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Age of Heroes Headlines:  
5 Oct 2016: Heroes VII development comes to an end.. - read more
6 Aug 2016: Troubled Heroes VII Expansion Release - read more
26 Apr 2016: Heroes VII XPack - Trial by Fire - Coming out in June! - read more
17 Apr 2016: Global Alternative Creatures MOD for H7 after 1.8 Patch! - read more
7 Mar 2016: Romero launches a Piano Sonata Album Kickstarter! - read more
19 Feb 2016: Heroes 5.5 RC6, Heroes VII patch 1.7 are out! - read more
13 Jan 2016: Horn of the Abyss 1.4 Available for Download! - read more
17 Dec 2015: Heroes 5.5 update, 1.6 out for H7 - read more
23 Nov 2015: H7 1.4 & 1.5 patches Released - read more
31 Oct 2015: First H7 patches are out, End of DoC development - read more
5 Oct 2016: Heroes VII development comes to an end.. - read more
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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Unoffical Community Patch (UCP)
Thread: Unoffical Community Patch (UCP) This thread is 14 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted July 24, 2020 07:36 PM


just my 2 cents here

first: im sure some hero specs are weak compared to others but when some are better early game and some are better late game, i think that is fine, some people prefer small maps, some like u like bigger ones i guess... suggestion though for ucp mod: it adds a lot new hero specs and some are really situnational, u should give these heroes some buff at last like higher base stats, at last thats how i handle weak speccs, i call em "meme specs"

as for mod comparison: i see UCP as bug fix mod but later more was added, even though ant@ said balance is mostly the same in ucp, i see it a bit different, u cant give the faction's units so many new abilities without changing balance even if u balance it out by giving every faction the same amount, the abilities still are different and it changes balance quite a bit i think

there is more but if u rly want to know u should read the notes of the mods that will give u the best idea but ucp also has some personal taste changes that not everyone might like or which are necessary at all, f.e ardent dragon got his fire trail ability removed but i didnt see a problem with it but maybe i missed something here?

however the other mod also fixes bugs but not as many yet but also implents workarounds for some "for me" gamebreaking bugs ucp doesnt, like AI is trapped in spells like firewall etc., turning combat in a bad joke... also migh magic heroes balance is waaaay better in early and midgame at last for sure, in vanilla it is go fire magic or might ballista, any other way will be dead weight in comparison... it also has new heroes and some new abilities,skills... improves the AI by changing a lot settings even tough it is a pain to do this D:...
there are some fun changes like dryads can heal now and are shooters instead of some akward slap b****es
oh and my mod also changes the unit scaling ob both sites to be more realistic, id think ucp changes anything here but not 100% here...

as i said if u want to be certain whats in better read the notes (:

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Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted July 24, 2020 09:01 PM

Thank you for continuing your work on this game even after everyone else has moved on. Heroes 7 broke my heart because I feel like it was *so* close to being a worthy successor if only they finished it and fixed the specializations/added alternate upgrades. I don't know how much you're planning to do besides bug fixes, but if you want I can help brainstorm some specialization ideas

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Known Hero
posted July 25, 2020 04:50 PM

well for me, i like the game and sometimes it is fun to mod it and to bring ideas to live, improve things but sometimes it is quite overwhelming as well... it can happen i work straight for days on it but then i take a several months break but usally i work like a 1-3 hours a week on it, sometimes less sometimes more but since there is so much to improve or change, it rly depends on ure own life and motivation as well, also u can balance factions add or change skills, add new heroes etc. but all this rly doesnt mean a lot, yes it improves the gameplay and the AI but that it sot really that much fun...

what i actually really like about the game are campaings and scenarios, not skirmish, not multiplayer, MP could be good of course but since it is buggy that it quite out of question as well, also it is quite sad that some official campaings are not so well made when it comes to challenging AI, some are decent but ive seen stuff like a pre made lv17 hero enemy with only tier 1 spells... uhm ok, u can tell they didnt test some maps well enough and for trial of fire im not that suprised as obviously it was rushed, still even tough the game's future looks rather bad i still try to create something for the game but sometimes im just like "snow this" as well

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Supreme Hero
posted August 02, 2020 09:56 PM

Gonna give it a try

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted August 06, 2020 04:26 AM

How buggy is heroes 7 multiplayer and can it be fixed?

