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Heroes Community > Dimension Gates > Thread: Ashan games timeline?
Thread: Ashan games timeline?

Hired Hero
posted July 21, 2014 11:31 AM
Edited by ShardofTruth at 11:46, 21 Jul 2014.

Ashan games timeline?

I'm currently wondering in which order Ubisoft's Might & Magic games take place, especially since some plots span several of them.
Here is my current idea:

1. Heroes Online
2. Heroes VI (with "The Heart of Nightmares" playing several years before it, probably even shortly before Heroes Online)
3. Pirates of the Savage Sea (ca. one year after Heroes IV)
4. Danse Macabre (not really sure where to put this, could also play after MMX I think)
5. Duel of Champions
6. Might & Magic X Legacy
7. Shades of Darkness
8. Clash of Heroes
9. Heroes V (and all of its addons)
10. Dark Messiah
11. Heroes Kingdoms (taking place after the bad ending of Dark Messiah)

Any thoughts or even better year year specification? Heroes VI plays around 564 YSD, Heroes V ca. 969 YSD.

The Duel of Champions campaign seems to be all over the place, it probably begins before Heroes Online (giving how Cate started looking for her brother Kieran) but seems to be over by the time of MMX.

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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted July 21, 2014 12:18 PM

You got it more or less right. DoC 1st Season campaigne is placed aprox 1-2 years after H6
Season two (Told in new expansions since BS2) is placed befor H6

As for Danse Macabre It's placed befor DoC, end maybe even befor Heroes VI. Since it tells the story of how Sandro got hi firs disciple. And the DoC campaigne is focused around those, who once were his disciples.
I'm just a Mirror of your self.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 21, 2014 12:57 PM

As far as I remember, Heroes Online takes place after the third Eclipse (which means around 717-751 YSD)

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Hired Hero
posted July 21, 2014 02:21 PM
Edited by ShardofTruth at 14:27, 21 Jul 2014.

I haven't finished Heroes Online yet and I'm currently only playing on the Necropolis side that's why I was taking a wield guess.
My reason for putting it there was that Belketh is still the de facto leader of of the necromancers which I thought was changing when the Mother Namtaru became more important. Also Cate is seen in Heroes Online (at least I think it was her) but she should be dead after Heroes VI.
So thanks for the information.

Also the nethermancer storyline is very hard to follow with all the different games that are involved, but if Lucretia is really Sandro's first disciple then of course Danse Macabre should be placed earlier.

The new DoC campaigns actually play before the first one? I didn't finish the all old ones before they rewrote some stuff for one of the newest expansions but does this really make sense? Here is a transcript I made.


1. Boot Camp
Recruits! You have just joined the Company. This is your new family. Everything that has gone before is your own affair. Here, we are all brothers and sisters!

2. Windswords
Most desperate souls become Mercenaries for the gold or the glory. Join a good company with a good reputation and your fortune is made. But we are Windswords, sworn to Ylath, the Dragon-God of Air. We are brothers, bound by our oath, and by a past we all want to forget.
I fled the halls of the Necromancers and the magical city of Al-Betyl. The day they gave me the Sacred Spider's venom and turned me into a Vampire, my fate had been sealed. Though I tried for over a century, it was not a "life” for me. Yet, no matter how far I travel, the Dragons catch me. When the gods have you in their plans, there is nowhere to run.

2.1 Vradek's Crossing
It was just another typical gritty day in the life of a Windsword. Kieran, our company commander, announced our new marching orders. Apparently the Holy Emperor was no longer getting his favorite meads and meats from the Free Cities: entire caravans had been going missing for nearly a year. We had been hired to secure the trade route.
When we struck camp at Vradek's Crossing, what we had been sent to find found us. A band of raging Orcs came charging up to our perimeter whilst most of our men still lay sleeping.
Orcs! Mistakenly treated as mindless brutes... Creations of the Wizards of the Seven Cities… Human captives infused with Demon blood in a series of successful experiments to create the perfect Demon Slayers.
Finally… some excitement to chase away the boredom.

2.2 A Pirate in the Woods
Orcs marauding on the frontiers of the Empire was nothing out of the ordinary. But Captain Ga'arend, an Orc himself, warned us that something was not quite right about our enemy. The discussion was cut short by the clamor of our alarms.
I had lived three centuries longer than anyone else in the company, and I thought nothing could surprise me anymore. I could not believe my eyes. A ragtag band of Pirates came pouncing into our camp with swords raised high. What were they doing here… in a wooded valley snuggled neatly between two mountains, a hundred leagues from the nearest ocean?

