Thread: The New Meeting Players Thread | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Known Hero
posted February 13, 2011 01:27 AM |
Hi, I'm a long time heroes player just starting to get into multiplayer, and Unfortunately, I the link for the mediafire file isn't working. If someone could repost it that wouldbe much appreciated. Thanks.


Hired Hero
posted March 07, 2011 09:02 AM |
If anyone is still playing H5, feel free to add me: jajo666@windowslive.com
I know it's kinda too late I'm getting into it, but for some reason I never played H5 seriously until recently
I'm eager to learn tho!

Legendary Hero
Property of Nightterror™
posted March 07, 2011 02:00 PM |
Edited by Jabanoss at 18:47, 11 Jun 2011.
Hello I have been "kinda" active on HC for the latest 3 months. When Heroes 6 hits I want to play more "seriously" so I figured I should join here, which I have just done.
I'm not really that interested in H5, but still if someone would like to have a game or 2 just sign me up, because I'd really like to familiarize myself with the system that you guys have. 
And I guess I can add that my multiplayer experience is somewhat... lacking.
Edit: my email address is fattig-jon(at)hotmail.com
though I don't have much time to play anything currently.
"You turn me on Jaba"
- Meroe

Tavern Dweller
posted May 23, 2011 07:26 PM |
Hi.Just started playing TOE and add me for free kills.
Kind of late to start playing lol..

Tavern Dweller
posted June 11, 2011 06:11 PM |
Quote: Hello I have been "kinda" active on HC for the latest 3 months. When Heroes 6 hits I want to play more "seriously" so I figured I should join here, which I have just done.
I'm not really that interested in H5, but still if someone would like to have a game or 2 just sign me up, because I'd really like to familiarize myself with the system that you guys have. 
And I guess I can add that my multiplayer experience is somewhat... lacking.
You need to provide your email info if you want others to add you to their contacts to initiate a game.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 27, 2011 07:12 AM |
just let me know its for HOMM doesn't matter if its 3-5.. I have played the pc games for a while now.
I have not played multiplayer in about 5 yrs or so, but am playing in the Might and Magic Kingdom tournaments. On Angels Downfall 2 - no alliance yet, and on Gremlins Uprising 2- Cemetary alliance.

Known Hero
Land of Snowfall & Sunshine
posted August 24, 2013 04:28 AM |
hi folks
I use Gameranger.
Bobby K is my handle in Gameranger, and Karim 26 is my handle foe ToH. I play Heroes Tribes of the east version 3.1
It's All Good!

Tavern Dweller
posted December 14, 2014 12:47 AM |
I tried to install msn but it's... paid???
Why you all using a thing for which you need to pay if there' free stuff, like Skype?

Tavern Dweller
posted December 18, 2014 08:17 PM |
Hello everyone,
I play Heroes 3 hd+ and usualy use hw rules.
If you want to play with me, you can reach me either on skype: dirndel, Email: hellwingnils2@yahoo.de or Msn: Supahelli@live.de

Tavern Dweller
posted January 07, 2015 10:09 AM |
Jabanoss said: Hello I have been "kinda" active on HC for the latest 3 months. When Heroes 6 hits I want to play more "seriously" so I figured I should join here, which I have just done.
I'm not really that interested in H5, but still if someone would like to have a game or 2 just sign me up, because I'd really like to familiarize myself with the system that you guys have. 
And I guess I can add that my multiplayer experience is somewhat... lacking.
Edit: my email address is fattig-jon(at)hotmail.com
though I don't have much time to play anything currently.
We would cherish having another strong opponent to rumble with.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 10, 2015 08:36 PM |
Edited by exedron at 21:11, 10 Aug 2015.
I play Heroes 3 in Tunngle (my nick is Exedron too), but i usually have problems to find players because people only enter to play with their friends.
I think i dont have a bad level, although i dont consider myself pro.
If anyone wants to play a game, feel free to contact me:
PD: does anyone know another way of finding players?. I have tried Game Ranger, but is a snowing hell on earth. People play without HD, it is full of newbies who want to play 1 min games, etc.

