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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Hi Mommy
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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 03:55 AM bonus applied.

Hi Mommy

It's 1st hour, creative writing, the dreaded hour of my day. As I plan to study literature and english for college, I am always ready to learn more about the valuable subject, but I had the horrid luck to get placed in a class with a gym teacher. Her minor is English but I feel I know more of English than she does, and this is my second language. She also stands very sarcastic and rude towards many people in the class, including some of my friends.

So we got an assignment to write a scary story, about two weeks before Halloween, just to set the mood. Everyone was excited, preparing to write about ghosts and goblins...decapitated heads and bloody sex scenes. After giving it some thought,I found an every day topic that would scare the crap out of my class mates and my very liberal teacher.

This is my story, which I read out loud to the whole class after being requested:

Hi Mommy,

     Formed from the pure intentions of love or abuse, I live and I breathe, tucked inside the cradle of my beginnings. I am innocent as a planted seed with no sin to blacken my name, and I am but a silent creature that has no words to tell you.
     It is dark and I cannot see you yet but I can feel you closer to me than anything else. It is as if I am trapped inside a warm, yet empty shell, and I grow to love my surroundings but I cannot wait to grow into this body that forms silently about me. Sometimes I find myself wondering how I came to be or why I am here, but excitement thrills me as I begin to grow. So far, I am but a blob of cells and tissues, but one day you will recognize me as your own flesh and blood.
      Eight weeks have gone by, mommy, and I am beginning to change! (Would it be all right if I call you mommy)? Maybe you cannot feel me moving yet, but I am kicking as hard as I can to grab your attention. Sometimes I see the light of your reddening insides standing before me, close enough to reach, but as my senses are not yet developed. My eyes quickly close. The light grows uncomfortable to my sensitive eyes, but I will grow used to it mommy, I promise.
     It has now been three months, and boy has time gone by fast! I have finally been given a heart mommy, a heart! Now, not only am I soothed by your heartbeat, but by my own as well. My veins are blue and red, circulating freely through my thin, fragile skin and by now, I can think all on my own. I can finally say that I wasn’t just botched together, but put together carefully by the force of someone much bigger than myself. Sometimes I feel you move uneasily and my newly developed nerves pick up every touch…and to be honest…sometimes I feel pain. I said my first word as well. It was something along the path of a soft cry, but I’m sure you’ll be able to distinguish real words once you meet me. One day, I’ll be able to talk like you, mommy…one day.
     Finally, I can taste, after fifteen long weeks. That taco bell you had last night, I savoured it to the very last bite, but I’ll have to admit that you could’ve done better in the drinking apartment. My body doesn’t react well to the strong alcohol, so please. Help me grow into a strong…well, whatever I am. You don’t want me to get hurt do you? My body, my breath, and my life…it’s all in your hands, but it’s all right because I trust you. You are my mommy after all!
     Good news mommy! I am a girl! It has now been 20 long weeks and I can finally tell who I am! I have grown so fast, and am still growing rapidly. So far, I am 5 and 1/2 inches tall and I can clearly hear your voice now as you speak, though I do not understand what you say yet. I think I heard you and daddy in an altercation, but I hope it wasn’t serious. You sounded so upset. Even so, it is very comforting to hear you talking and I can’t wait to see you and daddy up close. Another cool thing that has happened is that my fingers have developed fully, so now, I have my own fingerprints! It’s almost as if I am a real person now, a real little girl. I wonder what my name will be?
     It has been 32 weeks now mommy, (only 8 more to go)! Last night I had my first dream due to the fact that I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, almost 90% of the day that you are awake and working. I had a dream of what you looked like, and I wonder if I will look more like you or like daddy. What do you look like mommy? I have a strew idea, from the dark locks I have produced so far and from the lightness of my eyes, that you are very pretty. I wish to see you, and I know I will soon.  
     A rushing force, surging through my ankles, awakens me and I open my eyes, stirring from my dreams that had been pummelled by wishes to see you. Now I am being pulled and strained through the warmth of you, mommy! I know I will see you soon! I can hardly wait to see your face and be held in your arms. You can teach me to talk and I can finally show you what I can do!
     But wait…why do these hands feel so unfriendly? Why are these hands so…cold?
     I feel a stinging cold surging over my legs as the light of day radiates against my skin. I am overjoyed mommy! It’s true after all! I am coming home to see you now!
     But wait…why can’t I see you? My legs are out, but where is the rest of me? Why can’t I see you? Mommy. I’m scared. These cold hands still grasp my ankles? These are not your hands….Mommy?
     My entire body is now feeling the breath of life, but my head is not. I want to see you! Take me into your arms! I am scared, and I feel nothing but darkness. Please, mommy! I beg you!
     A jabbing pain rushes through my head as everything I’ve worked for, grown for, and waited for leaves my body. The sharpness of the pain rips through my forehead and leaves me blinded and stunned. I am not dead. No I am not dead, for I feel unbearable, burning, stinging pain…horrid, darkness…can’t breathe, can’t see…can’t live. Where…where are you mommy?
     My head is exploding! Help me! Help me mommy! It’s so painful! I scream and I tear with my arms, but the cold hands gripping me do not release! Help me! Where is your comforting voice? Where is the warmth of my cradle? What have I done, mommy? What have I done? I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Help me!
     Whatever object was stuck through my head, still surrounded by darkness, is taken out but I still feel every part of me twitching with the pain. I am still not dead…why…why mommy? Was I supposed to die…? What is there to happen next?
     I feel nothing now, except for the hands grasping me. I’m sorry mommy…but I cannot see you. I have the feeling…that I won’t either. I wish…I could only see your face…and hear your voice…one…last…time.

