Thread: How hard is it to create hmm4-like towns? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Known Hero
death walks with me
posted December 03, 2006 04:00 PM |
How hard is it to create towns with many choises?
Before hmm5 was out I made my own speculations and game-design with everything I wanted to see in this game. Since I like hmm4 very much and I wanted to see many aspects from it continued in hmm5 I created 15 towns with 6 levels each and with sertain choises between the levels.
I post here the barbarian town, the savage town and the lizard town. In my system there were 3 big fractions (LIGHT: life (humans), harmony (elves), order (dwarves), spirit (lizards); NEUTRAL: might(barbarians), ancients (dragons), mystic (titans), savages; DARK: death(undead), night(werewolves and nightbreed), chaos (demons) and shadow (twilings)
Little information about the 6 levels in every town. All of the creatures(except 1st level) can gain experience up to their upgrade. So you have to build the upgraded dwelling in the town, reach the experience needed for the upgrade and than you can upgrade the creature. 1st level creatures are upgraded via the blacksmith technologies but only as armor and weapon - they dont gain and new skills or more hp, only higher attack or defence or damage range.
On 1st and 2nd level you dont have a choise which creatures to build in the city, only one variant is there. You can build both 3d level dwellings but not one after another, the second 3d level is build after a castle is build. You have to choose between two 4th and two 5th level dwellings. You have again only one 6th level or boss creature in every city, but you have 2 choises how to upgrade it. You may have un-upgraded and upgraded creatures in one stack (in my version of hmm all creatures take damage, not only the creature on the top of the stack).
There is one special line of creatures in every town called champions, which join for free every week and their populations depends on the way you defend your aligment, in every town there is city guild which gives you on sertain period of time quests, which depend on the aligment and every quests rewards you with more champion population. All champions begin like 4th level creatures and can gain experience till the moment they become like upgraded 5th level creatures (4th level - upgr. 4th level - 5th level - upgr. 5th level).
So here are extracts from these towns, I will post only the creatures and the type of them (infantry, cavalry, shooter, flyer, spell caster):
1. Hissing One (infantry)
2. Dragon Snake - Dragon Viper (flyer)
3. Cobra Fighter - Cobra Warrior (infantry)
3. Lizard Sniper - Venom Sniper (shooter)
4. Basilisk - Tainted Basilisk (heavy infantry)
4. Spirit Whisper - Ancestor Priest (spell caster)
5. Wyvern - Wyvern Monarch (flyer)
5. Naga - Naga Executor (infantry)
6. Hydra (shooter)
6+ Pyro Hydra (shooter)
6+ Cryo Hydra (shooter)
6++ Chaos Hydra (shooter). Chaos Hydra is second upgrade, you can have only one chaos hydra in your army.
Champion: Blackscale Lizard (heavy infantry)
There is 7th level creature which is many times stronger than every 6th level, 7th level never leaves your capitol and is its defender. It is build with the capitol and is only one in number.
So i.e. you can have in one town following creatures:
1-Hissing One, 2-Dragon Viper, 3- Cobra Warrior, 3- Venom Sniper, 4- Ancestor Priest, CH- Blackscale Lizard, 5-Nage Executor, 6-Cryo Hydra
7. Azure Wyrm
1. Goblin (infantry)
2. Wolf Rider - Wolf Raider (infantry)
3. Highland Barbarian - Highland Warlord (infantry)
3. Orc Axethrower - Orc Chieftain (shooter)
4. Highland Troll - War Troll (shooter)
4. Orc Shaman - Totem Master (spell caster)
5. Ogre - Ogre Knight (infantry)
5. Roc - War Roc (flyer)
6. Behemoth (infantry)
6+ Ancient Behemoth
6+ Gargantuan
Champion: Rakshasa
1. Thrall Slinger (shooter)
2. Harpy - Harpy Hag (flyer)
3. Brute - Berserker (infantry)
3. Vulture Rider - Vulture Raider (flyer)
4. Blood Mantle - Death Mantle (infantry)
4. Stinger - Venom Stinger (shooter)
5. Cave Troll - Mountain Troll (infantry)
5. Manticore - Scorpicore (flyer)
6. Desert Horror
6+ Devourer
6+ Jugernaut
CH: Beastmaster
7. Ancinet Troll

