Adventuring Hero
posted February 15, 2007 10:52 PM |
Heroes III warriors - statistic board
I have long time ago made a board in which i have calculated the everything most important about the Heroes III creatures.
Now i want to share it with you:
A friend of mine Cyrorg will soon include WoG units.
He had done that in lithuanian version, but i kept only original Heroes III units in english version.
Units from RoE, AB, SoD.
EQ - it measuers the efficiency of the creature by dividing the cost of the creature with his power level. The biger EQ stat is, the more efficient unit it is to purchase...
Power - it measures the "dry" fighting power of the unit by formula "( max. damage x attack skill) + (health x defence skill)".
Special creature features and Heroes influence are not included...
Note: Behemoth and Ancient Behemoth damage is calculated without adding the "ignore enemie defence" feature on equal skill.