     The abortionist then inserts a suction catheter into the puncture that was made by the scissors inside the baby’s head and the brain is sucked out from the child, causing the skull to collapse into a heap of bones and flesh. Then, the dead baby is removed and discarded into the wastebasket under the counter to join the other countless corpses of babies, killed by partial birth abortion, suction aspiration, dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation, salt poisoning, prostaglandin chemical abortion, or hysterotomy. These horrid ways of killing infants include ripping it apart with hooks while it’s growing in the womb, using a curette to break all its bones and crushing it’s skull to make it “easier” to get out, using a chemical to increase contractions during delivery so that the child is violently killed in the birth canal. Some even have been delivered decapitated and some alive. Another type of abortion where infants have frequently survived, but in crucial condition, is poisoning it with solutions that burn off its outer layer of skin, which usually takes hours, and when babies are mistakenly born alive, most are just left on the counter to die. Some have survived.
     It is legal to kill these babies as long the abortionist cannot see their faces, so that, my friend, is the reason that the baby’s head is never delivered. It is not considered a human being if you cannot see its face and head, but once the face and head are out and clear, it is illegal to kill it. Mind you, these outrageous forms of murder are legal in 26 states, with only few exceptions.
     All of these children are victims of brutal murder. All of these children had a chance, but someone killed that chance. All of these children had a body and a functioning brain, but someone took that away from them. These children were brutally murdered. Murder is illegal.
     Why isn’t abortion?
     Now that…is what I call a scary story, or should I say reality?

After reading things out loud, I was sent to the back. Everyone was shocked. The people that had read before me had read about blowing people up, sucking blood, and various murder scenes involving Bob Saget. Everything I had written was a shock to anyone, and the shocking thing was that everything I wrote had been perfectly real.

We got our grades a few days later and my teacher had given me a C. Mind you, I am an all A's student. I don't get C's, never. I work too hard to recieve C's, so this C was a total shock to me, but I still found myself smiling, realizing that it was war that she wanted.
She had written a note to me stating that I was "forcing my views on people." Sad thing is, that what I stated was fact. She also mentioned that I had no right to talk of abortion during a public class room setting when the subject we had been given had nothing to do with it. Well, I can argue that with ease.

Naturally, I am a very calm, peaceful person. I was leader and head of the debate team my sophmore year, a position usually given to seniors, and I still stand firm as Debate leader now. I don't get rowdy or haughty. I feel that I solve things peacefully and with a deep sense of maturity.
So I wrote a letter to my teacher and placed it the journals that she checks and supposedly reads every Friday. (She told the class that reading them was "a waste of her time" and that she "had a life." I reminded her that she wasn't just a gym teacher anymore).
My parents heard of what had happened from one of my friends and they were outraged. They were ready to call the vice principal, due to the fact that my teacher was breaking a major rule. She was grading me of the content of my writing, not my grammar or structure, which was flawless to begin with.

My 1st hour essay was suddenly the hot topic of the school. Word spreads quickly. Random people I didn't know would come up to me and ask me for my essay (they still do!) and I would gladly give them a copy, and I now carry copies with me just in case someone is interested.

It was then that my teacher read my letter. She quickly changed my grade but I found out after that, that a group of teachers had confronted her on the subject and made her change her mind. Her job was almost at stake by now, and it had never been my intention that everything had gone so far.

My pastor ended up asking for copies of my essay to hand out to the congregation, and mind you, the congragation has over 1000 members. He also had me read it out loud as a sermon.

