
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 06, 2004 10:06 AM |
'Dragon Slayer!' Woock shouted. 'You hold off Deimos while me and Vadskye will go grab the diamond thingy', and they ran off.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 06, 2004 02:42 PM |
As Woock and Vladskye ran to find the diamond, Deimos froze the air all around them. They were trapped.
Deimos: Now for you...
He threw a fireball at Dragon Slayer, but it was blocked by the diamond armor.
Deimos: Hmm...
He froze Dragon Slayer's armor, then heated it, then froze it again, then heated it again, and did so 5 more times. Dragon Slayer's armor was weakened, so Deimos swiped at it with his claws. Dragon Slayer's sword went down, but not before a large scratch could be formed. Now he threw a fireball at the crack. It hit, and Dragon Slayer was in pain. He quickly recovered and hit Deimos with his sword. The pain was almost unbearable, but Deimos dug his claws into Dragon Slayer's armor, perforating it, and poisoning him. As the poison seeped into the wound, Deimos froze it so it would be harder to heal. He ran into the fort to search for Silver.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 06, 2004 06:17 PM |
Lord Woock switched to immaterial form to get out of the air trap and materializes right behind Deimos. Unnoticed by the demon determined to destroy Dragon Slayer, Woock forms two balls of spam. He throws one at Deimos's back, which infuriates the foul fiend. As Deimos prepares to turn the King into an express spam pate, Woock throws the sticky spamball at Deimos's face - he can no longer see a thing. Then Woock switches to his immaterial form and flies for the diamond.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Supreme Hero
Back again
posted February 06, 2004 07:13 PM |
Vadskye (NOT Vladskye) runs, trusting DS's armor to save him. He looks back and sees that the magog had somehow gotten to DS and DS was poisoned! Pausing to ready himself, Vadskye casts a Cure Poison spell, healing the wound. Vadskye casts Cure Major Wounds as well, but finds his spell blocked by that accursed gnome, Silver! The two wizards engage in a battle of wills, both focusing their energy on a ray of energy. Vadskye, seeing that the gnome has a slight advantage, threw another bottle, this one filled with red-colored gas. The gnome, recognizing this as sleeping gas, had to use magic to stop it from opening, thus giving ground. Suddenly, the bottle burst anyway! Vadskye smiled at the glaring gnome. Vadskye had hit it with another bottle, this one containing a fan to make sure the gas went in Silver's direction. Silver had to bring up a shield to stop the gas from reaching him, and Vadskye was able to concentrate all his will on his energy beam. The shield was flickering, and Vadskye saw some gas get in. Not very much, though. Silver saw it, too, but couldn't do anything about it without risking a complete breakdown of his shield. At least it's not enough to do anything, Silver thought. As he inhaled it, however, he collapsed to the ground. "Oops, did I forget to mention that this is special sleeping gas? I tweaked it so it's slightly more effective than average." Despite his taunting words, however, Vadskye was exhausted. He slowly stumbled off to assist Woock with the diamond.
Knowledge is power...

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 07, 2004 02:10 AM |
Deimos quickly burned away the spam and threw an ice bolt at Vadskye. As the mage blocked with a Water Resistance spell, the ice bolt quickly changed into a fire bolt, hitting and severily hurting him. As Dragon Slayer raised his sword from behind, Deimos's claws dug into him again, and as the enraged warrior swiped his sword, Deimos dodged and burned Silver to wake him up. The gnome quickly turned Lord Woock back into his material form. As 5 spam elementals jumped on top of Deimos, he froze them and attacked Lord Woock with his claws.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 09, 2004 12:14 AM |
Silently sizing each other up, Shadowcaster and RSF stood facing each other, both completely motionless. Then, unable to hold off his rage any longer, the shadow mage's blank gaze turned to anger for just a moment, but a moment was all it took. RSF charged him at full speed.
Bogged down by the spam that covered his body, the time mage found himself at only a slight advantage in speed over the shadow mage, but it was an advantage nonetheless. However, he could not lose sight of Shadowcaster or else the shadow mage would find his way to the shade of the fortress and would be untraceable until midday. It was, however, quite a long distance away with no shadow in-between. The fight was about even.
