Thread: Need testers for WOG extra large map | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 01, 2009 11:08 AM |
Tyraxor is hard. My split was 4 groups of pretorians and a good forgetfulness. Of course, some will resist so you have to block them and pray. Then blind. It is a long battle and one mistake you are dead.
You will lose almost all pretorians early but one stack is enough to resurrect all the others, once the cyclops are blinded. If really too hard, give to the pretorians rebirth and casting. It is much easier with it.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 01, 2009 11:25 AM |
Thanks...I used the tunnel 3 times, and always ended up in the same zone, same with the 2way leading to barbarian land. So I thought there is nothing else...
But now I tried again and got into that small snow area after first time.
I have done all the seers around the wizards already, except the one who looks for Drakon.
What I have done on new week in the dark tower was to delete this damn "mass death riple" of the heavy cavalry :S
I always forgot about that in fight, and of course when I attacked with them, they casted and all the blinded stacks were in action again 
I am middle month 5 now btw...
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 01, 2009 11:28 AM |
Quote: If really too hard, give to the pretorians rebirth and casting. It is much easier with it.
Now that I have 3 more levels and visited the library, plus sphere of permanence, the fight should be a bit easier than before. My praetorians already have additionla casting, but it is only ONE more. Still pretty usefull.
I will do that fight again later, have saved right in front of his town.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 01, 2009 12:04 PM |
There is always a sign near the teleporters which specify how many ways are. Your says:
"Three way tunnel, two way teleporter"
Click on them. I did not find best way to inform the player. Also each AI hero has a sign near him with the locations of the seers hut involving his death. I hate when I have to scroll for hours a map to find that seer hut who gives angel wings.
I am middle month 5 now btw...
You have plenty of time. The underground will be fast( 2 months max). The surface is the longest.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 01, 2009 05:33 PM |
Without dispel, the fight was a piece of cake...
Killed the next barbarian guy (T-Birds) also quite easy, and now I saved in front of Gundula's town.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 08, 2009 10:40 AM |
Edited by angelito at 10:42, 08 Jun 2009.
Ok..here is a new update.
I am middle month 7 now, upper world seems to be done completely.
Boragus' appearance in the stronghold area was quite a surprise, especially because Maximus was right in front of these sacred phoenixes which needed to be killed for a quest guard. And no general would have been able to handle Boragus with his stats and a legion of Ghost teddies.
So he took all stronghold towns with his fly spell and entered my snow land. This was where Maximus caught him 
So after he died (view air is quite cool now...), I went through that "sacred phoenixes" quest guard and saved right in front of that here who waits behind that portal.
I still need one of Maximus' personal artefacts for the Arcane tower behind ROME. I hope I didn't miss it anywhere, but my guess is, this quest will be done pretty late...
Will continue tomorrow evening and see what other surprises I have to "suffer"
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 08, 2009 10:17 PM |
They have all fly spell and use it pretty well. However they have little movement so will be easy to catch. Of course, only Maximus can kill them, unless you overdeveloped Quintus or another. If they take a town, then the fight will be very easy because a bug is making them lose all experience (creatures). If you are fast and don't let them take a town, then the fight will be hard.
Did you beat Gunnar? Took "Maximus Home"? (black border gate is in fact brown). Once you can go through brown, you can visit the middle island and get the second combo artefact (skeleton tomb)
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 09, 2009 09:37 AM |
Yes..Gunnar already dead, whole fortress island taken. 2nd personal artefact also found (ring). Maximus home taken, creatures from garnison taken...
I guess I am on the right path now. Many seer's huts still to do (diplo ring, pendant of life, defeat this hero and that hero...)
I have completed statue of legion already aswell....
What do you mean Boragus lost all of his experience / creatures?
