Thread: mistake or not? #2 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · NEXT» |
Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted November 25, 2008 10:34 PM |
mistake or not? #2
"Jinxer" reported a "WIN" against "Fraudatio"
playing the "Genesis" map for subtournament "Clan Free Challenge".
"Fraudatio" reported a "LOSS" against "Jinxer"
playing the "Genesis" map for subtournament "The Hero".
So what do I choose? lol
BTW, so many guys will report a clan game, but their opponent will 'forget to', so I have to go to the unreported section, see if the game was reported by the opponent, then if so, make it a clan point winloss update assuming that the other opponent forgot to select clan etc...
Funny thing is, it happens more than 50% of the time now. You guys can't be this lazy, not being able to drag down a menu and selecting the appropriate report. Not when you've been clicking for 5 hours playing heroes??
Legendary Hero
posted November 26, 2008 12:48 AM |
Edited by Jinxer at 01:13, 26 Nov 2008.
Hmm.... Just make it Both HERO/CLAN game
We did play Hero style.. but the Hero subtourny free challange portion is over so kinda pointless to report it as that... and its kind of a standard that all games are played as Clan games.
And since I think there is an option to report CLAN/HERO game.. I would just mark it as that Ves...
Sorry for the mix up ves... I will try to do my part to not be lazy in the future
Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted November 26, 2008 04:44 PM |
and its kind of a standard that all games are played as Clan games.
I think that sums it up right there
I havn't heard anyone ask me for a clan game, nor even discussed wether it was a clan game or not since I returned to heroes. Maybe 1x or 2x it was discussed.. but oddly enough I did notice my points in clan fluctuating from time to time which the above statement could explain
Legendary Hero
posted November 26, 2008 05:57 PM |
Speaking of which... I think its about time your clan points start fluctuating more and more in the upwards direction Maybe even hit the double digits?! hehe
Supreme Hero
Map Creator
posted November 26, 2008 06:23 PM |
and its kind of a standard that all games are played as Clan games.
I think that sums it up right there
I havn't heard anyone ask me for a clan game, nor even discussed wether it was a clan game or not since I returned to heroes. Maybe 1x or 2x it was discussed.. but oddly enough I did notice my points in clan fluctuating from time to time which the above statement could explain
Same goes for me I've never played for clan in several month now... but still my points goes up/down...
Actually I don't care that much about clan rank/ponts (cause will there be any final...) seem's like in season I the interest is falling I may be wrong.... (all started so good with clan wars and so on... but now... nothing left...)
just my cents... nothing more
Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2008 06:30 PM |
Sure thing, Demon Hunters are absolute N1 Interest lost, others clan too week
Nothing's impossible
Supreme Hero
Map Creator
posted November 26, 2008 06:58 PM |
Quote: Sure thing, Demon Hunters are absolute N1 Interest lost, others clan too week
yeah right.... (if I've regged all my games as clan I could compete a bit... (but then again I'm the only active player in our clan,....) and again who cares
Famous Hero
posted November 26, 2008 07:19 PM |
sorry about that Ves, Jinxer is right though, hero/clan is fine
Legendary Hero
posted November 26, 2008 07:36 PM |
Quote: Sure thing, Demon Hunters are absolute N1 Interest lost, others clan too week
haha... yea the rest of us doesnt play with ONLY OSSIR every game.
Its kinda like Bragging that you have the Best BasketBall team... yet all your players are 8 foot tall! Wow..ofcourse its the best.. But winning with all 6 foot guys in way more impressive!
Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2008 08:02 PM |
Especially for you Jinxer, coming soon my replays with Zoltan, Dirael as main. And today i play Wyngaal - Haggash match vs Firedragon, so not only Ossir.
Nothing's impossible
Legendary Hero
posted November 26, 2008 10:00 PM |
ONLY interested in seeing your replay with Dirael... all the other heroes are POWER heroes...
Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted November 27, 2008 02:56 PM |
In recent experience Direal can actually be a monster.. Lots of great imbued summon spells available. If your map has access to multiple methods of gaining higher level spells shes great
ANyway I'd like to see how it was played also
Supreme Hero
posted November 27, 2008 04:48 PM |
Dirael only needs wasp swarm to be great, which she has.
Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted December 01, 2008 05:02 AM |
the example continues, three game reports, the opponent did report, just not properly.
mismatched reports I've already taken care of:
"FireDragon-008" reported a "WIN" against "tintagel"
playing the "MasterMind" map for subtournament "Clan Free Challenge".
"FireDragon-008" reported a "WIN" against "lord nerevar"
playing the "MasterMind" map for subtournament "Clan Free Challenge".
"Kispagat" reported a "WIN" against "Willgefors"
playing the "Hourglass" map for subtournament "Clan Free Challenge".
its like when a player loses, they don't feel like submitting their loss in an appropriate manner.
Supreme Hero
posted December 02, 2008 07:30 AM |
Famous Hero
posted December 02, 2008 02:02 PM |
Quote: "Kispagat" reported a "WIN" against "Willgefors"
playing the "Hourglass" map for subtournament "Clan Free Challenge".
its like when a player loses, they don't feel like submitting their loss in an appropriate manner.
Honestly, before this match I dont think that we specified that this was a caln game, altogh for me it was obvious/automatic.
I will ask Willge to clarify it.
Supreme Hero
posted December 02, 2008 02:14 PM |
If both players have clan, by default this is clan game, no ? We don't ask any time - this is TOH game or friendly ... Of cos it's TOH game.
Nothing's impossible
Legendary Hero
posted December 02, 2008 02:35 PM |
Quote: If both players have clan, by default this is clan game, no ? We don't ask any time - this is TOH game or friendly ... Of cos it's TOH game.
Never thought this would happen... but I agree with Infinitus!
Supreme Hero
Map Creator
posted December 02, 2008 08:47 PM |
Legendary Hero
posted December 02, 2008 10:22 PM |
Edited by Jinxer at 00:51, 03 Dec 2008.
I figured this next story would fit nicely in this post.... I need some explanations on what happened here... I am sure it will boil down to same old crap that UBIs game once again doesnt have to follow its own rules and descriptions but still want confirmation....
Jinxer (Sylvan) vs. Nerevar (Fortress)
Map = Genesis
#1 Rune of Dragonform -
Creature gets +100% to its Defense, +100% to its attack and +50% to magic-proof for one turn (doesn't work for Dragons).
-- Yet in battle Nerevar is able to cast DragonForm on his Lava Dragons
Can someone explain how??? What technicality will explain this away?
#2 Ignite -
Fire Spells casted by hero in combat with ignite Ignite enemies inflicting 100% of spell damage during next 3 turns.
-- And Magic Immunity doesnt affect this at all? HOW CAN THE IGNITE EVEN GET THRU IF IMMUNE TO THE INITITAL FIRE SPELL???? For example if someone shoots me with an exploding bullet... that once it penetrates it explodes... whereas if I have wall in front of me and bullet cant get past wall... then bullet cannot explode in me?!?!?!?!?!
I am assuming these are just some fluke game battle bugs... otherwise this game keeps getting more silly and silly the more I play it.. More of a circus!