

Hired Hero
posted February 25, 2013 03:56 PM |
Quote: Vlad looks so cool!! 
hehe thanks
That was my first 
if we can make this work, I'd gladly make custom portraits (using this technique)for who ever wants.

Supreme Hero
posted March 05, 2013 11:44 PM |
I need a mod that allows heroes to go past level 30. Can someone do it for me ? Me and the rest of community will appreciate it.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 05, 2013 11:56 PM |
Quote: I need a mod that allows heroes to go past level 30. Can someone do it for me ? Me and the rest of community will appreciate it.
I doubt it can be done, unless someone hexedit or something

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 06, 2013 12:38 AM |
Does anyone know how to deactivate or greatly weaken the effect of boneguard?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Tavern Dweller
posted April 03, 2013 02:28 AM |
Edited by Dogga at 02:29, 03 Apr 2013.
Quote: A question on all the moders
There are these models in the game files
[url=http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/foto/c/0/807/2695807/f_20783559.jpg]Akasha, Changbo and Hiroshi[/url]
So how hard would it be, to replace the curent Might naga hero models with these ones?
And I the same could be done with Yume and Katsue models for female magic heroes...
you need to replace all the pattach, pdie etc animation to that of hiroshi etc..its easy but tedious. u can also add effects to their attacks. note that hiroshi don't have die animation
I have been unable to create a complete hero from scratch, so have relied on editing existing ones, like the example above. I chose to edit Kalindra DLC1 as she's in my wifes fav team and the only available hero when you create a new sanctuary hero (in game) that can be edited. I want to make her like Yume in game, I already gave her this new face (also my guys face - i play necro )

After experiment with data17.orc I was able to turn Himiko into the Yume animation by changing vsdefault animations only (of course not all her animations in game were changed, but it shows her changed in the dynasty menu, so its a quick reference). Using the same technique I was unable to change Kalindra! So I went through and changed all animations under Kalindra DLC1:
general (creature)
adventuremapshell (creaturehero)
...she still wont change... any one else had success?

Supreme Hero
posted April 03, 2013 07:50 PM |
Edited by natalka at 00:37, 07 Apr 2013.
Can someone help me with this mod:
I want to make the ruins to have only those 4 custom armies and upon defeat players receive gold corresponding to their strength. The fullest must give minor random artie!
10 ravenous ghoul
10 skeletal spearmen
10 specter
15 ravenous ghoul
15 skeletal spearmen
15 specter
1 vampire
20 ravenous ghoul
20 skeletal spearmen
20 specter
3 vampire
25 ravenous ghoul
25 skeletal spearmen
25 specter
5 vampire
EDIT : I made it...damn.... this thing requires 4 blocks of scripts to make it work. If someone is interested I will post the script.


Hired Hero
posted April 20, 2013 01:49 PM |
where is download section for H6 ?

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted April 21, 2013 11:14 PM |
I uploaded a copy there since the one on the masterpost expired.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.


Hired Hero
posted April 28, 2013 10:13 AM |
Hi I'm new here and just recently found out that moding of Heroe 6 was possible.
As the Heroes 6 Team apparently doesn't want to switch back the abilities of the the two Angels like they used to be, I did it myself.
To be honest I didn't really cange the abilities around but just there values. Though ingame the result looks the same.
If anyone is interested, here is the link to the file:
Just put the file in your heroes 6 game directory.
(If you already have a "dat18" just rename it to whatever would be the next "dat" number)
I hope I didn't make a mistake while switching around the tooltips of the abilities in the different languages. So it could be that the tooltip still is the wrong one, but the abilities should work as they used to.
Well, have fun

Known Hero
posted April 28, 2013 07:23 PM |
Thanks Icewolfnector, i downloaded it!
But i have to admit that may be i couldn't test it because i don't manage to play the game, when i start a game I got bored after 30 minutes and it's difficult to built celestials after 30 minutes of play 
if only it was an enjoyable game....


