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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: HoMM3 ERA HD + Era scripts gaming build
Thread: HoMM3 ERA HD + Era scripts gaming build This thread is 26 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 22 23 24 25 26 · NEXT»

Known Hero
posted January 12, 2020 02:34 AM bonus applied by Maurice on 12 Jan 2020.
Edited by daemon_n at 01:17, 30 Aug 2020.

HoMM3 ERA HD v1.33

HoMM3 ERA 3.0.3 + HD-mod 5.0 RC94 + ERA SCRIPTS

Full English version, which installed in the empty folder only: link - Not allowed by forum Rules
But you can find it on the Russian forum thread

Dowload Light English version, which installed on the SoD/Complete:
GoogleDrive, or YandexDrive, or DropBox

1. Graphic differences:
- tuned HD mod (version 4.208 RC4). /PLEASE, DO NOT UPDATE IT
- made clickable button "Commander"
- changed (as in SoD) lining in the city window
- Changed the sprites of half level 8 creatures.
- completely rewritten the script "new battlefields": 4 for each land soil, 1 for the utopia of dragons, 1 for the bank
- replaced the animation and sound of the explosion
- reduced the text of the description of monsters in the dialog box of monsters. Their texts are also revised.
- introduced a plugin for displaying moral and good luck values ​​in the stack window, as well as displaying the duration of spells on the stack during the battle
- added display of the ERA version in the main menu
- removed animated trees

2. Game changes / additions:
- pre-installed mod ERA scripts ENG with the necessary edits and changes
- pre-installed and adapted mod Spells Description
- cut out Yona mod
- buggy scripts were cut: "passable terrain" and "split decision"
- added (off state) mod 10SSkills
- added (off state) XXL mod
- added mod BattleHeroes with the ability to run through Era Start Menu
- implemented plugin BattleAIvsAIFix to disable the theoretical battle of AI against AI (plugin by enabled by default)
- added mod Battle Speed (enabled by default) changes the number of "speeds" in battle from 3 to 10
- Added a numerical display of the required movement points to a certain point on ALT + Right-clicking
- made a show of the estimated number of possibly killed creatures in direct attack and shooting
- an opportunity was made to enter the guild of magicians without a book and money from the guest hero
- you can now run away from the neutrals even with the shackles of war on
- made the ability to disable the free join of neutral monsters (optional)
- an opportunity was made in battle to see the opponent’s hero on Right-Click on the hero’s defect (optionally instead of the Architect script) - (incorrect display of the hero’s secondary skills is possible, but this is the implementation of standard WoG scripts for secondary skills)
- opening the window for exchanging heroes in the castle by pressing the "E" button (English)
- automatic saving before the battle (before the trigger BA0) / optionally /
- implemented protection of artifacts, scrolls and Pandora's boxes from theft (plugin)
- an opportunity was made in one click to improve creatures in the castle if the corresponding improved buildings were built (F + L-click on the stack in the castle or on the portrait of the hero to improve all at once)
- corrected Henchmen script (supports replay)
- A receiver has been introduced !!IF:Y<click_type>/z<text>/z<def_name>/<def_frame_number>;
- integrated replayable battle plugin (but it is disabled by default). Note from the author[igrik]: Without scripts, the plugin works fine. There may be unforeseen errors with scripts, etc. I am slowly setting up scripts for it, but it is too long, dreary and complicated, so the work is going on very, very quickly. Here we need reports, because I practically do not play

3. BugFixes and shortcomings of WoG'a (and SoD):
- correction of the bug of raising only 1 skeleton with AI heroes with the skill "Necromancy"
- correction of a tent bug when it is impossible to run away or do other actions on its course
- correction of the bug of visiting banks in which they give creatures (crashes in the dialogue of joining monsters)
- fixed one of the bugs of the Astral Spirit
- A hint of descriptions of the witchcraft descriptions of commanders and other creatures numbering more than 135 was made
- Added calculation of AI_Value and Fight_Value commanders depending on their level and strength
- correction of the commander block bug when the protection fell due to the "in defense" flag
- Removed the cancel button in the arena. Cancellation buttons made when visiting the Witch's and Scientist's Huts
- fixed button in the dialogue of separation of squads and tavern
- Fixed the coordinates of the button of the Fairy Dragon. Also, that button now has native description hints (rather than Sawmill and Alchemist's Lab)
- centering the image by Right-Click in the city on the troop recruitment icon (previously went far to the left). Actual when playing with HD in high resolutions
- fixed the ability to shoot shooting creatures and vehicles when there is no (second shot) or negative ammunition (the stack is skipped automatically in search of a monster (not to be confused with a missed move)). Cyclops and ballista now lose ammunition when attacking castle walls during a siege.
- made the correct display of the number of creatures in "arraytxt.txt"
- when restarting a "non-random" map, a bug was fixed in teleporting a minor hero to the main town (with the simultaneous loss of a random hero)
- Added a plugin to correct the desynchron of combat stacks in battle.
- correction of the SoD bug: with and without a tactical phase, the first round of a battle always has a counter = 1. Previously, without a tactical phase, the first round of a battle was = 0, and with a tactical phase it was = 1, which caused some bugs. For example: reinforcements were called through an EA receiver with and without tactics in different rounds.
- Creatures specialists now take into account and increase the parameters of the third grade. For example, the specialization of Kilgore (the Behemots) now affects the Ghost Monsters. But this feature only works if the second grade can improve in the third (for example, if the script is active with! #MA: U97 / 156118
- Fixed the script "Advanced heroes specializations": now in the battle with RMBs in cells 04 and 12, the heroes specialization window is not called up. Multiple intersections of v425-v441 variables with other scripts fixed (replacement with v3924-v3941)
- Fixed the script "Sorcery II": now the power of damagemagic increases by + 10%, + 20%, + 30% as stated. Previously, the script did not work in battle.
- added a patch that disables prisons with heroes above level 1 on random maps

