Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) Figured this out.
Tons of bad maps. Had to go through manually adding 10 at a time (through all ...
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) I have installed only the base, ERA II, and made the changes to WoGify and still seems to be working...
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) Currently uninstalling and reinstalling.
The mods have no effect on that part I don't believe.
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) I'll work on the uninstall and reinstall.
Give me a few, at least it's on the SSD now.
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v614/Showstopper3584/WoG2.png[/img]
I don't think it's and...
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) Alright, had some time today. Here is what I have seen:
1. Base install of game and ERA II works ...
Untitled Post in ERA II Loading issue Windows 8 - 2 (WOG) I got on for a bit last night when I got home (less these days as my 2nd son was born here 7/12) and...