Famous Hero
posted September 29, 2010 10:52 AM |
Well a determined cheater in singleplayer will find a way to win fights too . Cheating in the adventure map can lead to cheat on combat too, i'm sure you can imagine a way, I will not give ideas though . If they want to cheat nothing can prevent it in singleplayer. I'm more worried about multiplayer but as you say it must be in agreement with other player so no big deal here too .
Adventuring Hero
posted October 16, 2010 09:12 PM |
HoMM3 HD 2.54f released
Quote: [+][!] new implementation of 32-bit support
- it's faster (cursor is more fluid and not turning invisible when moving fast)
- it's stable!
- it supports any color mode (1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 bit)
[+] "No CD" check box in the HD Configuration Utility;
[+] game asks confirmation when digging by pressing [D];
[-] crash when you cancels Alt+F4 or [x] closing;
[-] displaced NWC logo video if "LOW" video quality selected.
[-] ragged garrison background (original bug).
[-] Ctrl+click on Hero not works in TE/WT (Ctrl+click works for the first five heroes in the list now)
[-] some invisible text in the Russian versions
Tavern Dweller
posted October 17, 2010 09:25 PM |
Thank you for update - great work, once again.
Only a few bugs left to deal with. Victory is at hand...
Adventuring Hero
posted October 20, 2010 07:46 PM |
Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2010 11:02 AM |
F... great. Thx one more time!
Supreme Hero
posted October 21, 2010 01:32 PM |
What about the idea of showing enemy creatures' stats static window? Primarily, for seeing duration of spells cast on them.
Famous Hero
posted October 21, 2010 01:41 PM |
Yes, it's one of the reasons I like to play with WoG interface even pure SoD maps . Unfortunately sometimes it's not even enough as there are more than 3 spells on a creature and only the last 3 are displayed but it's still a big bonus. If we could slide the icons of the spells that would be fantastic .
Adventuring Hero
posted October 21, 2010 05:38 PM |
Tavern Dweller
posted October 21, 2010 10:51 PM |
Thank you very much! I've been replaying all the campaigns since I never finished them all back in the day, and on my newish 23" monitor HOMM3 was looking a bit blocky. This is quite an improvement.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2010 10:08 AM |
Small question:
The DL box is going stretched in the left upper corner while in the not HD version it is centered. Is there a possibility to fix this or depends of the dialog box size/add some different coordinates?
Era II mods and utilities
Tavern Dweller
posted October 27, 2010 11:42 AM |
Idea for battle and town screens
Great job and many thanks to author!
I have some idea for author for battle and town screens.
In higher resolutions are these screens really too small. I understand that fully implement HD for these screens is too difficult. I suggest simplified form for resize this screen:
Using some fast algorithm for simple upscaling these screens. This algorithm is used in photo/video editors to improve resolutions. Result will be not perfect, but acceptable, I think. For simplicity ratio of these screens should be still 4:3 (from original 800x600).
Tavern Dweller
posted November 03, 2010 11:20 PM |
Edited by Pent at 23:47, 03 Nov 2010.
hmm... I don't know if it's proper topic but however
I play online games on h3 HD for a few days and I have few bugs to report.
Probably it's abvious and all of you know it, but to be sure - about 20sec after any load game crashes.
Second thing - I suppose that it was in purpose to some heroes disappear, but first: imo it's useless; second: it provides bug that you can place few heroes on one place, and additionally few more complications after that (you can't step on this hex forever, if you exchange army between two same heroes you loose it etc).
btw is it fault of my low PC that game doesn't go so fluently in high resolutions as in normal resolution?
1. I have loaded online game on GR and it hasn't crashed just now, maybe it crashes only loads on single/hotseat games...
2. I forgot to mention - it's VERY irritating that there is a change of heroes after transfer between them and that sometimes you don't need to click twice to move your hero - it really can mess up a game.
