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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: Things i think should get a QP.
Thread: Things i think should get a QP. This thread is 11 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted June 07, 2008 08:29 PM

My turn

Things that Need to get a QP:

Creature Contest 2: a qp for Mythical AND the overall winner

What do you see in the picture? since we can't give QPs to Elvin, I suggest we give one to the Overall winner (as some kind of prize).

Tales of Karador QP to Kronos1000

Expantion project QP to Arxur.

Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Known Hero
posted October 29, 2008 03:08 AM
Edited by JapanGamer at 03:13, 29 Oct 2008.

There are people with 1000 posts and none of them are quality.. What can I actualy say about that.

I belileve we the HCers should form an Assembly and have the QP Ratio go from .01 or .1% whatever, to .5% Kick it up I mean.. Mods act like they cant hand them out. I mean look at all these suggestions from members, is it our job to find quality posts? I will do it sure, look at Trogdors posts in the other games exist too forum under williams thread. Outrage, trogdor deserves more QPs and so do other members of HC.

I dont really care but if we're gonna have QPs lets not have them mean what they now stand for.

Looking for trogdors post to provide a link I found a few other quality posts. here, throughout the 7 to 9 pages

And lastly, why should QPs be given out for long posts only? You think a short and sweet post is not quality?

Like I said, I dont really care but QPs shouldnt mean what they currently stand for.
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Legendary Hero
posted October 29, 2008 03:15 AM

Does anyone see the similarities between celf's proposal for the qp's and the current economic crisis?

Maybe we should just give out like 700 billion qp's the stimulate the forums... yeah, that sounds like a big number.
John says to live above hell.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 29, 2008 03:15 AM

Yay for inflation!
Eccentric Opinion

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Known Hero
posted October 29, 2008 03:28 AM
Edited by JapanGamer at 03:32, 29 Oct 2008.

lol reaction.. A stimulus check in HC.. Not my idea TAs idea.

My idea stated and agreed with before by a mod was that QPs should be easier to get as a 2 star or 1 star, than for a 5 star veteran. I dont think they should be passing up all of these quality posts. I could probably find 2 a minute that I could post in this thread
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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:32 AM

Alright, go ahead and find all these so called quality posts. Personally, I think the QP's are been given out in a fair way. What I mean is, the posts that are getting QP's these days are brought to the attention of the moderator of the particular forum by a few members who have requested it.

If you think QP's should be given out then why not just HCM a moderator and direct them to a thread and they can check it out for themselves? If you think QP's are not been given out enough then do something about it and direct mods to the posts.
~Ticking away the moments that
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Known Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:40 AM

Lol ok but mods should know their stuff, but when I run across QP material post, like I did with your thread, I'll bring it here and HCM them notifying I posted a url here (so its in stone, not an expiring HCM that can be forgotten).

There are quite a few members with 1000+ posts and no QPs so I'll do what I can to help.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:44 AM

lol reaction.. A stimulus check in HC.. Not my idea TAs idea.

My idea stated and agreed with before by a mod was that QPs should be easier to get as a 2 star or 1 star, than for a 5 star veteran. I dont think they should be passing up all of these quality posts. I could probably find 2 a minute that I could post in this thread

Why should a new member's posts be considered more quality than an older member?

Are you socialist, Celf
John says to live above hell.

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Known Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:48 AM
Edited by JapanGamer at 04:51, 29 Oct 2008.

Well, not a new member, I mean someone who has no qp's at all. The difficulty level to achieve a qp could be less difficult for one with no qps at all, than someone with 5 red stars. I think I will keep a close eye on posts by 5 golds, 2 reds and help out HC a little.

What I mentioned only a little of earlier is this. QPs stand for something now that compared to those 1k + posters with no red stars, qps stand for something I cant describe.