I am on the line of getting my essay published in Brio magazine and my district and school's editorial.

No one, including myself, knew that a simple four page essay could get so far, but it only shows that reality has its way on people. Don't think that I got by this easily. I've had many aggressive pro-choice rallies thrown against me, I've been spat at, thrown down, and screamed at for this very essay, because people are still afraid of the truth. You may take it as opinion, but every single thing I state in the ending paragraphs, are true. I wish that they weren't, but they are completely true. I am a democrat, yet the one thing I stand firmly conservative on, is that I am 100% pro-life.

I believe that it only shows the main problem with abortion. A pro-choice supporter could have as well written the part of describing and explaining the procedures of abortion, because they are not from any one's point of view. They are real. Scary thing is, that over 90% of the people that read this essay, did not know what actually went on during partial birth abortion, or any other abortion that occur after 8 weeks in the womb. That's scary.

Meanwhile in schools, kids are being taught about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases, and that abortions are an option if you become pregnant by mistake. Now, that pushes my buttons a little bit. They are being taught one side of abortion, wether the teacher is conservative or liberal, and they're not actually being told what actually occurs. The first day I read that essay in class, I heard everyone talking of how shocked and surprised they were. This is stuff that's being hid from the teenagers of today, teenagers that will one day become adults, and could end up facing a situation of wether or not to have an abortion or not. That was the one thing that bothered me, and it was what made me write the essay when I could've just written about bloody Bob Saget murders like everyone else.

This thread isn't to argue abortion, but only to state the facts of what should be taught, what shouldn't be hidden to the public eye. Teenagers and adults alike shouldn't have to go online and study up on what happens in abortions that are so widely accepted in so many settings. They should be taught on the spot. If abortionists are so sure on what they do, then why don't they stand up for it and reveal all to the public eye. If real abortion footage and videos were released, I'm sure that there'd be a huge decrease in abortions taking place. I feel it to be very true, and it should be that way.

Feel free to critique, comment, argue, and yell. I'm open to discussing and supporting anything I've written because I feel it is all equally important.
The Darker the Sky--
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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted November 12, 2006 04:03 AM

Mirror Mirror

I can't help but wonder if some of the things you write about are masked by a fictional title. I can't help but wonder if this is more a story about the author than the material.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 06:56 AM

I can't help but wonder if some of the things you write about are masked by a fictional title. I can't help but wonder if this is more a story about the author than the material.

I am disappointed that you feel that way. I hope I don't make it seem like it's about me. That is definately not why I wrote it.

I hope you can grasp the fact that the whole bottom line of the story was to make you understand the unclarity of abortion facts to the public. Remember, I wrote this for an assignment and to get the facts out to growing minds, not to get popularity. I didn't even know it would rise up to being published in magazines. Come on Consis! I thought you knew me better than that.

The reason I write that my pastor used it as a sermon, that people ask for copies, and that it's on the line of being published is to prove that it's a very sensitive topic I chose to  bring up. I gladdens me to see people read it and take it to heart, because abortion is one of the most important things in my life. I will do anything to save a life, anything, and me being a 16 year old high school girl doesn't make it much easier for me to do so, but I did what I could, and I am changing things. It's not for my benefit, but for the unborn children.

I am not that concieted and I am not that twisted. This was not for me.
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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted November 12, 2006 08:37 AM

...cycle of life, cycle of death, cycle of ignorance, cycle of enlightenment...

...far be it from me to ever defend a teacher, be it a kidengarden one, a high school one or a university professor with five Masters and eight PhDs, the sad truth is that most are either painfully ignorant, close minded or simply jaded and just keep on perpetuating a cycle of bad education...

...and here we come to your gym-turned-english teacher (another pet peeve of mine, since i am a Computer Science student and the only kind of teacher we haven't got teaching us programming is probably a gym teacher with a two week seminar on C++) ...a snide and sarcastic person, that is rude to people and generally with behaviour that leaves a lot to be desired...

...then, we have the ever thorny subject of abortion... its bloody, its messy, its certainly something that can send people into a rant or even a full blown fist fight ...i am not squeamish, after we were shown a video on abortions by our theologist, i was the first to go grab a snack... trust me, i got a number of glares that day...

...and still, after reading this story (not just your essay, the whole thing) i find myself urged to defend your teacher... for two reasons i think... the first one is that if things were clear on what is considered life and what is not, you wouldn't have "pro-choice" and "pro-life" people... everyone would be either pro-choice, or pro-life (and just so you know, i am pro-choice but would like to think of it as a last resort) and the issue would not be there...