Shadowcaster barely dodged RSF's first attack and whirled around to counter as he passed by. The time mage proved too quick, though, and was out of range by the time the shadow mage struck. Sensing a chance, Shadowcaster began to rush toward the fort, but he was soon foiled by his opponent's superior speed. RSF caught up to Shadowcaster and landed the first hit of the bout, an elbow to the back that knocked the shadow mage to the ground.
RSF stood triumphantly, waiting for his opponent to stand, but the shadow mage remained still. He walked over and grabbed Shadowcaster by the hair, cautiously ordering the shadow mage to get up and dropping his head back to the dirt soon after. He remained motionless, and RSF rolled him over with his heel to find a dagger sticking straight up into the air, embedded in the shadow mage's chest. Shadowcaster had been impaled by his own weapon. The time mage had won.
Kneeling down, RSF began to examine the dagger. No blood came from the wound, yet the dagger had clearly penetrated Shadowcaster's skin. He reached out to grab the handle, only to find that his hand passed right through it. The dagger faded, and Shadowcaster sprung to life, grabbing the time mage's arm and embedding a dagger into it. RSF fell to the floor in pain, catching a glimpse of the source of the illusion, that wretched gnome was awake. Silver soon moved on to deal with Vadskye.
Between breaths, RSF spoke out, "I thought you were accepting no help. You...cheated."
"I'm not the same as I was back then, RSF. I've changed--you changed me. It's your fault that I turned out this way. I was happy where I was, but you had to uproot me because you were jealous. Now, I will finally pay you back."
"You have! Do you not remember? You killed her, the love of my life. You were jealous that I won out in the end."
"So you've been lying to yourself this whole time? You used the same ring to propose to her as I did, and you thought I wouldn't figure it out. I thought you knew me better than that. Obviously, I thought wrong."
RSF smiled as he slid the knife from his arm, leaving only undamaged skin in its wake. Shadowcaster looked over and spotted Vadskye, who had healed the time mage's wounds. Behind him laid Silver, unconscious from a fight the shadow mage had not noticed. He had, however, noticed Deimos' attempt to hold off the rest of the Order ranks. Chaos was in dire peril of losing.
Shadowcaster was furious. He turned to Vadskye and unleashed a dagger toward his heart, but to no avail. Showing uncommon agility for a mage, he deftly dodged the projectile and let it fly past him into the fortress wall. This angered the shadow mage even more. Shadowcaster turned back to RSF, and shouted:
"I thought we agreed to let no one else get involved. You're the cheater now!"
"Well, now we're even. Deal with it, backstabber."
"Trust me, I will."

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 09, 2004 01:21 AM |
Deimos had one moment to glimpse the fight beetween RSF and Shadow, then turned back to fight Lord Woock. He froze the god's feet in ice, then rushed to help the shadow mage.
Shadow: No! Stay out of this!
Deimos: Too bad.
He froze the time mage's feet in ice, but RSF was too quick for him. He jumped out of the way. Deimos froze a large area, RSF jumped to prevent freezing, but when he landed, fell.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Supreme Hero
Back again
posted February 09, 2004 03:03 PM |
RSF and Shadow both turned to Diemos with anger in their eyes. Diemos stepped back and saw Vadskye advancing toward him, albiet slowly because of his fight with Silver. I knew I should have finished Silver when I had the chance! Vadskye thought to himself. Diemos slowly withdrew from the fight, outnumbered three to one, and although all three knew he would return, Diemos would leave them alone for a little while at least. Well, that was easy. Turning, Vadskye prepared to wage war on Silver again, but it was short. In his weakened state, Vadskye was no match for the gnome, whose strength had recovered while resting. Vadskye fell to the ground soon, badly beaten. With his last consious thought, Vadskye sent a message to Dingo asking for help. Soon he was unconsious.
Knowledge is power...

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted February 10, 2004 01:23 AM |
Meanwhile back at the Order Fort. Dingo recieves vadskyes message for help.
Dingo: I dunno, this is a pretty nice throne.
After thinking about leaving, Dingo decides to help. He leaves the fort putting some SPAM golem in charge.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted February 10, 2004 08:17 AM |
Dragon Slayers Demise
Dragon Slayer, in pain forces himself to rise to his feet. He looks around, everything is blury but something catches his eye. It was Deimos, running towards the battle between RSF and Shadowcaster.