When I saw him, he had legion of ghost teddies, lots thunderbirds and several angels. But when I attacked him, only 7 stacks of 200 ghost teddies were present on the field. He had all stats 99, and 1 stack (this seems to happen most of the time) had full experience, while all others had none. The full experienced stack is always the one in slot 1.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 09, 2009 10:35 AM |
Yes, thats the biggest WoG bug. If the 7 stacks of an AI have full experience and the AI enters a town and try to recruit some stupid units, he will move all its previous stacks in one, thus loosing all experience. When he battles you he is scripted to have 7 stacks of behemots, and the program will place them even if he had other units. But will not give them full experience again.
But I found a way to avoid it in the latest map. The experience is given in the battle, not before.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 10, 2009 08:51 PM |
I just found a nice bug too 
If a hero who is able to upgrade a special creature into another type (like dragon flies into light cavalry for example), is inside a town garrison, and u click on upgrade, the upgrade doesn't cost anything...
Update of my game:
Just found 3rd artefact for Maximus, but didn't want to jump home to create this special ability. Few steps in front of that conflux town, I have an ambush with 6 times 9999 heavy cavalry and 9999 faeries...and then a warning message which says something like "If you didn't form the uber artfact, reload...dork" 
Of course I tried the fight...and I succeeded with no losses...but the town itself looks pretty strong...so i decided to jump back to roem then and go to that Arcane tower.
Some questions refering to that Arcane tower:
- I have equipped the 3 artefacts. When I right-click on 1 of them, it says "gives +5 attack...bla..bla....and 4 special abilities: fly, strike twice...blabla"
Does that mean I have these special abilities already? If not, how can I know/check which one of those I have already? (I know I have to buy them for 1500 of each resource...)
- I bought 1 of these 4 special artefacts, and entered the Arcane tower again. I only had 766 mercury and 1440 crystals that time. I could still enter (despite the message "U do not have enough resources"!), chose another ability, and when I went out, I had -734 mercury and -60 crystals 
- Third time entering was not possible though...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 10, 2009 09:25 PM |
The upgrade thing is not a bug. The light cavalry (griffin) costs 240 gold, and the serpent fly 240 too. So there is no reason to pay anything for upgrading one into another.
I am aware of the negative money bug, but it works only once. You have to memorize what upgrades you payed for the combo. At that time it was my first wog map and I did not have the knowledge to check if the player has the money etc. I feel a headache today when I look to those first maps, there are so many things to fix...can't figure where to start.
Era II mods and utilities

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 10, 2009 10:22 PM |
Quote: and then a warning message which says something like "If you didn't form the uber artfact, reload...dork" 
the warning message is not for this fight, but for the fight after the monolith entrance. There is a necro there which is on cursed ground, and it is advisable to have at least no retaliation and attack all around before engaging him. Of course the fight can be done without all those things, as the tent will resurrect if you have the patience and did not lose an entire stack. But not all players play at your level, and I thought more safe to put a warning.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 13, 2009 10:02 AM |
Edited by angelito at 10:04, 13 Jun 2009.
Just did that fight against the Conflux town "Massein" right before that 1way monolith entrance. It took me several (if not pack ) tries to be successfull here. Tough thing I have to admit.
Needed a bit to realize how many stacks to take into that fight so the faeries wont destroy the ammo cart first round. Because this is the one and only dangerous thing in the whole fight.
I only have 1 super ability as of yet (all units attack twice), not sure if I go through that monolith now. I have only 1 more thing to do before I have nothing else left than this monolith. And that would be the other conflux town in that swamp island (Igne), which has the same defenders as Massein.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 16, 2009 07:46 PM |
Finally done 
Finished the map today (start month 10). Final fight was a bit too easy I think. Commodus hadn't equipped armor of the damned (or at least he didn't build it), and all troops of mine would have been immun to all spells anyway. And with those 4 special abilities ( and 10k heavy cavalry with deaths stare and double attack ), fight was an easy go.
I couldn't fullfill 3 quests though:
1. Find pendant of life (near Gateway Castle) -> never found this artefact 
2. Find Dragon Scale armor (seer hut in water, south of Polorius) -> never found this artefact 
3. Find all 4 orbs (south of Igne Conflux) -> couldn't find orb of fire 
Maybe some hints for those?