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 03, 2006 06:19 PM |
do you even have H5? i can see were you are coming from, but even so? h4 was *******, h5 however is great,
15 towns? why 15, also the creatures, are fairly good, but why only 1 level 7 creature that can not even leave base? its more like a hero than anything else?
abilitys? what about them, you also need heroes?, where they live?, symbols?, campaigns? and of course a natural enemy (eg. angels, devils)
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Legendary Hero
posted December 03, 2006 07:29 PM |
First of all, you have to give us much more serious information.
A list of creatures, in my opinion, is just not enough for us to understand what's your direction.
Second, I just don't get the whole idea that the 7th tier creature and special upgrade of the 6th.
And 4 Hydras in one town?
And you created the hydra as a shooter?! 
And some of your creatures are allready in HOMM5.
INCLULDS the Hydra.

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 03, 2006 07:31 PM |

Legendary Hero
posted December 03, 2006 07:41 PM |
Quote: i bet he's not got h5
I think you right, but it's not the point. 
If you don't have the game, click here for useful information about it.

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 03, 2006 07:44 PM |
even so, i think atcually having the game changes a lot about what you would say
but still, this guys not got a clue how H5 works at all
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Legendary Hero
posted December 03, 2006 07:47 PM |
Quote: even so, i think atcually having the game changes a lot about what you would say
but still, this guys not got a clue how H5 works at all
You are absoulutly right!
When you have the game, you know how the things really WORK.
And you know what you want to be in the game, so it's easier for you to choose and know which town might function at the game.

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 03, 2006 07:53 PM |
if we face true lodgick (it burns (why? well i am a Naga God)) nival/ubisoft wouldnt dare to make a change that big, ever! not in H5, HoF, the next H5 expansion, not even H6, why? because its absulute codswalup
O yea, to whiterider, sorry if i have a fended you alot in this thread
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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted December 03, 2006 09:07 PM |
Quote: do you even have H5? i can see were you are coming from, but even so? h4 was *******, h5 however is great,
15 towns? why 15, also the creatures, are fairly good, but why only 1 level 7 creature that can not even leave base? its more like a hero than anything else?
abilitys? what about them, you also need heroes?, where they live?, symbols?, campaigns? and of course a natural enemy (eg. angels, devils)
If I rate the series:
Heroes 1   
Heroes 2    
Heroes 3      
Heroes 4    
Heroes 5   

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 03, 2006 09:35 PM |
eh, in my opinion H3 was great, H2 i got in my H5 collector edition, so i never bother to play it, H4 i got after H5 (a bit stupid) although i play a little its ok, and i got H5 and it was fantastic (considering i have Age of Empire 1,2,3 and Star wars- Empire at war and the whole Command and Conquer Series past 1999 )
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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted December 03, 2006 09:40 PM |
nah, i'd rate it
heroes 1:  (off on the wrong foot, in my oppion)
heroes 2:   (its a classic, it may have bad graphics, but its a classic, and set the way for the others)
heroes 3:    (the most amount of towns, and dispite some hiccups, a well rounded game!)
heroes 4:   (its a new direction, however, compared to the success of heroes 3, it didn't go down great)
heroes 5:     (my favourite of the series as it focuses alot more on the thing that makes heroes heroes, the heroes )
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted December 03, 2006 11:53 PM |
why does everyone want to resurect Heroes IV?
It's dead! Can't you understand that? It's dead, it's gone, and it's not comming back. Nival and Ubi are not stupid. They are, slow, meticulous and obviously play timesplitters to much, but they are not dumb enough to call a demon back from the abyss it fell into, taking 3DO with it. I'm sorry, but you have to face it.
Also, there will be a total of 11 towns in the game.
How exactly is luck a skill?