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted August 06, 2020 11:36 AM

As far as I know, H7 multiplayer is no more.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Known Hero
posted August 07, 2020 02:27 AM

Mp sim turns is bugged as hell, it is rly no fun as u are in constant fear the game will crash and u cant even reload, might work better with normal turns but that is no fun either as it is too slow for MP, so it is best to stick to singleplayer even MP could/would be fun if it worked but it doesnt, only real chance u have to play it MP is hotseat, there are also ways to play via internet hotseat by sharing 1 com, this has some limitations of course but at last 1. u wont see the usual MP bugs and 2. u can save and load ure sessions without crashing everything...

of course sim turns dont work in hotseat so bring some time, maybe normal turns also work a lot better in real MP, also with save/load but i didnt try it, i think most poeple dont want to play such long sessions

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Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2020 03:16 AM

MoritzBradtke said:

just my 2 cents here

first: im sure some hero specs are weak compared to others but when some are better early game and some are better late game, i think that is fine, some people prefer small maps, some like u like bigger ones i guess... suggestion though for ucp mod: it adds a lot new hero specs and some are really situnational, u should give these heroes some buff at last like higher base stats, at last thats how i handle weak speccs, i call em "meme specs"

as for mod comparison: i see UCP as bug fix mod but later more was added, even though ant@ said balance is mostly the same in ucp, i see it a bit different, u cant give the faction's units so many new abilities without changing balance even if u balance it out by giving every faction the same amount, the abilities still are different and it changes balance quite a bit i think

there is more but if u rly want to know u should read the notes of the mods that will give u the best idea but ucp also has some personal taste changes that not everyone might like or which are necessary at all, f.e ardent dragon got his fire trail ability removed but i didnt see a problem with it but maybe i missed something here?

however the other mod also fixes bugs but not as many yet but also implents workarounds for some "for me" gamebreaking bugs ucp doesnt, like AI is trapped in spells like firewall etc., turning combat in a bad joke... also migh magic heroes balance is waaaay better in early and midgame at last for sure, in vanilla it is go fire magic or might ballista, any other way will be dead weight in comparison... it also has new heroes and some new abilities,skills... improves the AI by changing a lot settings even tough it is a pain to do this D:...
there are some fun changes like dryads can heal now and are shooters instead of some akward slap b****es
oh and my mod also changes the unit scaling ob both sites to be more realistic, id think ucp changes anything here but not 100% here...

as i said if u want to be certain whats in better read the notes (:

By other mod, do you mean this one:


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Known Hero
posted August 12, 2020 04:17 PM


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Tavern Dweller
posted August 25, 2020 08:46 AM - penalty applied by Galaad on 25 Aug 2020.
Edited by Maurice at 13:31, 09 Sep 2020.

The game is extremely interesting and interesting: Heroes of Might and Magic!

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2020 01:09 AM

UCP 1.3 Coming Soon?

Antalyan said:
UCP 1.2 is now available!


UCP is perhaps the single reason why people like myself even would give Heroes VII a try, so thank you.

Is UCP 1.3 coming soon? I ask because I see the release schedule is about once every year around September.

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 26, 2020 12:43 PM

Valour549 said:
Antalyan said:
UCP 1.2 is now available!


UCP is perhaps the single reason why people like myself even would give Heroes VII a try, so thank you.

Is UCP 1.3 coming soon? I ask because I see the release schedule is about once every year around September.

Thanks for your praise

Version 1.3 is currently under construction, it will integrate another mod to introduce several new creatures (upgrades of the neutral ones).

It is to be expected in autumn.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2020 07:27 PM
Edited by Valour549 at 02:51, 27 Sep 2020.

Antalyan said:
Thanks for your praise

Version 1.3 is currently under construction, it will integrate another mod to introduce several new creatures (upgrades of the neutral ones).

It is to be expected in autumn.

Does 1.3 contain many bug fixes? Upgrades of neutral creatures sound nice but I'd imagine it's secondary to bug fixes for me. I like the Duel function a lot, though I wish it was possible to select the type and numbers of creatures for each army rather than only having 3 predefined armies to choose from.

Hopefully, I won't have finished the game by the time UCP 1.3 is released!

A few quick question that I haven't been able to find any info on:

1) Is there a way to use hotkey to open the Heropedia? I mean there's always a way to get to it whether you're on adventure/combat/town screen, it just involves a bit of clicking.

2) How does increase/decrease of Morale work exactly during battles (disregarding special abilities, skills and artifacts)?

- I'm doing battle in tutorial and it seems Demoralize (-20) happens when a unit dies, but only those close to the deceased unit gets affected? Similarly with Morale Push (+20).