And william, I cant be expected to believe there are not QP's (quality posts) that are  not rewarded (tripple neagative w00t figure that one out). Fair, it is mid level average, My dream is that they will be handed out well, not fairly, but well. Not every thread, not this or that, but where they belong.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:55 AM

The whole point of qp's is so that people become more conscious not to have 1000 posts with no qp posts, that they should be more considered rather than just spending their time in the VW and hoping that every venture into another forum will land them a qp because, well, they haven't got any.

Qp's are supposed to be an incentive to make the forum a better place, not a reward for posting.
John says to live above hell.

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Known Hero
posted October 29, 2008 04:58 AM
Edited by JapanGamer at 04:59, 29 Oct 2008.

And see, I think, that 1 out of 1000 posts not being quality is saying they are not quality posters, where I guarantee anyone with 1000 surviving posts has a quality post at least once in those thousand. But that's just me.
.1% of their stuff has to be at least eligible.
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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted October 29, 2008 05:33 AM

Well sure you're right TA but I really think Cel has a point here
And see, I think, that 1 out of 1000 posts not being quality is saying they are not quality posters, where I guarantee anyone with 1000 surviving posts has a quality post at least once in those thousand. But that's just me.
.1% of their stuff has to be at least eligible.

Perhaps I wouldn't go as far as saying that no QPs = no quality poster. Nevertheless I find it hard to believe that a guy who has been with HC for 1000+ posts hasn't done ANYTHING that is worth a QP. Maybe he hasn't created one of those big fat juicy epics that get a QP (or he hasn't told his inspirational story~~~~~~~~~~) but I'm positive that you'll find something just like Cel did with Trogdor.
It's just that it's much more difficult to hand out QPs for "thread contribution" than for a one time achievement since you have to keep track of much more and somehow judge several posts not one big obvious one. And I'm sure there are QPs out there tat have not been given.

Of course there are exceptions like our dear Darkshadow he basically lives in the VW and I have no idea where he get's his posts from.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 29, 2008 09:06 AM
Edited by JoonasTo at 10:21, 29 Oct 2008.

Hey, I haven't done anything worth a QP in 1700 posts.
The one I have I didn't really do anything, pan just decided to give everyone in one word story a QP
Those in the know call it temporary mind disorder.

Then again I'm not a quality poster.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted October 29, 2008 09:21 AM

The whole point of qp's is so that people become more conscious not to have 1000 posts with no qp posts, that they should be more considered rather than just spending their time in the VW and hoping that every venture into another forum will land them a qp because, well, they haven't got any.

Qp's are supposed to be an incentive to make the forum a better place, not a reward for posting.

You guys know how most of "old" (5+) forums look like? Spam, spam, more spam. Pointless spam discussions lasting 10 pages after 1-2 pages of a normal topic. it's extremely annoying for those who don't enjoy reading mindless BS of mutual adoration society.

Forums usually have a phase of growth, a "golden age" and a phase of downfall, described above. HC is still in his golden age, despite some whining of oldtimers (hi celf.). And I think QPs have discouraged people from getting dragged into spam BS talk, well, at least partially (active mods help a lot, too ;P).

Well anyways it's not a reward for writing I believe, but a quality-preserve system of what we write!

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted October 29, 2008 10:12 AM
Edited by angelito at 10:12, 29 Oct 2008.

We can say it million times, but there will always be people who need to read/hear it again:
+QP have nothing to do with the length of the post. But obviously, a post containing many "words" is easier to judge because of more informations, than a 1-liner.

People who have 1000+ posts and no +QP should first ask themselves if they think any of their posts have been +QP material at that time. QP stands for quality points, not for quantity points. Only because you talk a lot, doesn't mean you tell good things (politicians!)..

But of course it is a good way if members post suggestions in the feedback thread of that specific forum if they think a post is +qp worthy. But again this doesn't automatically mean the +QP is given right away!

