Thread: oops, silly mistakes done in a game. | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV |
Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted June 28, 2001 07:26 AM |
Here's one that happened to a person I was playing recently. I got a big laugh out of it when he told me about it. He was even nice enough to give me permission to post this.
Okay, I was playing this guy(no names) and we load up our save. It's his turn and he attacks a pack of Archangels. He then goes: "Crap!" I ask him what is wrong and he says that quick combat is still on from some festing he was doing. As a result he lost a lot of troops. I tell him np, and say let's reload the save. He says thanks and we do that.
5 minutes later he goes: "Well, that was great. Finished the fight but I lost more troops then I did with quick combat." Man did I laugh. Not nice I admit but I was tired and it was really, really funny the way he typed it. Anyways I hope this true story makes you smile.
I miss my Ashjre'thul...
Known Hero
posted June 28, 2001 08:18 AM |
I feel im experiencing some sort of deja vu........that guy(again, no names mentioned) who did that QC thing must not be too bright!
Maybe it all these Heroes games i've been playing....
or the visions i have of leaving Quick Combat on and fighting Arch angels....
Or maybe...........its time for sleep.
YOU want a tip?
Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted June 28, 2001 04:48 PM |
Quote: I feel im experiencing some sort of deja vu........that guy(again, no names mentioned) who did that QC thing must not be too bright!
Hey Ironmlh!
I wouldn't say that he is not too bright, tired would be a better description.
And the mistake I make often is I forget to turn my firewall off before playing and end up booting my opponent day 1. Now that is just plain stupidity.
I miss my Ashjre'thul...
Known Hero
posted July 13, 2001 03:02 PM |
Oooops !
I`m playing a random map at 200%. I get randomly Dungeon. I have no resources whatsoever and so I build beholders only late in 2nd week. 3rd week I`m not even close to get my dragons because I can`t find 10 gems for the minotaurs... But still I got enough troops to open the first outside dwelling I encounter: an angel dwelling. So naturally I build the portal of summoning. So 2 angels per week. At least that was the plan before I stompped on a pikeman dwelling to save me one square of movement !!!! How stupid of me
- Frank
Legendary Hero
posted July 13, 2001 06:59 PM |
Frank -- it happens alot. I used to do that all the time but in reverse order, I would flag every dwelling I came to then I would find a dragon cave or something and would have 6 other dwellings flagged. Kinda felt stupid, would have been smarty to scout and flag the best dwelling
Adventuring Hero
For The Honor......
posted July 13, 2001 09:29 PM |
Tired = Not Too Bright
It was near midnight and I was finishing a game the other day with turk_aj...was doing well, both heroes fairly matched for stats, me better for A and D, turk for P and K. Then I went and did the most stupid thing...I attacked his pack of ancient behemoths with my pack of archangels and several black dragons. Can someone shoot me?!? Talk about wanting to lose a battle (and the game). LOL
Power of Might, Power of Magic!
Adventuring Hero
posted July 14, 2001 12:25 AM |
I don't know if anybody has ever heard of this one, but it actually happened to me yesterday. Turnst out if you have creatures in the skeleton transformer ready to turn to skels and you run out of time right then, all of them dissapear for next turn. So a good lesson learned the hard way, don't throw anything in the pit when you see you are running out of time.
Tavern Dweller
retired monkey trainer
posted July 14, 2001 07:11 AM |
well the stupidest thing by far i have ever done was during this one game i played. i was playing against crooked68 and we both had finished the grail maps and was sorta waiting for the other one to dig it up. well i decided to be a genius and lure him away thinking i already had it... then i dug it up 3 turns later. so the first thing i did was attack a lvl 1 creature stack and retreat... figuring my hero with the grail would appear in my home town without the risk of him getting his ass kicked... but there was one small problem... THE GRAIL WAS GONE when i recruited my hero. i was SOOO PISSED!
monkeys steal my underwear at night
Known Hero
posted July 14, 2001 08:49 PM |
tell me this hasn't happened to everybody atleast once!! you hit an altar of sac. with a wackload a arts and you running outta time. I was listening to tunes and had sound off so never got the early buzzer warni9ngs and then when you're in altar you going thru what you wanna keep and what ya wanna throw. so you throw whole sack on altar and figure it from there. Right? Boom! turn ends!!!! ya find out ya sacked 4 arts you definitly wantred to keep and to make amtters worse the comp has decided for you what skills you got from the lvls you gained from the sacrifce!!! End up with a heroe with a bunch a arts you wanted gone and expert navigation and eagle eye!!!!
Famous Hero
The John of Spades
posted July 17, 2001 08:37 AM |
I usually make mistakes because my stupid ego or because I'm ina a hurry. But this time I'm gonna tell you something that has hapenned to few.
When I first installed Heroes3 (not having played H2 and H1) before, I entered the map editor, just to see what it was all about. I loaded the map Crimson and Clover and I started playing. I put a Town here, a building there, a mine here, some resources there, and a bunch of holes in the underground (similar to those that are left behind after digging for the grail). Finally, having bored myself to death (I wasn't quite ready to start my own map) I erased everything I had put in except the underground holes I mentioned above.
Well, a few days later I decided to play that map, Hot Seat that is, with my brother. I found all the obelisks and ... gues where the Grail was located: in the Underground right where I had inserted the holes and, therefore, couldn't reach it!
The BoogieMan wrote ... and saw that it was good.
Famous Hero
posted July 17, 2001 12:52 PM |
3 good ones
stupid mistakes...
- attack red dragon dwelling (first week) with only one ancient behemot (ref camp).. thought there was only 1 red as guard, but (of course) there were 3... could have brought additional troops, but wanted to save movement points (dwelling was on an island, so I didn't have a "bodyguard" with me to carry the slow troops) - DOH!
-putting main hero into a ship and realising afterwards that he's got waterwalk spell
-casting mass haste in a battle.. opponent casts mass prayer and mass haste, making his slowest unit faster than my fastest
worst thing about it: all mistakes made in one game! hell, do I suck!!!