Thread: difficulty settings | |

Known Hero
posted March 20, 2013 11:38 PM |
difficulty settings
I have searched the forums and both manuals for HOMM VI for specific information about the difficulty settings, but have not found anything. Is there a link in the forum that I missed?
I see settings for easy, normal and hard at the start of a map. In previous HOMM games, these had impact on things like starting resources, size and growth of creature stacks, and aggressiveness of the AI heroes. I've seen charts on previous games as to the rates of growth etc. Is there anything like that in HOMM VI, and did I just not find it where I looked?
I seem to recall that there used to be a setting above hard -- champion or something like that. I also seem to recall that the setting could be changed during game play, i.e. if a particular battle was too difficult you could dial it down to easy and then dial the setting back up to hard. Do any of those things apply in HOMM VI?
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Known Hero
posted March 27, 2013 07:49 PM |
Doesn't anyone know the answer to this question? Please respond.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 27, 2013 10:00 PM |
Sorry dale, I had seen this at work shortly before I lost my net and forgot about it afterwards..
Quote: starting resources, size and growth of creature stacks, and aggressiveness of the AI heroes. I've seen charts on previous games as to the rates of growth etc. Is there anything like that in HOMM VI, and did I just not find it where I looked?
This is true for H6. You can also choose custom difficulty where each of those can receive specific values. You can also assign each AI player with a different difficulty when picking your hero/faction. I don't think you can change difficulty during a game though.
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Known Hero
posted April 11, 2013 09:05 PM |
Quote: You can also choose custom difficulty where each of those can receive specific values. You can also assign each AI player with a different difficulty when picking your hero/faction. I don't think you can change difficulty during a game though.
Thanks for the response -- I missed seeing it when you posted, but did catch it now using search.
I have done a little experimenting using the custom games. What I have found is the setting influences starting resources, namely:
easy - 10 wood, 10 ore, 5 crystal, 15500 gold;
normal - 5 wood, 5 ore, 0 crystal, 5574 gold;
hard - 0 wood, 0 ore, 0 crystal, 2500 gold;
What I don't know is (a) -- why the weird number on normal gold and (b) if there is any effect on the enemy AI.
Does anyone know about effect on AI, if any?
Grey Beards of the world, Unite :-}}

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2013 10:21 PM |
normal - 5000 gold +500 gold from town day 1. If you have +250 gold specialist then it gives us 5750 gold day 1


Hired Hero
posted July 15, 2013 10:39 PM |
Edited by MengTzu at 00:26, 16 Jul 2013.
Can't even beat the easiest
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I played the tutorial campaign on normal and I beat it without much difficulty. However, I can't seem to beat the first scenario of the Necropolis campaign. I tried it on both normal and easy.
On normal, I could not even get past all the creeps - they just grow so fast that eventually they become impossible to defeat. I end up losing too many units just to fight the creeps.
On easy, the creeps are no problem, but every time I conquer the second town, the opponents' invading forces always outnumber me. What is going on here?!

Famous Hero
Video maker
posted July 16, 2013 05:46 AM |
Part of the problem is that it was originally balanced with normal ghosts having healing capacities. The best advice I could offer is to try to invest more heavily into healing? I don't know what your hero build is atm, but reinforcements and regen should be there. Also try to always physically attack creatures with your hero before you kill them (if possible), it'll fill the necromancy gauge right up.