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Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 07, 2007 08:53 PM |
Comparison of Spell Effects
You know an other question has born in my mind and I think this is not so boring as it seems at first. And this is: "Do spell effects have to change or not?" Because in some spell effects I don't agree. Of course there are some, which I can't form up to an other effect, but my solutions would be the following for some spells:
Light Magic:
Righteous Might:
Old feature: I suppose that falling a blood drop on the choosen creature is not a very good sight. However it can show the increasing strengh of the creature well but perhaps this spell need some fixing...to show that he has got the power right now.
My statisfaction: (in a 1-10 skala) 6
New feature: A small sword (dagger-like) appeares on the creature and it turns a bit upwards (in 3D of course). During the turning, a light shines on the sword and finally the edge of the sword flashes. The sword is a symbol of preperation for the battle and the flash at the edge the increasing of "righteous might".
Divine Strengh:
Old feature: A celestial light shines on the creature. Around him there are some golden feathers. Of course, god blesses the creature to give them more power (and endurance). The light from the sky is a pretty good idea but perhaps...
My statisfaction: 9
New feature: This is almost as good as it is now, but perhaps the feathers can be removed. Colour as gold could be kept, too but something as like little raindrops. The speed would be the same as by the feathers but golden raindrop-like things would be everywhere where the light is.
Old feature: From behind the creature a magical wind blows through the creature. Winds are fast... even creatures can have the ability to reach their speed. Alost 10 just a little comment.
My statisfaction: 9.5
New features: We had it quite a long time long: the tornado. Perhaps, sometime the usual is better rhan the "unusual". Tastes differ.
Old feature: A rock mass builds itself up and hides the creature for a moment. After that the rock mass collapses and from now on the creature is better protected against heavy weapons or hits. Yes stone is very firm, it symbolises the defense very well. But rocks don't play a huge role in HOMM V.
My statisfaction: 7
New feature: It is simple but could be very cool if it is well-made. A huge and clean armour appeares on the creature and it goes around itself slowly. Something could be on the armour, too but I keep it this for your fantasy.
Deflect Missle::
Old feature: A few of magical rays come from around the creature and they unite to an almost unseeable magical "mirror" or armour. This mirror keeps every unfriendly shot away from the creture to defend him. Shooter could be now in real trouble.
My statisfaction: 7
New feature: I got this idea from HOMM 3. Remeber when the hero used f. e.: "Protection of Air"? Thuis should return with a small mending. Instead the "air armour", middle-big magical balls (or orbs) can hit this turning wall and then the split off from it. The number of splitted orbs can have any numbers but they should be over 2.
Old feature: A shiny white magic spiral hides the creature and after a short time the creature disappeares. After that the spiral and the creature appeares again, giving the enemy a big suprise: Strengh from "nowhere"...and from far away.
My statisfaction: 8
New feature: This effect can is very good for teleporting small creatures because the spiral hides the whole creature. But by large creatures is a bit bad because the spiral does not hide the whole body of them. My solution: The creature must simply turn slowly to blindly-white and than it can disappeerar. Appearing again would be the same as by disappearing.
Magical Immunity:
Old feature: Around the creature we can see a large magical orb that will be always bigger till it explodes. Before the explosion the orb turns slowly around. No more negative spells from the enemy mage...but no more positive, too, from the good mage.
My statisfaction: 8.5
New feature: Three light-blue curls appeares around the creature, the one is in horizontal, the other is in vertical, the third is in diagonal and all three of them are fasten in one point. Then they start to turn in different ways but the they never to to the same direction. Finally the turning will be quicker and they make an almost invisible magical defensive wall. If this idea was ununderstandable, think about the "Da-Vinci sphere" (where a naked man stays in a ring).
Word of Light:
Old feature: A huge magical golden orb appeares upon the battlefield, where the creatures fight. Around this orb are two "rings" and each of them turns different around. On thease "rings" there are magical words, written in an unknow language. Later the orb explodes and deals to all undead creature a damage. Great magic of the human wizards. But...
