 02:07 AM |
Clarification on (2) - it seems your hero strikes secondary time with "Avenging Strike" if your unit (that was attacked by monster) survived and retaliated.
It's not correct IMHO and too much powerful.

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted April 11, 2011 10:33 AM |
The witch hut bug is known, hardcoded and might be fixed if RPE will be mixed with eternal essence project.
The combo of chain attack + avenging strike seems powerful, something I can look into if EE and RPE are combined.
Creating an ingame skillwheel is a huge amount of work and I don't have time for it. The skilltree is universal so you can print the universal skillwheel and have 99% of required skilltree knowledge right on your desk. There are no complex branches like in H5 vanilla.