4. Music:
- replaced the theme of the main menu
- expanded the number of battle tracks from 4 to 9

Originally the author of the build is igrik - a lot credits to him!!
now I am responsible for this, so all commentaries and suggestions adress to me

UPDATER from v1.23 to v1.24
UPDATER from v1.24 to v1.25
UPDATER from v1.25 to v1.26
UPDATER from v1.26 to v1.27
UPDATER from v1.27 to v1.28
UPDATER from v1.28 to v1.29

    GoogleDrive       YandexDrive            DropBox

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 12, 2020 08:08 AM

I am not sure I get what is about. You added a lot of mods/plugins over Era then distribute? Why not just offer them as extra-mods, as all others?

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Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted January 12, 2020 08:43 AM
Edited by RerryR at 08:49, 12 Jan 2020.

I can strongly recommend using this package for everybody who has problems running ERA. It is basically an all in one installer with premade settings, cool plugins and years of work worth of fixing little bugs left and right in good old WoG/ERA. It is supported and maintained, which is also worth a lot.  
My experience is that you can play 50hours games without a single crash, despite a heavily modded game.
I also want to point out that this version comes with a new updated Battle-Replay package which lets you replay 99% of battles without problems. If you find any script/WoG-option that gives you not exact battle when replaying, please report it here.
And of course, it also contains an up to date English version of ERA scripts which provides many new gaming options.
Thanks for sharing

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Adventuring Hero
Disciples 2 Map Creator
posted January 12, 2020 09:01 AM
Edited by anti-victor at 15:44, 12 Jan 2020.

I was waiting for it, all in one package great job and thx guys for fast delivery. Also I'm happy with new Master Utopia and revisiting old scripts.
Live and Die by the Blade/In WoG we trust

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Known Hero
posted January 12, 2020 10:07 AM
Edited by daemon_n at 10:19, 12 Jan 2020.

Salamandre said:
I am not sure I get what is about. You added a lot of mods/plugins over Era then distribute? Why not just offer them as extra-mods, as all others?

There's and new plugins, new mods, set hd mod, fixed scripts, changed some graphic, added music, a looot of fixes sod/wog's bugs, REPLAY OF BATTLE (and not from an hd mod) did you see before for era? Igrik made a lot for assembly infrastructure. A lot of features like movement count and in the town meeting hero, "q" fast battle and necromancy (not only) fix for AI.

Not only over - instead. So original it was for russians more directed, but i ve got some free time for sharing it with another community.

Also that's i want this is uniting as more as possible players, mod creaters and script writers on the discord server (or anywhere else) for making much better and faster communication, feedbacks and development. Also a lot of new mods and scripts will available for more players. I understand that's my wet dream, but i must to try.
I really love heroes 3, era and its features. Playing on the stream online, offline, different mods, a liiiiiittle scripts started...

Anyway, this build is awesome

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 12, 2020 11:26 AM

Are all those changes optional, as music/graphics, or they replaced original?

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Famous Hero
posted January 12, 2020 01:02 PM

what kind of HD is this? HD+ or not?

Can I combine units with alt, or separate them with ctrl? (otherwise its not worth installing over my 2.7 version)

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Supreme Hero
posted January 12, 2020 01:12 PM

Yes, these fearures was available in HD-mod 4.208 RC4 version. Newer version of HD mod share the same adresses in game memory such as ERA, so 4.208 version is considered as most safe for ERA players.

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Known Hero
posted January 12, 2020 07:09 PM

Salamandre said:
Are all those changes optional, as music/graphics, or they replaced original?

Music for main menu replaced original wog, new music for battles (too dynamic) added to standart, and in summary its 9 tracks.