Known Hero
death walks with me
posted December 04, 2006 01:13 AM |
dont worry, I have played all of the games in the heroes series. even hmm5. I just wanted to post a way of several choises for each town, a way that is more interesting for me and a way which could be a step forward, not steping on the same place as hmm5. I hate old-things-in-new-dresses.
I made a very though conception in the period between hmm4 and hmm5 and just got this exctraction from the dusty papers in my computer.
I dont compare this to hmm5, because I dont compare it to anything. It is just my ideas. I will not waste my time in imaging colors, signs, history for the fractions because this is too plain. In hmm3 we didnt have written history, but we had great campaigns. In hmm4 we didnt have colors and signs but we had very bright characters. In hmm5 we have history and years with events, we have signs and colors of the fractions, but we have plain scenarios and cut-scenes, dull characters and races contained from racist beings (only one race in a fraction is not a fraction, it is very limited socium).
*about the hydras: you have only one hydra actualy, you have 2 choises how to upgrade it: hydra-cryo hydra-chaos hydra or hydra-pyro hydra-chaos hydra. You can have only one chaos hydra in your army. I gave a shooting ability to the hydra, it can either breath poisonous gas in a limited range, similar to the melee-no rataliation or it can breat fire or ice. It is slow but it dosnt have to be so close to its enemies, it can fire to them from a range 3 or 4 (other shooters have range 6-8 or 10).
*heroes 1 and 2 had 6 levels creatures, I did the same in my version (repeating for the slower readers: this is not a proposal that could fit in hmm5 or any other of them, it is just an imagination). Level 1 to 6 could be moved with the hero,
level 6 is contained from
angel of light-> upgraded to either angel of mercy or angel of justice; (life)
green dragon-> gold dragon or emerald dragon; (harmony, high elves)
fire bird-> one possible upgrade to phoenix with second upgrade to ancient phoenix with the ability "immortal" which means that it will resurect itself until all other phoenixes in the army are killed; (harmony, night elves)
dryad-> dryad priestess or dryad queen; (harmony - wood elves)
rock giant-> frost giant or storm giant; (order)
hydra-> pyro hydra or cryo hydra, second upgrade to chaos hydra; (spirit)
behemoth -> ancient behemoth or gargantuan; (might)
desert horror-> devourer or jugernaut; (savages)
titan -> thunder titan or storm titan; (mystic)
red dragon -> dragon queen or red wyrm; (ancients)
bone dragon -> ghost dragon or shadow dragon; (death)
wight king -> wraith king or witch king; (night)
demon -> arch demon or balor; (chaos)
dark reaver -> soul reaver (only one possibility, but many choise in his abilities and skills depending on the shrines build in the town and from the numbers of towns, more towns - more powerfull soul reavers). (shadow)
Level 7 creatures are NOT to compare with level 7 in hmm3 or hmm5 or level 4 in hmm4, they are like the azure dragon in hmm3 compared to other bosses in the same game).
*I have created abilities to all of the creatures, I just have not written them here.
Aligmnets are naturaly opposed not only in plain polarity but in more wide spectrum:
life- death
harmony - night
neutrals which are not conected through their nature like the aligments (harmony - all nature beings, keepers of the wood and the mountains, healers of the herbal and animal kingdom, order - guardians of the eternal flame, which contains the past and the future of the planet, keepers of time, servants of the prophecy, night- born from the powers of the night, consumers of life, brutal, blood thursty, outcasts, living through destruction and anarchy and so on), neutrals are kept togheter because of the place they live in, the social cause they serve (aligments are kept together because of their nature, purpose or inner dharma).
In every fraction there are several types of creatures:
infantry (dealing more damage on cavalry, but in the same way vulnerable to cavalry attacks and flyers)
heavy infantry (well protected from shooters and flyers)
cavalry (dealing more damage on infantry, shooters and spell casters)
flyers (magical beings using the safety from of the sky and from there attacking all ground creatures, vulnerable to shooters)
spell casters (variety of spells, shooting with bolts - Earth bolt (mummy, druid), Ice bolt (ice witch, ice mystic), Fire bolt (dragon mage), Lightning bolt (apprentice, storm wizard), Death bolt (lich), Light bolt (priest), Shadow bolt (witch king) and Nature bolt (dryad). The bolt attacks are not spells and are not cast, they do magical damage and type of elemental ward or resistance or other immunities are calculated on them.
In this variant there are 5 magic schools: Light Magic, Nature Magic, Elemental Magic, Shadow Magic and Death Magic. Each with 5 levels of spells and there is one arcane level which is the combination of 2 spell schools - i.e. Light+Death Magic gives you Vampiric Touch, or Elemental and Nature Magic gives you Summon Phoenix, Light Magic + Light Magic - Divine Intervention etc. Arcane spells cost resources.
Want more or this is not your taste?