My statisfaction: 8.5
New feature: The whole atmospheare becomes brighter and during that, we can hear a high voice, something like lady chors make in a church. A little after (or during) after we have heard the voice, on all undead creature will be bright at the same time by a golden light. (somehow like by Divine Strengh) Undead creatures hate the light especially when it comes from heaven. It send them back to their grave...dead.
Effects that got 10: Resurrection and Cleansing
Dark Magic:
Old feature: Under the creature the enemy mage summons a black cicle. We can't see rightly if this circle is a hole, but from this "hole", little black feather-like things fly around the creature. It is not very visible but perhaps there is a small whirlwind, too but it can be that I'm blind.
My statisfaction: 6.5
New feature: Huh, that's hard again. Perhaps a "wall" of rusty swords appeare around the creature, their grasp watch the ground. The number of swords could be five or six. The edge of the swords blow deep-green and at the end they fall on the ground and they break.
Old feature: Again the boring effect: Around the creature, a ring appeares. This ring moves slowly inwards to the creature and as the unin stays just on a small ground, from the ring, a lot of purple "tentacles" come out and they catch the feet of the unit.
My statisfaction: 7.5
New feature: Stopping something, we would usually say, we need something gluey. And that's my opinion too. Watch my idea: We can see a good visible, tensile, gluey plash under the creature. Suddenly from this plash, two thick hand-like thing reachs out and reels on the crearues feet. Of course they twist around the creature's legs.
Old feature: I think this is the easiest one to describe: The creature will be closed around by a light-green (toxic-green) "mastic". Right after that the mastic explodes and the creature starts to smoke (smoke: toxic-green) for a short time. Under him are the remains of the mastic in for of a green puddle.
My statisfaction: 5.5
New feature: This whole green puddle with the green smoke has nothing to do with suffering. But watch this: a perfect skull flyes over the creature and "vomits" (sorry for this word!) the unit with -of course- toxic-green, gluey, rain-like liquid. That would be even much better...
Old feature: This will be a bit hard... The whole spell starts with a small red flash over the creature. The flash will be always "longer" (like a rope that you primed at the one end and it burns step by step to the other end) until it will reach a quite big condition. As it reach this, the magical "rope" explodes and the creature becomes mad.
My statisfaction: 4.5
New feature: This spell totally disregards the good effects. My solution would be this: On the creature we see a lot of small blood-red electric arcs. Thease are closed in an invisible orb. The arcs will be always thicker and thicker (not SO thick) until a big red flash flashes and finally the creature inflames in blood-red. Perhaps this sound like a bad electric shocker but in my opinion, this effect would be ideal.
Old feature: A purple penagon paints itself under the creature. When the pentagon is finished, a huge but a fine magical purple wall close the creature for a moment and than it disappeares.
This idea could have come from a symbol of something but I think this is not good for beeing vulnerable.
My statisfaction: 4.5
New feature: If the armour of the creature disappeares, he is forward to die. How could the armour disappear? My greatest idea: an armour falls to dust. Pretty good mod to destroy the defense with a light motion.
Old feature: Two magical balls appeare in front of and behind the creature. They slowly start to turn around the creature, both at the same time and in the same way. After that, the balls will be quicker and their movement become spral. As they reach the top of the creature (upon them) the ball transform into a huge blue face, which sybolizes an old, quite fat man (a wizard?!).
My statisfaction: 4
New feature: Upon the creature we see a dense deep-blue cloud (or perhaps a fog), which flyes slowly on the creature. During this procedure, the cloud wreathes, until it hides the creature totally. In a fog you can't see anything. You can't walk normal, you can't shoot, you can do...almost nothing.
Old feature: A toxic-green "puddle" appeares under the creature, which smoke green, too. Finally a great toxic-green skull flies from the puddle through the creature. The skull vomits green smoke, too, again. Decaying dead is bad for other people. Decaying alive is worse!
My statisfaction: 9
New feature: One skull is not enough for me. More little skulls were much better. Of course they would come from this toxic-green puddle, too, just the number of skulls would be more. The creature will fell the pain everywhere on his body...
