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Heroes Community > Summoners Academy > Thread: Creature Quest – Discussion Thread
Thread: Creature Quest – Discussion Thread This Popular Thread is 155 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 30 60 90 120 ... 151 152 153 154 155 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted December 17, 2016 09:30 AM

Galaad said:
What do you mean "this type of game"?

Well, it basically looks like Puzzle & Dragons or something (without the 'tetris' mechanic). Simply put not my cup of cake...

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Legendary Hero
posted December 17, 2016 10:42 AM
Edited by Baronus at 10:49, 17 Dec 2016.

I must say second time. Dont played dont rate. Another games are another. Dont tell about this is weak because ,,looks like game I dont like"... Game is to play not to first look... Only if you really try you can say ,,its not mine style".
I agree creators must earn money and its right. But a lot of mobile ,,games" are only casheaters. Its not right and people tell it.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 17, 2016 12:09 PM

People are allowed to form their first impressions about a game before they get to play it regardless if they're accurate or completely wrong, that's a thing that happens naturally when a developer exposes their work for public scrutiny, be it artwork, a video or a demo. And of course, people are allowed to share their opinions on that freely, so your point about having to play a game before being the judge of it is actually wrong. We've had this kind of reasoning with some people during the Heroes 7 development and they tried to safeguard that piece of trash from criticism that way.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 17, 2016 12:17 PM
Edited by Galaad at 12:31, 17 Dec 2016.

Yes but seeing for yourself is always better, and you did see for yourself about h7, Baronus' point is that since the game is free-to-play nothing is stopping you from trying it, aside maybe snobbery of the mobile market. Besides, you keep drawing parallels with h7 which is irrelevant as they are separate entities having nothing to do with one another, you're putting everyone in the same bag, not everyone is Ubisoft, not everyone is a spider.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 17, 2016 12:38 PM

It might be better but that's something else, the point is that it's not necessary to have an opinion. And how is it that nothing's stopping me to try it? I just said some posts ago that I tried to download it and couldn't because it wasn't on the app market as the game is only released in a handful of countries, not globally. So while you can enjoy the game at your leisure, the vast majority is only left with the artwork, a gameplay video and some superficial knowledge to form an opinion, so it's not exactly my fault that I can't form a more accurate one by playing the game, I can't play the game! And yes, it's free to play with microtransactions. How is that any different from the bazillions of other mobile games out there? Please, we've dealt with this nonsensical rhetoric back in Heroes 7 days, it didn't work then and it doesn't work now.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 17, 2016 03:59 PM

I'm not disputing the fact you can have an opinion without playing, I'm disputing the parallels you make with h7 and Ubisoft which has nothing to do with the game and people at hand.

As for Baronus' point his rhetoric is not comparable to what we had with h7 either, simply because Heroes is old and people know what they expect from it, for instance I knew in advance reducing resources in h6 was a mistake without playing it, because I spent many time on the earlier entries thus I can deduce it's bull from experience, and when I actually played I got my unneeded confirmation, but this doesn't apply to a brand new game, as there is no earlier entries for references.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 17, 2016 04:36 PM

Em, what? The only thing I'm comparing here is the "don't judge until you play" mentality which we've also seen back in the Heroes 7 days. I'm not comparing Creature Quest with Heroes 7, lol.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 17, 2016 04:44 PM

You didn't get me, we could easily judge h7 already before beta because we had tons of infos from the blog with a transparency showing the opposite of what was initially advertised and infuriating us at the same time, on top of the fact that we know Heroes mechanics, but how can we judge Creature Quest without playing it? There is almost no info online ATM and gameplay videos are not understandable. The very same argument which was a strawman in the h7 context does not have the same value it has here. Hope I'm clear this time.

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Legendary Hero
posted December 17, 2016 04:51 PM

To really rate game you must play it. And no 15 minuts but 10 hours. Its not a picture. GAME IS TO PLAY! For me look of Might of Migac I is horrible but since I play it, I see it much much better. In MMIII plaing first 20 hour was very hard and small satisaction, but past 30 hours I like it very much and I cant stop playing! More and more. Wonderfull game. I saw never rate games before long hours playing. For me casheatars are not attractive but I know that all Jon games enyoed me so this will be too.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 17, 2016 04:57 PM

Galaad said:
Thanks, guess I'll start right away with a few things I'm not sure to have figured out, the white and black colors are independent from the other ones yes? Also not sure I got the use of the dots on the first creature of the row, what does it do exactly? Sometimes I see I have extra multipliers but I'm not sure I get where they're coming from, I like to experiment and make mistakes, but that costs me rubies, which leads to a small suggestion I'd like to make: give away more rubies we never have enough of them! Also when you level up it replenishes your energy, but if you still had most of it prior to the level up it just adds what missed for a fullbar, you feel it a bit like a waste, couldn't it add up to what you already had the same way it does when you replenish it with rubies?

Good questions!

White/black - correct, independent from the other colors in terms of attack strength/weaknesses. In any battle, press the ? on the top right to view the color counter flow chart.

Leveling/Energy - many players strategically time their level-up for when they are low on energy, but good feedback.

Dots/Multipliers - this is a deep, complex system. Here is an explanation I wrote recently to someone else who was asking:

When a Creature attacks, it takes its own combo dots plus the combo dots of its color from all the other Creatures that have not attacked yet, and converts that into mana. The mana bar is what powers up a Creature’s special ability. Note that Creatures also gain mana by attacking and killing enemy Creatures.