- I have three stacks of 1-sentinel, and one stack of 17-sentinel. Somehow the 1-sentinel stacks all get 2 Morale more than the 17-sentiel stack. I'm very confused.

3) In the Heropedia, the Nova ability of Fire Elemental (neutral) just says "This creature shoots at a target 3x3 area once per combat. Cannot be used while the creature is in melee". Was this changed by the UCP and you forgot to add in the full description (like how much dmg and what the shot actually does etc.)?

Is there a reliable place to find information on stuff like this? Because the manual contains almost no useful information either,

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 27, 2020 10:33 AM

Valour549 said:

Does 1.3 contain many bug fixes? Upgrades of neutral creatures sound nice but I'd imagine it's secondary to bug fixes for me. I like the Duel function a lot, though I wish it was possible to select the type and numbers of creatures for each army rather than only having 3 predefined armies to choose from.

Not as many as I'd like to, sadly, some bugs seem to be impossible to fix without the access to the source code.

However, some fixes are included for sure.

I must say I like duels as well, I could even imagine them as a separate game with progress. That's what people would like for sure as the combats are quick enough for today's times. However, that's another thing.

It would be totally awesome to create your own army for the duel (as well as your own hero); however, there are several main problems.

Firstly, the current game GUI doesn't offer any way how to implement anything like that. That's the main problem making everything else secondary.

Secondly, it would be very hard to balance it since some limits would be needed for sure - I could imagine something like provision cost for each unit and the total number of provisions for an army which cannot be exceeded, something like in the Gwent card game. Still, it would be very hard to balance.

Speaking about what can be done for H7 duels, the only thing that comes to my mind is there could be more different armies per faction. It's no problem to add some more but again, they have to more or less balanced.

If you propose some armies you would like to play with, I may add them to the game.

Valour549 said:

A few quick question that I haven't been able to find any info on:

1) Is there a way to use hotkey to open the Heropedia? I mean there's always a way to get to it whether you're on adventure/combat/town screen, it just involves a bit of clicking.

2) How does increase/decrease of Morale work exactly during battles (disregarding special abilities, skills and artifacts)?

- I'm doing battle in tutorial and it seems Demoralize (-20) happens when a unit dies, but only those close to the deceased unit gets affected? Similarly with Morale Push (+20).

- I have three stacks of 1-sentinel, and one stack of 17-sentinel. Somehow the 1-sentinel stacks all get 2 Morale more than the 17-sentiel stack. I'm very confused.

3) In the Heropedia, the Nova ability of Fire Elemental (neutral) just says "This creature shoots at a target 3x3 area once per combat. Cannot be used while the creature is in melee". Was this changed by the UCP and you forgot to add in the full description (like how much dmg and what the shot actually does etc.)?

Is there a reliable place to find information on stuff like this? Because the manual contains almost no useful information either,

1) The list of all hotkeys is in the settings, you can also change what's pre-assigned.

2) Morale Push/Demoralize should apply to all creatures on one side whenever any stack dies, at least as far as I know.

Maybe some other effects decreased the morale in your case?

3) This description should be sufficient. It means that the creature deals standard damage to all creatures in the selected 3x3 area when the ability is triggered. It's similar to other abilities which don't state the damage value directly, either. (Btw. Nova will be replaced in 1.3 anyway).

I guess most information must be discovered by playing

Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 27, 2020 06:27 PM
Edited by Valour549 at 07:24, 02 Oct 2020.

Antalyan said:
1) The list of all hotkeys is in the settings, you can also change what's pre-assigned.

2) Morale Push/Demoralize should apply to all creatures on one side whenever any stack dies, at least as far as I know.

Maybe some other effects decreased the morale in your case?

3) This description should be sufficient. It means that the creature deals standard damage to all creatures in the selected 3x3 area when the ability is triggered. It's similar to other abilities which don't state the damage value directly, either. (Btw. Nova will be replaced in 1.3 anyway).

I guess most information must be discovered by playing

1) Well that's my point, Heropedia is not something that is in the hotkey list, yet there's always a way to open it (click on a hero/creature etc).

2) Units get a Morale-turn when they have good morale triggered, and during the Morale-turn the unit has half movement and also half damage, by design.

Bug: melee units who get a Morale-turn, actually gets TWO of these Morale-turn penalties. So you essentially get a 75% penalty in damage (ie. deal only 25% damage, instead of the 50% you should be during a Morale-turn). This doesn't happen with ranged units.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/HjJIv08.jpg

I have the latest patch and UCP 1.2. Surely other people have noticed this? Feel like it's a pretty big deal!

