
Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 24, 2012 05:08 PM |
Villain OOC
Since psychopath doesn't seem to be getting anywhere... a new RP shall be born.
In most RPGs/ fantasy type things, the Villain is always defeated by the first group of heroes that come to him after a long, solitary quest and then he is destroyed in his tower before he can win the war. Well, in this RP the Villain has already killed the first of our heroes despite the long, solitary quest the undertook, and conquered the southern and eastern human kingdoms. His armies march on the middle, dessert kingdoms and on the lands of the psionic peoples... where you happen to live/ be traveling through. The leaders are begging you and any other abled boddied warrior, mage, etc, to fight against this rising threat, and have asked the northern elves and western mountain dwarves and orcs for aid... you can only pray that you allies arrive before you are destroyed.
As it is, you were walking in the woods/ village/ city one day when you heard something particular and decided to check it out...
This RP is a classical D&D RPG that has some slight modifications. I am allowing the psionic classes to be used (wizards and the wiki page has full descriptions of the classes) and I am banning the theif class (unless you become an assassin... and you have to be some kind of evil to do that). Everyone will be lvl 10, or have a combined level that equals 10.
Your equipment can include up to two lightly magical items, and 500 gold worth of other equipment.
You can be any non-monsterous race or warforged.
Hope you want to join!
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted January 31, 2012 01:18 AM |
Poor Gnomesey. I'll join up for ye.
I'm going to assume that this isn't actually going full off of D&D so this will be a bit off tangent from what is in it. Besides, I think moe people would join if it didn't strictly follow D&D rules, because I almost never do.
Name: Xeh'Lafar Del'Rashad
Age: Does not remember (guess you'll have to ask the character about that in the rp!)
Sex: Male
Appearance: Xeh is around 6'7, and is very muscular, but very lean and flexible. He typically wears ornate light armor over desert clothing with a long flowing cloak over it all. Xeh almost always has his hood up as well as an extremely ornate golden and silver mask that seems to be stuck on him. The mask resembles a human face, with a scar across one eye.
Background: Find out!
Weapons: He always carries two long curved daggers, but occasionally uses a greatsword for more intense combat. He also carries a hand-crossbow and throwing knives for ranged combat.
Abilities: Xeh never seems to tire and has great endurance and acrobatic ability. He also moves with great speed, especially across the desert. The mask he wears provides immunity to psychic or telepathic control as well as grants him greater resistance to magic and psionic abilities. The mask also grants him the power over the manipulation of light.
Weaknesses: Xeh cannot be easily corrupted by dark magic due to his magic resistance, but once he is, it is extremely hard to bring him back and is almost completely under the control of the dark magician who cast the spell. Xeh is also generally not as resistant to dark magic as other magic. He is also has no friends or allies to speak of (that is until he joins up with others), but even when he does he tends to go do his own thing and rarely follows plans or respect leadership, though he does not take on the role himself.
Miscellaneous: Does not eat or drink, but meditates for about an hour in the sun to gain his sustenance. When in darkness for more than a four days, the powers of his mask weakens and as a result, he weakens.

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 31, 2012 01:35 AM |
Thanks Berny. Just two questions, what class are his abilities based on (It won't be a severe limit, or very much of a limit anyway), and what race are you? (with the not eating and stuff, I think a psionic race will fit juuuuust right...)
Otherwise, good character. The mask may be a bit strong, maybe limit the level of magic it can ward. And it's a good idea too... you'll be needing it.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 31, 2012 03:26 AM |
As a side note, the strict rules of D&D shall not apply, I'm just stealing some of teh classes/ creatures from it. This will be more like a traditional Glade text RP than any D&D, DDO, Pencil and paper RPG game (no dice rolls, no spell memorization or spells per day/ components). For those of you who were afraid of that...
As a linky for the psionics in general, here is one click me!
Since we have a character now, I think that I will intro the first NPC ally:
Name: Pyre'Delos Hestar Verin, AKA Pyre
Race: Elan (3rd reincarnation)
Class base: Psionic Soulknife
Appearance: A human with a large tattoo-like structure along his arm, chest and right side of his face. He has white eyes and grey hair. Something does not sit right whenever anyone is around him... something always feels wrong.