...so yeah, truth be told you were forcing your opinion on others, or rather, you were extremely vocal about it, in your defense, the way you did so was brilliant.. yet undeniably out of sync, off topic and the C you got was well deserved... no matter how you felt about things, simply put, your story had nothing to do with the subject...

...maybe it is my other gut reaction, to rush to the defense of people i'd normally want to beat up to a pulp, when i hear such things... on the other side of the atlantic, teachers are losing their job for teaching scientific fact, simply because it goes against someone's personal views about the universe...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 03:14 PM


I can see where you're coming from, but I still do not think that I was forcing anything on anyone. I will admit that by the end when I state that abortion is murder, that could be interpreted as opinion, but the rest of the informational section is pure fact.

I am not rash against people who choose to be pro-choice, not at all, and I also explained that I wasn't attacking anyone personally. I was totally open for people to step up and tell me I'm wrong, but sadly, I wasn't wrong, because the things I stated were fact and no one could argue with me on it.

The fact that you think I deserved the C is definately your opinion. My teacher ended up changing her mind and making it an A when she realized her fault and all the other professors I've had read it, including my sister's college English professor, have granted it an A+ paper. I was not off topic. She told us to write a scary story, and what's scarier than reality? Why waste time and write of things that do not happen, things that have no use in the future, when you can write things that change the way people think, in a positive way?


I am so happy to read that you like my work. It gives me a little more "oomph" to keep going with the topic at my school.

I do sort of agree that I could've done the essay in another class, but really, this is information everyone should know, not just students that are forced to take health. We're not allowed to debate abortion in debate class anymore, (because the teacher is getting worn out,) so I didn't know what else to do.

(This was my first post in a very long time! I got my new laptop so I have a little more freedom now, I hope.)
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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted November 12, 2006 03:39 PM

frankly my dear...

...no, your teacher DID NOT see "error of her ways" to change the C to a B or A or whatever you got... what she DID see was a bunch of people threatening her job for no real reason ...and when that happens, people have but two options... either stand up for their beliefs and starve, or compromise and stay their tongue so that they and their families can eat

...and it is rather unfair to say your story was true... yes, you probably got the physical part of it right (i am no expert in abortions) the part that probably made the sensation, is the whole "hi mommy" part... seeing things from an imaginary view of the unborn... something that when it comes to it, you or i or anyone else has no way of knowing, so it is entirely fictional ...for all we know, the unborn feels nothing and has no clue where it is, what a mother is, or what have you...

...there, so much for your "true story" ...and you say you were not really off topic, you were asked to write a scary story, for Halloween, right? ...it is logical to assume the scary story had to at least marginally be related to Halloween and not some arbitary topic that may be indeed scary ...would you consider a story about global warming on-topic? ...or perhaps a report on car accidents?

...i just feel sorry for your teacher and others like him
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 06:53 PM

I probably forgot to mention the fact that my teacher did write me a note, apolgizing and explaining her error. Wether she did it because she realized her error or if she was pressured, I guess we'll never know, but I honestly don't believe that it deserved the grade she originally gave me.

You bring up a fine point when you proclaim that the first chunk of my story is fiction. That is true, but the whole reason I did that was because we were supposed to write a story. What I hope people noticed is that I was giving away the growth spurts of the unborn child, decribing the different stages it goes through from the babies point of view. If I was just to run it all out like this was a plain, informational paper then I would've done so, but it added more color and interest. There is fact stated within the first paragraphs, and I was trying to show how the unborn baby was still a baby though not yet out of the womb, highlighting the stages where the baby's brain forms, when it begins to feel pain...etc. That is all fact, mixed in with creative fiction.

It is very incorrect when you say that the baby has no idea where it is and has no feeling. It has been proved and studied that by 8 weeks, a baby can sense light, movement, and pain. By 8 weeks, the baby has a sensory nerve to send messages to the base of the brain, the thalamus, and it reacts. People think that just because the baby can't tell you it's in pain, it's not in pain. Well, if you pinch a baby, it'll react by retreating and crying, so if you shove a pair of scissors into a 32 week-old baby's head, I think there'd be a reaction as well. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. There's a great website called www.silentscream.com, where you can watch the baby's reaction during an abortion, recorded by an actual abortionist. It's horrifying to watch, but it's true and it happens every day.

