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HC UserName: Send a_rebirthing_flight an Instant Message. If you have the HC Messenger window open, the message box will appear right inside it. Send E-Mail to a_rebirthing_flight a_rebirthing_flight
Date Registered: January 7, 2005
Status: Supreme Hero, with rebirthing power
Personal Page of a_rebirthing_flight, last updated July 21, 2005
well i am 14 and i live in sydney australia. i am currently a student. i enjoy playing every game imaginable except some car games and shoot-em-ups. my favourite games include heroes, M&M, red alert and FFTA. my hobbies include playing soccer and the computer aswell as playing cards and chess

i currently am the starter and preserver of these threads:
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=14751]Riddle Master[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=15211]Riddle Master 2: The New Master[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=14430]My dragon town Explanation[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=14543]My new creature[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=15091]Caesar 3 Install Problem[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=15162]Simpsons Movie[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=15170]Whats so bad about H4[/url]
-[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=15191]Uphill Times[/url]

here is little about me and HC

Nicknames:a_r_f, rebirth, a_retarted_git

Member time: January 7, 2005. almost 6 months

Favorite forum: alter of wishes, tavern and VW but i like to visit others on occasions

Favorite discussion topics: heroes 5 ,games especially those involving riddles or mysteries

Favorite thread(s): mystery game 1 because i won

How i think other members view me: just that guy over there who cant be killed

How i think moderators view me: just that guy over there who stays out of trouble

Most underrated member(s) at HC: no real opinion here

Most overrated member(s) at HC: a few but at the risk of being unpopular i will not list

Members i miss: none. havent been here long enough

Favorite poster(s): svarog for his heroes 5 ideas, dodd for his mystery games, the_hydra for heroes 5 stuff, my mates at "riddle master", guitarguy and mr_niceguy for caesar 3 among others and all at VW

Favorite members(s): anyone who supports liverpool fc and regulars at VW

Favorite comments(s): Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
Most memorable moment: my first QP for my riddle master thread, although i dont know who i got it from

i am currently playing:
-M&M 9, thanks to doddtheslayer
-caesar 3
-kings bounty, thanks to sirdunco

and i am also eagerly awaiting heroes V

i pretty much like all sports but my favourites would have to be soccer, tabble tennis, tennis and chess if thats a sport and oh yea gambling

i play soccer on the weekends for a local club. i usually play in the midfield somewhere but i have played in defence and attack aswell. i have scored 3 goals from midfield this season so im pretty happy

as for table tennis this is one of my fav sports cause i am very good. i play table tennis at schools for sport. i can beat pretty much anyone in my school, that i have played with, except a few seniors. i also have a table tennis table at home so i can practice my skills more often that others

and now for tennis. i play tennis cause my brother used to play so i had a go. i used to be good but i stopped playing a few years back. if i was to play now u could see i had played before but im a bit rusty. i prefer playing close to the net but due to my height i usually am running backwards to deal with lobs

my favourite quotes that i say often are as follows:
"indeed, not word"
"interesting thoery"

i also had a go at making my own quotes. this is what i have come up with:
"'Tis better to rely on the the wit of your brain rather than the speed of your hands and mouse"- this means it is better to play a turn based game which requires much skill, rather than a RTS which requires speed more than anything
"Those that are always brave, are probably dumb
those that are smart, will come out on top when they are brave
those that are experienced will always be brave and come out on top"
- this means that if u rush in u will likely do something dumb, second line says that smart ppl will only be brave when they know they can win, last line says that experienced ppl can always be brave and always come out on top

my favourite quotes that other ppl have said are as follows:
Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
People can't walk all over you, if you just walk away-Leo_Lion
cause u can lead a horse to water, but u cant make it enjoy the view- the whitlams, song: u gotta love this city

here is my little go at writing which is about how certian things in H3 came about. this one is about how the Tower originated from the wizards talking about the creatures and how they were picked up and how others left

