Thread: World-Wide Petition - Save Heroes of Might and Magic 5 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · NEXT» |

Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted January 24, 2006 11:10 PM |
World-Wide Petition - Save Heroes of Might and Magic 5
Quite a few players have now seen what the Heroes 5 open beta is like and those who haven't can get some idea here. Obviously this is the state of current game development of Heroes 5. There is just over a month left. The game needs to be thoroughly tested, features finalised, campaigns well made, AI improved etc. Then some time to produce the actual game bundles. Realistically, in about one month only partial improvements can be made and we might end up with another half-made game, with questionable follow-up patches, essential game features being shifted to expansions, etc.
This is a world wide petition to extend the development time by another two months so that we can have a Heroes 5 that gives rebirth to the HOMM series, instead of killing it by repeating mistakes of Heroes 4. This petition will be sent to Ubisoft. Let us all have a say for another two months and a well developed game.
The Official Petition can be signed at SaveHeroes.Org
This thread was started earlier and also contains signatures and comments. Feel free to add your comments here as well.
Other communities all over the world are encouraged to team up on this petition to ensure that our voice is heard. E-mail me and I will add their links here.
Petitions on other communities:
- CENTAL PETITION (Be Sure to Sign): SaveHeroes.Org
- Ubisoft Forums
- The Genie's Lamp Announcement and Forum Thread
- Celestial Heavens Announcement and Petition
- Gamespot Forums
- La Torre de Marfil (Spain) Announcement and Petition
- The Oracle League Announcement and Comments
- Guardians Grove Forums
- Drachenwald (Germany) Announcement and Petition
- The Behemoth's Lair (Poland) Announcement and Petition
- Computer Games (Romania) Front Page News and Discussion
- Gram.pl (Polish Distributor) Forum Discussion
- Acid Cave (Poland) Announcement and Petition
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 24, 2006 11:34 PM |
With this post I do sign up to the World Wide Petition to enlarge the development of Heroes of Might and Magic V over the end of the fiscal year at march 30th.
As a closed beta tester and an official open beta helper I have seen the game evolve for some months, and like many others I began to get scarred push by push.
Some of you reading this might already be able to play the Open Beta due to having an account on FilePlanet; others will have to wait until thursday.
Finally then, you will see what I am talking about as well as you will understand what is driving people crazy on the FilePlanet board.
Most of the Open Beta testers can't play at all, currently.
The lucky ones who can, experience the following:
The AI (which should have been taken out of the open beta but was not) is not able to be competitive to the worst noob player getting his hands on Heroes 5.
It does hardly build up its town, hire creatures or build up a hero that is really capable of fighting.
The battlefield, like it was discussed for days now, is far too small. You can test this out in the duel mode.
The worst case there is playing Inferno (Marder) against Inferno where 4 stacks will be able to gate themselves so that you can't move on the battlefield anymore at all.
The game runs terribly slowly; many crash because they don't have bleeding edge highend hardware. This can't be the goal of the developers or the publisher.
The game's responsibility on user interactions is bad. Very often you have to hit a hotkey or click the mouse several times to make the game do what it is supposed to do and launch any action.
It takes impossibly long to enter the town screen. This has to be fixed - but I have no idea how.
All the sounds are crappy. Not only are the sounds themselves sh*tty and sounding cheap, but you can't even hear them correctly at all, as all the sound and music is choppy. You can't play the game for a longer time without being totally annoyed. This is another big issue to be fixed.
Try to play the 1vs1 map (Peninsula) and reach each other player with the army of the same count of weeks; playing different factions.
What you will experience is serious balancing issues.
This can't be solved without heavy testing and incremental pushes. This needs time.
You can't do anything during your opponent's turn if not in simul turn mode (which isn't released to us yet). And it doesn't seem like this could change.
ATM, I can't come up with more, as I am very worried about the outcome of the game, and my brain feels emptied by now.
However, maybe I will post more later.
Signing: Labyrinth, Closed Beta Tester and Open Beta Guide.


Hired Hero
posted January 25, 2006 12:14 AM |
*the genie tosses his hat in the ring*
I also share Valeriy's worries. From what I've seen since the beginning of the beta test reveals that they are nowhere close to being FINISHED. Please, give the developers the time that they need to finish what could easily be the best TBS game ever made. DO NOT make this all about cold hard cash. If you do, you'll end up losing a large portion of it from returning customers and subsequent releases. The Heroes fan-base can't take another shot to the stomach by giving them a half-made game. I also urge you to push back the release date. Release the game when it's FINISHED...not when you WANT it to be finished.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2006 12:36 AM |
Quote: The AI (which should have been taken out of the open beta but was not) is not able to be competitive to the worst noob player getting his hands on Heroes 5.
Of course it isn't! The AI isn't even in the beta...
read: which should have been taken out of the open beta but was not!
Quote: The battlefield, like it was discussed for days now, is far too small.
Yeah, like two months is going to make any difference. According to the producers, lots of time was spent testing out different solutions, and eventually, this was what they decided to do. Trying to change it now would set all game battle design back for a looong time.
A month could be enough, though. And as everyone apart from Nival seems to agree that the battlefield is too small... who's right now? Thousands or a few?
Please note, also:

Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted January 25, 2006 12:38 AM |
I'm all for making the game as great as possible! If that means more time, so be it.

Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted January 25, 2006 12:38 AM |
I was in the beta since the beggining... and I saw how the pushes were evolving... and I really think march 30 is not enough time to get the game finished... I don't know if two or three months make a huge diference... but I guess can't delay the game one year... so whatever we can do to push back the release date will be good for the game...
Dig Out Your Soul

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2006 01:20 AM |
I would gladly take the time to list all my worries on this, but that would only mean writing in other words, point by point, everything that Labyrinth said here.
I wholehartly subscribe to the petition and can't stop myself to QFE his post, as it's exactly what I'm thinking:Quote: With this post I do sign up to the World Wide Petition to enlarge the development of Heroes of Might and Magic V over the end of the fiscal year at march 30th.
As a closed beta tester and an official open beta helper I have seen the game evolve for some months, and like many others I began to get scarred push by push.
Some of you reading this might already be able to play the Open Beta due to having an account on FilePlanet; others will have to wait until thursday.
Finally then, you will see what I am talking about as well as you will understand what is driving people crazy on the FilePlanet board.
Most of the Open Beta testers can't play at all, currently.
The lucky ones who can, experience the following:
The AI (which should have been taken out of the open beta but was not) is not able to be competitive to the worst noob player getting his hands on Heroes 5.
It does hardly build up its town, hire creatures or build up a hero that is really capable of fighting.
The battlefield, like it was discussed for days now, is far too small. You can test this out in the duel mode.
The worst case there is playing Inferno (Marder) against Inferno where 4 stacks will be able to gate themselves so that you can't move on the battlefield anymore at all.
The game runs terribly slowly; many crash because they don't have bleeding edge highend hardware. This can't be the goal of the developers or the publisher.
The game's responsibility on user interactions is bad. Very often you have to hit a hotkey or click the mouse several times to make the game do what it is supposed to do and launch any action.
It takes impossibly long to enter the town screen. This has to be fixed - but I have no idea how.
All the sounds are crappy. Not only are the sounds themselves sh*tty and sounding cheap, but you can't even hear them correctly at all, as all the sound and music is choppy. You can't play the game for a longer time without being totally annoyed. This is another big issue to be fixed.
Try to play the 1vs1 map (Peninsula) and reach each other player with the army of the same count of weeks; playing different factions.
What you will experience is serious balancing issues.
This can't be solved without heavy testing and incremental pushes. This needs time.
You can't do anything during your opponent's turn if not in simul turn mode (which isn't released to us yet). And it doesn't seem like this could change.
ATM, I can't come up with more, as I am very worried about the outcome of the game, and my brain feels emptied by now.
However, maybe I will post more later.
Signing: Labyrinth, Closed Beta Tester and Open Beta Guide.

Supreme Hero
posted January 25, 2006 01:30 AM |
I'm not a beta tester but i've read reviews and it, and if it is really as bad as it sounds, delay the production for another year, if thats whats needed to make the perfect game.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted January 25, 2006 04:32 AM |
Edited by miru on 25 Jan 2006
I hate to have to wait two months. It's worth it, but that doesn't mean I like it 
Two whole months of nothing but posting here and morrowind. I still dont get the construction set.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

Adventuring Hero
The Necropope
posted January 25, 2006 05:33 AM |
You can add my vote. I donīt want to live the same catastrophe again
"They say an end can be a start. Feels like I've been buried yet I'm still alive"

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted January 25, 2006 05:43 AM |
Agreed, my vote in. But do the fans have more power than the UBI heads-of state?

Famous Hero
posted January 25, 2006 05:52 AM |
Count me in. Yup I think it will be wiser for the developer to polish the game to its fullest before the release. Blizzard pended the release of warcraft 6 month from the actual release but the game itself is nicely done and that's what I hope from Heroes game.

Adventuring Hero
posted January 25, 2006 07:36 AM |
This is the kind of thing that can bring the HoMMunity together... to do what needs to be done to ensure the longevity of this wonderful series/world
If we do not come together, we will not see a Heroes 6 or M&M 10/X/whatever
Already the major sites are joining up and making petitions. Leading members from Celestial Heavens, Age of Heroes/Heroes Community, The Genies Lamp, and many other sites are joining the cause.
If there is ever a time to unite and put aside any differences we all may have, now is that time. This petition is only the beginning. We have mere weeks before it is too late.
@Vesuvius: You are damn right we do!

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted January 25, 2006 07:57 AM |

Famous Hero
posted January 25, 2006 08:56 AM |
Edited by Fnord on 25 Jan 2006
I heartily agree! I'll be more than happy to wait several months or even a year to see a quality new Heroes game (heck, I may need that long to afford upgrades for my computer so I can play it in the first place), but if the game is rushed out before it's ready, I likely wouldn't even bother with it at all.
On the other hand, if the game developers and testers are given the time needed to polish and refine Heroes V so that it shines like the brilliant gem it truly can become, I'll buy all the expansions, recommend it to my friends and sing its praises to the skies. 

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2006 09:33 AM |
I waited for so long that a month or two wont make a difference.
I want a perfect game, so let them have all the time they need to polish it.

Famous Hero
The John of Spades
posted January 25, 2006 09:57 AM |
I've been following the beta formus (closed and open) and I trust the judgement of testers like Sir_Charles,Lord_Crusader and others.
The BoogieMan wrote ... and saw that it was good.

Famous Hero
Chaotic Good
posted January 25, 2006 11:03 AM |
Totally agree!
Don't do the same mistake that 3do did with heroes 4. We don't want that all over again.
We want a game that can offer great gameplay, sound, high entertainment value and handling... not just a mediocre title with a lot of flaws that has to be corrected in an endless number of patches...
Like 2D RPGs? Download Everestia! everestiagame.com

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted January 25, 2006 11:16 AM |
Not again a desaster like H4...PLEASE!!
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Adventuring Hero
posted January 25, 2006 11:19 AM |
Quote: I'm all for making the game as great as possible! If that means more time, so be it.
I totally agree with this statement from Corribus!