I have probably english SoD 3.2
Tavern Dweller
posted November 09, 2010 12:53 PM |
wow, this is great cause i've recently started playing homm3 again
but i came across a few bugs, like for example if i start a campaign, an error pops up ResourceManager::GetSample could not find the "sfx" resource "H3x2NBa", and the video doesn't play, just the subtitles. But other than that, runs perfectly for single scenarios. Hope there will be a workaround for this!
Adventuring Hero
posted November 16, 2010 07:26 PM |
HoMM3 HD 2.65f released
I have no time to prepare a description in English, because a lot of changes and new features in version 2.65 (compared to 2.56).
I will write changelog and description later maybe.
Supreme Hero
Lord of the Swamp
posted November 16, 2010 07:33 PM |
Oh my god this is awesome, thank you so much!
Can't wait to play it on my 1920x1080 monitor and have it actually look good. Thanks, thanks, thanks!
They can take my swamp, they can take my town, but they will never take my FREEDOM!
Tavern Dweller
posted November 20, 2010 10:50 AM |
one quick question:
Is there a way to set right-click text message for custom buttons in Advanced Adventure manager part of screen?
btw, great job!
Tavern Dweller
posted January 15, 2011 09:15 AM |
As far as I know, HoMM3 HD 2.81 was released.
Adventuring Hero
posted January 20, 2011 07:36 PM |
bonus applied by angelito on 20 Jan 2011. |
HoMM3 HD 2.82f released
2.56 to 2.82 changelog:
[+] scope of spell is displayed when casting "Dimension Door" or "Scuttle Boat" one. Displaying scope of spell when not only casting you can turn on using the quick menu by pressing the middle mouse button in adventure manager (for aiming before casting).
[+] the Thieves' Guild screen can be activated by pressing [G] button. For using this feature you have to have at least one tavern or at least one Hero, who has to be in a Den of Thieves. It works in the adventure screen or in the town management screen. You can activate the Thieves' Guild screen using the quick menu by pressing the middle mouse button in the adventure manager.
[+] you can activate the quick menu in the adventure manager screen by pressing the middle mouse button. For the present the menu contains only 4 elements - market, Thieves' Guild, quick combat (on/off) and scope of "Dimension Door" spell (on/off).
[+] you can swap Heroes and towns in lists by [LShift] + [mouse click] (up) and [LCtrl] + [mouse click] (down).
[+] compatiblity with the plugin for ERA - custbtns.dll.
[+] quick activation of market window from the adventure screen or from the town management screen (including those towns, in which a market wasn't built) - key 'B'. For using this feature you have to have at least 1 market and it have to be your turn.
[+] being the Hero in the Trading Post now considers when quick activating the Market screen.
[+] the hot keys [M], [R], [L] in the combat options screen, the hot key [L] in the battle screen for quick escape to the main menu.
[+] the new color mode "32-bit (MMX)" - quicker draw than in the old 32-bit mode. The old 32-bit mode was renamed from "current (...-bit)" into "32-bit (GDI)". If you don't have any troubles with draw speed, it's recommended using the old "32-bit (GDI)" one.
[-] a Hero under AI control could jump with the "Dimension door" spell without any distance restriction, it depended on screen size (now he can jump as far as in the original game).
[-] the "Scuttle Boat" spell worked on the whole area of watching map window (now it works as in the original game)
[-] the AI deadlock bug (infinite deep thought when trying to dig the Grail)
[-] effect of "Summon Boat" spell was rectified (it depended on watching map window size).
[-] effect of number of AI operations, depended on watching map window size, was rectified.
[+] all original "not me" bugs was fixed(these bugs allow to get "unnecessary" information about opponent in a network game)
[+] the "Fix gameplay bugs" option was added into HiRez.ini;
If the option is turned on, you can't spy on an opponent (using "not me" bugs) and can't sell overpriced artifacts. But you can find out whether the identical opponent's option is turned on or off:
Push the [F2] button in the general adventure screen , as a result the request will be sended from you to the opponent and "[ request was sent ]" will be appeared in the chat. If the opponent has HD 2.58 (or higher) and the opponent's "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on too, you will receive the message "[ BLUE - Ok (2.58) ]" from him. If the opponent doesn't have HD at all, or version of HD is earlier than 2.58, or the opponent's "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned off, you won't receive the message.
