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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: The End??
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Supreme Hero
posted May 16, 2004 04:47 AM

The End??

Well, the info is contained in the OOC thread. Lets start it off.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 16, 2004 03:14 PM

Mvass awoke. His first thought was to get revenge on Shadow and Wolfman. It was their fault he was in such a condition. If they simply agreed with him about all-out war, this never would have happened.
Eccentric Opinion

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted May 16, 2004 03:25 PM

Woah walks slowly, grass sprouting under his feet, towards what used to be the Order fort. Many years have passed since Woock ruled this land. For some the time when he was king was a time of happiness and rejoice. Oh, lucky those people were, to get the chance of being happy. But where there's good, there's bad. Many have suffered under Woock's rule, but why? Possibly no one would remember by now. Woah stopped. He looked at the landscape, gently picked up a stone and examined it closely, after which he carefully put it back where it was. Yes, the forts are close...
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 16, 2004 03:49 PM

Vadskye scampered away from his latest victim, a corrupt judge who was a millionare.  Was.  Vadskye "accidentally" let his bag of loot slip open as he ran away, letting thousands of dollars fall to the ground next to the poor inhabatents of the city.  As he neared the edge of the town, he closed it up again so he would still have some reward left for his trouble.  He jogged back to the Order fort, the place where he stashed his loot.  There was quite a sum amassed here, and Kitsun Mader, his alter ego, needed it.  Vadskye was quite content with his life.  Stealing from the rich, giving (some) to the poor... Everyone liked him except for the corrupt people.  As a result, most people hated him.  Vadskye could deal with that.  He strode over to his old spell book.  The original had been destroyed in the great Spam War, but he had copied it down again.  Vadskye hardly ever looked at it anymore, but right now he needed a spell.  So he sat down and prepared to look for it in the Book.  This would take a while.
Knowledge is power...

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 16, 2004 11:50 PM

Mvass remembered the difficulty of creating a new body for himself. His soul took control of his summoner's flesh, but that was only temporary. He summoned a fire elemental, and transferred his soul to it. He left the remains of his old body to rot.
Mvass knew that a long time has passed, but people would still feel hostile to him. Since he was weakened, he couldn't fend them off by himself. He needed the support of the Inferno.

The next day, Mvass got ready and opened a gate to the Inferno. It drained him of his energy. He stepped through it. Immediatly, two magogs grabbed him by the arms.
Magog #1: King Deimos knows that you have returned to life! He knew that you would try to regain control of the Infeno!
Magog #2: He sent the army to patrol the land, watching for a sign of you. Well, we found you. Now, we'll take you to King Deimos!
Magog #1: And there are no more of your fire elementals around!
Eccentric Opinion

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted May 17, 2004 12:01 AM

Deimos sat in his throne, contemplating his changes to the Inferno for the better: no more fire elementals, equal rights for ice demons, and no more corrupt demons.
Suddenly, a tired ice demon messenger entered.
Messenger: Your majesty, Mvass has been caught.
Deimos: Good. Take a break, drink some wine.
Messenger: Thank you, your majesty.

An hour later, Mvass was brought into the chamber, bound between the two soldiers.
Mvass: YOU!!! I thought you were dead!!! Dirty half-breed!!!
One of the soldiers slapped him.
Deimos: Don't. Let him speak.
Mvass: I don't need any kindness for you, usperer!
Deimos: Usperer? As I recall, you were dead.
Mvass: I will take the throne from you!!!
Mvass made a fireball. Deimos drained it of its heat.
Mvass: How can a little half-breed do that to the God of Fire?!!!
Deimos: You're not as powerful as you were, Mvass. You ordered my mother and father to be killed. You tried to kill me.
Mvass: Now I will finish it!
Deimos: You are in no condition. However, I may forgive you if you become my advisor.
Mvass: I'll think about it.
Deimos: You've finnaly calmed down. Good.
Mvass: I heard you were in the War of Spam. How did it turn out?
Deimos: After you died, it wasn't a War of Spam for long. Dingo became God of Dark Spam, but he was forgotten. The war was against the Forsaken Ones.
Deimos told him about it.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
posted May 17, 2004 06:57 AM

Sarah: Xtrim, wake up!!!

Xtrim: Ugh..Mother..please..its only 10 AM.

Sarah: I need you to go to town, buy everything on this list.

Xtrim: Ugh..Alright.

Xtrim takes the money and walks out the door. He slowly walks to town. He pays no attention to the wilting forest. He reaches the gates of the town of Rarken. Something is odd. He opens them slowly, and to his horror every building is burning. It is deserted, dead, wasted. He gasps and goes to run back home. And to his horror he finds his home no longer there.

Xtrim: MOM!!! MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He turns around, and finds a skeleton, wearing his mothers apron.