If a Creature has all of its combo dots taken by other Creatures, then that Creature attains a combo state and gains a multiplier to deal extra damage. The multiplier increases based on the number of unique combo dots that Creature has (1=2x, 2=4x, 3=8x, 4=16x).

Additionally, if a Creature is combo-ing and defeats an enemy Creature, all other combos gain an additional multiplier. For example, the x4 multiplier combo would improve to a x5 multiplier.

This results in a variety of strategies when forming your team – regarding the colors of each Creature, its Special Abilities, its combo dots, and the order in which you attack with each (whether the focus is on filling up mana or getting the multipliers).

Hope this helps.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 17, 2016 05:08 PM

StoneRose said:
Leveling/Energy - many players strategically time their level-up for when they are low on energy, but good feedback.

Absolutely and that is what I do, however it seemed to me impossible to have a 100% accurate timing at each time and usually have to wait if I want to save on rubies, then when I come back I try to gain XP from challenge points or in the Tower, but possibly I'm also miscalculating my planning, I'll get back on that after I play more.

Hope this helps.

Yes it does, thanks

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Undefeatable Hero
posted December 17, 2016 05:44 PM
Edited by Stevie at 17:45, 17 Dec 2016.

Galaad said:
You didn't get me, we could easily judge h7 already before beta because we had tons of infos from the blog with a transparency showing the opposite of what was initially advertised and infuriating us at the same time, on top of the fact that we know Heroes mechanics, but how can we judge Creature Quest without playing it? There is almost no info online ATM and gameplay videos are not understandable. The very same argument which was a strawman in the h7 context does not have the same value it has here. Hope I'm clear this time.

You're trying to paint a very one sided affair here, as if we knew a lot of things about Heroes 7 and next to nothing about Creature Quest and as if that mattered either way. The fact is that promotional content like artwork, trailers, gameplay videos and whatnot are released with the intent of giving information about the game so that people can judge it and hopefully form a good impression about it and eventually become more inclined to try it. Someone saying I should refrain from having an opinion until I played the game is actually ridiculous. I see artwork, I judge the game for that artwork. I see gameplay, I judge the game for that gameplay. Any kind of information about the game, I can be the judge of it without playing the game. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact developers plan for that so that they can obtain feedback. No difference between then and now as far as I'm concerned, nor do I think there will be any difference ever. If someone says that we should judge one game and not judge another, I can safely say that that person is governed by double standards.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 17, 2016 06:23 PM

Really I don't care if you don't like the game and I never condemned you to express your opinion, and you are now making a strawman when I said you cannot judge different things with only one formula, which isn't the same as saying "judge one and not another" as you say clearly, what I meant to say for now the third time is there is no universal template you can apply to anything as ingredients are different in every context, I see you making shortcuts that aren't adding up, I don't really care if you don't understand or if you disagree either, I see no point in this conversation and suggest to drop it.

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 09, 2017 07:40 AM

Hey StoneRose, is there any ETA on making CQ available for other regions?

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted January 09, 2017 07:09 PM
Edited by blob2 at 19:14, 09 Jan 2017.

Sorry a bit late to the party, but please guys don't arque over my short post. I get Baronus, you need to play a game to make an honest (to yourself) opinion about it (you can even surprise yourself with how a game you wouldn't suspect beforehand will interest you), but there's also something I like to call 'filtering'. Belive me I can tell I won't like this type of game becuase I simply don't like this types of games based on my previous expieriences (especially cause I tried a few of this kind of games, Puzzle & Dragons I think?). I was interested in Creature Quest only because of JvC name in it.

I doubt it but I still might try it at some point though...

PS: Besided I would rather see JvC, behind a different game, and you know what I mean

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 09, 2017 08:53 PM

Jan 26!

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 29, 2017 07:35 AM
Edited by Stevie at 07:39, 29 Jan 2017.

I gave this game a try following the global release. First impression is favorable, the atmosphere is decent if not good. Typical mobile visuals so I'm not gonna comment there. The fact that I wasn't bombarded every 5 minutes by ads felt amazing, I am completely in disfavor of immersion breaking pop-ups. Gameplay is... linear. Even after completing the introductory mission and another one with some giants, I still have no idea what combos do, if they affect specials, but I at least learned how they trigger with my current team setup. However, as soon as I'll change a creature, I'll have to go through that trial and error again. I'm not sure if I was lucky when I randomed an Epic creature with the Fire Elemental as my very first, but it sure felt like it and I would appreciate it if StoneRose could clarify. At any rate, the creature has some nice stats and I very much like it.

Planning to play some more and discover the XP and evolution systems. I believe I might power through it for at least a week before deciding on my final impression. Wish I could get a promo code somehow *wink wink*.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 29, 2017 10:56 AM
Edited by Galaad at 10:59, 29 Jan 2017.

The combos deal extra damage, you need more than one team because of color counters.

I just updated but it's been a while I haven't played because I can't afford (nor want) to time my RL according to the game because of energy and I don't like spending rubies for that.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 29, 2017 11:44 AM

Tried resuming the game, but I get thrown out of the app during the loading screen. Something about the play store and that I should try later. Really disappointing.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Legendary Hero
posted January 29, 2017 12:08 PM

Its big game. 1Gb memory! And eg. Android 4.12 and higher. All must remember. It must be rather tablet than smartfon.

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