Now that the facts have been straightened out, I will admit that my story was about as scary as they get. What's so wrong with writing about something real, when everyone else chooses to write something so plain? I don't see what slitting throats and cutting off heads have to do with Halloween, a holiday where American children roam for candy, and when my teacher announced or stories, she decribed them as "scary" and she left them at that. Nothing else. We were writing a scary story, and I did.
If someone wanted to write about car accidents or global warming, I would highly respect that person. High school isn't just about blending in and passing, it's there to prepare us for life after school. I believe that stepping out and taking a stand for something you believe in is highly important, and even if someone with a totally different view than myself would've done what I did, I still would've held the same respect for them as if I agreed.
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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted November 12, 2006 07:39 PM

you still miss the point

yes, as an english essay your story was A material, it was technically perfect, or near it... and quite possibly more so than any of the other essays that had to do with killings and stuff...

however, it, as an essay about global warming or car accidents, had nothing to do with the topic at hand, Halloween... by definition, this makes it off-topic, even if technically worthy of an A

and mind you, i will say the rest had equally off-topic stories, but i am pretty sure your teacher had in mind Halloween as it is percieved by pop-culture and the everyday person, not Hallow's Eve, Samhain or any of the original incarnations of the holiday

you could pass the message you wanted about abortion through a story that was actually on-topic, without falling to the level of those lets-kill-bob-saget-in-gruesome-ways stories... but you didn't, so yeah, i stand by my opinion... the C was appropriate
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 08:02 PM


That will have to stand as your own opinion, because it is really about opinion when it comes to why I was given the C.

The fact of the matter is that she changed it to the correct grade. It wasn't supposed to be about Halloween, I clearly stated that. It was supposed to be a scary story. She said nothing of Halloween. Therefor, I wrote a scary story, and got my point across in the process.

And hopefully I've gotten my point across to you.
The Darker the Sky--
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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted November 12, 2006 08:04 PM


So we got an assignment to write a scary story, about two weeks before Halloween, just to set the mood.

You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 12, 2006 08:24 PM

So we got an assignment to write a scary story, about two weeks before Halloween, just to set the mood.

Correct. But she said nothing of Halloween, which gives me all the rights I need.

And if the other students could be off-topic with their teenage mindset violence and sexual content, then why can't I be off topic with my facts?
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Famous Hero
livin' in a bottle of vodka
posted November 12, 2006 11:23 PM

Either way, you can't say you weren't forcing you view on people. You may call it what you like, but the beginning, with the semidialogue between the unborn and the mother, was no less than a prologue to the second part of the essay, where you state facts; which is nothing less than manipulating people.

You used a fictional dialogue to induce the audience into the false opinion that the unborn is self-conscious(mind you, feeling pain does not mean you are aware of your own existence), then exposing the facts; obviously, under the initial impression of the first part of the essay, his seemed a lot more tragic then they are (again, mind you, I am not a sadist and I find the processes described to be horrible indeed).

After ending your story, you say you only mentioned facts. However, while you induced your audience into a feeling of horror toward the process ao abortion, making them feel it is a horrible crime, you failed to mention anything else: things such as the mother's point of view, why she made that choice (ever considered it may have been an accidental pregnancy -eg:condom broke- and that she might not be able to support the child financially or in any other way).

Overall, you used fiction to create a proper ground for your views, cleverly stated only trough facts, at the same time leaving out other facts, explinations or points of view.
Which, if it is not 'forcing your views on other people', certanly is  clever manipulation.

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Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted November 13, 2006 12:35 AM

She's a girl. Of course she's manipulative

I smell a rat here.  You disappear for several months and out of nowhere you come and post this story of yours which, by the way is very deserving of it's 'A'.

Do you get to be creative within the strict, evangelical controls that your parents set for you?

Are they reading the responses to what you wrote over your shoulder?  

Are they calling you a good little christian girl again because you are aiding their war against so-called abortionists?

Do you get internet privileges again now that you're saying what they're believing?

If you manage to convince two others of your point of view do you get your water colors back?

And just to let you know I'm pro-choice.  But I will not debate the issue of abortion with a child who is being used as pawn in a larger struggle by her parents and other people of authority in her life.  I certainly hope that Roe vs. Wade is struck down and the court instead finds a stronger constitutional argument in support of a woman's right to choose whether or not to slay her unborn child.


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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted November 13, 2006 02:51 AM
Edited by Consis at 02:56, 13 Nov 2006.

Yes . . .

How long before this thread becomes mysteriously deleted with no reasons given?

For those who would like to discuss abortion and many other similar subjects with relative trust in posting safety, I suggest trying this thread:


It is my hope that you can all rest assured with your thoughts and questions here . . . that they will NOT be enigmatically removed with impunity. I've diligently tried my best to keep every post ever made here at Heroes Community, with regard to the abortion debate, together and in an easily accessed location. Thus far it has served it's purpose.