*an old man walks in and sits down*

i like the wizards and have for some years. i have traveled the world listening to young and old, dumb and smart and ofcourse the crazy and have learned much but the following is a collection of what is true about the famous "tower"

the wizards reviewed thier town make up after they prevailed. they came together to discuss how they could improve magically and accepted that to gain this they must lose physicaly. they also decided to name the new town the tower.

the newly formed tower decided to drop the halflings since the cold that they migrated to wasnt suited for them and picked up the gremlins. they found the gremlins in an abandonded clock tower north of the original tower, also called the equinox, frolicing around with what seemed to be giant balls of iron. they were amazed at the strength of the gremlins and especially the master gremlins since they could through these balls of iron over the clock tower at a target with great accuracy. they moved the clock tower with a little magic and it is now a building located behind the local tavern

the ferocious boars were droped for the speedy gargoyles. the leader of the wizards, Cyra who is the daughter og Myra, decided that the speed at which the gargoyles could move and attack with was suitable for the town which needed a speedy and strong attacker. they are happy in thier parapet up high where they can come down when called with remarkable speed

the golems were kept because of thier magical qualities of being a living, moving piece of metal. they were droped from being steel to iron because of the fact that they steel no longer became that available in and around equinox. the magi were kept also for thier great abilities of helping out the leading hero. they are happy in thier towers next to the mage guild were they are able to study up when they desire. they do however require quite a few precious resources to allow them to assist the hero in casting great spells.

rocs were considered too much trouble since the gargoyle had the speed and attack to match but the rocs couldnt properly move and attac on such cold conditions so they went to the desert in hope to gain a new friend. genies were acepted from the deserts and were moved into an altar of wishes. here they were able to be about with other genies in a nice place high and away from other creatures. but they do require a few resources to practice thier spellcasting away from other creatures.

the nagas were included into the developing tower because they were actually the original owners of the towers land. they live in the sea and occasionaly came up to play a little and also to develop thier lungs. they signed a treaty which insured that the nagas could have thier own premises in exchange for thier service in on the battle field. the nagas may well of turned and fought the tower for thier land back but decided that the deal could prove prosperous and a good descision indeed.

finally the titans came back but at a price. they were considered most valuable to the newly forming tower and thier presence was kept at all costs which is so very very true. they demanded many gems to allow them to make thier swords most powereful and to pay the magi for thier services of making the cloud castle so in touch with the magical side of things.

this is the truth about the tower. those who have fought the best battles and traveled the nine castles wont know this much i tell u that so i tell u to remember what i said for it is the truth that i only know and that i will never repeat

here is another story about the rise of the fortress into H3

the fortress was originally a swamp infested by many creatures with the hydra the dominatnt species. then Adrienne came along and united the creatures of the marsh togther into one.

gnolls were the nomads of the swamp moving around and eating anything left by other creatures. they soon made a little tribe and raided the towns just outside of the swamp regions. the more experienced gnolls became gnoll marauders which were the ones sent out to raid while the lesser experienced watched. they prefer the use of moring stars to dispose of thier victims as it deadly in thier prefered close combat. they are now sheltered insidea gnoll hut outside of the tavern but below the cage of warlords. faouring the lead of drakon, they are currently happy.

lizardmen were found when Wystan stublmed upon the camp of Adreinne. he led a force of about 20 lizardmen. they were tested and Adreinne quickly included them in thier plans. they are content in thier den next to the tree they requested to be situatied next to. this was because they often practiced thier skills and found the tree the only adequate place ot do so.

serpent flies were easily found when one moring, Korbac the pathfinder, heard an unusualy noise while visiting the den of the lizardmen. he looked up to see a swarm of lizards which were coming in and out of a small hole. korbac soon to a liking to the small creatures and communicated with them in time. they eventually became apart of the town mainly because of thier speed and dispel ability. they attack with thier tail and that put together with a speed of a dragon, they soon became favoured units of many beastmasters.