Age: This incarnation is 69
Alignment: Closest thing is Chaotic Neutral
Equipment: Cloak of displacement (makes the wearer very hard to hit with ranged attacks, the effect weakens as the wearer comes closer to the enemy. Also grants the wearer the ability to jump a short distance twice a day), Leather armor of minor elemental warding (lessens the power of fire, ice, water, air, electric and earth spells by a little bit.), Charm of focus (allows the wearer to resist disruptive actions better than normal. Yes, it even works on that annoying mosquito or halfling buzzing in your ear). Pyre carries no weapons.
Abilities: Pyre does not look very strong, and does not look to be very durable. While the first it true, the second is not. Pyre can resist blows that most men would be crippled by due to the fact that his largely inactive pool of minor psionic energies can be drawn on to absorb the damage. Pyre carries no weapons, instead he creates two hand and a half swords to fight with from psionic energies as a latent skill from rigorous training over three millennia. He may blast at the mind of another character for non-lethal or lethal damage (a stun or a death blow), this is a battle of wills, and one that he usually comes out ahead in. Pyre does not need to eat unless he taxes his psionic abilities to their limits.
Bio: As part of a near-immortal race that goes through endless cycles of rebirth, Pyre has seen many different times come and go. He has seen a kingdom or two fall and nothing rise to take their places, the other kingdoms just sort of engulf the land. Pyre has been a kind of recluse in all of his incarnations, leaving everyone well enough alone as long as they extend the same courtesy to him. He does not like the strict bindings of society, nor does he particularly relish the power of any authority held over his head, as his own ideals and honor are the only things that he sees a need to follow. Pyre's interactions with others comes from this sense of honor, feeling compelled and indebted to others he will serve alongside them until he feels his debt is repaid. Currently, he is working under a noblewoman who saved him from death at the hands of a tribe of barbarians.
Extra: Pyre will only serve with or help his friends/ those people who helped him first. He does not talk much, mostly because he does not want to. Pyre does not like social situations or interaction much...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted February 12, 2012 04:52 AM |
Alright Gnomes, Imma gonna create 2 characters here. You can control them, as they are not my mains, but they'll be starting off with Xeh. Aight?
Name: Elysse Vilenian
Race: Half-Elf (other half is human of course)
Sex: Female
Class: Sorceress/Alchemist
Appearance: Elysse is very beautiful, with long wavy blonde hair and a light freckles on her pretty face. Her eyes are bright blue and her ears are slightly pointed, but not as much as full elves. She is about 5'4 and has a slim, but athletic build. She typically wears tight fitting clothing with robes over it. Her clothes are elegant but are not nearly as ornate as Xeh's.
Background: Elysse met Xeh a month ago after he had first suffered from his amnesia. He asked her for help after saving her from two trolls, but no spell would help him regain his memories or take the mask off. Feeling guilty for not having fully recompensed him, Elysse decided to travel with Xeh and provide company for him as well as help him with anything that he needs. Several weeks after they had set out together, she began having feelings for him and started flirting with him. Although Xeh at first was taken aback, he was relieved to be this close with someone else and went along with it.
Abilities: Elysse is a sorceress and can cast many spells, but most of her spells are long incantations that require the drawing of elder circles and occasionally the summoning of astral spirits. When it comes to combat, she rarely uses spells offensively, instead preferring to stay behind in a protective magic circle and cast defensive wards on Xeh as he protects her. Other times, she will use alchemical concoctions that she creates to throw at her enemies. When not in combat, she can create healing salves and other magic poultices.
Notes: Her magic is more druidic and rustic instead of the Cardinal Magics that Arcane Universities tend to specialize in, therefore giving her an edge against non-magic using opponents, but drastically reduces her effectiveness against other magic users.
I'll post the other person later.
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted February 12, 2012 06:58 AM |
Looks good, if you could make the last person off on their own that would be great (since then I could run two of the three parts to this war...)