You might even be surprised to find I've saved some of your old posts Ruby.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 13, 2006 05:05 AM
Edited by ruby at 05:35, 13 Nov 2006.


I honestly don't see how stating fact is manipulative. If the facts are horrible and disgusting, then that's what they are. I didn't make the ending up, I wish it was a story, but it is reality. People need to know what actually happens during these practices that go one regularly at Planned Parenthood, but I guess I'll have to admit the beginning lead into an unexpected ending. Even so, I didn't want to make the entire story into a list of facts. I needed something to grab the reader's attention, and I found my creativity in creating the baby's journal of growth.
When it comes down to it, I guess I did want to manipulate, but it was honest and true manipulation. It wasn't for me, but for my beliefs that children are being murdered. The main, top of the top reason why I wrote the essay in the first place was that I had a thought in the back of my mind, that if maybe I do, someone in that same class, when facing a situation involving an unwanted pregnancy would make a better choice. That's what I am about, and it's not to screw up their lives and manipulate people into thinking my way, it really isn't.

I am a 100% pro-life, meaning I don't take accidenately pregnancy or rape as an excuse. It's still a baby, and it's not the baby's fault if it's an accident or a mistake. It still feels the pain and it's still being murdered, so I didn't see a need to put it from the mother's perspective. I have had two friends who have had kids in their teens. One girl was in 8th grade when she had her baby girl and the other was in 11th when she had hers. They were both accidents but seeing them now, I am so, so glad to see that their mother's made the right choice. They are also sure that they made the right choice, and they're not rich. They have problems raising their babies, but a true hearted mother, once they see their child, would never give it up. That's the main reason the baby's head never exits the birth canal when the abortion is taking place, because once you see the baby, the emotions starts to change your mind, and abortionists don't want that.

I apologize, I've rambled again..


Girls are manipulative? I had no idea.

Yes I disappeared and I am sure you know why.

Yes, I did come out of nowhere! The reason for that is that my dad finally gave in to my manipulative whining and gave me the laptop I've been begging for. I have wireless internet and a lot of free time. I thought that maybe someone missed me here on HC.

I could care less about the "evangelical controls" that my parents set. This is my laptop and my freedom.

No, they are not reading my responses. The history system my dad used to spy on me is not installed on this laptop. This laptop, he never touches. He has no password and even his hacking skills can't get through my system. So far, I am completely safe.

In fact, my parents are very proud of me for being pro-life and standing up for what I believe is right, but what they don't know is that I am very liberal when it comes to the rest of the controversies in politics. But they don't have to know that.
Either way, I don't debate abortion because they pat me on the back every time I do. I debate it because I feel very strongly on the subject, and I want to do everything a 16-year-old high school student can do in the battle for life.

I get my wireless internet priveleges because I got good grades this first sememster. That's basically it...I've always stood up for my belief's, it's nothing new to them.

Water...colors? I'm not sure if you're trying to mock me in order to humor yourself or if you're just being honest. And what do you mean by point of view? You don't believe that's what they actually do to unborn babies?

I honestly don't mind that you are pro-choice. Trying to convert people wasn't my main reason for posting, but to tell a basic story of what went on at a small high school in the midst of a partial birth abortion state.

The fact that you dare call me a pawn of a struggle within my parents makes me lose all respect for you. If you want to trample on me, find another way, because bringing my parents into this only makes you look like an ass and makes me feel like a snot nosed kid, which I am not. I have worked long and hard to make it to the semi-sane state that I am in now, and I don't need people like you to bring it up so thoughtlessly, like you have any idea of who I am. This has nothing to do with my parents or any larger authority.

I am my own person and there is no one controlling me. I am nobody's pawn. Sorry for standing up for what I believe in. I guess some people just can't handle that from a "child."


So suddenly it's my fault that my parents want to control my every movement? I didn't know they were to search through my computer again, I thought they were over that phase, and I did what was safer for myself. If you don't want me posting here anymore then just say so, because I can find places where people are more open and less judgemental and ignorant.

I'm not sure of your intentions or reasons for saving my old posts, and thus I'm not sure if I should be thanking you. But thanks anyways. I'm sure they might come in handy one day.

This thread won't be deleted unless someone else finds in necessary or you plant another uselss comment, accusing me of being concieted and then not supporting the claim.
The Darker the Sky--
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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted November 13, 2006 07:42 AM
Edited by Consis at 07:47, 13 Nov 2006.


