

Hired Hero
The best H4 unit
posted March 05, 2019 11:43 AM |

I'm starting to think that these teaser picture maps are specifically designed to hurt map makers.
Like the longer I stare at these maps the more it hurts.

Adventuring Hero
posted March 06, 2019 11:40 PM |
This is obviously a set up screenshot When creating official production screenshots of HotA, I arrange the objects based on artistic considerations. Ergo, the objects are not placed following any gameplay logic, not in realistic or RMG-like patterns, but combined only by artistic criteria — which of them look more aesthetically pleasing together. A harmonious composition of the frame, working color combinations, taking advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate several new elements in a group. So yes, the guards will not be anything sensible, and some objects may be unreachable. For example the zealots are placed there only because of their blue-tinted robes near the similarly colored teleport and surrounded by the blue player interface. A spell scroll, Cyclops and a Pandora's Box — those accentuate and expand three-ways the beige palette of the Factory castle. And so on and so forth.


Hired Hero
The best H4 unit
posted March 07, 2019 06:25 PM |
Docent_Picolan said: A harmonious composition of the frame, working color combinations, taking advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate several new elements in a group. So yes, the guards will not be anything sensible, and some objects may be unreachable. For example the zealots are placed there only because of their blue-tinted robes near the similarly colored teleport and surrounded by the blue player interface. A spell scroll, Cyclops and a Pandora's Box — those accentuate and expand three-ways the beige palette of the Factory castle. And so on and so forth.
I mean it was obvious to me these maps were never designed to be playable in any form, but it's interesting to learn you guys are taking colour pallete into consideration and all.
I guess I'd have to recheck the previous teasers too, maybe I can still learn a thing about them. At least presentation wise.

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2019 03:40 PM |
Is there a thread about hota maps?
I'm experimenting with the hota map "The Devil is in the Detail" and for some reasons all AI players do not recruit any new hero. AI 7 and AI 8 start with a bunch of heroes, but all others only with the starting hero and do not recruit a second one (I guess they recruit only if the one hero dies).
I as a human player can recruit new heroes without problem.
Is there a max limit of heroes the whole AI can control? Or is it somewhere in the map defined?

Supreme Hero
posted March 11, 2019 03:53 PM |
It is old vanilla H3 mechanics. Only 8 heroes pew player is allowed.

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2019 04:12 PM |
avatar said: It is old vanilla H3 mechanics. Only 8 heroes pew player is allowed.
yes, but while AI 7 and 8 have ~8 heroes, AI 2-6 only have 1. I just reduced tha mount of heroes from player 8 and now the other players at least recruited one hero. So it looks like the AI can only handle a max amount of ~20 heroes, regardless how many AI players ?

Supreme Hero
posted March 11, 2019 05:39 PM |
Serp said:
avatar said: It is old vanilla H3 mechanics. Only 8 heroes pew player is allowed.
yes, but while AI 7 and 8 have ~8 heroes, AI 2-6 only have 1. I just reduced tha mount of heroes from player 8 and now the other players at least recruited one hero. So it looks like the AI can only handle a max amount of ~20 heroes, regardless how many AI players ?
Seems like HOTA broke something

Famous Hero
posted March 11, 2019 06:20 PM |
Macron1 said: Seems like HOTA broke something
Please ban him already for spreading misinformation and trolling AGAIN.
This is heroes 3 normal behaviour. It has always been like this; even on the highest difficulty setting AI has never been able to hire more than 20 heroes total. Which means if we have 3 AIs and two of them have 8 heroes each, the third one can only have four. Thats the way it has always been.

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2019 06:43 PM |
revolut1oN said:
Macron1 said: Seems like HOTA broke something
Please ban him already for spreading misinformation and trolling AGAIN.
This is heroes 3 normal behaviour. It has always been like this; even on the highest difficulty setting AI has never been able to hire more than 20 heroes total. Which means if we have 3 AIs and two of them have 8 heroes each, the third one can only have four. Thats the way it has always been.
ok, thank you for this information.
But in this case Hota might rethink the map? Or is it intended that if playing solo, player 2-6 are very very weak (because giant map with only one hero takes ages).
Or Hota could add additional possibilites, like more AI heroes, and enable map makers to set a max-recruit number of heroes for each AI (default can be still 20 heroes for all AIs)
Currently I would consider the map and the system broken.

