
Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted July 01, 2014 11:14 AM |

Supreme Hero
posted July 01, 2014 11:38 AM |

Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted July 01, 2014 11:51 AM |
Edited by Avonu at 11:55, 01 Jul 2014.
adriancat said: Hello mates. I discovered a picture, it may be someone's joke, but H7 is mentioned . Look at the Sprite Evolution last picture. What it says ?
Green one - Pixie
Blue one - Dryad
These are concept arts from Sylvan "book" in Ashan Compendium.
Steyn said: This one is also strange:
There wasn't a fighter in Heroes 4 and certainly no upgrades.
Because Fighter and Mecenary are classes from Might and Magic 9, not from HoMM4.
It is not the first time when some pictures have wrong descripions in these evolutions.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted July 01, 2014 12:03 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted July 01, 2014 01:25 PM |
As far as we're aware, mister Xaar is not affiliated with Ubisoft and therefor when it says M&M Heroes 7 under the artworks this is by no means a confirmation of such. Unless mister Xaar is privy to information we are not, though we have no reason to assume so.
As far as the explaination Avonu has given, they are, to my knowledge, correct.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted July 01, 2014 01:30 PM |
Yeah, don't take Xaar work as something official, even if it ends in the M&M FB page.

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 01, 2014 02:35 PM |
Edited by Stevie at 14:44, 01 Jul 2014.
That's an alien, not a pixie. Like the art, but it'd be disappoiting to see it as the Heroes 7 pixie. I hope they will consider the concept for another creature.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted July 01, 2014 03:39 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 15:40, 01 Jul 2014.
I'd say that the compedium is a pretty reliable source. Not that there will be an H7 or that the unit will make in the game. What it guarantees however is that future games will follow its artwork and descriptions as it is officially a part of the heroes world as we know it.
I really like the leaf-like sprite, it fits the sylvan theme beautifully.
PS the mercenaries are from the might&magic titles, not heroes.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 02, 2014 07:41 PM |
Oh, sorry for the mistake!