I'm afraid things are a bit more complicated than you think. First of all . . . I don't trust your posts and threads in any sort of solid fashion as of yet. I and every other member of Heroes Community has every right to reserve a certain level of mistrust for your material after the sudden mysterious mass deletions of your body of work. And I might add: some very good work. (as I have always maintained about you). I'm not saying it was your fault. All I know is what all everyone else knows. And No! We should not "know by now". How can we? What have you told us up until now?! I'm surprised you have the nerve to assume we know anything at all about your situation! What you have just told The_Gootch is the first time I've heard anything about the true nature of what really happened to you! You need to understand that you left us all hanging out here. Many of the people here were enjoying your posts and threads and then suddenly . . . it was all taken away from us in the blink of an eye with absolutely no reason given what so ever. Had this been done prior to Valeriy's latest installation (members cannot delete threads any longer) then it wouldn't be a big deal. However! Once your threads were deleted, that automatically told the rest of us that you had in fact NOT deleted them yourself. It had to've been done by getting Valeriy to do it. "How and Why was that accomplished?" many of us wondered. That was the big question on everyone's mind you see. I have to tell you that I was shocked and stunned.

I was ~saving your posts~ ??? as in some kind of attraction???  HA! HARDLY!!! You completely misread what I said. I SAVED YOUR POSTS FROM BEING MASS DELETED by transcribing thems hortly after I found them looming in the Tavern. If you will please notice the date in which I transcribed your posts to my thread . . . you will clearly see that I did it very shortly after you started your discussion in the Tavern. It's not as if I've kept your posts in dusty folder for the last two years doing who-knows-what with them. I've been transcribing MANY members' posts, not only yours! All the posts that I've ever found having anything to do with abortion were transcribed by me. MY ABORTION THREAD IS THE MOST COMPLETE COMPILATION OF ALL ABORTION POSTINGS IN ALL OF HEROES COMMUNITY.

I was hoping to transcribe your abortion essay as well !!! And why shouldn't I? It's an excellent example of provocative graphic writing with regard to the abortion debate! I'm not going to sit here and criticize whether your opinion of abortion is right or wrong. I only criticize the platform you abused to present your message. It was indeed a platform at that.

My little 'mirror mirror' comment was meant to remind you of the direct irreverant invasion of your privacy by your parents. A clear bludgeoning of your civil rights. I would have thought that you (of all people!) would know what it's like to have someone force their opinion on you. How did it make you feel to have your parents invasively rip out what little trust you had left with them? How do you think it made your unsuspecting classmates feel when you abused their trust to push your own agenda? How did it make your teacher feel? Wait let me guess, your teacher isn't supposed to have feelings right? Were you really thinking of their feelings when you read your filthy firebrand to them?

Do you think that Mohatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King jr., or the man in front of the tank at Tienamen Square would have done the same? You see Ruby, there's a difference between ~Peacefully-Protesting~ and ~Provocative-Protesting~ (standing on the civil rights of others). Your teacher has feelings and he/she has rights (both of which I am certain you did not take into consideration prior to reading your essay), your classmates have rights, and so do you. All these rights are afforded to you as surely as they are to them. I would think . . . that the greatest way to get your abortion message to others would be . . . not to provoke peoples' understanding but rather to inspire them to enlightenment.

This is a very good and important debate. Ex-U.S. president Jimmy Carter says in his book, Our Endangered Values, that he believes there is no solution to this debate, that it can never be resolved. My opinion is this: I will not abort my own child but still think women have the right to have the choice in some select circumstances. A very long time ago . . . you might remember a member who was once a moderator. His name was "Asmodean". He was a young gay Irish man. I recall talking with him about this subject. He had told me that the British had at one point sent a medical ship just outside the legal maritime boundaries of Ireland. There it sat, just out of jurisdiction while offering a free abortion to anyone who wanted it in Ireland. He then went on to say that abortion is the only thing that the north and southern Irish agree on. Abortion is completely illegal in all of Ireland whether it be British or not. Asmodean told me that his government sent out ships to stop it and even threatened to sink it if it didn't leave. He said it was the closest his country had ever come to war with England.

So you see Ruby . . . your experience in your school, all be it intrinsically local, is very important and very significant. Even if all the people in your school had agreed with your essay . . . still . . . you must realize that this is all part of a much bigger world. This is not simply Canadian or American or even Irish. Abortion is exactly worth the amount of enthusiasm you are investing in it. In this regard your passion is absolutely justified. But try to remember other peoples' feelings during your enthusiasm. A lesson to learn from many great philanthropists and philosophers is that nothing is more endearing than that of a peaceful protest.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Famous Hero
livin' in a bottle of vodka
posted November 13, 2006 06:10 PM


I am a 100% pro-life, meaning I don't take accidenately pregnancy or rape as an excuse.

