Thread: Sander's Folly: Final battle impossible? | |


Hired Hero
posted May 24, 2004 02:28 PM |
Sander's Folly: Final battle impossible?
After countless positive reviews about the H3 story map called "Sander's Folly", I played it through during the weekend.
Everything went nice & smooth (took a while to find the trick to get across the underworld lake, though..) until the final battle. My army of 63 Titans, 43 Archdevils, 161 Naga Queens, 88 Efreet sultans plus some magi, iron golems and Pit Lords was slaughtered in very short order. I managed to kill 3 (out of 20) of those Azures by concentrating firepower on them, but then it was curtains for me. The rest of the army was 63 Black dragons plus corresponding Dungeon troops.
I haven't done the extra quests to get the relic artefacts (Sentinel's Shield and Titan's Gladius) but I still think that those wouldn't have helped much.
Am I attacking too soon (or too late?) or what am I doing wrong?
Otherwise, EXCELLENT story!
Jukka Mikkonen a.k.a Sir Rechet

Supreme Hero
posted May 24, 2004 02:45 PM |
as far as i remember, i had more trouble with the Feji Moraji hero (necropolis), but the final dude (leblanc) was not a real problem. What month are you in, exactly? You ca allways do the relic quests, it is not that complicated.


Hired Hero
posted May 24, 2004 03:26 PM |
I was on month 5 or 6, can't remember exactly.
For those that haven't played the map, here are the crucial statistics.
Defender has a fully built Dungeon with Grail and practically unlimited resources, so 3 extra blackies per week. (My army met 63 blackies, so it probably was week 21 or so.) He also has 20 Azure dragons, but doesn't get more. Defending hero has all primary statistics in the low 30's (Att/Def 31/32 IIRC), while Sander (player's hero) can get up to 25 Att/Def or thereabouts. Defender has Tactics and probably Offense/Armorer. And worst of all, Orb of Inhibition is present!
Player has 3 Towers (one with Castle disabled), 3 Fortresses, 3 Infernos and 3 Strongholds to draw units from.
Can the battle be won eventually (in a war of attrition) or does passing time favor the defender?
Jukka Mikkonen a.k.a Sir Rechet

Supreme Hero
posted May 24, 2004 03:29 PM |
don't forget that the defending hero also has the red orb
So no spells there.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 25, 2004 09:52 PM |
I haven't beaten that map but from the likes of it, you definitely need leadership or morale boosters so your final army can get mighty gorgons & Ancient behemoth along with Titans + NAgas, the rest is mishmash of whatever you wish but I'm not too fond of most inferno troops =\

Supreme Hero
gets back
posted May 26, 2004 11:16 AM |
Quote: I was on month 5 or 6, can't remember exactly.
For those that haven't played the map, here are the crucial statistics.
Defender has a fully built Dungeon with Grail and practically unlimited resources, so 3 extra blackies per week. (My army met 63 blackies, so it probably was week 21 or so.) He also has 20 Azure dragons, but doesn't get more. Defending hero has all primary statistics in the low 30's (Att/Def 31/32 IIRC), while Sander (player's hero) can get up to 25 Att/Def or thereabouts. Defender has Tactics and probably Offense/Armorer. And worst of all, Orb of Inhibition is present!
Player has 3 Towers (one with Castle disabled), 3 Fortresses, 3 Infernos and 3 Strongholds to draw units from.
Can the battle be won eventually (in a war of attrition) or does passing time favor the defender?
can you send me the save made at the beginning of that map in mail? I am very much interested in it.


Hired Hero
posted May 26, 2004 03:02 PM |
Wouldn't it be easier to just download the map and playing it yourself? I don't think I have a save from the very beginning of the game anyway...
Jukka Mikkonen a.k.a Sir Rechet

Supreme Hero
gets back
posted May 27, 2004 12:21 AM |
Edited By: csarmi on 26 May 2004
Quote: I was on month 5 or 6, can't remember exactly.
For those that haven't played the map, here are the crucial statistics.
Defender has a fully built Dungeon with Grail and practically unlimited resources, so 3 extra blackies per week. (My army met 63 blackies, so it probably was week 21 or so.) He also has 20 Azure dragons, but doesn't get more. Defending hero has all primary statistics in the low 30's (Att/Def 31/32 IIRC), while Sander (player's hero) can get up to 25 Att/Def or thereabouts. Defender has Tactics and probably Offense/Armorer. And worst of all, Orb of Inhibition is present!
Player has 3 Towers (one with Castle disabled), 3 Fortresses, 3 Infernos and 3 Strongholds to draw units from.
Can the battle be won eventually (in a war of attrition) or does passing time favor the defender?
time favors you...
you get 4*5 level 7's each week while he only gets 3 black dragons (and the initial azures, which get less and less important)
were I the mapmaker, I would have made that azure dwelling accessible - but wait, can't the comp hire those dragons from its creature portal (each week)?
actually, he should be, just not enough resources. he should be getting much more resources per week (preferably enough to recruit 1 azure per week to make it more interesting)

Supreme Hero
gets back
posted May 29, 2004 02:14 AM |
I used Titans (80), Archmagi(450), Iron Golems(770), Master Genies(350), Chaos Hydras(130), Naga Queens(190, unable to buy all) and Mighty Gorgons (290).
He had 80 Black Dragons and the rest.
Since Mighty Moos made short work of them dragons (Azure Dragons - 1 hit!), not even destroying my ballista in the 1st turn prevented my victory.

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted May 30, 2004 11:25 AM |
csarmy: woa, powerfull army u had there^^ Where can I find this map? Want to play it, too^^

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 30, 2004 06:05 PM |
When u think THIS army is powerful, then try "Lord of War".
You ever fought with 5000 Ancient Behemots?

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted May 30, 2004 11:01 PM |
woa, that is strong 


Hired Hero
posted June 01, 2004 10:27 AM |
Persistance granted victory..
I did a kamikaze raid with zounds of various fast level 3-6 creatures plus 246 Mighty Moo's. After the Azures went down (single hit from Moo's) I concentrated fire on Blacks, killing like 30 of them before retreating.
The rest wasn't that tough with 100+ Titans, Archdevils and Chaos Hydras and 220 Naga Queens.
Thanks for the help. BTW, the story just got better towards the end..
Jukka Mikkonen a.k.a Sir Rechet


Hired Hero
Trying to defend a castle
posted June 03, 2004 11:44 AM |
I remember fighting against 69993 Ancient Behemots that were in a castle. On the first turn I destroyed my catapult by a meteor storm, and put my titans in front of the castle door, so it could not be opened
Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted June 03, 2004 03:28 PM |
Quote: I remember fighting against 69993 Ancient Behemots that were in a castle. On the first turn I destroyed my catapult by a meteor storm, and put my titans in front of the castle door, so it could not be opened 
Lol that is tactics 
I think you shot them to death? 

Supreme Hero
posted June 03, 2004 03:40 PM |
There was a map that featured the same issue.
Comp enemy: Kilgor, inside a casle, fort built, 100 ABs
You: Exp Balistics, 5 Griffins, 100 Sharpshooters, Ammo Cart
Results: Victory, loses none
map was time of testing

Tavern Dweller
posted November 18, 2019 10:21 PM |
REally in dire need here. I'm stuck after defeating the necromancers (red) and Sagimyris (or whatever he's name is). I guess I should find a way to Leblanc through the underground lake but.... I feel dumber and dumber by the minute. Don't really know what to do. I also have the 2-6 clues for the pirate treasure and a message that some refugees are nort-west of some island. That's it. No other info.
Could anybody help?! It's already a week and I guess I won't move on my own.