Hired Hero
posted April 28, 2013 09:39 PM |
No Problem, you don't have to test it. I made it for me in the first place anyway.
Just thought I could share it for the people who are interested.
If you don't like to play the game at all that also ok with me

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted April 28, 2013 09:43 PM |
A new patch will be release next week, consider making a new version of it if it's not fixed


Hired Hero
posted May 05, 2013 08:57 AM |
Hi, I am trying to do some modding on the Haven townscreen because... well, because IMAO it really needs so. However, I am stuck with the efects some Haven buildings have; the "sister dwelling" in particular. Anyone knows how to disable or move these efects (shining light on top of the cathedral's central tower in this case)? All my attempts came out void.
English ain't my native language, sorry for any mistakes.

Famous Hero
of picnics
posted May 05, 2013 02:32 PM |
I might actually play H6 if I could get the original town windows back..

Tavern Dweller
posted May 06, 2013 12:17 PM |
i try to edit new dungeon unit..but..need help..
i tried to edit new dungeon unit
(i just wanna see old powerful black dragon )
so using orc to zip tool(it works very good) but
game.orc editor make me crazy.when i run this thing,
its pop up error, saying "the specified file contains invalid data"
but running anyway.
and then i find game.orc in data18.zip file (which is
converted with orc tool.data18 is only one,got dungeon scripts )
but it just keep loading can't editing things
so please anyone. give some advise for editing things or
right editing tools

Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted May 06, 2013 12:33 PM |
Quote: I might actually play H6 if I could get the original town windows back..
You mean those Fisher Price-looking thingies?


Hired Hero
posted May 09, 2013 12:21 PM |
Edited by LongF at 16:58, 09 May 2013.
Dear heroescommunity. There is a tool that can open M&MH6 models and export them to another formats. I didn't find any way to save them back, but maby anybody else can do this.
Please doesn't count this post as a commercial. I'm not related with this tool and isn't his developer.
You can download it [url=http://3dconverter.clanteam.com/index.html]here[/url].
this monster at work:

Tavern Dweller
posted May 09, 2013 04:57 PM |
Thanks for kind information LongF
really thanks. i still try to make some balance patch.
(personally i miss old versions of Champ unit, big and great.)
but can't find main stats of units
however ur graphic utility is very useful. thanks again
(maybe i can make big 4X4 dragon)


Hired Hero
posted May 09, 2013 10:58 PM |
Yeah, it's known that models can be imported into 3D tools.
The problem is lack of an exporter that would export models back into H6 format. That way we could get proper custom units and models.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 15, 2013 05:02 PM |
game.orc file 2.1
Quote: At a first glance it seems to have a lot of potential, but it's very very unstable. I can't even import an .ORC without it crashing. Maybe I'm missing a file or doing something wrong.
How to use Game.orc editor.
Link to editor: http://www.multiupload.com/2AEC37CCIW .
1) unpack archive content to game dir;
2) unpack all contents of Data*.orc files to new folder (orc2zip on them and then extract to this new folder);
3) run runeditor.cmd
4) wait until scenario editor loaded;
5) in dialog "Game Editor" press the "OK" button;
6) when game editor is loaded open the game.orc file.
Warning. game.orc will not be saved correctly if you unpacks not all *.orc files.
And yes, the editor is very unstable. 
All that I can down load is a file iLividSetupV1.exe that doesn't look like what you refer.
orc editor
For version 1.5.1
Data12.orc contains Ability.xml file
Data13.orc contains game.orc file
Have fun ^^
Thanks for the link, I have 1.52 installed, do you think the files are still as you listed? If not I'll look at them. From the procedure it sounds like all the all the ,orc files need to be in the folder for them to be edited and saved correctly.
One more question does VI have a ingame editor console like V did?
Is there any information about 2.1 file/support? Or development?
Btw ty for reupload the stuff !