I'm sorry, I don't have anyithing personal with you, I don't know if it's a Coc violation, but I just can't help myself; I have to say that I would just slap you for saying that.

I won't comment anything else coz my blood boils only whan I think that you could say this.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 13, 2006 10:28 PM


I am a 100% pro-life, meaning I don't take accidenately pregnancy or rape as an excuse.

I'm sorry, I don't have anyithing personal with you, I don't know if it's a Coc violation, but I just can't help myself; I have to say that I would just slap you for saying that.

I won't comment anything else coz my blood boils only whan I think that you could say this.

This is where it gets more personal, so I think I'll leave you a message instead.
The Darker the Sky--
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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 13, 2006 10:48 PM


I guess I don't have a right to be trusted as of yet, but I guess I'll have to do what I can to prove the fact that I'm not a simple pawn.

I hate my parents. I hate the environment I am in, but I choose to cope wih it instead of whining. I recieved this laptop as a gift and with my wireless internet, I have gotten the green light to do basically anything I want for a period of time. Who knows? Maybe one day they'll snap again and take it away. What I know for sure is that no one has to worry about my topics being deleted in the future.

I was never told that deleting threads and post were such a big deal, and if someone had, then maybe I wouldn't have had it done. I'm sorry for making things a lot more complicated then they should've been.

Yes, it was a platform which I used to present my message, but I never abused it. I took advantage of an open door and I went right on through with what was right to do. If someone can write about Bob Saget's bloody massacre and I can't write about abortion, then there's something wrong there. I wasn't surprised to find that my teacher was liberal, and wanted nothing to do with the facts of abortion.

I may get opinions forced on me, by my parents at the most, but that never affected me. Abortion facts are not opinions. If my parents were to come up to me and tell me that homosexuality was wrong, then...well...where's the fact in that? If I was to go up to my platform and pronounce to the world that abortionists use salt poisoning as a form of abortion...then I am not simply putting out my "view" on things, am I?

See, the classmates that I had surprisingly knew nothing of what actually happened. I can't say that I talked to every single one of them personally, but a massive group of the class came to me and talked to me about it. (So did many other individual students that later got a hold of the essay...many that were democrat btw)..
None of them saw it as a problem, and many of them wanted to know more. Some did agree with me and all of them were shocked at what they had heard. Some had been uncomfortable hearing it but stated that it was information that needed to be heard. I wasn't doing this to make people feel like crap and to beat down on people. No, I did this to get the facts straight. It's not a fairy tale, this world, and I agree...it's not just about what happened in my classroom. This is worldly, but I can't do too much as a lowly high schooler to change the world, but I do what I can, and I feel that this was right and hopefully I am not the only one.

My teacher has feelings, yes, but what does that have to do with me stating fact? She is liberal, I know that for a fact, so if she believes that abortion is right, shouldn't she be okay with hearing what really goes on? I mean, she must know because she supports it, so what's the problem? Does it make her uncomfortable to know what really goes on? Does it make her think twice? I don't know, I am pro-life.

I do believe as you do, that there is no solution to this debate, but that's not stopping me from standing up for the unborn child. I'll save any life I can grasp, and the unborn child is no exception wether it's mine or someone elses.
I respect you for where you stand on your opinion, there is no doubt of that, but I can't say I agree with it and I'm not saying that that is a problem.

I honestly don't believe that a person's feelings can debate with the fact. Like I stated earlier, if someone that supports abortion has a problem with hearing about the process, then there's something wrong there. Shouldn't they be proud of what they stand for? What I know is that I am proud for standing up for the baby's life, and if anyone ever wants to argue the case, then I will gladly do what I can.

Oh and I am not sure if I answered The_Gootch's question straight, the one that asked if my parents were standing over my shoulder.

Well to put that simple and clear, if my parents saw even the URL of this website on my computer, they would rip this laptop out of my hands and beat me with it. They have discarded at least three copies of Heroes of Might and Magic III by now, and mind you, they won't stop until I move out. I hope that generalizes my answer.
The Darker the Sky--
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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted November 14, 2006 01:35 AM

It's like not believing in ghosts.
If you dont see one then most likely you wont believe in them.
Just like accidental pregnancy or worst rape.
If you dont experience them then you wont understand.
In this case you need to look at your own self & if you cant even take care of yourself or your own life.
If you not mentally or financially capable of taking care of a child then foster care can be the best bet to give a child who a chance to survive.
Many have in this messed up world.
It's not the kids fault but i dont believe in abortion also.
Killing an unborn child id murder.
What did they ever do to you?
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