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Hired Hero
posted January 14, 2008 08:00 PM |
Edited by silpion at 14:39, 17 Nov 2008.
Heroes V RMG Template Editor
Download current version: [url=http://seelge.de/H5RMGTE_1.0.2.1.zip]Heroes V RMG Template Editor[/url]
Welcome to the Heroes V RMG Template Editor topic. This editor allows to create new or modify existing templates for the random map feature of the official "Heroes of Might and Magic V Map Editor".
- Create/delete zones
- Create/delete connections
- Modify map template properties
- Modify zone/connection template properties
Screenshots, system requirements, etc. are listed on the download page.
Have fun.
If you find a bug one please report it here.
For the templates to actually show up in the RMG, they need to be saved to "<H5-Folder>/data/RMG/Templates/". If this folder does not exist yet, simply create it.
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 17, 2008 09:32 PM |
This looks genius!
But I can't get it working, it said it fails to initialize properly (0xc0000135). I'm trying to use it with TOE, do I need to install it in a certain folder?
[EDIT] I found the solution already, you need the Microsoft .NET framework for this.
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Hired Hero
posted January 18, 2008 02:35 PM |
Yep, the .NET framework is needed. I have developed it using v3.0 of the framework but it might work with v2.0 as I haven't used anything that requires v3.0.
If you have any suggestions to improve the editor please let me know.
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 18, 2008 03:19 PM |
I have a suggestion, I'm not sure it is already in the program, but at least I could not find it:
Maybe you can create a button to copy a zone (only changing the index). Because normally all zones for starting positions need to be the same.
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Hired Hero
posted January 18, 2008 06:26 PM |
Edited by silpion at 16:26, 19 Jan 2008.
Good idea. I'll include it in the next update.
New version is up. Please note the modified license (only applies to those who want to host the file on another website).
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 19, 2008 05:46 PM |
Yes! The clone button is really a great improvement. I took some time to experiment with the editor these days and I have to say the results where amazing. I'm now able to create random maps that fit much better the way I like to play the game. You can also create very wicked maps with a huge amount of small zones instead of the boring layouts from the standard templates. I think a templates works best when you design it for only one playercount. You should consider also to post this in the mapmaking guild from celestial heavens, because I think this is really an excellent tool more people should know about.
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Known Hero
posted January 19, 2008 07:15 PM |
Great job !
Seems to work with .NET v2 here.
Here are the values for zone settings for a selection box :
This is taken from a !very! interesting template description (french):
Look for a post from SimonaK, most likely someone from Ubisoft. Would be nice if it can translated as it has lots of information usable for the editor.
Hired Hero
posted January 19, 2008 08:36 PM |
Thanks! I completely forgot about the possible settings. I'll have to tamper with the layout or else one won't be able to read the entries but for the moment one can type them manually into the text box.
I translated the linked topic using [URL=http://babelfish.altavista.com/]Babelfish[/URL], it contains a lot of useful information for anyone who wants to create templates.
Tavern Dweller
posted January 20, 2008 02:10 PM |
Its very good and thanks. But may some help? How i can edit templates and create new because i can't found them. And a manual about the numbers (min,max, how exactly is XXXL and something like that)
Hired Hero
posted January 20, 2008 02:29 PM |
Edited by silpion at 14:30, 20 Jan 2008.
The built-in templates are located in the file data.pak. Just rename it to .zip, and decompress it. They are located in the subfolder RMG/Templates. Please remember to undo the renaming afterwards or else the game / map editor won't start.
LarkinVB posted a very helpful link for the numbers, it can be translated to english using babelfish (see two posts above).
I plan to include help for the numbers in the editor but this will take a lot of time which I currently do not have.
Known Hero
posted January 20, 2008 02:34 PM |
Great job
Tavern Dweller
posted January 20, 2008 05:05 PM |
Quote: The built-in templates are located in the file data.pak. Just rename it to .zip, and decompress it. They are located in the subfolder RMG/Templates. Please remember to undo the renaming afterwards or else the game / map editor won't start.
LarkinVB posted a very helpful link for the numbers, it can be translated to english using babelfish (see two posts above).
I plan to include help for the numbers in the editor but this will take a lot of time which I currently do not have.
Thank you VERY MUCH 100x.
Known Hero
posted January 21, 2008 05:07 PM |
I plan to include help for the numbers in the editor but this will take a lot of time which I currently do not have.
That's great ! I already made own templates but an editor is really appreciated.
Known Hero
posted January 27, 2008 12:57 PM |
Bug: Editor resets ResourceBuildingensity and LuckMoralBuildingDensiy to 20 though I type in 0.
Hired Hero
posted January 27, 2008 02:19 PM |
Fixed. I also changed the position of the "Setting" property.
Hired Hero
posted February 12, 2008 10:33 PM |
This seems great
I've checked this one out, and I must say, I find it superb!
I have two questions, though.
First, may I expect it to work with HoF v2.1, or was it written only for TotE? I've checked the data.pak file for my game, and there was no "RMG" folder in it, thus I suppose it won't work, but maybe it is not so.
EDIT: OK, I've found this entry in "a1-data.pak", yet it seems to ignore the preferences I've set in the Template Editor (p.e. I've set Underground to "False", yet in the created map, there IS underground), and also, the map is created extremely slowly (~2 minutes, while if I use the options of the generator, it takes about 10 secs to create).
Second thing, in the Edit zone window, are the numbers of the mines (wood, ore, mercury etc.) yes-no booleans, or exact numbers (e.g., can and should one insert any number other than 0 or 1)?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Hired Hero
posted February 12, 2008 11:30 PM |
I have only tested it with TotE but I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work with HoF. If the default path does not work you can do a search for the original template files in the HoF .pak files to get the path.
Regarding the mines: The values are the number of mines, boolean values are entered as true/false (like for "can be water").
Hired Hero
posted February 14, 2008 07:04 PM |
Thank you for your response!
I see it works (like I've said, I'd found the directory in data-a1.pak), but still don't understand why it takes so painstakingly long to generate a map. I think I'll just borrow one of my friends' copy of TotE and try it with that. That way, I'll at least know if it has to do something with the application, my installation of HoF or my system.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 08, 2008 03:57 PM |
Disable joiners...
This is very good tool and with classic Ai MOD makes a wonderful games. Just one more thing... Tapani made in his RMG disables joiner so its possible to make a MOD or somethig. Is anybody try or know something?
Hired Hero
posted April 09, 2008 08:52 PM |
Problem solved
Hey man!
I've bought TotE today (it got here in Hungary with a nice big delay, because of the translation, which I don't need anyway, but oh well), and my first thing to do was to try your neat tool with it.
First, it still produced the same errors (immense loading time, super-huge maps when I only wanted medium, UG present even though I disabled it), but then I discovered if I, additionally to using the template, set the map size in the RMG, and that UG should be absent, the map will be like I wished, and, due to the non-huge size, it doesn't take 3 minutes to create.
I only wrote this to let you know I appreciate your tool even more now, and so that others who experience such things know what to do.
Anyway, good luck with your analisis software!