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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Mamgaeaters H6
Thread: Mamgaeaters H6

Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted May 08, 2008 10:01 PM
Edited by mamgaeater at 16:55, 18 May 2008.

Mamgaeaters H6

Hi i have decided to post my h6... i already have faction themes and well hope you like it... i'll update it daily.
takes place in ashan
part 1: town themes and dominant races

Glade-nature-druids/creatures of the forest
nest-Lizard-Naga/her children
acadamy-magic experiments-wizards and their 'pets'
fissure-h3 dungeon after a revolution-trogdyolytes and various enslaved races
stronghold-orcs-orcs and their family
bastion-dwarves-dwarves and norse mythology



up next: nest backstory

(got it written up so i will post it now.)

A young maiden born to a simple peasant family, Naga enjoyed nature and loved to wander the woods. One day she encountered an young elfish hunter named enderon. she fell head over heels in love and spent days adoring him. Eventually after a time the hunter saw her and fell in love with her aswell. The druids questioned why he has been gone so often. and eventually discovered he was in love with a human. they saw in a vision that her love would eventually cause a great monstrosity to arise. So they began to impose rules to keep the two apart but their love grew ever stronger...

   eventually they became impatient and ordered a hunter to kill them. The hunter searched for many days and finally found them. at the same time Naga was following enderon and as he was about to tell her how a hunter can hunt without harming the animals. then suddenly a *twang**twang* was heard and he fell down on the ground... dead.
She screamed and ran from the direction of the arrows. fear and shock pulsing through her body. the chase continued until the hunter saw that she ran into a swamp. sure she would die from the terrible swamp gasses he considered her dead. but in the swamp she wept for enderon, and as night fell she slept and a serpent visited her in her dreams. the serpent was enderon and told her he would always be with her. when she woke up she created a mud serpent and started to sob... a witch gathering herbs saw her and took pity. the hag strode over and asked 'why do you cry?' 'my love is dead and all i have left is this' at seeing this the hag made her snake live and granted eternal unity for the two. unfortunately the spell had an unintended side effect and as Naga rejoiced the mysterious magic began to take effect and in an hour the two were literally one. with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a snake Naga. many years passed and Naga became mother to all the scaled creatures of the swamp. All of the children of naga still to this day look for enderon's body that Naga still missed as a bit of naga is in all of her children even though she has passed away... and so the story of Naga ends.

next: bastion+fissure backstory

the brutal skirmishes between dark elf and dwarf for the underlands were abruptly halted by the dwarven mining operations. the dwarves have found a cavern deep beneath the surface. the surfaces were lined with slime and gases leaked out from the gaping hole. the dwarves ventured into the darkness and the few dwarves staying behind knew nothing of what was to happen. the next day a supply caravan came to deliver supplies and only found dead dwarves. then from the corner of his eye the lead dwarf spotted a dark slimish menace. it creeped toward him and he promptly smote it with a hammer.
as the smashed beast lay in agony it emitted a cry a sharp shrill screech. And out of the darkness crept more and more of them.
the incident was reported and the council was to collapse the branch... if only they knew.

day 20 after incident- faceless beasts overcome most of the collapse force.

day 40- dwarves forced to abandon tunnels, as there was simply not enough resources to fight the things and dark elves, while maintaining a prsence above ground.

day x- premsumed extinction of dark elves... ( i didn't like them much anyway and it was a "presumed extinction")

up next: tier system and nest lineup

my tier system is much like a combination of h5,h2, and h4

there are several different choices for a tier

choice one: two upgrades:
choice two: one upgrade:
choice 3: one linear upgrade and second upgrade is alternate:
choice 4: alternate upgrades:
each town has two choice ones
2 choice 4's
1 choice 3
and 3 choice two's

yes i know this will make the game balance creation hell

      example lineup
tier 1: one upgrade
tier 2: alternate upgrades
tier 3: one linear and second upgrade is alternate
tier 4: two upgrades
tier 5: one upgrade
tier 6: alternate upgrades
tier 7: one upgrade
tier 8: two upgrades

creature Lineup


Tier 1: Hatchling

Tier 2: Harpy

Tier 3: gorgon

Tier 4: Basilisk

tier 5: serpent fly
-dragon fly

Tier 6: Hydra

Tier 7: Nymph

Tier 8: Naga incarni
-Naga queen

next line up- bastion,necropolis,haven,inferno,glade,acadamy
expected to arrive on sunday

edit: sorry been a little busy lately.

Protection From Everything.

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Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted May 09, 2008 01:38 AM

Bad?  Are you kidding?  That's a great creation story!  It's deep and interesting and tragic (if a bit OC for Elf Society) with nice details.  Good start for a race, instead of "They've been underground" or "they came from across the sea/through time/space/portal to other continent/world" etc.

My only complaint thus far is that you seem to have 4 nature towns (not that I'm complaining) Glade, Grove, Conflux and Rampart.  I think it might be best to try to combine some, eg, Rampart and Grove.  Too many nature towns offsets the balance.  Alternatively mixing Glade and Grove might be good.  Vamps and Elves in one town ftw!
How exactly is luck a skill?

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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted May 09, 2008 01:47 AM

well it isn't set in stone... i haven't even decided everything about rampart...
Protection From Everything.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 09, 2008 09:54 AM

Good to see I'm not the only one going to put in an Meso styled Rampart.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 09, 2008 03:53 PM

Good story indeed, its very different from many other Naga stories .. Good one
Don't walk behind me; I may not
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I may not follow. Just walk
beside me and be my friend.

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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted May 09, 2008 08:46 PM

Good to see I'm not the only one going to put in an Meso styled Rampart.

actually all is subject to change... i am having a bit of trouble coming up with a native american inspired rampart so i may have to cut it... same with conflux.
Protection From Everything.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 11, 2008 10:53 PM

How about a further upgrade choice of having two different base units, each with a single (or double, but not alternate) upgrade?

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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted May 11, 2008 11:05 PM

How about a further upgrade choice of having two different base units, each with a single (or double, but not alternate) upgrade?
good idea but i don't want to over complicate things
Protection From Everything.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 12, 2008 03:56 AM

True, but I'm figuring it'll be more time consuming to think up names and abilities for a second upgrade than for a new creature.

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