Thread: Sagamosa Mod Final Solution Instalation Needed | |

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 04, 2012 12:30 AM |
Sagamosa Mod Final Solution Instalation Needed
Since I'm Seen The Description Of Sagamosa(Genius Scripter And A Very Special Open-Minded Person) Advanced Levels I Create A High Will To Play That Fantastic Mod! But I'm Instal As Well But When I Click In "WogSagamosa.exe" To Open The Game And Its Not Opening Soo What Should I Do, Thank Noble Soul Guys!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 04, 2012 12:34 AM |
I think you have an old version. In mine, received from author, the exe is h3wog for AL.exe and mod runs perfect. It takes about 2-3 minutes to load still, script is huge, so some may think it does not work, but you have to be patient.
Era II mods and utilities

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 04, 2012 04:58 AM |
Quote: I think you have an old version. In mine, received from author, the exe is h3wog for AL.exe and mod runs perfect. It takes about 2-3 minutes to load still, script is huge, so some may think it does not work, but you have to be patient.
Very Thx! Friend! Can You Give Me The New Version For I Can Use? You Can Up That Your Send To My E-mail If There Is Not Too Great, gabriel_d_fabris@hotmail.com

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 04, 2012 05:05 AM |
When You Help Me You Can Reply Please

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 04, 2012 05:05 AM |
I am sorry, I can't. I had a package long time ago and extracted from. Now I have no idea which files to upload, and the whole Heroes folder is 800 Mb. You should ask Sagamosa, he comes sometimes in the forum.
Era II mods and utilities

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 04, 2012 06:31 AM |
Quote: I am sorry, I can't. I had a package long time ago and extracted from. Now I have no idea which files to upload, and the whole Heroes folder is 800 Mb. You should ask Sagamosa, he comes sometimes in the forum.
Thank You Salamandre You, Honestly Talking, Prove Very Noble With You Words Its Very Rare To Find A Person Like You, Well, I Know Many Of Them To Be Honest XD, You Will Be Rewarded In Time And Any Time. Talk To Sagamosa About Me I'm VERY CREATIVE I Writing A Book (Mystic Medieval And Futuristic( Complex Scenario )/Exaggereted Senario And Anime Shounen Like ( With Some Changes ), Theres Still With 14 And Half Pages I Only Write When I Feels Inspired I Always Alread Very Happy With Life And Everything, That Not Harm Deeply Me And Others.
More Love You Have In Life With D'US, Yourself, Others, And All Things MOre Better You Life You Become, To Got Wisdom The Only Way I Consider Is Loving Your Mind And The Wisdom For Itself, Knowege Comes Outsider Wisdom Comes From Innerside!

Adventuring Hero
Current Russian Peasant
posted February 04, 2012 08:32 AM |
Shiro, try to download latest Slavas executable compiled from source codes with some bug fixes by solitaire345

Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted February 05, 2012 04:46 AM |
if word came about this,is sag still working on the advanced lvls?i know they were a bit buggy

Famous Hero
posted February 05, 2012 07:26 PM |
Quote: Shiro, try to download latest Slavas executable compiled from source codes with some bug fixes by solitaire345 
These sources contain at least three bugs from me, when I tried to optimize few parts of execution. (BA trigger always caused syntax error and in two places where I changed HE receiver from chain of ifs-elses to switch, I forgot to add a break statement and it jumped to wrong places and caused syntax errors). I have them fixed, but I also made some more changes which probably break compatibility with AL scripts and they are simple to fix anyway. (BA can be fixed by changing all OR statements to AND, and HE receiver can be fixed by using every function it has and tracing the broken line in sources)
Quote: if word came about this,is sag still working on the advanced lvls?i know they were a bit buggy
Probably not, but you are welcome to try to fix them yourself.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 05, 2012 08:19 PM |
With Sagamosa executable there are almost no bugs. He warns us that the elementalists scripts not working 100%, all others I did not have crash or errors. I tested all factions for a while and was in awe, the mod is outstanding and inspiring.
Of course, the balance is impossible to maintain with certain features as planeswalker which will fly if they have a flying unit but still great ideas.
Era II mods and utilities

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 06, 2012 01:04 AM |
Quote: Shiro, try to download [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?lavmilkjgbcoyx4]latest Slavas executable[/url] compiled from source codes with some bug fixes by solitaire345 
Thank YOu But Still Not Opening I Open The Task Manager And The Process Of Wogsagamosa.exe Apper When I Execute With All Things Are Permited, Even The Things Can Damage My Computer, Right Click --> Execute How ---> First Button Unmark The Marked Thing With Inside The First Item.
When I Do This The Wogsagamosa Apper In The Process But The Prossed Ends =(, With The WogT1.exe It Happen Again.
I'm Start To Think There Is A Configuration In Computer Especialy Talking In Heroes Configuration.
I Like SO Much Yours Help It Very Good It Divine, THANK YOU GUYS!.
With You ( Every One ) Want Can Add My E-mail gabrielrothfabris7@hotmail.com .
Thx Guys!!
All YOu Will Be Paid For Yours Good Actions With A Good Lot Of Power Blessings ( In Real Life And Heroes ).
Every One Will Be Paid 3 Times More.