Old feature: Upon the creture, many magical rays come from different directions and they become absorbed in a small magical ball. Right after that we saw a big white flash, which blinds the creature for quite a long time. If the creature get hit, the spell falls down and he recives back his sight.
My statisfaction: 6.5
New feature: Here, I'd like to work with the coulour light-black and white. A middle big orb appeares on the creature which has at first the colour light-black. (I don't want to use the deep-black because it is too dark) During a high voice (not human like), which volume increases step by step, the light-black orb turnd slowly into a white orb: to the symbol of an eye that doesn't see anything.
Puppet Master:
Old feature: Around the creature there is a light purple circle, again on it are unknow words or symbols. This circle always turn slowly around the creature, while small purple, sand-like granules fall on him. The creature gets a new Master...for a while. Bad for his allies but the short time is bad for the new Master.
My statisfaction: 5
New feature: Symbols for hypnosis are the eyes, the turning spirals and the pocket watch. I'll combine the first two. One huge eye appeares upon the creature (whitout any eyelashes). At first it is closed but in a short time it opens. Instead of a normal eye we see, that the pupil is a black-white (or purple-white) coulored circle. It turns slowly in the eye and after a short time again the eye closes. Perhaps in the middle of the pupil we can have a quick flash before closing...
The Curse Of Netherworld:
Old feature: Exactley the same as the spell Word of Light but the effect of The Curse of Netherworld has the colour deep-purple.
My statisfaction: 8.5
New feature: This new effect will be almost the same a by Word of Light. We see that he atmospheare becomes darker. During the procedure, now we won't hear any voice (if you think it is better with voice, I can change this). In contrast to the golden light, now we can have the effect from the spell Vulnerability: the same purple wall but without the pentagon on the ground and the wall could be a bit more confined...
Summoning Magic:
Wasp Swarm:
Old feature: After using this spell, we see that lots of deadly wasps attack the creature in form of a dark wasp-cloud. Their poison is very effective and they kill at least a few creatures in the stack.
My statisfaction: 8
New feature: Thease wasps can be perhaps summoned from the hands of the hero or from caster, that have this spell. After using the "Wasp Swarm", we will see that the wasps aren't upon the creature alredy. They appeare at first around the hero (or caster) and then they attack the choosen creature with an effective charge.
(like using "Magic Arrow")
Raise Dead:
Old feature: Here, we can hear, as if would blow a wind and we can see, that under the creature is a white ring. From this ring, two magical "ropes" come out and they "fly" around the creature t othe sky. The "ropes" fly spirally, of course. Recall dead forces? Good idea... until the end of the battle. The dead go back where they've found the ethernal peace.
My statisfaction: 6.5
New feature: Many little white-grey "souls" (compare this to HOMM 4 "Barrow Mound". There you can see what I mean.) are flying around the (dead) creature. During this we can hear deep laughters, something like Ghosts have made in HOMM 4. Suddelnly, all of thease souls fly into the creature and we recive our lost units back... for a while.
Old feature: You can rarely see this effeck, because this only works by town sieges: On the ground we see a long fault line, that reaches behind the town wall. Every creature that stay behind the wall, recive a damage and of course the wall, too. This spell is especially good, when we want to destroy the shooting towers.
My statisfaction: 9.5
New feature: I think that during an earthquake, we have to see, that the earth is moving. For that I say: the ground (the "monitor") has to move ("ressonance") qickly up and down. Durig this procedure, the creatures and the wall recive the damage. Perhaps more fault lines can do us no harm...
Phantom Forces:
Old Feature: The creature will be bright by a white magical light, that comes from the sky. Shortly an other light brights in front of or next to the creature and as this new light disappeares, a new stack of creatures appeare. They have the same power and everthing but they will die if they recive any damage frem the enemy.
My statisfaction: 9
New feature: The feature when a light brights at the creature can stay, maybe there can be a little correction. After the creature recives this light, his "phantom force" just walks out from him. By small creatures one square by large creatures 2x2 squares forwards.
The phantom creature can be at first transparent until he arrives.