Old Man: Hello Xtrim. Something appears wrong.

Xtrim: NO DUH!

Old Man: I am Ennond. I have come to tell you your destiny. YOu must seek out the person named Rinaldo San Farino 3. He is the son of the great Rinaldo San Farino the 2nd. THe time mage who fought against the Forsaken ones in the second war.  You must find him, he will know what is going on by the time you reach him.

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted May 17, 2004 04:17 PM

Vadskye was reading his magic tome somewhere in the Order fort, when Woah entered the room. 'You must be Vadskye. Glad to meet you. Did you ever get to read that book without anyone interrupting?', Woah said
'You know, this reminds me - back in the old days, when Woock', Woah stopped smiling at the sound of this name, 'was king and we were at war,' now Woah looked quite sad 'against Chaos, Woock used to keep scaring the crap out of me while I was reading... You look strangely familiar, you know? Do I know you?'
Woah hesitated and said 'No... Not really. I know you quite well though. You and some others from the Spam War.'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 17, 2004 04:36 PM

Vadskye: "Ah, yes... The Spam War.  Too bad it turned out the way it did."

Woah: "Yes, but it was for the better overall."

Vadskye: "Still... Oh well, what's done is done.  I always did like Woock, it's too bad Dingo overthrew him.  Maybe he'll come back someday."

Woah could hardly conceal a smile. "Maybe."

Vadskye: "Care to join me for lunch?"

Woah: "Sure, why not?"

Vadskye: (getting up) "Where'd that grass come from?"

Woah: "Uh..."
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted May 17, 2004 11:13 PM

In a castle to the north......

Dean sat on his throne, contemplating the child in front of him. She was about seven or eight years old, and was staring at him with big green eyes, too scared to speak. That was good. Screaming children were a bother.

Suddenly through the door floated a pale, slightly luminous figure. A female figure, though that didn't count for much anymore. Karla was a banshee and the original mistress of this castle I had made my own. Now she served me.
She stopped just behind the child who started trembling. I made soothing motions with my hand, and asked Karla,
'What news from the demons?'
Since my old adventuring comrade Deimos had ascended the demon throne I had resumed contact with him. We hadn't spoken since my betrayal of him all those years ago.
Well, people change. I surely did, and a once too-trusting magog, despised by his own people for his freakish hybrid powers had become a ruthless and feared King.

Karla's voice seemed to come from a long way off, echoing around the high ceilinged-room,
'He has taken a new advisor. A fire elemental called Mvass, but I-'

I held up my hand for silence, cutting her off. So. Mvass.
I had never met the creature, but his reputation preceded him. He had been a troublesome entity during the Spam skirmish that preceded the Forsaken War. The one that had robbed me of my health..... but I had no time to lose myself in memory. I motioned Karla to go on.

'As I was saying my Lord', she wailed. The little girl flinched at the sound, but didn't cry out. That was good.
'I do not think Mvass will be Deimos's advisor for long. I think his escape is only temporary, and his magical prison will locate him soon enough. But he will surely influence King Deimos while he is there. The plan could be disrupted....'

'I know that!' I snapped, and the little girl flinched again. 'I have worked too long at this to let some rogue fire elemental ruin it now. I believe I will soon have to visit His Majesty in person....'

Summoning a small familiar imp, I relayed a message to Deimos.
'Greetings my brother in darkness, His Majesty of the Infernal Throne King Deimos I. I shall soon be travelling to the south for a few days to carry out some personal business. I would appreciate the hospitality of your palace and look forward to seeing you again old friend. Dean'

I sent the imp off and dismissed Karla. The child seemed to relax when the banshees chill presence left the room.
Deimos' new advisor could ruin all my well laid plans, and I was relying on the demons to come to my aid. Those fools in the Royal Order thought to exile ME?! I was the greatest mage they had, if only they weren't so blinded by that damned Mighty Mage.
I was the one who kept Vadkye from getting killed.
I was the one who stopped Gorman and the RSF from resurrecting ALL of the Forsaken Ones.
I was the one who took the mortal wound from Death himself before sealing him away!

And the council venerated Mighty Mage! That muscle-bound idiot! They couldn't help me and were content to watch my life drain away as I searched for the spell that could heal my wound. But I'll show them. If Deimos doesn't ruin my plan!!!!
All this thought was making me hungry and I beckoned the little girl closer. She just stared at me dumbly, and started trembling again. I sighed. Children are such a bother.

But their blood is so sweet.....