the basilisks were found by bron who was out one day following thier tracks. he was fond of the creatures and had been studying them for some years now. he led them back to camp where they were tamed. the ability to petrify was unknown to bron but he soon learned that when he was petrified. a dragonfly however cured that. they were built a pit where they moved to during the night as expected by Bron. Bron was soon put in charge of the basilisks and made a beastmaster

gorgons were found in a lair around the middle of the large swapy area. they were found inside destroying the walls with thier acid breath. around the lair was a few mighty gorgons which were the leaders of the pack. they have eyes that cannot be seen without penalty of death,are considerably stronger that gorgons and have much bigger horns. they were constucted a new lair and were moved into the developing town. situated behind the mage guild they are still destroying walls but of the new lair.

wyverns migrated from Avlee to the nests of the swamps. although the change didnt really affect them, the poisonous and deadlyness of the swamp town was irresistable. they now learned a skill of thier own of how to poison thier tails when they become monarchs. they populate the wyvern nest which can be found atop the tree to the left of any swamp town. Broghild was given the job o attent to the beasts and has learned much. he is now a beastmaster and prefers to have them in his army.

the most dominating creature of the marshes is the hydra, which decided that the warlocks are evil masters. they were the original creatures of the swamp but because of thier speed and fear to seperate they allowed certain parts to be taken by other creatures. they however found this town and moved in. having a pond already built Adreinne offered it to the Hydras and they gladly accepted. they remain to this day in the same pond but some have left and joined other ponds.

Adreinne recieved word that food supplies were about to break whic meant that what was at the town know stayed. Adreienne gathered the different beastmasters to decide upon a name. Tazar, a young lad, already concieved the ideas of a citadel, cage of warlords and glyph of fear prosped the town be name the fortress. the idea soon took and he was to thank. the town had an overall name but needed smaller names to seperate one fortress from the next. names were chosen and some such as Drakenmoor and Stillbog are the names of fortresses today

The dungeon

*the old man stands and all listen with concentration*

i have told u the secrets that man and beast alike have not and need not know about the Tower and Fortress and their rise, but like any wise man i enjoy telling a good story. here is how the "Dungeon" came about from their warlock masters

it all came about when warlocks became overlords and their armies turned, in their eyes, into underlings. many overlords appeared in Nighon claiming to be the best and offering their services to Great Warlocks and Overlords.

One such person was the young female Mutare. Mutare was a particularly eye catching young female. she had the ability, which no other posses, to get along and increase the performance of dragons under her command. this unique talent. she was soon leading the army of the underground into battle to capture adversaries lands.

however, Mutare decided that before she undertook this task and mobilized forces she should and would change what she had.

centaurs had already left for a more peaceful life in the forest. they were unable to access the main armory which held their bows before they left so they made do with spears they found in a smaller armory. they left and were heard of next by spies reporting them in enemy ranks but that’s another story.

next to depart were gargoyles. they entered the underground only to turn solid and unable to act. they were dismissed by Mutare and they left for the snowy lands. we already know what happened with them.

then the gryphons left and were tamed by Royal Knights of Queen Catherine. They soon were fighting for good and were most royal beasts.

hydras then left deciding against staying with thier evil masters as many had done already. they went to thier original lands of the swamp and became strong enough to kill dragons. some evolved into chaos hydras that are uncontrolable by just any general but are extremely strong. some even say that they are stronger than dragons but thats just the views of that guy and that girl.

the last and most powerful creature to turn against thier warlock masters were the green dragons. they heard about the centaur friends finding a happier place among other creatures and decided to follow. they then joined the so called "Rampart" and found a new habitation among the cliffs.