Summon Elementals:
Old feature: On the ground we can see a ring in which a pentagon (or a hexagon?) will be outlined. Finally a light magical wall appeares around the beeing summoned elemental, which flies up to the sky. (I almost never use this spell so correct my description if there is anything false!)
My statisfaction: 8
New feature: Ring and pentagon (hexagon) can stay. My only problem is thew wall. Because the game has four different elementals, the spell has to be different, especially the coulour. This wall comes from the ground and it flies spirally upwards. During this we seee a flash in the wall and there is the elemental. Colours: Air Elemental --> white but not clear white; Fire Elemntal --> orange (fire-orange); Earth elemental --> a mixture of grey and brown; Water Elemental --> blue (sky-blue)
Fire Wall:
Old feature: We see, that a fire wall comes out from the ground. (on the battlefield: 1x3 squares) This fire wall is quite tall and it brights at the near objects and the area.
My statisfaction: 9
New feature: We will see, that a lava sheet comes out of the ground (1x3 squares here, too). A short time after that, the fire wall comes bot not all at once but it wells up step by step and it will spread by this movement.
Conjure Phoenix:
Old feature: Alost the same as by "Summoning Elementals", perhaps we can see a few of glowing embers, that are for to know that the mage is courrently summoning a Phoenix on the battlefield.
My statisfaction: 7
New feature: A huge pillar of fire appeares, that is glowing from the earth. It is somehow like a bonfire or a fire tornado. During this we can see that the air is boils. After a short time the Phoenix will fly beautifly there.
Note to Fire Trap: Through I would change this effect, too, I don't do it, because this effect would be surely longer as the orginal one. I don't want rising impatience! Thanks four your understanding!
Effects that got 10: Fist of Wrath and Arcane Armor
Please react to my thread.
Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted May 07, 2007 10:09 PM |
Righteous Might:
Old feature: I suppose that falling a blood drop on the choosen creature is not a very good sight. However it can show the increasing strengh of the creature well but perhaps this spell need some fixing...to show that he has got the power right now.
My statisfaction: (in a 1-10 skala) 6
New feature: A small sword (dagger-like) appeares on the creature and it turns a bit upwards (in 3D of course). During the turning, a light shines on the sword and finally the edge of the sword flashes. The sword is a symbol of preperation for the battle and the flash at the edge the increasing of "righteous might".
Divine Strengh:
Old feature: A celestial light shines on the creature. Around him there are some golden feathers. Of course, god blesses the creature to give them more power (and endurance). The light from the sky is a pretty good idea but perhaps...
My statisfaction: 9
New feature: This is almost as good as it is now, but perhaps the feathers can be removed. Colour as gold could be kept, too but something as like little raindrops. The speed would be the same as by the feathers but golden raindrop-like things would be everywhere where the light is.
Old feature: From behind the creature a magical wind blows through the creature. Winds are fast... even creatures can have the ability to reach their speed. Alost 10 just a little comment.
My statisfaction: 9.5
New features: We had it quite a long time long: the tornado. Perhaps, sometime the usual is better rhan the "unusual". Tastes differ.
Old feature: A rock mass builds itself up and hides the creature for a moment. After that the rock mass collapses and from now on the creature is better protected against heavy weapons or hits. Yes stone is very firm, it symbolises the defense very well. But rocks don't play a huge role in HOMM V.
My statisfaction: 7
New feature: It is simple but could be very cool if it is well-made. A huge and clean armour appeares on the creature and it goes round itself slowly. Something could be on the armour, too but I keep it this for your fantasy.
Deflect Missle::
Old feature: A few of magical rays come from around the creature and they unite to an almost unseeable magical "mirror" or armour. This mirror keeps every unfriendly shot away from the creture to defend him. Shooter could be now in real trouble.
My statisfaction: 7
New feature: I got this idea from HOMM 3. Remeber when the hero used f. e.: "Protection of Air"? Thuis should return with a small mending. Instead the "air armour", middle-big magical balls (or orbs) can hit this turning wall and then the split off from it. The number of splitted orbs can have any numbers but they should be over 2.