Adventuring Hero
posted December 21, 2015 02:53 PM |
exedron said: Hi!
I play Heroes 3 in Tunngle (my nick is Exedron too), but i usually have problems to find players because people only enter to play with their friends.
I think i dont have a bad level, although i dont consider myself pro.
If anyone wants to play a game, feel free to contact me:
PD: does anyone know another way of finding players?. I have tried Game Ranger, but is a snowing hell on earth. People play without HD, it is full of newbies who want to play 1 min games, etc.
Yes, the same problem.
It would be nice, if in this HC forums, somewhere, where decent players wander around more often, would be corner "Ask people from forum to online play through Gameranger".

Known Hero
Land of Snowfall & Sunshine
posted February 02, 2016 07:46 PM |
Edited by karim26 at 00:13, 10 Apr 2016.
Anyone still play Heroes V
Hiya all!!
Does anyone still play Heroes V, because that`s pretty much where I left off, lol.
Nice to hear from the old timers and new players.
It's All Good!

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted March 23, 2016 10:55 AM |
karim26 said: Hiya all!!
Does anyone still play Heroes V, because that`s pretty much where I left off, lol.
My new email address is Bobbyk2012@gmail.com
Nice to hear from the old timers and new players.
There is quite some noise around the HoMM5.5 Heroes V mod. You can ask for games there or join on the Facebook Tavern community where we have a chat.
Join our official discord channel | NCF Utility Beta

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted November 24, 2016 07:59 PM |
karim26 said: Hiya all!!
Does anyone still play Heroes V, because that`s pretty much where I left off, lol.
Nice to hear from the old timers and new players.
Well I dont play H5 but I am in charge of new H4 League The Kings. We are still playing it, organizing tourneys and recording some games 
I am sure that here you will meet the best players of the world. Some of them are ToH veterans 

Legendary Hero
posted November 25, 2016 12:50 PM |
BrennusWhiskey said:
Nice but I would be way more interrested in videos of the first days, at least in Homm3 is where the 'strategy' for the game is defined,
I see you all bet on many heroes and only high level creatures for final battle but where do they come from? what did you used to get there? why did you choose this creatures (resources, building requirements or because you think their best)? etc...
This becomes pretty much evident if we see the progress on the map but is a complete incognite here.

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted November 25, 2016 02:12 PM |
bloodsucker said:
BrennusWhiskey said:
Nice but I would be way more interrested in videos of the first days, at least in Homm3 is where the 'strategy' for the game is defined,
I see you all bet on many heroes and only high level creatures for final battle but where do they come from? what did you used to get there? why did you choose this creatures (resources, building requirements or because you think their best)? etc...
This becomes pretty much evident if we see the progress on the map but is a complete incognite here.
Thank you for your comment.
Well, I am also chess player and personally I can see some similarities here. You have to be faster in early game; build your position and develop quicker. But to me its boring to watch chess openings and study theory; the same in H4 - I have no time to record and edit few hour videos, eitcher watch it. Maybe thats why I prefer to record only finals of the games. Sometimes it has to be cut from 40 min - 1 hour material because some players think few minutes on every move
On the other hand of course I understand your point. If more people would like to watch my early games I can record some videos about that. But I think such things you already can find in streams published on twitch...

Legendary Hero
posted November 25, 2016 02:54 PM |
BrennusWhiskey said: But I think such things you already can find in streams published on twitch...
Yes, but it is where I find the differences between the really good players and the one's who only use what's already commun sense between veterans, at least in Homm3 where I already play well enouch to focus on the details.

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted November 29, 2016 11:08 PM |
bloodsucker said:
BrennusWhiskey said: But I think such things you already can find in streams published on twitch...
Yes, but it is where I find the differences between the really good players and the one's who only use what's already commun sense between veterans, at least in Homm3 where I already play well enouch to focus on the details.
Well I could make a good quality tutorial for H4 online (day by day of playing with tips) if I was sure that many players will watch it But at the moment I don't see big interest in that on my yt channel either on The Kings League.
So maybe we meet after some reboot of H4 will be released and players come back to this game 

Legendary Hero
posted November 30, 2016 09:45 AM |
BrennusWhiskey said: Well I could make a good quality tutorial for H4 online (day by day of playing with tips) if I was sure that many players will watch it
Define "many", some threads here (like "DL for the newbies") were created with an even smaller number of users in mind but I don't believe a "Let's play HommIV" will ever get more then a few dozens clicks per month.