Known Hero
death walks with me
posted December 04, 2006 01:33 AM |
About the heroes themselves, there are 3 classes of skills: Might, Guild and Magic.
Magic skills:
Sorcery, Light, Death, Nature, Shadow, Elemental magic
Guild Master skills:
Nobility (more creatures, cheaper buildings, more resources), Training (gives a "hidden" ability for every creature you lead, the ability is fixed for every creature and is unlocked when this skill is taken, for example gives Domination for Liches or Bash for Ogres), Luck (more frequent use of the abilities, lucky strikes, lucky defence, lucky spells etc), Learning (creatures gain experience faster, upgraded creatures can teach not-upgraded, newly bought creatures start with more than zero exp points etc), Forgery (assigns elemental damage to the normal weapons, elemental armor etc)
Might skills:
Leadership, Offence, Defence, Logistic, War Machines
Each of these main skills has 5 degrees:basic-expert-master-epic-legendary
Each of these main skills has 3 secondary skills, for example there is Master of Disaster for the Death Magic which gives negative luck to enemies, or Master of Despair for Death Magic which gives negative morele to enemies. All secondary skills have 3 degrees: basic-expert-master.
There are also feats for every skill. Maximum 2 feats are enabled per skill. Feats are NOT gained with level up, they are gained with quests from the city guild in every town.
All heroes may have up to 5 skill brands (5 main skills x 5 levels = 25 levels, 15 secondary skills x 3 levels = 45 levels, 70 levels in total). Heroes can be saved between single scenarious and they can be used on many maps, so you can level up one hero on many maps. Higher levels are not reached with million exp points, even a 50 level hero can reach not so hard the next level).
Might heroes can reach legendary degree in every might skill, epic degree in every guild master skill and master degree in every magic skill.
Guild masters can reach epic levels in might and magic skills, and legendary level in neutral skills.
Magic heroes can reach legendary levels in magic, epic in neutral skills, and master level in might skill.
Mixing skills from different branches are essential for a balanced hero so the leveling all skills to their possible high degree is sooner than 70 level.
Might heroes cannot learn nobility and sorcery.
Magic heroes cannot learn nobility and leadership.
Guild masters cannot learn sorcery and leadership.

Known Hero
death walks with me
posted December 04, 2006 01:53 AM |
City Guild:
gives quest according to the aligment.
example for the ancient castle city guild:
war against the wild dragons, stealing artefacts, gaining resources, reaching some number of upgraded creatures, enslaving vilages.
example for life castle city guild:
protecting villages, giving resources to peasants, pushing back waves of undead or night creatures.
Fulfilling quests is rewarded with feats, artefacts or increased number of champions in town.
Building some dwellings may result in decreasing the number of the champions in the town (champions are creatures equall to the 4th level but they can gain enough experience to reach upgrade 5th level). Here is the line-up for the humans/Life Castle:
2.Archer - Royal Archer
3.Guard - Royal Guard
3.Acolyte - Healer
4.Pegasi Knight - Silver Knight
4.Witch Hunter - Mage Slayer
5.Cavalier - Champion
5.Priest - Zealot
6.Angel of Light which can be upgraded either to
6+Angel of Mercy or to
6+Angel of Justice
Champion: Paladin
7th level: Archangel (which protects the capitol)
For example building Witch Hunter/Mage Slayers in Life Castles (Humans) results in less Paladins (Champion for Humans) because this Inqusitor is some how in disaligment with the life-cause of the castle. Mage Slayers are more powerfull than their pair dwelling - Silver Knights and this balances the lack of Paladins. Paladins start as the same level as Witch Hunters/Pegasi Knights - 4th level and gaining experience can make them as powerfull as Champions (upgraded 5th level creature in Life Castle).
When a quest is given,a sertain event is triggered. If the quest is gain this artefact than a monster is placed somewhere on the map which has to be killed and the artifact taken. If the quest is protect from undead threat than a neutral undead hero is placed somewhere and he is forced to some of the castles.
There are border lines around each castle, covering some teritory around it. Around every castle can be build up to six villages which can provide resources and increase population, villages increase own territory. The villages have to be protected. Every village has its own garrison, which is placed automaticaly and doesnt need creatures from the castle. The number of the village garrison creatures depends on the dwellings in the castle. When a hero is crossing enemy border line each day there are ambushes against him, which depend on the number of villages around the castle. Ambushes auto-kill few to several of enemy creatures without a fight.