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 06, 2012 01:44 AM |
Hey Guys I Instaled The Era 1.8 And I Can Enter In The Wogsagamosa.exe But There Is "Advanced Levels" Option To Select I Instaled The Files And But All Scripts With 3 Digit But It Before To Instal The Era
Yours Help Will Be Great Aprecieted Thank You For Everyone.
Thank You Guys!

Adventuring Hero
Current Russian Peasant
posted February 06, 2012 03:02 PM |
I know what was the reason! WoG 3.59 adds new blank spells to be changed by ERM. For that, file sptraits.txt is extended. But you probably had old version of that file with less lines. Era contains this file, so now you can run WoGT1.exe

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 06, 2012 09:00 PM |
Quote: I know what was the reason! WoG 3.59 adds new blank spells to be changed by ERM. For that, file sptraits.txt is extended. But you probably had old version of that file with less lines. Era contains this file, so now you can run WoGT1.exe 
Well, I Take A New Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 And Instal The Era And The Advanced Levels I Rewrite All Scripts On The Script Folder But The Sagamosa Advanced Levels Dont Apper In The Wog Menu With T1 And WogSagamosa.exe
I Will Play That In My Computer! ( Faithful Screaming )
Thank You So Much For Your Help Guys
YOu Will Be Paid Guys! I Want To Play That Mod Since Pharaps 12 Years Or Something Like That Now I Will Play Finaly I Reaching The Mod, Thank You Guys!

Famous Hero
posted February 06, 2012 09:37 PM |
There is no entry for sagamosa's script in zsetup01.txt file. You need to add it yourself. Just look at other lines, it's not hard to figure out what do columns mean.
And please, stop capitalizing every word. It simply looks wrong. Very wrong.

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 06, 2012 11:57 PM |
Quote: There is no entry for sagamosa's script in zsetup01.txt file. You need to add it yourself. Just look at other lines, it's not hard to figure out what do columns mean.
And please, stop capitalizing every word. It simply looks wrong. Very wrong.
Okay, thank you for the tips I will follow them and sorry for capitalized words its the way I used to.
Please can you send to me a form to change the zsetup, I tried, tried put page 5, group 3, like line above put thats inst apper.
But will apper! I Know

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 07, 2012 01:14 AM |
Of course that isnt entirer the same.
Its right that take a look:
Comment Script Page Group Item State MP ERM Text
Disable Combo Assembly 25 5 3 -1 0 0 178Disable Combination Artifact Assembly Prevent Combination Artifacts being assembled in the game. DISABLE COMBO ARTIFACT ASSEMBLY
Enabling this option stops Combination Artifacts from being assembled in the game. The parts that make up a Combination Artifact may still appear on maps but they can't be assembled into a Combo.
Activate Advanced Levels 118 5 3 1 0 0 118 Activate Advanced Levels Activate Advanced Levels Activate Advanced Levels
Activate Advanced Levels

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 07, 2012 01:58 AM |
NOW I CAN PLAY! Thank you sooooooo much guys I discovery what is wrong soooo obviusly, thanks!
Hey guys you know if I can put the "New Upgrades" and "Four Upgrades" Mod in the same heroes as Advanced Levels And Era 2 And NIMWiP31(For Era II) can yours help me in that? Looks easy! If New Upgrades Or Four Upgrades you dont know, okay I will give a way to that work! Thank you so much!

Supreme Hero
posted February 08, 2012 07:07 PM |
Era and WoG 3.59 exe used by Sagamosa are incompatible.

Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 09, 2012 06:52 PM |
Quote: Era and WoG 3.59 exe used by Sagamosa are incompatible.
There IS A Way To Make Them Compatible, Or I Can Use NIMWiP3 the New Interface Mod with the Advanced Levels? Thank You Soo Much!
But I use Era 1.81 with the WogSagamosa.exe and that works perfectly so pharaps I can use with Era 2 too!