There are / have been more than a handfull of members who didn't try to make the forum a better place with their quality writings, but were just trying to get rid of the flood protection. Just check out how many members "suddenly" stopped recieveing +QP after they have earned their 3rd / 4th red star...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Known Hero
Level 20 Vassal of Light
posted October 29, 2008 12:43 PM

Easier for newcomers to get QPs than for veterans?

If this is an incentive to encourage newcomers to continue posting good quality posts, this is alright (in fact worthwhile doing), but why penalise the veterans (and what constitute a "veteran"?  By post count, QP count or length of time active in HC?) who do from time to time generate stories, create contests and discussions and make HC a "real" community where people not only have fun, relax but also discuss about the real issues of life?  

These posts give HC flesh, a humane feel, dun forget, everyone behind the avatars are true, warm-blooded (biological fact, humans are warm-blooded) people with varied backgrounds and interests, even different objectives in joining HC.

Personally, I feel that there are several posts in OSM that deserve a QP for really discussing on real life (though I can't really give an example of such a post), perhaps the mods can take a look.
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Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted October 29, 2008 01:17 PM
Edited by Asheera at 13:40, 29 Oct 2008.

I thought the non-linear progression of QPs to achieve higher ranks is already a 'penalty' for veterans?
Just check out how many members "suddenly" stopped receiving +QP after they have earned their 3rd / 4th red star...
I don't know what to say, some members may indeed be like this but there are a lot of other 'veterans' who create quality threads and don't get QPs, simply because they are 'penalized'. If a new-comer (meaning with 2 red stars) would have posted that, the QP would surely be given.

This is not right IMO, but the worst part for me is not that the QPs are not given, but when someone says that they wanted only the flood-protect removal and now stopped making quality posts. This is not true, some veterans still make quality posts, but it's not their fault they're not awarded with QPs ('fault' meaning that you blame them that they only wanted the bonuses achieved with ranks and not to improve the community)

Here's an example of someone (probably) having the wrong 'mentality' and that's why the veterans don't get awarded with QPs even when they still make quality posts:
Finally! Complex dialog scripts in one box It will find it's use in all singleplayer maps.

But I'm afraid you have already too many QPs, Asheera
I do not consider my post there QP worthy. I do not. However, this was just an example of the 'wrong' mentality and 'penalizing' the veterans. If you're interested about the source, Here it is

I don't consider my post there QP worthy, but there are a lot of other veteran posts who indeed put a lot of effort in them, and improved the community as well, but still weren't awarded. There's also one of my works like that as well, but I won't give a link to it since self-awarding is very lame. I don't grieve over the QP for that (and maybe other veterans don't either for their posts), but what I don't like is when people say that we veterans stopped making quality posts because we only wanted flood-protect removal. That's not true. It's true that we stopped receiving QPs somewhat, but that's not really our fault since we (some of us, maybe not all) still make quality posts, which unfortunately, are not awarded (some)

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 29, 2008 03:04 PM

Just check out how many members "suddenly" stopped recieveing +QP after they have earned their 3rd / 4th red star...

I agree, although I am one of those people. For me, it's because I have lost inspiration to post anything that might be considered QP worthy and perhaps this might be the reason for other people as well, who knows...

But in the end, do QP's really matter? Isn't it the posts for what a forum was made for regardless of quality?
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
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Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted October 29, 2008 03:06 PM

Hey look at me, I stopped getting QPs at 7 so I still have flood protect
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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted October 29, 2008 04:38 PM

One of the problems with awarding QPs to "one liner" posts (or very short posts) is that it's often quite subjective how you evaluate such posts. I might list a number of short posts I find really great, but then someone will easily drag out a number of his own and say, hey, why were these not awarded, because maybe to someone else, they might be just as good or even better.

I rarely award funny posts with QP's for the same time, because humour is quite subjective, I might find something hilarious which others find dull. Of course, if it's a humorous post with at the same time shows a good contribution and dedication or something else, that's fine - but overall, I try to aim for some sort of "objective" measure of "quality", and yes, then it's more common for a longer post to qualify than a shorter.
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