
Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2020 08:24 PM |
Thank you, Val, for remainder. I'll release 2.9.15 with updated Yona and rewritten Secondary Skills Scrolling mod by Algor.
majaczek, Microsoft makes it harder to support Win10, I read about Windows update issues every day. Will investigate, if possible.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2020 08:28 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted June 25, 2020 06:44 AM |
Edited by Archer30 at 10:39, 25 Jun 2020.
Hi Bersy, I would like to report two well-known issues which haven't been addressed yet.
The first one - buggy specialties of Jeddite and Nagash in Scenario - Advanced Options
As you see, the names of their specialties are only corrected after wogified once. And the pictures of specialties are never corrected in this screen. I guess replacing the resource would be a safe fix since these two have lost their specialties in SoD for long?
Btw, is UN:G the only way to alter their specialty description in Hero Screen for ERA 2.46?
Second issue - incompatibility with XXL mod
How to crash your game in 5 steps? Ez. New random maps - Create with XH/G size - Reveal the whole map (with erm or cheats) - Save game - Load and Voila.
I hope these two issues could be also considered to be fixed in the latest patch of ERA 2

Supreme Hero
posted June 25, 2020 11:40 AM |
Hi, Archer!
I know, that WoG replaces Nagash/Jeddite specialties after map start (they should be restored to Vanilla) and that XXL crashes when the map is open 100%, but both fixes are tasks for free moders. 2.X branch is not planned to be updated in code, and for 3.X branch there are tasks with higher priority, as it seems to me.
I've been asked several times to restore Nagash/Jeddite specialties. It will be better for ERA 3, right? Because ERA 3 has original interface, campaigns and animation.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 25, 2020 11:43 AM |
Bersy said: We really need mods repository. I hope something will appear in the near future. I created service, but it requires too many manual actions. It should be much simplier, faster and upload friendly.
IMHO mod repo would be nice indeed, for example something similar to https://add-ons.wesnoth.org/
meanwhile is it possible/feasible to use some service like github/gitlab/sourceforge/etc as temporary solution?
Archer30 said: Btw, is UN:G the only way to alter their specialty description in Hero Screen for ERA 2.46?
why so many people prefer v2.46 over v2.47? is 2.47 unstable/dev build or something like that?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 25, 2020 12:39 PM |
because 2+4+7 = odd number.

Supreme Hero
posted June 25, 2020 08:46 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted June 25, 2020 08:56 PM |
Any chance to get latest Yona with source (and unit "Lexer.pas") files?

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2020 12:09 AM |

Adventuring Hero
posted June 26, 2020 04:02 PM |
Bersy said: 2.47 was not released as a package.
any specific reason for that?

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2020 05:02 PM |
I guess the same reason that HotA 1.4.2+ added so new features so next patch was... 1.5.0..

Supreme Hero
posted June 26, 2020 05:22 PM |
Those changes simply remained in alpha stage, then got included in higher versions. People didn't test them, I didn't update the package. But perhaps they can be used. Anyway, I would bet on ERA 3, because finally ERM engine was rewritten to act in a more-or-less consistent manner with 99% compatibility in mind. And it's now possible to take old script, change ZVSE to ZVSE and add a few new functions, rewrite a few critical places. Gradual evolution was one of the tasks. As Salamandre already mentioned, old-style ERM is Chinese after years. But most of old code may be reused and only some parts/new features written/rewritten in ERM 2.
Heroes 3 Era and everything for it. Releases folder for releases.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2020 05:33 PM |
Bersy said: Something like that
The sources are old in capital case style.
Thanks. When i see capital style it remains me to typing machine .
Can you provide LexerLng.pas. It is needed for Lexer.pas

Supreme Hero
posted June 27, 2020 08:51 PM |
Edited by Bersy at 20:53, 27 Jun 2020.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2020 11:08 PM |
No problems. Thanks. That is it.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 28, 2020 02:33 PM |
I am encountering the problem, when I install the package from http://heroes3wog.net/homm3-era-hd-era-scripts-gaming-build-download/ it drops this error message:
I can open C:GamesHoMM 3 CompleteToolsEra Start Menustart.exe , but neither "Mod Manager" or "Homm3 ERA HD" buttons are activatable from this menu. I can open Mod Manager from it's own folder and I can launch the game by clicking "h3era HD.exe" from game's main folder, but when I create a game, it crashes on the first move I make with my hero and displays "critical error" with an empty text box inside. I can make a screenshot if it would be of any help.
I do have a "comodo firewall", which acts out a lot when trying to install the game. So I've tried removing game and gog and reinstalling the game with it disabled, but the result was identical.

Known Hero
posted June 30, 2020 10:18 AM |
DragonSuplwx said:
I do have a "comodo firewall", which acts out a lot when trying to install the game. So I've tried removing game and gog and reinstalling the game with it disabled, but the result was identical.
What antivirus do you use? It looks like he is preventing the installation.
One way you can help is to deactivate AV first, then download and install ERA Gaming build and the you can activate AV.
AV must be deactivated during both download and installation.
Heroes 3 Wake of Gods Portal

Supreme Hero
posted June 30, 2020 05:05 PM |

Known Hero
posted July 03, 2020 01:23 AM |
I really like the interface changes in the latest version. Stylish! The functional changes are good as well. I did have one question, though. I notice that the military duty WOG option has disappeared. I poked around and found that the script is still present, but there's nowhere in the menu from which the option can be selected.
It appears that it may have been knocked out when the leprechaun bank option was added. While I appreciate the need to stay within the existing menu structure, which does impose space constraints, if something had to be removed, perhaps the bank loan option that the leprechaun bank replaces would have been better (or the transfer resources optiion, which the lb also covers). People who wanted the ability to make loans would still have had it. As things stand, people who liked to use the military duty option have no alternative now--unless I'm missing something.
It's nice to not have to devote a hero to moving from creature dwelling to creature dwelling to collect troops. If there is an easy way to restore, I hope that possibility will be considered.

Known Hero
posted July 10, 2020 03:30 AM |
Edited by Winston at 06:13, 10 Jul 2020.
I'm getting a "game crashed" window popping up every single time I try to launch era II executable. I disable the "WOG" gameplay mod in the mod configuration tool because I don't want the WOG mod, I want to just use a different era mod.