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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 24, 2001 03:04 AM |
Alternate Dimensions
I just got an idea! In addition to the subterranian level, you could have alterate dimensions which you gain acsess to through spells and/or magical gates! Only they wouldn't be called dimensions, instead they'd be called Planes of Existance, like in D&D.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
Your Ultimate Slayer
posted September 24, 2001 03:16 AM |
Not bad...
More explanation please... like what is it gonna look like? Are there enemies there? and so on.
Slayin' all evil for good!

Adventuring Hero
Anybody got a Band-aid
posted September 24, 2001 12:32 PM |
Sounds kind of "Stargate"ish to me, but not a bad idea. This way they would have an excuse for all those unusual creatures they've come up with and room for more.

Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 24, 2001 12:53 PM |
Good idea Saruman! But why is every thng about you Middle earth or D&D?
Spaek the Titan

Known Hero
posted September 24, 2001 01:51 PM |
I think it is going to be to large...imagine a XL map with a full underground and a "realm". It would become to tedious to look for all heroes and towns. Even a small map woud become large sized with this feature.
L´ombre fatal - The shadow of death

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 24, 2001 02:09 PM |
Okay, the different planes are:
The Inner Planes:
The Prime Material Plane where the actual universe is and all the normal creatures live;
The Ethereal Plane, which overlaps the Prime Material Plane. Everything and everyone on the Ethereal Plane is on a landscape like the Prime Material, but everything is hazy. Creatures on this plane can walk through walk through barriars on the Prime Material that they couldn't normally pass (Like a wall, a garrison, ect.);
The Four elemental planes of Fire, Air, Earth and Water, which are made completly of one element. This is where the various elementals and simmaler cretures like Efreet live;
The Outer Planes:
The Astral Plane, which is a spinning plane of greyness and random whirlpools that link this plane to all the others.
The Seven Heavens, where the angels and the souls of the good-hearted live;
The Nine Hells, where the devils and the souls of the evil-hearted live and;
The Abyss, where the demons and the souls of the Chaotic dwell.
Any number of other planes can be created in addition to these, and this inter-plannar system is only optional in the map editor. It's like a subterranian level, only it's acessalbe only by spells and gates that resemble monoliths/whirlpools.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
Elemental Druid
posted September 24, 2001 03:43 PM |
Wild Plane: The plane of nature. Watch out for wild wolves, bears, tangling vines and giant spiders!

Supreme Hero
posted September 24, 2001 06:39 PM |
I like ur idea.
Even different new creatures and towns would be only in certain dimensions. And different dimensions would be available as an expasnion pack.

Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted September 24, 2001 09:59 PM |
I'd like a higher amount of levels in parallell with the normal one.
Different levels are a good way to restrict acess between areas.
On the other hand a map with many levels should not at the same time be Large or XL. It would take too long to play it.
Saruman: What did you have in mind would be different on the dimensions? What game parameters would be different between normal area and dimesion X? Would you want a fixed number of dimensions with set abilities or the possibility to tailor the rules for each dimension?
Many of the ones proposed would require a lot of design for them to make sense, so this is perhaps an idea for an Expansion pack more than for the base product.
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 24, 2001 10:43 PM |
Planes of Existance... Sownds good to me!
Spaek the Titan

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 26, 2001 08:44 PM |
More Planes
More Planes of Existance (All Planes have been taken from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook, First Edition):
Positive Material Plane: A place of energy and light, the place which is the source of much of that is vital and acitive, the power supply of good.
Negative Material Plane: The place of anti-matter and negative force, the source of power for undead, the energy area from which evil grows.
The Seven Heavens of absolute lawful good
The Twin Paridises of neutral good lawfuls
The Planes of Elysium of neutral good
The Happy Hanting Grounds of neutral good chaotics
The Planes of Olympus of absolute good chaotics
The Planes of Gladsheim (Asgard, Vallhala, Vanaheim, ect.) of chaotic good neutrals
The Planes of Limbo of neutral (Absolute) Chaos (entropy)
The Planes of Pandemonium of chaotic evil neutrals
The 666 lawers of the Abyss of absolute chaotic evil
The Planes of Tarterus of evil chaotic neutrals
The furnaces of Gehenna of lawful evil neutrals
Hades' "Three Glooms" of absolute (Neutral) evil
The Nine Hells of absolute lawful evil
The nether planes of Acheron of lawful evil neutrals
Nirvana of absolute (neutral) lawfuls
The Planes of Arcadia of neutral good lawfuls.
Any number of other outerplanes can be invented!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
posted September 26, 2001 08:50 PM |
i like your idea saruman. and i think the dimensions should be small, cus only a specific type of creature inhabits it. and i think homm should be about D&D or something similar cus most of the stroyboard is adapted from there anyway...

Supreme Hero
posted September 27, 2001 04:57 AM |
I think u should try sendind this to 3do!

Adventuring Hero
Enemy of the Efreet
posted September 27, 2001 05:00 AM |
Great idea ,but, wow that would get complicated. 2 levels is good enough for me.
"If you fight a battle and you flee,
Another day you'll live to see,
but if you gain the victory,
a mighty hero you shall be."

Famous Hero
I am 16 now....
posted September 27, 2001 10:14 AM |
Great idea, and 3do alrady have a base to this one: the terrains like the sky, the Frozen Lake, etc' . They were in Shadow of Death, why donn't improve them and rut them to the game ?!
The skies, with some minor changes and adding of his own objects can turn into "The Seven Haevens"!
I'm always happy to help.. unless I'm helping myself.

Known Hero
posted September 28, 2001 05:08 AM |
Edited By: titan on 27 Sep 2001
like the idea
nice idea Saruman
If we ever will time travel in the future . Why haven't people from the future visited us yet

Legendary Hero
posted September 28, 2001 08:53 AM |
If 3Do were to implement all our ideas the game would probably get unplayable!
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 28, 2001 01:59 PM |
Maybe, but I like complicated games (Such as AD&D), and I think that maybe 3DO should make Advanced Heroes of Might and Magic for more advanced players. AHOMM would have more difficult challenges, a smarter AI, and many more powerful monsters. Maybe they could include the Planes of Existance in AHOMM...
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Known Hero
posted September 28, 2001 10:08 PM |
Hmm....a smarter AI.....you make it sound so easy. Like 3DO hasn't been trying all this time to do just that.
Anyway, you can create other planes of existence already in H3. You just have to have seperate areas of the map linked by teleporters, and call them (in the storyline) other realms of existence. You can also use the above ground and under ground areas for this.
For example in the excellent map running with the devil, the area underground is considered to be hell, and the area above ground is considered to be heaven and earth (depending on where you are in it). H3 always has tons of modifiers you can place like evil fog, cursed ground, fiery zones, etc. to make other planes.

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 28, 2001 11:35 PM |
Hmmmm... Well, I don't play Heroes 3 much, in my opinion Heroes 2 is better. Also I don't have AB or SoD, so I wouldn't know about evil fog and the like.
Thank god I'm an atheist.