2.3 Darkwood Forest
Our battle with the pirates ended in a truce. Their flamboyant captain introduced himself as Crag Hack. Ga'arend said he knew him by reputation. Judging from the excited gleam in his eyes, we had just crossed swords with a legend.
Crag Hack was looking for missing treasure that had been stolen from his ships by Orc looters, and he had mistaken our camp for theirs. A simple explanation, but it failed to convince me.
The next day we parted company. Crag Hack followed the Orcs. We resumed our own march through the woods.
The air grew icy and biting. At dusk we made camp, but our fires brought little comfort. Something cold and dark was hiding, watching us… waiting.
Suddenly, a piercing wail shot through our camp setting all the men to shivers. I had heard that cry before.
A Banshee!  Spirit of mourning, mistress of despair…

2.4 Mountain Marauders
I tried to communicate with the Banshee before sending her off to the Spirit World, but she would not… or perhaps could not… answer me. As the rest of the company celebrated, I began wondering if I had not been away for far too long from Al-Betyl and my fellow Necromancers.
The next day, we found an Orc camp. They were different. Darker of skin, their bodies horribly twisted by Chaos magic. Their leader introduced herself as Shaar, great shaman of the Blackskull Clan. She offered to read the future of her people in our bleached and dried bones. We politely declined her invitation, and violence ensued…

2.5 Demonic Infestation
Shaar left the battlefield with fury in her eyes and a promise of vengeance. Commander Kieran called us apart to voice his concerns. The region was infested with more than simple brigands. We needed to go back to our client and report.
Captain Ga'arend was certain that the powers of Chaos were the cause of Shaar's madness. His suspicions proved right when we found a Demon Lord the very next day, hissing and shouting orders to his legions. It was useless to ask him about the motives of his presence here. All we could do was destroy his material body and banish him back to the hells of Sheogh.

3. Void Rising
We returned to Denstadt to report to our employer, none other than Siegfried Brightblade, Field Marshal of the Holy Empire. He weighed our words a dozen times before deciding to believe them. He then admitted that while we were battling Chaos deformed Orcs and wandering Demons in the forest, other attacks had been reported this side of the border.
The problem closest to home was just under our feet in the city catacombs. The city guard had gone down days ago and not a soul had returned. The Field Marshal signed us up for another fortnight, and asked us to swear by the Dragons to make whatever evil was lurking in the shadows disappear.

3.1 Denstadt's Catacombs
We entered the catacombs below Denstadt. The air was thick with green dust. Breathing was difficult, and among the chilling piles of bones and skulls, we discovered a nightmarish vision…
Soldiers lying on the ground, bodies twisted into abominable shapes, skin scorched black, eyes rolled back in their heads, green foam dribbling from their lips…
Standing above them, perched on a pretentious throne carried by Ghouls, was the familiar face of Al-Betyl's renowned alchemist and specialist in all things poison.
"Nergal, my old friend. Where have you been?” I shouted. "How many times must I kill you?”

3.1 The Caves
There was nothing left of the city guard we were sent to find. Nergal had poisoned most of them, and enlisted their bodies into the ranks of his Undead. I killed the last man myself. Still, Kieran thought it best we investigate the extent of the underground network in the hopes someone had escaped.
The catacombs gave way to an immense cavern complex. We finally came upon a large expanse and were greeted by Farhang. The last time I saw him in Al Betyl, he had not yet been turned into a Vampire. He was a very ambitious Death Knight. He did not seem to remember me. Or perhaps he did… He ordered his minions to put my head on a spear.

3.2 Fleshbane
Death is full of surprises.
We followed the tunnels for a good hour, and finally emerged dead in the heart of a vast cemetery, a league away from Denstadt. It was filled with angry ghosts, led by a monstrous form, part-human, part-spider. I knew him as Fleshbane, the Misshapen.
When we take the sacred venom of the Spider Queen to become Vampires, and hold our breaths that last instant before the breathlessness of eternity, we are never really sure of the outcome. Most of us do not survive the ordeal. Some seem untouched on the outside, locked in the beauty of their youth, but are broken on the inside, their souls torn and twisted.
For Fleshbane, it was the opposite. He kept his wits, but his body was ravaged, deformed. He became a renegade, and another name on my list when I was still known as the Reaper, executioner of Al-Betyl…

