
Tavern Dweller
posted January 22, 2008 03:40 PM |
I'm new here but I've been modding H5 for some time (well, had a ½ year pause, while I was modding GTA:SA). So, since I have missed ToE I'd like to ask if it is possible to use this Creatures Framework just with standard H5 or with HoF expansion?

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted January 22, 2008 03:42 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 03:50 PM |
@okrane: all the install instructions are in the readme file inside the downloadable archive. Basically, it amounts to copy the files from the archive into your ToE install folder, and launch the modified exe.
Of course, you won't see any difference if you do not add some NCF creatures mods as well, but it won't produce an error either.
If you can be more specific about the error you have, and lists the other mods/maps that you have activated, I might be able to tell you where the problem lies.
@Cougar: the mod and modified exe are specifically for ToE. However, it might be possible to adapt the framework for H5/HoF, and if someone would try working on it, I'll certainly offer my support (contact me in private if you plan to).

Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 04:51 PM |
Edited by Guarder at 17:40, 22 Jan 2008.
I will try to make a goblin mage.

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 22, 2008 05:35 PM |
Next unoccupied slot is 284. Sfidanza gives IDs by himself not without a reason.

Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 05:39 PM |
Oops, okay I didn't know


Hired Hero
posted January 22, 2008 06:54 PM |
Edited by suraklin at 18:55, 22 Jan 2008.
Hi, i found this mod in a chinesse forum. It is to replace zombies to mummies. Maybe you can change it to a NFC creature. I dont know credits but im gonna look for them. The mod also changes orson. I prefer mummies as neutral creatures but idont know how to do:

Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 07:10 PM |
Quote: (Gnoll_Mage, it's 282, not 182, but I guess it's only a typo)
Whoops sorry, but it wasn't a typo, it was a thinko!

Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted January 22, 2008 07:23 PM |
Edited by Orfinn at 19:23, 22 Jan 2008.
@ Nelgirith
Dude... The winterfolf in your creature pack has this french description, translate please 
Cet animal a été croisé par seulement quelques aventuriers égarés en montagne et leur rencontre c'est toujours passée dans des circonstances étranges où l'animal fixa longtemps du regard l'homme avant de s'enfoncer dans les massifs. On raconte que ce loup était jadis le compagnon d'un mage/druide avant que celui ci ne lui redonne sa liberté.
Im going to edit it myself though. Also It stod loup or something instead for Winterwolf


Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 07:30 PM |
Quote: @ Nelgirith
Dude... The winterfolf in your creature pack has this french description, translate please 
Cet animal a été croisé par seulement quelques aventuriers égarés en montagne et leur rencontre c'est toujours passée dans des circonstances étranges où l'animal fixa longtemps du regard l'homme avant de s'enfoncer dans les massifs. On raconte que ce loup était jadis le compagnon d'un mage/druide avant que celui ci ne lui redonne sa liberté.
Im going to edit it myself though. Also It stod loup or something instead for Winterwolf 
The winterwolf isn't mine, but we'll fix that as there's an update coming with the dwellings soonish.

Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted January 22, 2008 07:38 PM |
Edited by Orfinn at 19:47, 22 Jan 2008.
Quote: When is somebody going to make the werewolf? Or have I missed it already? . My favorite creature, and please...not considered undead. They are cursed, not undead.
Im soooo with you there 
I suggest using the Mauler model, replace the orcs head with the wolfs, recolor the body, adding hair like that of the wolf and maybe a tail, leap ability would fit well, and yes, please! No undead ability, lycanthrophy is a natural disease. Berserker rage would also fit very well 
Quote: Palading floating in the air on invisible horse
Ghost rider 
Quote: The winterwolf isn't mine, but we'll fix that as there's an update coming with the dwellings soonish.
Amazing! Dwellings for them would be great! I would love to have a barbarian, ranger or runemage hero with an armada of wolves! Also could you guys include a brownish wolf with green eyes, called Tiberwolf/Wulf or something? Abilities could be as the universal, howling, pack hunter. And with this brown wolf berserker rage( battle rage and immune to fire? Just some suggestions 
Then we could get a package with these wolves, maybe a separate h5u file or in a new creature pack?
Wolf = Grey with yellow eyes
Worg = Black with red eyes
Winterwolf = White with blue eyes
Timberwolf/Wulf = Brown with green eyes
Also how should we hire all those wolves? at one wolf dwelling or at separate ones with recolored or/and retextured dwellings?


Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted January 22, 2008 09:48 PM |
I'm working on the Werewolf. I have a prototype, but my Heroes went FZZT! so I can't make it work, yet. But I will, by Kazul's fire I swear it!
How exactly is luck a skill?

Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted January 22, 2008 10:08 PM |
Raaawrrr, beware vamps The beasts will return


Supreme Hero
posted January 22, 2008 10:41 PM |
@Orfinn: are you sure you used the additional EN-texts mod? It is inside the pack, as the creatures mods, which are in french. But the dates are correctly set so that the EN-texts mod overwrites the french texts with english.
@guarder: Are you requesting a slot for a Goblin Mage? Or merely saying that you'll try to make one, and if you succeed, then you'll ask for a slot?
If it's the former, consider slot 284 is reserved for you. If you're not yet sure to go through, tell me and I'll unreserve it, just to avoid having a huge lists of unfinished ideas, which would not be very appealing for the project. In any case, there's no hurry to get a slot: I'll add more in the upcoming framework update since we're nearing 300 creatures already. 

Supreme Hero
posted January 23, 2008 07:19 AM |
No, i meant if i was succeded, i would ask for a slot. I think i was a little unclear

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 23, 2008 04:08 PM |

Runelord writing runes in the air - casting animation.
He's little smoked by fireball.

Supreme Hero
posted January 23, 2008 05:01 PM |
Framework v1.1 is available: it allows all creatures published so far to appear as random monsters (see below). It adds 200 slots (up to 499), and experimental support for necromancy (for those of you who answered already).
Random monsters: these are the yellow squares random-any and random-lX stack. The creatures are chosen when starting the map, among the specified list (AdvMapSharedGroup), and I'll be adding the latest published creatures with each framework update.
Once a creature is in the list, to effectively be chosen, it requires:
- <SubjectOfRandomGeneration> to be set to "true" in the Creature file: this is where the modder decides to let his creature appear randomly or not
- the mod to be activated of course: this is where the player decides (only the creatures used by the player can appear)

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted January 23, 2008 05:12 PM |
Edited by radar at 17:27, 23 Jan 2008.
Works for sure I put plenty of random tier 4 creatures on the map:

Supreme Hero
posted January 23, 2008 08:53 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted January 23, 2008 10:01 PM |
According to his answer to my post in another thread, Sfidanza will be busy until sunday evening ^^