I've been trying to insert a script into the game that i could run from within the main campaign using the console and i haven't been having much luck .
The idea is that it executes a larger number of cheat commands than i care to type over and over and over.....
I've tried creating the script and inserting it as both a .txt and a .lua file into the data.pak so far but that doesn't seem to be working.
I was wondering if anyone here knows how to do this, or if its even possible.
Famous Hero
that wants your brainz...
posted April 26, 2007 11:12 PM
Yes, it IS possible
First look in the scripts folder in data.pak; you should find several script files. Can't remember which one is the main one but see if you can figure that out. In that file you should include the .lua file you created with the functions (cheats) you want, or simply add the functions directly to that file. Then in game just type @function_name(parameters) and your function will execute