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted May 17, 2004 11:50 PM
Edited By: Lord_Woock on 17 May 2004

Woah glanced at the grass, then looked back at Vadskye. 'Oh, that. I don't really know why, but this kind of thing happens. There is something I need to tell you.'
Vadskye looked up from his magic tome and said 'Really?'
'Yes,' Woah replied 'The air is getting thick with evil. Something bad is bound to happen. And there'll be all sorts involved. Undead, demons...'
'Forsaken?', Vadskye looked uncomfortable

Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 18, 2004 04:12 AM

Mvass: I accept.
Deimos: Good.
Suddenly, an imp entered the chamber.
Mvass: Leave! We have work to do!
Deimos: Now, now, Mvass. What is it, child?
Imp: Letter to King Deimos, sire.
Deimos: Give it here. He read aloud 'Greetings my brother in darkness, His Majesty of the Infernal Throne King Deimos I. I shall soon be travelling to the south for a few days to carry out some personal business. I would appreciate the hospitality of your palace and look forward to seeing you again old friend. Dean'
Mvass: Dean. You told me about him. I don't like the sound of him.
Deimos: Wait. You'll see. He's all right, but it gets a little cold around him.
Deimos: Don't burn him. All right, my child, here is my reply: "To Dean, Mightiest Mage in the Universe. My friend, you are welcome in my palace, just don't bring your banshees or tortured children, they drive me crazy. His friend, King Deimos."
Imp: Yes, sir!
He disappeared.
Mvass: What sort of demented freak tortures children?
Eccentric Opinion

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 18, 2004 04:23 AM

Vadskye: "At least Gorman's not involved.  He was the one who really scared us, with his ability to raise them."

Woah: "Yet."

Vadskye: "I don't want to have to go through another Forsaken War.  That last one made the Spam War look like a boxing match with pillows for gloves.  Now let's see about some lunch."

Vadskye gets up, then sits down again.

Vadskye: "I used to be able to just make food.  Let's see if I still can.  Glutunnis Maxival!"

A rather greasy hamburger appeared in front of him.

Vadskye: "That'll do.  What do you want to eat?"
Knowledge is power...

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted May 18, 2004 09:58 AM

Woah looked with a sad expression at the hamburger.
'No, thank you. I'm not really hungry right now,' he said. 'The important thing at this time would be contacting other people who might help us fend off the threat.'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 18, 2004 03:19 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 8 Jun 2004

Vadskye: "Suit yourself."

After Vadskye finished the hamburger, he got up.  "You may be right about the contacting part.  I'm a thief now, not a fighter.  You're a... Um, what are you?  Doesn't matter.  We need some firepower."

Woah: "I heard that our old friend RSF had a son.  Perhaps we could ask him."

Vadskye: "And Gorman used to be a friend of mine before he served the Unholy One.  Now that that's over, we could try calling him."

Woah: "What about Deimos?"

Vadskye and Woah: "No."

Vadskye: *chuckles* "Good point.  And Dean used to be a friend of mine.  He saved my life once as I recall."

Woah: "I think that's it.  Send the letters."

Vadskye: "As soon as I can find the right spell..."

Woah: *sighs*
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
posted May 18, 2004 07:46 PM

Xtrim: Where is this god damn Rinaldo. This better be good.

Old Man: You are close to him. However, before you meet him, you will meet two new companions. Their names are Vadskye and Woah. The former fought in the second war against the forsaken ones. They will help you, and you them.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 18, 2004 07:50 PM

Vadskye: "Got it!  Away the letters go!"
Knowledge is power...

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted May 18, 2004 10:34 PM
Edited By: Lord_Woock on 18 May 2004

Vadskye turned back to Woah, but he wasn't there. Vadskye followed the grass (how the hell did it get there?), which led him out of the fort. There he found Woah sitting down, observing an anthill.
'Wonderful creatures, aren't they?', Woah said
'No idea why you'd say that', Vadskye replied, surprised
'An individual is so much different from a human, but as a society, the similarities are endless', Woah explained. 'Makes you wonder if they'll ever come up with the idea of democracy.'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
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posted May 18, 2004 10:44 PM

Vadskye: "That would be an interesting thing to research.  I think it all depends on whether the ants know what they are doing or whether the anthill society is simply instinct."

Woah: "We could have a wonderful debate about this."

Vadskye: "Shall we?"
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
posted May 18, 2004 10:46 PM

Xtrim: Who are you!! and why do you keep following me!!! QUIT FOLLOWING ME! I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!!!!!!!

Old Man: As you wish.

The Old man dissappears into thin air.

Xtrim: What is this?? WHere did the path go???

He comes to a dead end in the path, where the path stops the greenest grass he has ever seen forms a new type of path. Footsteps have already been through here.

Xtrim: Hmm....

He starts to get angry, he had played into the Old Man's hands. "THIS IS BULL!" When he gets angry, he loses control. Without realizing it, he emits a strong burst of energy, so strong it ripples the air for miles. The green grass starts burning. Then he simply stops..

Xtrim: What the.....Did..i do that?
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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