But this map is just awesome. Every WoG player should have played it at least once.  
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 16, 2009 08:04 PM |
I am glad you liked it. 
Longer lasts the game, easier is Commodus of course. Pacifist just finished it 5.3.4 so it opens again the competition, as he did it faster than me.
(Of course, we tried it both at least 10-15 times till that, no pun intended towards you for being slow.)
Pendant of life**center island, behind the crypt
Dragon scale armor**143/78, behind the bush, how did you get the combo without it?
Those 2 artefacts can be located when clicking on view world, if there is no fog of war
Now, for the four orbs, you can't locate them because they are in events. Fire orb is at 22/53/1, not so hard to find if you scroll over the walls with the horse icon. The reward being 1000 azure dragons, it is worth the time it takes to find the orbs.
There are a lot of hidden events you maybe did not find, did you?
33/17/1 for example.
So...300 spartans, one of those days? It seems the few challenges discouraged everyone, despite my detailed noob-hints.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 16, 2009 08:40 PM |
Edited by angelito at 20:40, 16 Jun 2009.
Quote: Pendant of life**center island, behind the crypt
Hmm..should have used view air more often it seems.
Quote: Dragon scale armor**143/78, behind the bush, how did you get the combo without it?
This is not the dragon scale, but the greater basilik armor....
Quote: Now, for the four orbs, you can't locate them because they are in events. Fire orb is at 22/53/1, not so hard to find if you scroll over the walls with the horse icon.
To be honest, I got tired if clicking around like hell and try to find every possible passage or every kind of object....but that's just me 
Quote: There are a lot of hidden events you maybe did not find, did you?
33/17/1 for example.
Yes, found that..nice extra army...
Quote: So...300 spartans, one of those days? It seems the few challenges discouraged everyone, despite my detailed noob-hints.
Of course I will play that map. Will start next week I think, have too much to do the next days, and I want some more free time to start it, coz it seems it needs a lot of thinking and concentration.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 16, 2009 08:47 PM |
Quote: This is not the dragon scale, but the greater basilik armor....
Ah, my fault. The dragon scale is a few steps north of Deemer dungeon. You just have to summon a boat and find it at 36/38.
Quote: To be honest, I got tired if clicking around like hell and try to find every possible passage or every kind of object....but that's just me 
You are right. being my first map when using the new editor, I was playing as a kid with my new toys. A bit too much hidden things. But some are enjoying them (received a lot of hate mails too...)
Quote: Of course I will play that map. Will start next week I think, have too much to do the next days, and I want some more free time to start it, coz it seems it needs a lot of thinking and concentration.
Great to hear. It is not a hard map because I focused more on different things than winning a battle and such. But its mechanics can open a new era in Heroes, if followed, I hope.
...or not 
(if you are fan of Oblivion or Morrowind, you will like it, if you hate those games, then...)
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 16, 2009 09:45 PM |
I even tried 1 fight vs those 1 million Ancient Behemots on cursed ground 
I was pretty angry about myself, coz I had killed already 2 stacks and could lurk away the others quite well (with the clones), but then made a missclick and moved my stacks of centurions instead of shooting...and then they were dead...lol
But it showed me it is doable...but takes a lot of concetration too...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 16, 2009 10:27 PM |
Speaking of concentration, just try the champion quest in the "300" map. He has to walk over 30 land mines to die, and until he does that, you will surely hate the mapmaker
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted June 17, 2009 10:26 AM |
Yes the behemoths need concentration and adapt to the battlefield. I had to fight 5 of those events to go to the white tent in a staight line. 4 fights with Maximus and one with Quintus that killed also Thant after that.
Did you try the fight vs the anti-magic garrison? It should be possible to win with some fodder losses only. There is also the fight for the 5000 mithril that needs concentration but reward is huge (double production of all mines but also too many right-clicks so ... .
I'm sure you will like also Alexandre the Great .