Because I haven't got any time left I stop here now. Please react to my thread. If you like it I will continue. (you can give me ideas too, but I will present my ideas 100 per cent) If you don't like it, well...than I won't continue and this thread can be deleted.
Spell names were changed by UBI when game was almost done (including spell animations.
Blood drop fits well if you know that original spell name (and the one that should be used imho) is Bloodlust
Divene strength is nothing more than Bless spell renamed in last moment.
Stone doesnt just symbolise Defense... it fits the original spell name... Stone Skin
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted May 07, 2007 11:21 PM |
I like it, especially the ritous might one.
How exactly is luck a skill?
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 08, 2007 02:26 PM |
Could I have some help?:
I don't remember the effect of "Magical Immunity"! Could somebody tell me its effect? Than I can say my statisfaction...and perhaps a new feature...
Nice to have friendly words...!
Legendary Hero
posted May 08, 2007 02:38 PM |
Very nice, Golemcrafter. I like your ideas.
Maybe I'll post few ideas of my own, for new spells' effects.
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 08, 2007 02:41 PM |
Thanks GenieLord! Your posts are always welcome (from others too of course!)
Editing continous...
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted May 08, 2007 03:33 PM |
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 08, 2007 03:38 PM |
Great! Thanks for the picture radar...and for your help. Now perhaps I can make a new effect...
Famous Hero
posted May 08, 2007 03:44 PM |
Edited by Lesij at 15:45, 08 May 2007.
And what about confusion?
That fat, blue face looks quite strange, IMHO...
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 08, 2007 03:48 PM |
Quote: And what about confusion?
That fat, blue face looks quite strange, IMHO...
I would like to inform you that I will create to the most spell a new effect if I think it's necessary (except 3 spells (read upon)).
But yeah I hate the Confusion-effect, I gave them 4 points, but I'm working on new effects already, too! Next will be perhaps the Confusion...
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted May 09, 2007 07:31 PM |
Spells Animations
Divine Strength
Righteous Might
Deflect Missle
Magical Immunity
Word of Light
Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted May 09, 2007 10:48 PM |
Tavern Dweller
posted May 10, 2007 01:45 AM |
I find Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Armageddon rather ugly. It is inconsistant that Lightning Bolt is called from the sky, while Chain Lightning enamates from the caster's hand (or wand in certain cases).
Heroes II had the best animations for those three spells.
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted May 10, 2007 02:45 PM |
Quote: not bad. you make those yoursrlf
yes. I would make all spells if I had a time. Maybe today/tommorow I'll paste dark magic
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 10, 2007 09:10 PM |
Almost all spells from Dark Magic are ready. Read them and comment.
The Curse of Netherworld and Blindness will come soon... From Light Magic, I just have to finish "Magical Immunity" and then will come the spells from Summoning Magic.
EDIT: All the Light and Dark Magic spells are finished! In a short time I will continue with Summoning Magic...
By the way, thanks for rating my thread "interesting"...
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted May 11, 2007 10:05 PM |
For puppet master, shouldn't there be, you know, puppet strings and things?
How exactly is luck a skill?
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 11, 2007 10:15 PM |
Quote: For puppet master, shouldn't there be, you know, puppet strings and things?
Do you mean a voodoo puppet? Because I don't know the great African wizardy, I ask: what for are the srings? And what are the "things"? Maybe needles?
Btw, I think that a n eye that hypnotizes you is good enough for Puppet Master. A voodoo-puppet was pefect for curse in HOMM 4...
Be prepared: maybe I misunderstood your post...
"Golemcrafter's creativity is
astaunding.[...]It must be
recognized that his mind was
able to picture every single
detail of his faction
accurately, something most of
us would be unable ... too long to display...
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted May 12, 2007 03:17 PM |
Like this:
How exactly is luck a skill?
Famous Hero
Unlimited Fantasy Master
posted May 12, 2007 05:09 PM |
Quote: Like this:
Man that's a damn good picture!
So this could be of course an other solution... next to mine.
Very good job, Daystar, thanks!
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted May 13, 2007 12:51 AM |
I have an obessive-animative disorder, I think.
How exactly is luck a skill?