3) Er ok, I still feel like it should be mentioned (ie. deals standard damage), because Nova doesn't sound like just a once-per-battle ranged attack, it sounds more like a spell.

4) BTW does the UCP boost the strength of the A.I opponent (for example giving them spells etc)?

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted October 05, 2020 03:43 PM

Valour549 said:

1) Well that's my point, Heropedia is not something that is in the hotkey list, yet there's always a way to open it (click on a hero/creature etc).

2) Units get a Morale-turn when they have good morale triggered, and during the Morale-turn the unit has half movement and also half damage, by design.

Bug: melee units who get a Morale-turn, actually gets TWO of these Morale-turn penalties. So you essentially get a 75% penalty in damage (ie. deal only 25% damage, instead of the 50% you should be during a Morale-turn). This doesn't happen with ranged units.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/HjJIv08.jpg

I have the latest patch and UCP 1.2. Surely other people have noticed this? Feel like it's a pretty big deal!

3) Er ok, I still feel like it should be mentioned (ie. deals standard damage), because Nova doesn't sound like just a once-per-battle ranged attack, it sounds more like a spell.

4) BTW does the UCP boost the strength of the A.I opponent (for example giving them spells etc)?

1) OK if it's not there, I can't help then.

2) I'll check for sure (nobody else has reported that so far)

3) Original game texts follow the same rules - see for examples dragon breaths - but I see your point

4) It only increases their power in numbers (resources, creature growth...). Main campaign/scenario enemy heroes could theoretically get some spells (it should be possible) but it's not done.

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Known Hero
posted October 05, 2020 04:58 PM

the morale bug is strange, i didnt see it either, maybe it is related to some change in ucp mod or something else

u could only improve AI heroes in scenarios/campaings if u had acces to the maps and i think they are cooked and cant be changed, u can only improve heroes for the skirmish maps, heroes are pre set in scenarios and campaings as they are part of the maps which are not accesable, so no changes on the heroes are possible here, u would need the uncooked map from the map creator to do this

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 05, 2020 08:01 PM

Antalyan said:
1) OK if it's not there, I can't help then.

2) I'll check for sure (nobody else has reported that so far)

3) Original game texts follow the same rules - see for examples dragon breaths - but I see your point

4) It only increases their power in numbers (resources, creature growth...). Main campaign/scenario enemy heroes could theoretically get some spells (it should be possible) but it's not done.

1) I discovered for the morale-turn bug:
- Only Sentinel and Legionnaire have the bug.

- Only the tooltip is wrong. Once you actually attack the actual damage is correct (it's twice what the tooltip says).

2) Did the UCP remove Imperial Griffin's Battle Dive ability? Because it's not in the game and I can't see anything in the changelog that says it was removed.

3) Bug: During the "Week of Trade" (100% bonus to market rates), if you reload a save, the bonus is gone forever. So basically the bonus value applies at the start of the week, but it doesn't stick once you reload.

4) Bug:

Split a stack during the tactics phase of the battle (say, 300 marksmen into two stacks of 150), then you put one stack on the field, while not deploying the other stack.

Now, if during the battle (or at the end of the battle) you click "Restart Battle", you will find that both the stacks seem to have disappeared.

But once you click "Auto deploy", one of the stacks will appear again and that stack will behave normally. However, the other stack is now forever gone. Even after you win battle it will not return.

So the moral of the story is if you split a stack during the tactical phase, AND you don't deploy it, AND you restart the battle = you will lose that stack forever.

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted October 06, 2020 11:03 AM


1) Ah so it's only a visual bug, thanks for the clarification!

2) Yes it did (replaced with Griffin Resolve), I see info about that step is missing - thanks

3) I will check

4) I'm worried I can't fix this - although I see it's very unpleasant


There are some saved hero concepts, so you have limited access to campaign heroes. For example, you can change their specializations. Or I've been able to add a perk which doubles the enemy hero army of those heroes as well.

Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 07, 2020 07:12 PM
Edited by Valour549 at 19:26, 07 Oct 2020.

Antalyan said:
4) I'm worried I can't fix this - although I see it's very unpleasant

For (1), yes it's only visual and so far I've only observed it for Sentinel/Legionnaire units.

For (4), I would say don't bother trying to fix it, because it's easy to avoid, just don't cause the condition I mentioned above.


- “25. AI is absolutely clueless against mass effects: its units remain in firewall, blizzard, poison cloud areas without any desire to get out of them.”

Was this bug ever fixed? I see it in the comments but not in the official list.

- It's October, please release UCP 1.3

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