Thread: The DO and DON'T of the tavern | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Tavern Dweller
posted April 25, 2002 12:42 AM |
The DO and DON'T of the tavern
Well. Just arrived at this forsaken place.
Sure I stopped a few secs by the door to browse through the rules for entering this joint.
Once in I listen to some of the guests and study their acts and I realize that there are a myriad of unwritten laws and unspoken agreements between the creatures in this place.
Just to make sure I don't put my foot in my mouth as I usually do I figure I would ask some of the regulars about what to DO and what to DON'T do?
Just by peeping in to some of the other rooms I already figured one thing out by myself:
DON'T be misled by those beatiful Sirens roaming the place from time to time. With sweet talk they lure you in to a close range. Once within reach they are quick to strike, they have sharp teeth and after chewing on you for a bit they will spit you right out on the bare floor. After this unpleasant experinece you are most likely to find yourself disillusionised a randomly wandering around searching for the remains of your manhood.
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted April 25, 2002 12:51 AM |
...hmm, well that takes care of my main warning I suppose.
...other from that, abide by the rules and have fun. Nothing more too it. Oh yeah, just call me sir.
This space for rent.

Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted April 25, 2002 12:51 AM |
don'ts: don't spam ..post things that have no meaning..which is what the tavern is mostly made of actually..uhmm
forget that one..
don't curse or belittle others..uhmm..wait same thing here
DO: post something interesting which gives us something to think about or from which we could learn
and ofcourse have fun
Love :
The darkest skies show the brightest stars

Legendary Hero
posted April 25, 2002 01:00 AM |
To do:
1) Point out to the rest of HC that Alan Shearer is the best footballer ever.
2) Point out which teams that made it too champions league this year and not
3) Everytime you think of making a post that is meant to me, andi or bjorn always start it with: "y-o-u-r majesty..."
4) Worship tossing at every oppurtunity you get
5) When visiting tossers tavern remember to always pay for the first round of beers, and if you have a cute sister we could use a table dancer 
Not to do:
1) Do not make a post with a size of a book
2) Dont ever start a "im new here" or "What is this" or "politics bar" thread. they are just boring and nothing new.
3) Dont ask what "tossing" is, just learn it like the rest.
4) If you ever think a tossing post is wrong, dont show that to the rest. Just stay to #3 rule in "to do" list.
5)Dont question any of the "unwritten rules above" just follow them.
...Oh these are just my personal opinions but wouldnt this be a beutiful place if everyone followed these "rules"? 
"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

Tavern Dweller
posted April 25, 2002 01:12 AM |
Quote: To do:
1) Point out to the rest of HC that Alan Shearer is the best footballer ever.
2) Point out which teams that made it too champions league this year and not
tiful place if everyone followed these "rules"? 
Here's a good tip for ya all:
DO eat that big bowl of magpies and milk for breakfast every day. For you can never know when your next meal is due.
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead

Legendary Hero
posted April 25, 2002 01:14 AM |
Well as it seems now thats the only way to stop those high flying magpies
"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

Known Hero
Supreme Flirt & Cyber Gypsy
posted April 25, 2002 04:32 AM |
another good tip......
Don't forget to say "Hi" to RainBow.....lol
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted April 25, 2002 04:40 AM |
Basically have fun & meet new people yea.
If you have anythang interesting to say, dont be shy to write it down.
Only thang you should worry about is literally hurting others here.
We may be on the internet but we are also humans here with feelings & like family it seems like here & believe me I have some mean brothers & sisters here lol.
Dreaming of a Better World

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted April 25, 2002 04:44 AM |
...oh, and try not to take too many of the avatars I use...sometimes when one of my multiple personalities kick in, it might be a bit touchy.
This space for rent.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted April 25, 2002 04:48 AM |
Yes & it shows lol
Dreaming of a Better World

Known Hero
Look ma!..a glowing ball...
posted April 25, 2002 07:30 AM |
i don't know about to do's..but i think u should NEVER do is open anothe of those crazy shops...the next thing we want is someone to open a grocery stores....and talk about fruits and vegies instead of HOMM....geezzzzzzz..........
Where do u go when you have gone too far?

Famous Hero
God slayer
posted April 25, 2002 08:55 PM |
Hmph! "Another one of those crazy shops"?? I take it you don't like my shop...
Well, let me tell you that that's because you haven't been there recently.I have a new partener, we have added a new wing...and you can ask around for any customers i had, and see if they are satisfied with the quality and service. I am sure they are!
Whatever does not kill us, only makes us stronger

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 25, 2002 09:53 PM |

Adventuring Hero
still learning spells
posted April 25, 2002 09:56 PM |
DO`s: read the FAQ/RULES.
DON`ts: don`t listen to almost all Do`s and and Don`ts others have said in this thread. You will know which ones are the exeptions...
Promising student of magic.

Famous Hero
posted April 25, 2002 10:32 PM |
Quote: To do:
1) Point out to the rest of HC that Alan Shearer is the best footballer ever.
2) Point out which teams that made it too champions league this year and not
3) Everytime you think of making a post that is meant to me, andi or bjorn always start it with: "y-o-u-r majesty..."
4) Worship tossing at every oppurtunity you get
5) When visiting tossers tavern remember to always pay for the first round of beers, and if you have a cute sister we could use a table dancer 
Not to do:
1) Do not make a post with a size of a book
2) Dont ever start a "im new here" or "What is this" or "politics bar" thread. they are just boring and nothing new.
3) Dont ask what "tossing" is, just learn it like the rest.
4) If you ever think a tossing post is wrong, dont show that to the rest. Just stay to #3 rule in "to do" list.
5)Dont question any of the "unwritten rules above" just follow them.
...Oh these are just my personal opinions but wouldnt this be a beutiful place if everyone followed these "rules"? 
People like you will be banned right away! Not here.. but somewhere else.. were you will never EVER come! (to good for both sides!)
Whahah you wake the demon fools!
And if you want to talk about that snowTY SOCCER
Then get your fat as$ to a stupid pathatic low IQ Male only soccer board(There are 10000 or brainless people on the net, that also love socccer)
I never saw any post of you that had actually something to do with any homm game.. Get yourself to a stupid soccer board looser
With love K....

Known Hero
[This space For Rent]
posted April 25, 2002 10:54 PM |
i like soccer does that make me bad?
I can Imagine a world without hate, a world that lives in total peace and harmony, then i can imagine us attacking them, cos the fools wouldn't expect it

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 25, 2002 10:56 PM |
1) Be a lefty
2) Have a sense of humour
3) RTFM (Lith!!)
4) Be nice
1) post stupid posts like "I agree". At least write "I agree because"
2) Sleep with my husband 
3) Try to be to clever
4) Be Rude
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Famous Hero
posted April 25, 2002 10:56 PM |
Quote: i like soccer does that make me bad?
Yes, that makes you a target for my revanche that the whole world will do shaking! Whahahaahahahahahahah
Your all gonna die! you all gonna die! Hihahe! Ghehehe! hahahaha! Whahahaha!

Tavern Dweller
posted April 25, 2002 10:59 PM |
Now lets see...
Hi there RainBow... be careful where you shoot those arrows, someday you might hit some poor guy straight in the heart
Sir RMS, always a pleasure I'm sure.
what else, hmmm...
...I'll make sure I DON'T mess with that Wesley guy, he seems to mean buisness 
Don't you just love that smiley guy, he can make the most amazing faces ...when I try it just looks stupid )
taking notes...
...make sure to post about homm game
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted April 25, 2002 11:00 PM |