
Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted July 05, 2007 05:58 PM |
Hey i have problem with Mape Editor: I can't put on the map any dwellings I have H5 1.5 & HOF 2.1. Is anybody know the solution:/:

Known Hero
posted August 10, 2007 08:22 AM |
Basic Question -- view size
I am new to HOMM5 and its map editor. I'm experienced with previous HOMM games, but some things are different :-}}
I like to use the map editor to get an over view of a map I am playing. I looked at Map 1, campaign 1 and it was displayed in a reasonable fashion. Then I tried to look at map2, campaign 2 and it was so blown up I could see only a very little bit of the playing field at a time (and every thing was super sized).
Is there a "zoom-in" / "zoom-out" function to adjust that view? I could not find it, and the help on the editor is non-existent.
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Known Hero
posted August 11, 2007 06:58 AM |
Editor Manual ??
Quote: I have followed the instructions as best I can with what little information I have from the HOMM5_Practical_Editor_Guide.
That looks like it might be a useful document -- where could I find it? A search of HC and a Google both turn up only your post.


Hired Hero
posted August 11, 2007 10:08 AM |
Quote: I have followed the instructions as best I can with what little information I have from the HOMM5_Practical_Editor_Guide.
That looks like it might be a useful document -- where could I find it? A search of HC and a Google both turn up only your post.
If you have editor than check the manuals that came with it.
HOMM5_Practical_Editor_Guide is one of them
The life is full of
excitement, the afterlife is
all quiet and peace ,But the
passing from one to another
is really anoying.

Known Hero
posted August 11, 2007 07:58 PM |
Edited by dale at 20:07, 11 Aug 2007.
Quote: Is there a "zoom-in" / "zoom-out" function to adjust that view? I could not find it, and the help on the editor is non-existent.
I figured out the answer to that by accident.
The answer is "use the wheel" on the mouse.
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Known Hero
posted August 11, 2007 08:09 PM |
If you have editor than check the manuals that came with it.
HOMM5_Practical_Editor_Guide is one of them
Thanks -- I have now found it and the other editor manuals.
I guess it was silly to expect to find the help I needed using the "help" button on the editor itself:-}}
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Tavern Dweller
posted August 21, 2007 01:14 PM |
I'm puzzled by the Rumour system laid out in the editor. What does the 'weight' of the rumour mean, exactly? If I just wanted a series of rumours to occur sequentially over the course of a few weeks, how should I adjust the weight value?

Supreme Hero
posted November 18, 2007 08:48 AM |
i don't think you can do that with the map editor in HoF, you must have TotE. Andreas and Lorenzo got renegades in A1C1C5, but that was probaly a scripted event

Known Hero
posted December 27, 2007 05:40 PM |
Where can I find certain campaign heroes from the editor? I can't find Findan, Tolghar, and Raelag (the one with master of initiative), and the renegade Dungeon and Haven heroes anywhere. I enabled them all in map properties, I can select them when I play the game, but I still can't find them in the editor.
Plus how can I access the secret heroes from the game like Temkhan, the tank, the panzerklein, and the UFO?

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted December 27, 2007 05:47 PM |
About one-third of the campaign heroes can be found in Heroes (Scenario). For the others, do the following:
1. Place any hero on the map.
2. Ensure that the Map Properties Tree is open on the left. If not, press Ctrl+Space.
3. Highlight the hero, find the property called Shared in the properties tree, click it, and click the small "..." button which will appear.
4. You're now in a list of all the game's heroes, including those not featured on buttons in the editor. Choose whoever you're looking for by double clicking their name in the left window.
You can also access Temkhan in this way (he's in the Academy list as "Timerkhan") but as for the other panzermawhatsits, I don't have any idea how to access them.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Supreme Hero
posted December 28, 2007 11:05 AM |
Edited by guarder at 11:27, 28 Dec 2007.
How do you change speciality? I used Findans model, but it shall be Alaron. Alaron have elven fury, but in settings, it is storm of arrows. And where are the 64x64 icons located?
And how to add the light in the underground

Known Hero
posted January 11, 2008 08:11 PM |
Limit races available in Tavern?
I am working with a downloaded map and trying to tweak it a little. What I would like to do is to limit the selection of heros available for hire in a tavern of a particular town to a couple of races.
It looked like the attribute called "Banned races" should have done exactly what I wanted. I added TOWN_INFERNO and TOWN_DUNGEON to the list of banned races, but they still come up in the tavern.
Is there a way to do what I want?
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted January 11, 2008 09:59 PM |
Edited by Vlaad at 08:13, 17 Jan 2008.
@ aaronwpi
Quote: I really like the BK - School 10-10-07 map
However I would like to change it from Single player to Multiplayer so I can play with my girlfriend. Anyone have an idea to do that?
See this.
@ guarderQuote: How do you change speciality? I used Findans model, but it shall be Alaron. Alaron have elven fury, but in settings, it is storm of arrows. And where are the 64x64 icons located?
Place the hero on the map, select him, open the Map Properties Tree, click on the map again. On the left, in the Map Properties, you'll see the properties of your hero. Click [...] next to Shared. On the right, you can edit almost all properties of your hero.Quote: And how to add the light in the underground
As far as I remember, in previous versions you had to use the 3x3 brush only + set it to "lower". Don't know if they've fixed this bug since then. If this doesn't help, Daystar wrote this in another thread: Use point lights. For more information check the map editor documentation .pdf file callled "Editor Practical Guide" near the end.
@ daleQuote: Limit races available in Tavern?
I am working with a downloaded map and trying to tweak it a little. What I would like to do is to limit the selection of heros available for hire in a tavern of a particular town to a couple of races.
It looked like the attribute called "Banned races" should have done exactly what I wanted. I added TOWN_INFERNO and TOWN_DUNGEON to the list of banned races, but they still come up in the tavern.
Is there a way to do what I want?
I have asked the same question at CH and GOW may have the correct answer, although I haven't tested the script yet.

