Thread: Skill Wheel on original Heroes5 and HoF | |


Hired Hero
posted December 03, 2008 09:59 PM |
Skill Wheel on original Heroes5 and HoF
If there a way to get the new skill wheel way of leveling up on the older expansion HoF and the original Heroes 5 game?

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted December 03, 2008 10:03 PM |
Yes, it is possible, and you just need to replace one file with the one from HoF/H5
I don't remember exactly the path, and I'm not using the H5 computer now, so I may be wrong, but here it is:


Hired Hero
posted December 03, 2008 10:25 PM |
I am trying to figure it out but it is hard. I am a rookie when it comes to modding. It is possible that is not that right path because I can not find it.
Is it possible I can receive some more help.
Thanks a bunch.


Hired Hero
posted December 03, 2008 10:35 PM |
I think i see i have to find a way to open the data.pak file with some application meant to open .pak files

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted December 03, 2008 10:54 PM |
.pak files are just .zip files.
Also, do NOT update or change anything in data.pak. Instead, extract the file in the data folder, keeping the same directory structure, and then modify the file. That way, it will work (the game reads the files outside the pak first) without modifying the game's internal files.


Hired Hero
posted December 04, 2008 12:43 AM |
Hi, I found another thread that had files to had original campaigns to ToE. So I guess the issue is solved. Thanks for your comments