Thread: [Mod] Unlock 48 campaign heroes in ToE multiplayer maps | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted November 12, 2007 07:45 PM |
bonus applied by Galaad on 29 Aug 2017. |
Edited by Galaad at 15:01, 29 Aug 2017.
[Mod] Unlock 48 campaign heroes in ToE multiplayer maps
Some of you want to be able to play campaign heroes in any multiplayer map in ToE: this mod is for you. They will be available at the start of the map and in taverns (beware, the UI can use them too, and some of them are powerful), in the 40 multiplayer maps available in ToE:
DOWNLOAD (Thx Markkur)
List of the 48 unlocked heroes:
Academy: Cyrus, Maahir, Zehir
Dungeon: Raelag (2 versions), Shadya, Thralsai, Ylaya, Agbeth, Ranleth
Haven: Godric, Isabel (2 versions), Nicolai, Freyda (2 versions), Duncan, Ornella, Alaric, Laszlo, Orlando, Red Haven heroes (Andreas, Benedikt, Bertrand, Gabrielle, Lorenzo, Valeria)
Fortress: Wulfstan, KingTolghar, Rolf, Hangvul
Inferno: Agrael, Biara, Sovereign, Veyer, Orlando
Necropolis: Markal, Nicolai, Giovanni, Ornella, Arantir
Stronghold: Gotai, Kujin, Kunyak, Quroq
Sylvan: Findan, Alaron, Tieru
Edit [31/03/08]
url changed to the updated file, that fixes the Cyrus issue when playing the H5 campaigns in ToE (C3M3, C3M4).

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted November 13, 2007 12:03 AM |
Zomg, there's 48 of them?
How exactly is luck a skill?

Famous Hero
Imbued Ballista
posted November 13, 2007 12:16 AM |
I was surprised at first too, but with like 10 renegade copies and several doubles, it makes sense. However, there are only like 12 unique specialities.
Anywho, gotta snatch that and finally toy around with Rolf a bit. Haven't played with Dwarves for a while.
In ur base killing ur doods... and raising them as undeads.

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted November 13, 2007 09:27 AM |
im afride to ask how do i install ze mod?
types in obscure english

Famous Hero
posted November 13, 2007 11:43 AM |
Put it in UserMods folder

Famous Hero
Imbued Ballista
posted November 13, 2007 05:02 PM |
Edited by Nirual at 18:37, 13 Nov 2007.
Hm, doesn't seem to work properly. I can select some of the campaign heroes now, but far from all. The order is also pretty messy, if that can be changed in any way (would make sense to put the campaign heroes after the normal ones).
In ur base killing ur doods... and raising them as undeads.

Supreme Hero
posted November 14, 2007 02:37 PM |
Edited by sfidanza at 00:17, 15 Nov 2007.
They are supposed to appear after the normal ones. I thought it worked correctly on my setup, but I'll check again. Tell me which ones do not appear, so I'm sure we see the same thing.
Edit: fixed a few bugs
- Hangvul and Orlando-demon were missing
- Orlando-knight had Gabrielle bio (this was the association in the original file - I removed it since he has no other bio in the game)

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted November 15, 2007 11:59 AM |
Great work Sfidanza, thank you!

Famous Hero
Imbued Ballista
posted November 16, 2007 07:25 PM |
Quote: They are supposed to appear after the normal ones. I thought it worked correctly on my setup, but I'll check again. Tell me which ones do not appear, so I'm sure we see the same thing.
Edit: fixed a few bugs
- Hangvul and Orlando-demon were missing
- Orlando-knight had Gabrielle bio (this was the association in the original file - I removed it since he has no other bio in the game)
Checked again, seems to line up properly now, but many heroes are still missing.
Haven: normal Freyda, Godric, most Renegade heroes except Orlando are present. Both versions of Isabel, Duncan and TotE Freyda are missing.
Inferno: Biara and the two campaign heroes with swapped protraits are present. Both Versions of Agrael, Veyer, Sovereign and Orlando are missing.
Necropolis: only Nicolai is there.
Sylvan: none
Dungeon: none
Academy: Cyrus is there, the rest is missing.
Fortress: Hangvul and Rolf are there, the other two are missing.
Stronghold: none
With the exception of Godric and the two Dwarven heroes, none of the heroes with a campaign-exclusive ability show up, although Giovanni, Ornella and some others are missing despite a normal ability.
In ur base killing ur doods... and raising them as undeads.

Adventuring Hero
posted November 16, 2007 08:29 PM |
Mmm, I think you didn't install the mod properly Nirual, I have all of those you mentioned. The only problem I've experienced is that Agbeth (the new Dungeon guy) is missing his avatar (in fact it's a little bit messed up...)
Anyway, thank you sfidanza for the great work! I just had a game of Dragon Pass where my Arantir got spellpower 55 , never had that, not even with Dungeon...
"Arrogant scum!"
"How do you do Miss Scum, my name is Agrael; or do your friends call you Arrogant?"

Supreme Hero
posted November 17, 2007 08:24 AM |
Edited by sfidanza at 08:27, 17 Nov 2007.
Note: for any "where should I place the mod?" discussion, refer to the Good practices thread:
Quote: Checked again, seems to line up properly now, but many heroes are still missing.
It's weird, as it works for me. Are you trying to start a non standard map (because that could indeed not work without editing the map.xdb)?
Or maybe there's a conflict with another of your mod that changes either the maps or the heroes' files.

By the way, Agbeth works correctly as well for me:


Adventuring Hero
posted November 20, 2007 02:14 PM |
Mmm, strange. The only thing I have is modified Dragon Pass map I had in original game that I now copy/pasted in Tote Maps folder. But his avatar is scre*ed in every map...I'll try reinstalling the mod...
"Arrogant scum!"
"How do you do Miss Scum, my name is Agrael; or do your friends call you Arrogant?"

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted November 26, 2007 01:46 AM |
Okay, i've got it in my UserMods folder. It doesn't work at all. Please help.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted November 26, 2007 05:10 AM |
Wooow awesome thank you so much! Lol some of them are sooo overpowered...
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2007 04:26 PM |
@sith_of_ziost: you're playing ToE, right?
Which map did you try?
Do you have other mods installed?

Famous Hero
posted November 26, 2007 04:28 PM |
Quote: Okay, i've got it in my UserMods folder. It doesn't work at all. Please help.
try also extracting it in the data folder, it worked for me

Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2007 04:37 PM |
If it works when you extract it, it should work as .h5u. It might come from your Windows secretly renaming it as .zip and not telling you (known extensions are hidden by default).
Extracting it in data/ is NOT advised, unless you really know what you're doing:
- you'll have to mix different mods, making it harder to remove one and leave the others
- if you remove the wrong file in data/, you will have to reinstall your game. Currently, the data/ folder in ToE is rather clean (with only 4 original files), but look at it in H5/HoF to see that after a few patches, it's harder to know what comes from the game, and what comes from a mod.
Of course, it's good that it works for you, though.

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted November 27, 2007 05:04 AM |
All the files have .xdb as the file root. No, no other mods are installed, and yes, its Tribes of the East. Rename it to .h5u? I'll try it. (I have it in a secure backup folder just to be safe if they delete or something).

Adventuring Hero
Cow lover
posted November 29, 2007 06:26 PM |
Thanks a lot
You are a genius

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted November 30, 2007 01:24 AM |