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted December 04, 2006 06:41 PM |
have not read it all yet, but what i have seen is pretty good, but still a change that large, would never be in H5, altough for H6, a possibility,
anyhow, i get the basic consept of it, it seems qiute good, keep up the good work whiterider
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Known Hero
death walks with me
posted December 07, 2006 02:09 AM |
Here is another of the fractions I did long ago:
Aligment Night
Units: Night Breed
*notice that this is not regular hmm game, it has 6 levels, two choises of dwellings for some levels, Night Castle is an exception and has 3 choises for upgraded level 4 creatures. For this fraction I will post the abilities of the creatures*
Night breed contains creatures dwelling in the cursed forests. They are a mix from the beasts of the night and cold undead creatures. Night creatures quickly turn every city they capture into ruins, suck and destroy the lifeforce and convert everything into gloomy and shadowy landscapes full of terror and agression. Soon after they set foot on the land all flowers become only weeds and thorns and even the trees are corupted with dark presence.
Lvl 1:Marauder
Infantry, Backstab
(Infantry (walker), Backstab - if other stack of own army attacks adjancment to Marauders stack, they do a free attack on the same stack)
Marauders are the only "normal" creatures among the Night Breed. They are the scouts and their presence in a peacefull land means only that they capture information and try to weaken the iconomy stealing and robbing, opening the road to the Night King's army.
Lvl 2: Worg -> Battle Worg
(Beasts, Hunter) -> (Beasts, Hunter, Battle madness)
The Worgs are giant dire wolves. They declare hunt on the first enemy stack they attack, which means that they have +3 movement trying to reach that stack later on the battlefield. Battle Worgs become more and more enraged with every turn of the battle, increasing their attack +1 every turn to maximum +6.
Lvl 3: Orc Brute -> Orc Impaler
(Infantry, Unlimited retaliation) -> (Infantry, Unlimited retaliation, Crippling Strike)
The Orcs from the Dark Forests are imbued with the dark magic of the Night King, transforming their skin and blood to black, infusing them with rage and making them unstopable in battle. These orcs are masters of the spear, wearing black armors from the night forges.)
Crippling strike reduses the speed for 3 rounds.
Lvl 3: DarkForest Witch -> DarkForest Sorceress
(Spell caster, Shadow Bolt) -> (Spell caster, Shadow Bolt, DarkForest Weeds)
DarkForest Witches are corrupted black orc or human females which study the secrets of the deep woods and have sertain control over the mind. They can shoot with Shadow Bolts (Shadow ward applies, they negate normal armor reduction)
DarkForest Witch can cast Expert Bloodlust (2) and Forest Heal (2) (works only on grass, forest, mountain and snow forest terrains, not on sand, volcano, rock or rock snow terrains)
DarkForest Sorceress can cast Master Bloodlust (3), Forest Heal (3) and Haste (3)
Sorceresses are surrounded by cursed weeds which protect them and all walking creatures attacking them use their half attack power in the first attack against them, on the second and so on if they dont step away from the weeds, they attack with normal power).
Lvl 4: Werewolf
(Shapeshifter, Beast)
The werewolves enter the battle in their human form, but even than they have big strenght. They need to spend 3 rounds to shapeshift and than their attack, defence, life force and damage increases. During the three days of fullmoon in a month the werewolves enter the battle in their beast form.
Lvl 4 upgrades:
1st choise Dark Werewolf Clan of the Black Moon
(Shapeshifter, Beast, Two Attacks, Berserk)
The dark werewolves in difference with their brethren doesnt have a fur. Their black skin flashes on the moon light and they move with lightning speed on the battlefield. They are the swiftest of the werewolves and deal two attacks in a roll. When they pass by enemy creature they have a chance to attack the stack for free (berserk attack is a single attack)
2nd choise Blood Werewolf Clan of the Blood Moon
(Shapeshifter, Beast, Durability, Regeneration)
The blood werewolves have brown fur, middle size of the body and are with very high hp. On top of that they can regenerate part of their wounds every round.
3d choise Ancient Werewolf Clan of the Old Moon
(Shapeshifter, Beast, Bash, Mighty)
The ancient werewolves have silver-white fur, they have enourmous size and can bash their enemies leaving part of their attacks unretaliated. Their mighty claws do a very good amount of damage in a single attack.
