Thread: Reloaded and Ready...OOC talk of the Roleplay... | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
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posted June 30, 2002 01:19 AM |
Reloaded and Ready...OOC talk of the Roleplay...
Here is a place to ask questions of participants of the role play. I hope that Lith will link this page to the first post in the new thread.
My first post is an overview of some characters, as you can read the oldman kept the book open so that you could add brief discriptions of your characters and stories so that we can catch people up and invite new players to join the roleplay.
This is a good time to add a charcter, if you've wanted to play but thought the the story was too long to catch up, this is a good place to start a new.

Known Hero
of Hell
posted June 30, 2002 02:32 AM |
Don't forget my character please. The half-elf ranger Andrew from Edinburg shire.
A villain's gotta do what a villain's gotta do.

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted June 30, 2002 09:08 PM |
Edited By: Cat on 30 Jun 2002
Trust OT to forget all my POA characters also...lol

a slight recap:-
Olwen:- So far, relitively stuck up daughter of a giant and a sourceress, she is a magic user but also handy with various weapons. Is, at present travelling with Conn's party. THere is a surprise twist in the plot coming up with her.. utterly unexpected...
Ffion:- Tracer character, adept theif and bowmaster, I have absolutely no idea where she is at the moment... she seems to have been forgotten *looks pointedly at Lith*
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Supreme Hero
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posted July 21, 2002 12:22 AM |
There is a little continuity error goin on. It seems like we have currently 3 elf queens.
Darion has mentioned Kila as the elf queen with the true blood.
There is also a pretender queen that Darion has been wrining about.
But least we forget that Luandrian is the elf queen in exile although she is denying it, elves are starting to come to her banner under an elvin general and lord that has joined her. This story arc has been goin on for quite awhile.
Just to some up some politics of the elvin thrown.
3 elvin communities
Dark elves
wild elves
Dark elves are led by a king, decendant of the brother to the original elf queen who did not believe in matriarcal leadership.
Wild elves are led by a cheif, most chiefs have been decended from the younges brother to the original elf queen at the time of the breaking. Most elves don't believe in the existence of the wild elves especially now that they have disappeared with their living tree servants into the deep dark wood. No even Greenleaf can follow their trail, although he needs his vengence before he seeks his way home.
Elves are led by a queen, who was assassinated, with the unwitting help of SirDunco, by the agents of the dark elves and their allies. This attempt was so that the Dark elves could reunite the elves under a king. Although the king is controlled by the dark lords of the dark elves.
The queen had a daughter, who was taken out of the elvin lands when she was a baby and lived with her human surrogate father, that baby is Luandrian. who is the heir.
Okay now we need to work in Kian, who could also be of the blood and might be a legitimate heir, although I don't know how she can be a daughter of the last queen.
Options that I see are:
1. Kila and Luandrian are sisters, twins (maybe make twins taboo in the elvin community)
2. Kila is a cousin of the blood.
3. There are two elvin realms.

Known Hero
Psychedelic Knight
posted July 21, 2002 12:35 AM |
Hey, please explain this roleplay thing...
________ _ _

Adventuring Hero
Insanity is bliss...
posted July 21, 2002 12:37 AM |
I'd like to add a new character:
Chattur'ga (if you can guess what game that's from, i'll... say something.)
Elf-Warrior of the North
Skilled Pathfinder
I think thats all you need to know at the moment.
"You Impressed me and i'm not easily impreesed. Wow! A Blue car!"-Homer J. Simpson

Supreme Hero
Please leave a message after..
posted July 21, 2002 01:22 AM |
Dajek, read the saga reloaded first post and you will find links to the continuing roleplay threads that we have.
All you need to do is create character based on H4 creatures and magic system, then write them into the story. You can interact with other players in their stories mthus move the role play along most people have one or two main characters they use to roleplay. I have quite a few that are meant to move the story along.

Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted July 21, 2002 08:11 AM |
or maybe this Kila can be a puppet pulles by someone...a fake descendent of the true blood? this person might seek power for himself or think the True blood is getting weaker and needs someone stronger to lead the high elves?
btw since when the heck an apprentice also became a teacher? i m just quite confused for the moment so i hacen't post for a while, waiting for an opening i can realate to...
also to OT:gordan is still in the tower...wondering around(he opened a door or something) and also ACC is there as well..should i help him or...have u got something planned or let the course flow?
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

Famous Hero
posted July 21, 2002 06:33 PM |
Quote: There is a little continuity error goin on. It seems like we have currently 3 elf queens.
Darion has mentioned Kila as the elf queen with the true blood.
There is also a pretender queen that Darion has been wrining about.
But least we forget that Luandrian is the elf queen in exile although she is denying it, elves are starting to come to her banner under an elvin general and lord that has joined her. This story arc has been goin on for quite awhile.
Just to some up some politics of the elvin thrown.
3 elvin communities
Dark elves
wild elves
Dark elves are led by a king, decendant of the brother to the original elf queen who did not believe in matriarcal leadership.
Wild elves are led by a cheif, most chiefs have been decended from the younges brother to the original elf queen at the time of the breaking. Most elves don't believe in the existence of the wild elves especially now that they have disappeared with their living tree servants into the deep dark wood. No even Greenleaf can follow their trail, although he needs his vengence before he seeks his way home.
Elves are led by a queen, who was assassinated, with the unwitting help of SirDunco, by the agents of the dark elves and their allies. This attempt was so that the Dark elves could reunite the elves under a king. Although the king is controlled by the dark lords of the dark elves.
The queen had a daughter, who was taken out of the elvin lands when she was a baby and lived with her human surrogate father, that baby is Luandrian. who is the heir.
Okay now we need to work in Kian, who could also be of the blood and might be a legitimate heir, although I don't know how she can be a daughter of the last queen.
Options that I see are:
1. Kila and Luandrian are sisters, twins (maybe make twins taboo in the elvin community)
2. Kila is a cousin of the blood.
3. There are two elvin realms.
Umm... sorry, I really messed up the storyline. I want to apologize first of all. Second of all, I guess the easiest way would be this: Luandrian is the true heir, and Kila is a bastard half-elf that the queen had. Kian is not a legitimate heir, and is currently the imposter queen sitting on the throne. I will now proceed to work this into the storyline... again a thousand apologies to everyone for confusing them and muddling minds and the twisting the storyline..

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted July 23, 2002 05:36 PM |
since the RP is back up and running...
Ot, try to remember that Lith calls Greenleaf "Calenlass" (Sindarin version of his name)
a note to all: when you want to post something that includes other characters, try to read all the posts concerning them... otherwise the story will get too messed up...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
posted July 23, 2002 06:00 PM |
Old Timer please don't forget me...

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted December 12, 2002 12:29 PM |
cleaned up the thread...
I hope we can get back on track now... Cat, if you are still out there, control Ffion or give me the right to...
EDIT: since the RP thread is up and running again, it made sense to revive the OoC as well
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted September 05, 2003 04:11 AM |
Just a note, I am now in the same world as everyone else, and everything is the same as I had described it in any post before the "jump."
I will leave it up to each character, mainly Oldtimer because my character relates with him the most, as to whether or not we have met or not. I don't want to pre-empt anyone's storyline.

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted September 05, 2003 05:18 AM |
Shadowcaster my lad...
you gave me an idea...
Oldtimer, what do you say we explain what the status of the Legends world is at the moment so that new members can join?
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted September 05, 2003 05:21 AM |
Can i b a midget elf named Darthroth?

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted September 05, 2003 05:22 AM |
as far as I'm concerned..
you can be whatever you like... as long as you have a good story to share
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted September 05, 2003 05:23 AM |
im good at stories so dont worry

Adventuring Hero
Water Unicorn Knight
posted September 11, 2003 05:10 PM |
For the moment my character is a spirit bodyless,mindless,and nothingless...
But it think that to know who is the relly queen we must make a proof that only the true can pass
Mi corage es mi espada.
Mi fe es mi escudo.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted September 20, 2003 04:57 AM |
I am not going to post in the RP thread about what happens to Shadowcaster, seeing as he is unaware. Once somebody controls what happens to him, I will take control of him again. Whoever posts next may do what they will to Shadowcaster (except kill him).

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted September 20, 2003 11:59 AM |
that would be me Shadowcaster...
as my rangers managed to spot Shadowcaster (by mistake I assure you, they were ready to break off from Dunco's group...)
feel free to control your character... I just thought I'd lend a hand to speed his involvement in the story...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.