[+] you can monitor the opponent's tricks using [F2] hot key in a network game (only if he has HD 2.80 or higher and the "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on). You can detect running of multiple instances of HoMM3, including SoD, WoG, TE, WT and so on (in this case you will receive the 'MULTI-INSTANCE DETECTED!' message), or detect running of the map editor (in this case you will receive the 'MAP EDITOR DETECTED!' message).
If your "Fix gameplay bugs" option is disabled, you can spy on the opponent and use the "selling overpriced artifacts" bug.
[+] the spell "Disguise" was corrected (It works if the "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on):
it makes sense to use the spell for all players: the spell effect ends just before next turn beginning of player, who has cast this spell, but in original game this effect ends, when 'last color' player's turn ends. It works, if "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on in HiRez.ini. In case only one player has this option turned on, whether this spell will work as before, whether in a new way (it depends on the player's order). If one player has "Fix gameplay bugs" turned on, but the other uses earlier version of HD, or doesn't use HD at all, the spell (it depends on the player's order) will work in a new way, or the Hero will be under effect of "Disguise" while he will be dismissed or will live in the Tavern during a day.
[+] when the "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on, you can't swap your Hero and an allied Hero in a town by pressing [Space].
[+] the feature to rectify effects of some game bugs was added (such as division into two Heroes, town 'graying', appearance of Hero's shadow after his killing/dismissal, one hero controlled by two players, situation, when for hiring in a Tavern, the Hero, who was hired by the other player, is available).It works if the "Fix gameplay bugs" option is turned on. This feature was made automatic. These bugs are going to be rectified before being noticed. By the way possibility of manual rectifying this problem was preserved by [LShift] + [F2].
[+] the option "No wait playing sounds" was added into HiRez.ini, which allows to play sounds using parallel thread, this feature increases game speed appreciably, if you play with sounds on.
[+] suits (fast change of artifact sets);
[+] hot keys for exchange of armies and artifacts( [F10] in swap window and town screen, [F11] in swap window);
[+] TE-style and changed HD-style quick army management modes ([Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt], click combinations);
[ ] algorithm of full army transfer was changed;
[+] new OK and CANCEL buttons in swap window (optional, off by default);
pushing on the left button ([Esc]) leaves focus on the left Hero;
pushing on the right button ([Enter]) makes the right Hero active;
[-] Hero army management in the information panel of adventure screen didn't work when vertical resolution was less than 664 (i.e. now it works in 800x600).
[-] general size of HD mod was decreased by 3.2 Mb out of graphical files of pack for russion version SoD by Buka. Removed files will be include into another pack (Russian Mega Pack), which will be available for downloading separately.
[-] the <Extended Combat Options Dialog> option was removed from HiRez.ini. It allowed to disable the additional buttons in the battle options screen.
[*] processing of keyboard was changed, it is, probably, going to solve problems with disability of HD mod hot keys (for one's, who had such problems).
[+] the <Clip Cursor = 1> mode was changed;
now you can move the cursor out of HoMM3 window with pushed [Ctrl] key; the cursor doesn't dive back into the window, when being situated outside the HoMM3 window, as it was before;
[+] Narzoul's sound fix was integrated, thanks to which the music in the game is playing with 44 kHz Stereo quality instead of original 22 kHz Mono quality; also an appropriate option was added into HiRez.ini (default value is ON)
Thanks to said46 for the translation of the changelog
Hired Hero
posted January 20, 2011 09:16 PM |
I use it and I love it.
The new "middle mouse button" menu is just great.
BTW: I like also two "OK"/"cancel" buttons in swap window, don't listen players who doesn't like it It is "strange" at the beginning but later you miss it.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 21, 2011 01:50 AM |
Great news, still waiting for DL fixed position, if possible. Right now, all DL dialogs are stretched in the left upper corner, making the HD incompatible with mods using them.
Era II mods and utilities