You may have only one type of werewolf clan on your side.
Lvl 5: Nightmare Knight -> Dread Knight
(Heavy Cavalry, Fear) -> (Heavy Cavalry, Fear, Critical strike)
These corrupted warriors of the Night King ride Nightmares. They wear heavy full-plates and tower shields and wield giant scimitars. The look of the nightmares leaves their enemies often in terror missing one round. The dread knights can do sometimes double damage. The Nightmare and dread knights are somehow slower than other cavalry and because of the heavy armor they lack the cavalry charge, but they suffer only half damage from missile attacks (Spellcasters' bolt attacks apply normal).
Lvl 5: Howling Shade -> Banshee
(Undead, Ghostly, Wide Death Bolt, Howl of Sorrow) -> (Undead, Ghoslty, Wide Death Bolt, Death Scream)
The ghostly form of the howling shade and the banshee negates half of the phisical damage inflicted on them (half damage from normal attacks), the magical damage applies normal (except ice spells, which are again halved - undead). They attack in range with Death Bolt as the spellcasters, but they lack other spellcasting abilities. Their Death bolts do damage on 3 squares in a line. Howling Shades inflict sorrow (not cumulative) in one random enemy stack. With every attack the banshees predict someones death on the battlefield and their death scream is randomly killing one creature of an enemy stack and inflict -1 morale on it (not cumulative).
Lvl 6: Wight King
(Undead, Infantry, Cursed strike)
Wight kings as all undead suffer less cold damage (50% resistance), they have mind immunity (all shadow spells except Oblivion are negated) and they can inflict -1 luck with every strike (cumulative).
Lvl 6 upgrades:
1st choise Wraith King
(Undead, Infantry, Flying, Cursed stike, Death strike)
Wraith Kings can inflict negative luck with every strike and they can surely kill enemies cutting their heads. Death strike - 1-9 wraith kings - 0, 10-19 - 1, 20-29 - 2, 30+ 3.
2nd choise Witch King
(Undead, Spell caster, Shadow Bolt, Night Aura)
The Witch King is surrounded by aura of darkness emanating the power of the night and the moon over the battlefield, enabling all werewolves to shapechange one round earlier. They can shoot from distance with shadow bolts and they can use Berserk (creature attacks the nearest stack), Frenzy (creature gains more attack and lower defence), Forgetfullness (shooters and spellcasters lose range attacks) and mass bloodlust at master level (3). From their undead stage of existence they gain 50% ice resistance, mind immunity.
Undead - all undead have 50% ice resistance, mind immunity, blessings from Light spells have no effect on them, curses from Death spells have no effect on them. They gain no morale bonuses or negatives.
The Capitol Guardian:
Night King
All werewolves shapeshift emediatly, mass bloodlust is cast at the beggining of the battle.
Night King has mass melee attack, reaching all adjancment units, has cursed attack, and summons dark storm over the battlefield, dealing lightning damage every round on a random enemy stack.
The Capitol Guardian never leaves the capitol and is its highest defence. You have only one Night King.
You can build both 3d level dwellings (second of choise is awailable after a castle is built), you have to choose the clan of the werewolves you want to rule, one clan is awailable only. You have to choose between howiling shades/banshees or nightmare knights/dread knigts and you have to choose in which form you want to upgrade the wight kings - either as wraith kings or witch kings.

Legendary Hero
posted December 07, 2006 06:33 PM |
You know what is my first impression?
You just don't have evident direction!
This is not a race. 
You have here human, a wolves, wizards and witches, undead (Wight!) and you even have Orcs! 
A race is not a group of creature that lives in the same place...
All your creatures are totaly diffrent! They have almost nothing in common.

Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted December 07, 2006 06:44 PM |
genielord, his going back to heroes 4, when they didn't have a defining race. dwarves fought alongside wizards, elves fought alongside humans etc.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

Legendary Hero
posted December 07, 2006 07:04 PM |
Quote: genielord, his going back to heroes 4, when they didn't have a defining race. dwarves fought alongside wizards, elves fought alongside humans etc.
So, I'm sorry WhiteRider, but in HOMM5, every faction is one race.
But mabey your idea might be good to WoG. 