DS: Ugh that evil creature!
Dragon Slayer pulls out one of his most powerful weapons, his diamond tipped arrows and bow. He was yet to use them because no time until now had called for such drastic measures. He puts one arrow to his bow. He vision is blurring but he aims for Deimos' head. With his last ounce of strength he releases the arrow. The arrow flies but strikes Deimos in the leg. Deimos falls to the ground, screaming in pain. The pain seems unbearable.
DS: Hehe, cough, cough theres no way in hell he can get up now. That leg will take weeks to heal cough, cough even with magic...
And with that Dragon Slayer collapsed to the ground. He knew he and done his part in this war, he knew he was going to a better place. He hoped his death, was not in vain...

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 10, 2004 04:03 PM |
OOC: Woock, you are too powerful by shrinking spam elementals and having them go inside people.
Deimos: "AHHHH! I'm gonna get you Dragon Slayer."
RSF realizes that his own personal vengeance has hurt the other members of his party. He abandons the fight against Shadowcaster and runs to get Dragon Slayer and Vadskye back on his feet.
RSF: "Woock, you go get the diamond right now. I'm gonna get Vadskye and Dragon Slayer out of here. Could you get some of this damn spam off me first though? I can't move."
Woock: "Sure I can get some spam off of you."
Woock has a spam elemental go over and bind to RSF.
RSF: "What the hell are you doing?"
Woock: "Relax this will only take a few seconds."
The spam elemental then oozes off of RSF taking a huge portion of spam with it.
RSF: "This is much better. It's still not perfect, but considerably better. Thanks man. We should both help our friends, they are more important than spam golems and more important than taking vengeance. My dearest wife, Shiela would want us to keep the friends we have alive than sacrifice them in an attempt for power or to avenge her. I will never put others at risk again for my own personal grievances. Come on Woock, let's get our friends to safety. Then we can come back here and get the diamond together."
Go Red Sox!

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 10, 2004 06:13 PM |
OOC: ok, I was just checking what level of spam control would be overpowered
Lord Woock dematerializes and flies to look for the crystal. Then comes back, metarializes next to RSF, and says 'where is the crystal thingy anyway?' with a confused expression.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 10, 2004 07:20 PM |
RSF: "Oh I had it in my hands, but Shadowcaster threw one of his daggers at me and I dropped it. It should be right next to the lava flow. It's probably covered in spam. But we need to get Vadskye and Dragon Slayer out of here."
Go Red Sox!

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 10, 2004 07:29 PM |
'Vadskye! I'll need your magic! Follow me, let's get that damned diamond and get back home to continue the sacrifice, we'll come back later with a horde of spam golems!', Woock shouted and dematerialized. Then the two went to grab the diamond. 'Where the hell are you?' Vadskye said. 'right next to you, don't worry about me, just run.'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 10, 2004 08:19 PM |
Woock and Vadskye approached the lava flow and began to search the mounds of spam for the diamond, but in vain. Finally, just as they were about to give up on the search, out of the shadows he came, holding the diamond.
"I suggest that you do not leave just yet. This is why you came here, is it not? What a shame it will be when you find out that the diamond has become a relic of the Chaos party."
With that, Wolfman appeared from the ground, grabbing the diamond as Shadowcaster threw it to him and disappearing underground. The shadow mage smiled and turned to the pair, staring into each of their angry faces without wavering.
"I think you'll find I won't be so incompetent an opponent anymore, now that I know who you are fighting with. He may have escaped today, but he will be back. I know him well enough to know that."
Woock materialized behind the shadow mage, who whirled around and put a dagger to his throat. Shadowcaster shuddered as he recognized the god of spam.
"You've lost a lot since the day you sentenced me to die, haven't you? Heh heh, perhaps you should have stayed back at your fort where you belong." He pulled his dagger away. "Stupid law."