3.3 Shaar's Vengeance
We cleared the cemetery of the restless dead, though a great many escaped, including Fleshbane. We then headed back to report to Brightblade that the Necromancers were a renegade group. Al-Betyl, a prominent capitol amongst the constellation of the Seven Cities, would never conspire against the Holy Empire.
But before we could reach the gates of Denstadt, it was he who rode out to us. The Blackskull Orc Shaman, Shaar, was moving fast and hard on the city with a large army. Apparently she was still after our bones.
Captain Ga'arend went out to meet her. They spoke for a long moment, but when he returned, I could see on his face that we had no choice but to let Fate decide which bones the vultures would scatter to the four winds…

3.4 A Wizard Far From Home
Shaar's spirit had passed on to meet her ancestors, and Ga'arend was troubled and silent. He knew that more Orcs would die, as we tracked the fleeing survivors of the Blackskull clan back to their home. Whatever source had corrupted their bodies and minds had to be found and destroyed.
After several days of difficult progress on craggy, twisting paths, we entered the macabre heart of Blackskull territory… Skulls adorning spears for miles on end. Enough to fill the catacombs of Al-Betyl.
We expected to find more Orcs, or Demons, but not a Naga Wizard. Our second in command, Myranda, herself from the Seven Cities, recognized the stranger as Akane, an influential counsellor to the rulers of the Archmage Council.
Whatever her mission, she apparently did not want us to be able to divulge her presence to anyone. We were attacked in short order…

4. Herald of the Void
Akane bowed in defeat before our Commander in formal Naga fashion but her attitude was all but humble. Deep within her eyes boiled an absent, albeit determined, forlorn stare. I had seen that particularly devious form of resolve once before. It was a sickness I had thought beaten and banished… and now it had returned.
Myranda moved to wipe off Akane's arrogant look with the back of her sword, but Kieran intervened. He asked Akane the one question burning on all of our minds. "In the name of all the Dragons… why?”
"You are all fools, trapped in your superstitions and beliefs. The Herald of the Void has come, and she shall free us all! While you were fighting me, she has restored the throne!”
Akane's taunt brought looks of confusion to everyone but myself. I understood far too well what evil stood before us.
Then, in a blur, Akane jumped, grasping Kieran's shoulder, and both of them disappeared in a dark vortex that sucked away the light…

4.1 Adar-Malik
Desperate for answers and a clue as to where Akane had taken Kieran, Myranda had us search the area. We quickly discovered a pulsing cluster of Dragonblood Crystals. These were the blood of a Dragon God, spilled during the Wars of Creation, solidified over centuries. Pure, concentrated magic…
These particular crystals were shifting in shape and color, radiating corruption. Chaos crystals, the blood of Urgash, father of all Demons… Now I understood the origin of the Blackskull Orcs' horrible mutations.
We were not the only ones drawn to this incredible source of power. A Necromancer appeared behind us and called out to me.
"Vein! Filthy renegade! You were Archon Belketh's Reaper, our lawful executioner. How dare you desecrate our laws and pact with Demons?!”

4.2 Noboru
I stopped Myranda from slaying our defeated captive. His name was Adar-Malik. He and I had never shared anything but a mutual hatred for one another, but he had also been a student of my mentor, Archon Belketh, and had replaced me as his Reaper.
Belketh had sent him to rout out the rebellious Necromancers we fought in Denstadt's catacombs. He had learned from his spies that I was seen with a mercenary army near the infested city, and had mistakenly assumed that I was the leader of the renegade circle.
Our friendly chat was interrupted by a Naga warrior, swords drawn, who seemed to materialize from the shadows.
"I lay my eyes on you for the first time, strangers… To be precise, it is the second time for one of you.
I have been observing you for a while. Your battle with Akane, my forlorn sister, was impressive, but her mistress will be a tougher opponent. As we speak she is gathering forces.
You must now prove yourselves worthy of such an adversary.”