About the graphic - changed astral spirit and succubus, 8 lvl cratures (blood dragon, diamond dragon, hellbaron, storm titan) and 2 dwells for them, fixed avwattack for all cratures - in the original it s buggy, orcs taken from original heroes 3 complete, improved heroes spec icons un32 and un44 defs. Not so much changes for eyes)

As optional - autosave before the battle, looking hero window right in the battle by right-click.
Maybe i forgot something

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Known Hero
posted January 12, 2020 07:15 PM

Orc said:
what kind of HD is this? HD+ or not?

Can I combine units with alt, or separate them with ctrl? (otherwise its not worth installing over my 2.7 version)

Hd+ never supported an era or wog (maybe 3.56 only an old hd mod version)!

Combine and divide units working without HD+ function. Hd+ need for battle replay, online tournament timer, some online features.

Only in this assembly you can play with Battle replay with an hd mod and without it!
If you wanna place it on the base era, you need copy not only the plugin - it needs a lot of scrips edited also!!!

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Adventuring Hero
Satisfying no one since 1994
posted January 13, 2020 09:28 PM

WOO!! So glad to see you posted this daemon!! Thank you Now us at HC can finally give this compilation here a go.
~Drake Lyon~

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 13, 2020 11:40 PM

Shweeet! Thank you very much!
Ssssshhhhhhhpp!! Ah! (crimson cloud and I'm gone)

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 14, 2020 09:28 AM

Sorry to ask but is there an introduction to the added maps?

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Known Hero
posted January 14, 2020 09:51 AM
Edited by daemon_n at 14:21, 14 Jan 2020.

Archer30 said:
Sorry to ask but is there an introduction to the added maps?

There are not new maps In light version, but you can find them in the full version. Maybe they aren't all translated.

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 15, 2020 08:39 AM
Edited by Archer30 at 09:22, 15 Jan 2020.

daemon_n said:
Archer30 said:
Sorry to ask but is there an introduction to the added maps?

There are not new maps In light version, but you can find them in the full version. Maybe they aren't all translated.

Well, I downloaded from google drive and there ARE maps added in the light version. including some custom maps and 3 official maps (Dwarven Gold, Golems Aplenty & Good to Go). I guess all of these maps are not supposed to be packed in the light version?

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Known Hero
posted January 15, 2020 08:56 AM

Archer30 said:

Well, I downloaded from google drive and there ARE maps added in the light version. including some custom maps and 3 official maps (Dwarven Gold, Golems Aplenty & Good to Go). I guess all of these maps are not supposed to be packed in the light version?

This is my mistake, i am sorry. I forgot, that i placed them there.
It is only about 2 MB in summary, but i did it intentionally

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Known Hero
posted January 16, 2020 10:30 AM
Edited by daemon_n at 10:34, 16 Jan 2020.

Update to v1.24 (01/16/2020)

[+] the core of the Era has been updated (several bugs fixed), the BattleHeroes mod is working again - thanks to Berserker
[+] powerful editor added Sublime Text with ERM support - thanks to Berserker
[#] Fixed script "Universal creatures' uprades" - earlier it allowed hire non-native creatures for the town - thanks to igrik
[#] The script "Live Scrolls" is fixed - earlier it worked with the Red Orb - Thanks to PerryR
[-] removed the BattleAivsAifixes.dll plugin (temporarily)

There is an UPDATER from v1.23 to v1.24

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Adventuring Hero
posted January 18, 2020 08:05 AM

This is great! So far I have been playing quite a few hours and I really enjoy the game (mostly from the latest ERA scripts mod )

Just one thing I would like to know -

Is 4.208 RC 4 HD Mod the best solution to ERA? I'm playing on Windows 10. It seems that even if I set my graphic mode to 32 bit true, there is an error sound and HD crash log generated every time when I quit the game. Is this normal?

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Known Hero
posted January 18, 2020 11:12 AM
Edited by daemon_n at 11:14, 18 Jan 2020.

Archer30 said:
This is great! So far I have been playing quite a few hours and I really enjoy the game (mostly from the latest ERA scripts mod )

Just one thing I would like to know -

Is 4.208 RC 4 HD Mod the best solution to ERA? I'm playing on Windows 10. It seems that even if I set my graphic mode to 32 bit true, there is an error sound and HD crash log generated every time when I quit the game. Is this normal?

I am glad that assembly is so fun for you)

Yes, hd 4.208 is the best solution for ERA!
For windows 8/8.1/10 i have an istruction in the thread start post.
With pictures In general, change your hd graphic mode.

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 19, 2020 11:18 PM

missing garrisons

Amazing job daemon_n!
I'm glad, I found this thread.
Thanks for your work!

Apart from this, I found one very annoying bug - even if the Garrison option is enabled, and the dialog window pops up (which asks how many garrisons I want) there are none on generated random map.

Tried different settings, different templates, but to no prevail.

Can someone help me out here?


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