Mutare was put in a tough situation at this time and was forced to make decisions that would change the Dungeon forever.

first to come were troglodytes. they were found wandering around Nighon led by Shakti. Shakti was seized and was brought before Mutare. Mutare made a proposition. Mutare asked Shakti to join her forces and she would allow Shakti to become an overlord. both sides accepted. Mutare needed the forces and Shakti needed a home. that home turned out to be mushroom rings all over, or shall i say under, Erathia. the troglodytes ofcourse were happy in the dark underground since they had no need for light

harpies was another addition to the ever growing Dungeon. the harpies learned from thier genie neighbours and started to make thier services available. harpies were discovered by spies. the spies reported harpies led by several harpy queens trying to join a town. the harpies were followed and were seen in the territory of the fortress and volcanic lands trying to offer fealty to the first leader willing to accept it. a messenger was sent out after word was recieve that the harpies had left the lava covered lands offering Mutare as the harpies new leader. a few days later the harpies contructed themselves a loft in the main dungeon town and were content.

Mutare then sent out scouts from her newly contructed palace at nighon with instuctions to find and bring any monsters without a leader. a messeneger buy the name of Ajit came back before the moon awoke with news of a homeless creature in the tunnels of nighon. the creatures were beholders. they were inspected and found to be ranged creatures aswell as melee if need be. they were considerably good in both respects and were given thier own little spot in the dungeon. ajit was promoted to overlord and from then on specalized in beholders.

another scout of harpy origin, lorelei, was sent out to find creatures aswell. she came back with some medusae. the medusae were much like the harpies and were concerned that if they didnt sign up with a faction, they would be attacked. they had the ability to stone which Mutare learned after the ability was shown to him by the head medusa at a soldier. but Mutare thought that the speed at which they moved combined with thier imprssive gift worked well together. Mutare then got the best sharpshooters from Erathia to teach the medusau how to fire a bow. the bows that the centaurs left behind were perfect and the medusae quickly adapted to thier new projectile weapon.

and then we come to the powerful Minataurs of the never ending labyrinth. these were already apart of the towns and decided not to leave but to stay an conquer with thier overlords. they wield large axes, with the minataur kings having double edged axes at thier hands. the kings wear a lustrous piece of armour that adds protection to match thier already great attack.

the origin is unknown even to me but i do know how they inducted into the Dungeon. it was a normal day and Mutare was out personally exploring the land around nighon when she came to a lair. the bones outside and in the cavern gave no clue to its occupants. Mutare sent in a soldier who came back out screaming and was paralyzed before he could speak. the medusae accompanying Mutare went out and hunted a few wild boar n the area and layed them outside of the cave. the monsters inside quickly came to the fresh meat an snacked away. they were orange coloured lions with mutated features wings and a tail. soon after another creature similar to the first made its exit from the darkness. this one was red and looked more vicious then the original creature. Mutare had seen nothing like it and called out anyone who knows how to control a beast that was a mutated lion, as she put it, to come to nighon. some came but they were fakers. then a female scholar called Synca came forth. she claimed to know how to control the beast and put her words into action. she communicated with the orange beasts she called manticores. she called the red ones scorpicores. she told the beasts something and the manticores were soon fighting for Mutare. Synca was then made an overlord and is now in control of the section of land south of Nighon where manticores are very common.

and that brings us to the dragons. ofcourse i already explained the green dragon leaving but what about the dragons still there. well Mutare realized that there was still numerous red dragons, enough for thier numbers to be effective. so Mutare was able to convince the dragons that she was the most powerful leader in all of Erathia. the dragons didnt care for this so mutare, like and smart dragonologist would, gave the dragons thier very own cave full of things that glittered. the dragons stayed and Mutare was happy. she even taught the black dragons that titans are evil and so black dragons do more damage to those they think are evil.

well thats all for today, come back later and i will reveal whatever u ask

*the old man leaves the room and heads towards the beds*

comments so far:
-they're all nice you should be very proud of yourself
-those are pretty decent coming from you ARF
-I like the Wizard/Tower one
-Good work A_R_F!! Keep the good stuff comming!!!
-Wow a_r_f...im surprised, that was actualy quite good

this page is updated weekly to keep up with me. last thing updated was my try at writing my own quotes

if there is anything else u wanna know just ask

and one more thing...

i have rebirthing power
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