4.3 Dhamiria
Noboru bowed before us, much as Akane had earlier that day, but the smile on his face was anything but disrespectful. His challenge had been a test. He was on our side. He needed allies, but only those he thought could stand a chance against the so-called Herald of the Void.
He gave us the true name of our enemy: the Wizard Gazal, Akane's mistress, head of house Anima, Archmage of the Seven Cities. He then confirmed my suspicions. Gazal had been exposed to the Void, a boundless, primordial force, the oldest known to Ashan. The beginning and the end of all things, even the Dragon Gods.
Gazal's powers now fed off the Void, and those who fought against her would risk not only death, but being erased from the very fabric of Creation.
Adar-Malik gave me a glaring look, but this time his hatred was not directed at me. We both knew the danger of the Void. We both bore its scars.
Suddenly, Myranda drew her sword and shouted out:
"A Succubus spy! Seize her!”

4.4 Hakeem
It took all of our combined efforts to bind down the Succubus with magical chains. Myranda recognized her from her days in the Seven Cities, and the revelation hit her like a knife in the back.
With a strained voice, she explained to us that under a human face, this Dhamiria had been a servant in the palace of the Wizard Hakeem, head of house Chimera and esteemed member of the Council of Nine.
Hakeem was a noted political ally of Gazal, but more importantly, he had been Myranda's former lover…
Myranda had strong reasons to believe Hakeem would lead us to Gazal, Akane, and hopefully Kieran. With our consent, and the help of all our spell casters, she used the Succubus's link to her master to pinpoint his location.
In an instant, the entire company teleported in front of Hakeem's hideout. Beastman servants immediately raised the alarm and then charged.

4.5 Kieran's Return
The great Wizard Hakeem wept as he begged Myranda for forgiveness. It was not for fear of death, but merely shame. He admitted he had plotted with Gazal and other ambitious Wizards to obtain control of the Seven Cities.
A powerful Necromancer named Sandro was the original leader of their cabal. He brought them an ancient artifact called the Throne of Renewal. Gazal was the first to sit upon it, and something went wrong. She became possessed by the Void. Hakeem barely escaped with his life, and realizing what they had done, was determined to surrender himself to the Circle of the Nine and warn them of the danger.
Sandro! Belketh's most promising disciple… A name that still burned slowly within my soul, hotter than the Sacred Spider's venom flowing in my veins. But it was not Sandro who suddenly burst in on our meeting. It was another old friend… Kieran, our commander, wearing that absent look in his eyes. And, we, his former Windsword brothers, were now simply enemy strangers to be slaughtered.

5. Forgotten Wars
I had fought with Kieran for over a decade, and he may have been a lot of things, but a traitor he was not. The Void had perverted him and converted him to the Herald's cause. Before we could capture him, a dark vortex similar to the one used by Akane gobbled him away.
I pressed Hakeem to give us more details about Sandro and the Throne of Renewal. He told me that it was the Necromancer Ariana who had introduced Sandro to Gazal. I knew Ariana well. She was one of Sandro's followers, and, like her master, had been banished from Al Betyl for acts of Nethermancy, dark magic involving the forbidden power of the Void.
Gazal had offered sanctuary to Ariana and Sandro in her secret hideaway. She called it Mir-Al-Din. It was a place of great power, consisting of five magical and elusive towers, hidden deep in the Sahaar desert since the ancient ages.  Gazal had found and kept for herself the legendary Mir-Al-Din.
Hakeem could not lead us there, but he knew someone who could…

5.1 Crusaders
We entered the Sahaar desert in marching order. Hakeem said we had a long journey ahead of us. He continued his story…
The origin of the Throne of Renewal was obscure, but it clearly dated back to the ancient Shantiri civilization, like the towers of Mir-Al-Din. According to Sandro, it was imbued with a cleverly controlled form of Void magic and its purpose was to strengthen willpower by ridding the mind of all doubt and fear.
Gazal agreed to help Sandro, in exchange for the privilege of being the first to use the artifact. Sandro kept his word, but when Gazal sat upon the throne, a swirling vortex of pulsing darkness formed around her, like a cloak of nothingness.
Hakeem's story was regretfully interrupted as our scouts reported a contingent of Crusaders coming our way. Ga'arend and I prepared our troops for a fight. The knight-templars of the Holy Empire had little tolerance for Orcs riding with Necromancers.

5.2 The Proud Sayamas
There was something oddly familiar with the Crusader Captain's face, but I could not place him. These men were simple border patrol. They were an avant-garde escort for a comely young man, sumptuously dressed in the courtly fashion of the Lotus Empire.
His personal guard was composed of Sayamas, Dune Nagas. How odd to see the snake-people of Shalassa, Dragon-Goddess of Water, claiming a part of the Sahaar desert as their own. They charged us, slithering through the sand in a fury, as if swimming through the waves of their native Jade Sea.

