Thread: Want to know how to convert/replace creature battle sounds | |

Undefeatable Hero
posted June 27, 2012 11:28 PM |
Edited by angelito at 20:45, 05 Jul 2012.
You want to know how to convert/replace creature battle sounds from heroes2 into heroes3? Read here!
(this may be a little noobish, but since i just figured out the right configuration for Audacity, i figured i'd pass on what i found)
in order to convert/replace creature battle sounds from h2 to h3:
1. download Audacity program at:
(note: i had to download the older version "1.2.6" from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/files/audacity/ , maybe
because i'm running WIN XP, tho i'm not sure. "2.0" wouldn't work on my computer)
2. open Audacity. open "Project, Import Raw Data"
3. locate ".82m" files (that you want to transfer) that you have
extracted from "HEROES2.AGG" file.
4. select 1st ".82m" file that you want to tranfer. open. (here
you will get a pop-up window)
5. set top drop down window to: "Unsigned 8 bit PCM", and Sample
rate (last drop down window) to: "22050" (for Hz). click "Import".
(your ".82m" file will now be opened in Audacity)
6. under "File", select "Export As WAV" (put file where you can
easily locate it, to transfer. i put mine under the same directory
as my old .82m files)
7. repeat steps 2-6 for all of the ".82m" files that you want to
transfer. (you do not have to save the file before closing
Audacity, i didn't)
8. now open "Heroes3.snd" in "\3DO\Heroes 3 Complete\Data" folder,
using MMArchive (you can find downloads for this just about
everywhere on this forum).
9. make sure that the names of the files you want to change in
MMArchive match what you are trying to convert. you may need to
copy certain ones, then rename them to fill in for the ones that
h2 didn't have, but h3 does (for example, h2 did not have
"VAMPDFND.wav", so i had to create one from a copied
10. simpy drag and drop those files into the open MMArchive, they
will be instantly replaced. (make sure you have a backup of
"Heroes3.snd" in case you aren't satisfied)
11. enjoy your new sounds!
(also, if the newly converted sounds are a little low, just tweak them in Audacity until you are satisfied)

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 05, 2012 07:25 PM |
9 days, 44 views. not one reply, or anyone thanking me. i'm sure there is someone out there who used what i posted. now i know not to bother posting anything i figure out on here.

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted July 05, 2012 07:47 PM |
Fred79,some(many) of the HC members dont give respect to anyone,no matter now useful his post is.
I wouldnt be surprized if the modders in WoG already know your information.Further more-some of the answers of working with sounds are answered many times in the thread Erm help and discussion.
I think you should be more relaxed and friendly.And to participate in discussions and if you are good in ERM even give some advice for the novices there.
Respect will come,I am sure!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 05, 2012 08:08 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 05, 2012 08:46 PM |
I just changed the topic slightly, so it looks like an offer, not like a search anymore...maybe it helps...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 12, 2012 05:36 AM |
i had tried to change the topic subject before, adding a question mark. didn't work for me.
looking thru 152 pages(under erm help and discussion) to find an answer to a question might be a little off-putting. if the answer was there, i don't know. i'll look thru it tonight.
and, your welcome. i'm new at this, so anything i find out, that i might think is useful to someone else, i will post.
it is a little frustrating trying to find answers here. it's like mining, you have to go thru a ton of posts that aren't useful to anyone to find anything really specifically useful, and easier to read. i post info like this because i would want someone to do the same for me. it's much easier than scanning... scanning... scanning...