Woock dematerialized and drifted away, Vadskye reluctantly following behind. If they wanted their precious diamond now, they would have to brave the dreaded labyrinth of Chaos. The shadow mage turned, badly weathered, and entered the fort, glad to report that the day was theirs.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 10, 2004 08:33 PM |
As Woock and Vadskye rushed back, Woock decided to dematerialize and drift back to where he was so badly treated. He materialized in front of Shadowcaster, punched him in the face and instantly dematerializing. Then he drifted away, materialized, and picked up a bit of spam. Fingering the sticky material, he smirked as a useless but nasty idea crossed his mind. He walked back to the Shadow mage, lying on the ground, and smeared the spam on his forehead. Then he used one of his long nailed fingers to write in it. As the King noticed Wolfman glaring at him. A gigantic hand rose out of the ground and was about to grab and squeeze him, but Woock was faster. He dematerialized and flew back to Vadskye. '-are you even listening?' said the mage, annoyed. 'Oh? Sorry, my mind was wandering,' said Woock, as solid as the next man.
Wolfman looked down at his unconscious comrade and saw his forehead covered in spam, except for some spamless spaces, which formed the words: "WOrsHiP WooCk"
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 11, 2004 12:48 AM |
Deimos limped into the Chaos fort and started healing. Wolfman appeared with an unconisous Shadowcaster. Deimos quickly wiped off "Worship Woock" and froze the land around the Order fort so that it said "DOWN wIth ThE GOd oF SpAM!" He decided to carry out his plan of absorbing Mvass. He went outside and started burning up the forest. "Hey! What are you doing?!" shouted Wolfman. "Two things," replied Deimos, "Firstly I'm destroying the place Order might hide if they attacked us, and secondly... We'll, you'll see later."
Meanwhile, in the Inferno...
A fire demon rushed to the throne room and hissed "My lord, we have news." "What are they?" asked Mvass. "The rebel Magog called Deimos seems to think that he is your equal," replied the demon. "Deimos? Soon he shall know true power..."
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 13, 2004 07:07 PM |
OOC: Vadskye, I think we can assume that we came to your aid.
And so the first major battle ended...
Realizing that they did not have a good plan for entering the labyrinth, Woock and Vadskye returned to the top of the hill. RSF was carrying Dragon Slayer's body up the hill. After finally arriving next to his friends, RSF sat down and apologized to his allies.
RSF: "We would have the diamond right now, if I hadn't have tried to kill Shadow for my own vengeance. It is my fault. That's why I'm going into the labyrinth alone. I recommend that you keep the Chaos Party contained and under threat. Just make sure that they don't clean up the place. Keep it under a slow steady bombardment. I'm going to go into the labyrinth. So we will need to do a fake retreat. I want you to pull back everything and I'll go in under disguise. There are already several Chaos soldiers still stuck out here in the spam. I'll just take their uniform and get into the fort."
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted February 14, 2004 02:42 AM |
Dingo arrives right after RSF enters the Labyrinth
Dingo: Vadskye you sent me a message saying you needed help right away. Well I'm here now.
Vadskye: Well you got here a litte late, the battle is over.
Dingo: I can't believe it, I got off the Throne of SPAM just for a run?
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 14, 2004 06:25 PM |
Deep inside the labyrinth
All was mirth and merriment in the Chaos fort. They held all the cards at the moment, and the ranks of Order would have to come onto Chaos turf to get them back. Deimos, Wolfman, and Silver each raised their glasses to a toast, but Shadowcaster was not aware of it. He sat in the corner, alone and angry that he had allowed his rival to escape, blaming himself for incompetence. The scales had been tipped in his favor, and he failed to get rid of that accursed time mage.
Wolfman noticed Shadowcaster in the corner and went over to talk. After a few minutes, the shadow mage was himself again. All he needed was a remminder that this was his life now, and that dwelling on the past would get him nowhere. He was glad once again that Wolfman was his friend. As long as he was around, Shadowcaster felt like he belonged. He had not belonged in a while.
Suddenly, a guard came in to report from the labyrinth.
"Relay messages from the second floor say that screams were heard from down the hallway, coming from the first floor. Something is moving through the labyrinth, and fast."
Shadowcaster stood up and banged his fist on the table. "Not yet!" The thought of his happiness ending so abruptly was irksome to say the least. Whoever it was would pay, though a sinking feeling in his gut told him already who it was.
The shadow mage angrily stomped toward the door. Wolfman followed, knowing that he would have to cool his friend's temper before they dealt with the intruder.