Thread: strange/interesting things about or heroes... | |

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted August 15, 2004 07:36 PM |
strange/interesting things about or heroes...
To start this thread with an example:
I believe that Dessa and Jarbakas are brothers.
Look how similar one is to the other:
What do you think? Did you make an amazing discovery or made up a questionable theory?

Famous Hero
with warm hands
posted August 15, 2004 07:45 PM |
Maybe they are, they do look similar... dunno.

Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted August 15, 2004 08:02 PM |
Hmmm...I did notice that, I don't think they're brows cause Jabarkas is Duke Boragus' son...
| The HoMM Channel |

Famous Hero
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
posted August 15, 2004 08:31 PM |
Hmmm, off the top of my head...
If you read biographies of all the Heroes, you will learn that Marius the Demoniac (Spec. Demons) and Calh the Demoniac (Spec. Gogs) were married. However, it fell apart because Calh didn't share Marius' hatred of Dendroids.
However, I think it's interesting that Calh's specialty is Gogs, and Gogs (Magogs especially) throw fire, and nothing nothing destroys wood quicker than fire. Not a coincidence. This explains why Marius liked Calh.
So I try to live a complicated world...

Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted August 15, 2004 08:38 PM |
I read their bios half an hour ago, but I didn't see his speciality...interesting onservation...
| The HoMM Channel |

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted August 15, 2004 08:42 PM |
Wow, I think I should read some bios too 

Famous Hero
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
posted August 16, 2004 12:21 AM |
Yeah, usually a hero's bio reflects his specialty. Edric's grandfather first tamed griffins, Josephine first animated golems, etc. They're quite interesting actually.
The only strange thing I can think of is how Torosar the Alchemist has a specialty of Ballista, but doesn't start with Artillery. My bro played a map with him, and was never once offered it throughout the level. Torosar even finished at around level 15.
So I try to live a complicated world...

Known Hero
posted August 16, 2004 03:33 AM |
there are many heroes that look the same in heroes 3. even in heroes 2 you have Arie the warlock and Ariel (i think) the sorceress.
One powerful hero is good, two is better

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted August 16, 2004 11:45 AM |
speaking of H2:
I allways found it funny that there are these two nec heroes:
Zam and Zom^^
anybod know sth 'bout this?

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted August 16, 2004 06:12 PM |
i havnt nothiced anything... no...
but where can u read the bios?!

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Famous Hero
with warm hands
posted August 16, 2004 06:33 PM |
Right-click on a Hero´s portrait in his/her inventory. (upper left) You can also check their properties in the editor and click the "Bioghraphy"-thingy.

Famous Hero
Passed away
posted August 16, 2004 08:11 PM |
did you know that...
1. pikemen/halberdiers have natural bonus against cavaliers/champions? they ignore the distance bonus.
2. earth/air and fire/water elementals do double damage to each other.
The ultimate WoG tester

Famous Hero
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
posted August 16, 2004 08:24 PM |
OK, thought of some more. They're not groundbreaking, but still odd.
Death Knights and Necromancers cannot learn First Aid, yet their blacksmith sells Tents.
Inferno smithies sell ammo carts, even though they have one shooter.
Xarfax and Xyron have specialties of Fireball and Inferno respectively, but they do not start with enough mana to cast them.
The Brimstone Stormcloud in the Inferno is shaped like the continental United States.
So I try to live a complicated world...