Known Hero
posted January 14, 2008 09:13 AM |
Quote: @ daleQuote: Limit races available in Tavern?
I am working with a downloaded map and trying to tweak it a little. What I would like to do is to limit the selection of heros available for hire in a tavern of a particular town to a couple of races.
I have asked the same question at CH and GOW may have the correct answer, although I haven't tested the script yet.
Thanks for the response, but I cannot get that to work for me. I am still running basic game. Have not installed either of the two additions yet.
I tried the command listed in your reference, AllowTavernRace, but could not get it to work. I tried it both from the console, and as a script added to the basic scripts for the map. It's possible I had some sort of syntax error, but I really think the problem is that it is a command introduced with TOE.
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted January 15, 2008 01:19 PM |
Quote: @ daleQuote: Limit races available in Tavern?
I tried the command listed in your reference, AllowTavernRace, but could not get it to work. I tried it both from the console, and as a script added to the basic scripts for the map. It's possible I had some sort of syntax error, but I really think the problem is that it is a command introduced with TOE.
Yes, it is a TOE command and will not work with earlier editions of the game.
Mage of Soquim

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted January 15, 2008 01:33 PM |
Quote: ... Is there anyway for a hero to win a scenario by dying? Yes, this sounds weird, but I´m trying to do this for a while, I haven´t tried hard enough. Any ideas?
Try using a Manual objective and do it all with the script. I haven't tested this approach, but it should be possible using a thread to monitor the existence of the hero with the IsObjectExists(objectName) function. Be sure to use the hero ID as the objectName, not the script name you assigned with the editor.
Mage of Soquim

Tavern Dweller
posted February 13, 2008 07:36 PM |
Zoomin Function
I can't zoom the view in or out using anything. I try to zoom out with my mouse wheel and nothing happens. Is there another way to zoom in or out? Mabey a way to make my mouse wheel zoom like it should? I looked everywhere in the manuals and found nothing about it, so Im asking here.

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted February 13, 2008 09:35 PM |
Does ANYONE know if you are able to configure puzzle map in such a way that the Tear of Asha doesn't show up until all 4 obliesks have been found ? If your using 4 that is.
I guess I don't understand. I've created three maps with the Tear of Asha. In each case, I simply put the Tear first, then I put the Obelisks on the map (1 to nn). I did nothing special to any of these objects, nor did I configure the puzzle map. (I don't know how to configure it; it's all automatic as far as I know.)
In all three maps, the puzzle map progressively reveled more and more terrain as the Obelisks were touched during game play, with the last piece of the puzzle was covering the Tear and did not go away until the last Obelisk was touched.
Suggestions: Make sure you have only one Tear on the map. Make sure you have the latest patches installed. Make sure you haven't disabled any of the Obelisks.
BTW: Sorry for the late reply, but I just today received an email notification of this posting.

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted February 13, 2008 09:50 PM |
Quote: I can't zoom the view in or out using anything. I try to zoom out with my mouse wheel and nothing happens. Is there another way to zoom in or out? Mabey a way to make my mouse wheel zoom like it should? I looked everywhere in the manuals and found nothing about it, so Im asking here.
To zoom in and out on the map, you must make sure that the map window is selected. If another window, the Properties Tree window for example, is selected, the map won't zoom. To select the map window, simply point the cursor over it and click on it. For example, click on the Objects tab in the tools window, but don't select an object from the list. Then, move the cursor over into the map window click on the map on open ground or on any object. Now, rotate the mouse wheel. If the map doesn't zoom, maybe you don't have all the patches, or your mouse is broken, or it is a programmable gamer mouse that needs to be reset to normal settings, or, possibly there is an incorrect value set for one the parameters in your editor configuration file. I don't know that much about the editor config file, so I'm just guessing with this last.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 14, 2008 02:44 PM |
I have all the patches installed and my mouse is just a regular old mouse and is not broken hehe, the wheel works fine with everything else. I followed your instructions by clicking on the map window and scrolling the wheel. It still did not zoom out. If it is an incorrect value set for one the parameters, is there anyway to fix it? Does anyone know how?