On a history/ world note:
The world is called Rhune. There, now that that is out of the way, on to plot-important points...
Elves, dwarves and orcs are all far-removed from the problems of the humans and other southern/ eastern peoples and mostly stay out of this war. The elves to the north because they do not know nor wish to learn how to fight in the desert while they can defend their northers, frost, home (their excuse for cowardice), though a few frost elves have journeyed on their own to fight this menace. These elves would be looking for the right person to lead them in the human cities, though their reasons range from noble to unsavory. The dwarves and orcs have a much more legitimate reason, they have just come out of a long war with the dark elves, which shook their young alliance (only a century old) to its core. They are still rebuilding, and do not have the resources, forces or time to aid the humans, though most wish they could. A few dwarves and orcs have formed squads and are planning on joining the battle soon, though they may be too late to affect anything at this time.
In the middle country itself, there is a healthy mix of all different creatures, from the generic human to the half-elf, half-demon barkeeper. There has never been too much disorder or mayhem, and many different types of guilds, religions and countries exist. In the north-west of this country, there is a great forest that grows from the mountains where the psionic races, reclusive for the last millennia, live with only occasional traders or messengers keeping them connected to the rest of the peoples of this world. Only recently did the psionics learn about the eastern revolt, and only because of the chaos that emanates from this war (bandits created by war, mercenaries raiding them, etc) did they decide to take a roll in the outside world. All told, the middle country provides somewhere around 98% of the "Good" armies in this war.
In the rest of the country, slavery of those defeated in war or small tribes was common until a decade ago, when bloody slave revolts tore both the middle and southern countries apart. Unlike the south, the middle country decided after two years that the slaves were just not worth it, some because the eastern "beasts" chained were too dangerous to be kept as slaves anymore and others because they believed slavery to be wrong. Regardless, their war ended and every being who had been a slave was either integrated into society or, and this was the vast majority of the slaves, they were sent back to whatever country they had come from, often into places worse than where they had come.
In the south, slave rebellions continued until the country's destruction. Little to no help will come from this shattered stronghold of man, though refugees flood the middle country, spreading tales of fear and destruction with them.
The east is a place long considered untamed, vile, evil, corrupt. In truth, series of events have created creatures that most beings find to be frightening or unnatural, like a curse that makes the dead walk and a disease that causes men to change into a wolf. Many of the "Demons" of this world and the monsters come from cataclysmic events that ripped the eastern kingdom apart many millennium ago. For the last few centuries, the south and middle kingdoms have conquered parts of the east and used the beasts that they did not kill as slaves in mines, fields and other areas. Less than a year ago, a man known only as "Luster" united many of the races of the east and struck back, starting this war and breaking the southern kingdom.
The rest of the story will be told when we actually start the RP (It's not too late for anyone to join). Is there anyone interested now?
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted February 12, 2012 04:52 PM |
Alright. Other character.
Name: Telbar Mrazden
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior/Engineer
Appearance: Telbar is 5'1 and has a muscular build. Unlike most dwarves, he does not have a full on beard, instead preferring to go the more practical way with fuzz and scruff (think Varic from DA2). His brown hair is short too, which allows room for his full helm. The rest of his armor consists of mostly chainmail and leather, with metal plates over some parts. Being an engineer, he created the armor to allow full freedom of movement as well as it being relatively light.
Background: Telbar came from the north with four other companions to prevent the villain from rising. They failed. Three of his companions were killed by the villain's hand, and one of them went into hiding, thinking to never return. Only Telbar is left of the original group to keep fighting. He is currently in the deserts working with a small group of sand rogues trying to keep the evil at bay, but they are losing, and more of them are dying every day.
Weapons: Telbar primarily uses his warhammer, but also has a hand axe and dagger for melee combat. When attacking from a distance, he uses his newly made musket.
Abilities: Telbar is a formidable warrior, but he also is a great engineer. He can not only create and improve weapons and armor, but can also create landmines and guns, given that he has all of the right materials.
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!