Legendary Hero
posted March 12, 2019 01:45 PM |
Serp said: Currently I would consider the map and the system broken.
And it is, I've already suggested for HotA team to remove these restrictions cause they don't fit current gameplay but they were put there by the original designers.
revolut1oN said: even on the highest difficulty setting AI has never been able to hire more than 20 heroes total.
Are you sure about this number? For all I know max number at Impossible is 40 but this situation seams to suggests you're right.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 12, 2019 03:57 PM |
Check this link guys, it explains about AI and difficulties and the amount of heroes it's allowed to buy.

Supreme Hero
posted March 12, 2019 06:40 PM |
revolut1oN said:
Macron1 said: Seems like HOTA broke something
Please ban him already for spreading misinformation and trolling AGAIN.
Calm down, aggressive funboy of HotA. HotA already broke few original skills, that's why I proposed it's a side effect of messing with binaries.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted March 12, 2019 08:27 PM |
Don't make me bring out the Mod Sword, guys .
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted March 12, 2019 08:55 PM |
Go for it Maurice

Tavern Dweller
posted March 13, 2019 04:57 AM |
Hello. I'm new to this forum, well actually I've been checking this site for more than 8 years I think, but I never created an account. But now I have some questions about HotA.
Can the HotA map editor generate random maps? Because every time I try to create one it doesn't do anything. The normal map editor works fine, and the map generator inside the game works too.
Is there any way to make the game run on the background? Sometimes when I play against the AI, it takes more than a minute to finish its day and I want to switch windows but I can't because the game stops.
What does the "<Sys.CPU.ReduceUsage> = 0" in the HD launcher do?
I really like the work everyone put in not just HotA, but also Era and VCMI. Keep up the good work.

Famous Hero
posted March 15, 2019 02:44 PM |
Edited by Maurice at 16:01, 15 Mar 2019.
bloodsucker said:
Are you sure about this number?
Yup, preety sure that's the way it is.
Mod Edit: removed a personal provocation. Don't make me take more drastic measures.

Legendary Hero
posted March 16, 2019 01:45 AM |
The worst part is that I've made a map (and modified many) believing the number was 40, so 40 or more good heroes were made available for AI... If I knew the number was so low those could have been much better.
I suggested this a few times but since it is related: it would be good if we could modify the specialties in map-editor, to allow mapmakers to give a set of exceptional heroes to all AI players.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 16, 2019 09:29 AM |
bloodsucker said: it would be good if we could modify the specialties in map-editor
Yes that would be great, especially if it also changed the specialty icon on the hero screen. Changing specialties and icons now is very tedious.
Melodia, Inteus and perhaps Ciele and Luna really need new specials.

Legendary Hero
posted March 16, 2019 06:36 PM |
I think Ciele's specialty is pretty good both for human and AI, Magic Arrow is quite decisive in early game battles with magic heroes. Luna is good too, while broken for AI since it wasn't coded to cast Firewall. You said this, I don't have any other source for this information but since I read it I started paying attention and in fact never saw it been cast.
Inteus is a double-edged sword because while it's true most Conflux troops are immune to it and Fire is possibly the worst school to have, you can hire him in another town that can really profit from it. Just think how good he may became for Inferno, for instance.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 16, 2019 10:21 PM |
Yes AI can't cast Firewall, Land Mine, Quicksand, Force Field, Remove Obstacle or Scuttle Boat. In HotA it can at least cast Berserk, which can be quite scary.
Yes Inteus works better for any other town, but why could'nt they have thought of a better special than something half the Conflux units are immune to anyway. Perhaps Curse or Misfortune (with negative luck like in HotA) could have been interesting.
Ciele just loses her value very quickly I think, as soon as you learn Ice or Lightning Bolt, why would you care about Magic Arrow, unless you only need to do some low damage and save mana.
And Melodias special is just never useful, when she already has Luck and dragons are immune to Fortune anyway.