5.3 The Orcs of the Sahaar
Myranda recognized the Naga leader as Shalan, ambassador of the Eternal Empress in the Seven Cities. She called out to him and was finally able to clear the misunderstanding and stop the mindless fighting. After some apologies on both sides, we shared tea and stories.
Hakeem's testimony managed to convince the Sayama Nagas and the Crusaders of the seriousness of Gazal's threat and emissaries were immediately sent to inform their respective leaders.
We then parted ways. A Sayama scout led us to the nearest oasis for the night.
But a group of Desert Orcs had already established camp. Their Shaman came to us with peace greetings. But suddenly, she saw Hakeem and her smile turned to a heinous scowl.
In the time for a Cyclops to wink his deadly eye… we were surrounded by enraged Orc warriors.

5.4 Ignatius
Strangely enough, Zouleika, the Orc Shaman was neither Orc nor Shaman. She was a Human Wizard from House Chimera. She had abandoned the Seven Cities to live with the Orcs because she despised the way the leaders of her House, Hakeem first among them, exploited and abused their "creations”, the Orcs and the Beastmen.
Ga'arend managed to convince Zouleika to at least listen to Hakeem's story. She spat, gritted her teeth and glared, but heard enough to come to the conclusion that Gazal was also a threat for the desert Orcs. She promised to gather the tribes.
The next day, we resumed our march. By nightfall, the dunes had given way to twisted rocky crags. Hakeem told us this is where we would find Ignatius, an Incubus, also part of Sandro's conspiracy. But like Hakeem, he had refused to bow to the Void-corrupted Gazal.
Hakeem had just started to warn us that Ignatius was slightly paranoid, when the ground exploded under our feet, and Demons erupted within striking distance...

5.5 The Creatures of the Rift
Finally calmed and restrained by Hakeem, Ignatius explained to us that he had not chosen to follow Chaos. His soul had been sold at an early age by his own mother to Phrias, a powerful Arch-Demon.
His pact with Sandro and Gazal had only one goal: to sever the cursed bond that chained him to Phrias. In a completely unexpected way, the deal had worked. After the events at Mir-Al-Din, he no longer sensed Phrias's hold.
Ignatius completed Hakeem's tale. When Gazal rose from the throne and proclaimed herself the Herald of the Void, Sandro realized his plan had gone awry. He tried to kill Gazal with a blighting death spell. She simply absorbed its power and seemed to grow stronger because of it.
Ariana immediately bowed to Gazal. Knowing Sandro, she would not be forgiven for such a betrayal.
Just before fleeing, Sandro shattered the Throne of Renewal, opening up a gaping rift. Out of it poured horrifying Void-touched spirits.
As if to illustrate his story, suddenly an army of them attacked us.

6. Five Towers
The armies of Ashan gather before the towers of Mir-Al-Din, a hundred heroes are their heads. Every Dragon God is represented. The immense twirling storm cloud, manifestation of the Void-born rift, has called them here. Its power can be seen for a hundred miles… its presage of doom can be felt a thousand leagues in every direction.
This enemy we face on the sands of the Sahaar owes her powers to Sandro, a man I once considered my friend, but whom I should have destroyed when I had the chance.
I am Vein, formerly Death Lord of House Eterna, and Belketh's Reaper. Today, I am a simple Mercenary Captain, but I have been elected by my Windsword brothers to lead them in this war. I am their immortal commander, even though this may well be our final hour.

6.1 Ariana of the Severed Fates
The attack of the Wraiths on our camp signaled to us all that there was no reason to avoid marching on the five towers of Mir-Al-Din any longer. Gazal knew we were here. She would keep sending her unnatural armies to test our strengths and bare our weaknesses.
The Holy Empire was sending forces over the border to join with the construct armies of the Wizards and the Undead legions of Al-Betyl. But they would not arrive for weeks. I doubted the world could wait that long. Gazal was growing in power and had to be stopped.
As we caught glimpse of the twirling rift in the distance, we were greeted by a familiar silhouette.
Ariana of the Severed Fates… Sandro's most accomplished acolyte, and now Gazal's pawn. She remained still and silent, as a dark and dangerous power coursed beneath her glowing skin.

6.2 Phrias, Prince of Annihilation
Ariana fled to only the Dragons knew where. If she had truly betrayed Sandro to join Gazal, there would be nowhere to hide. Sandro would find her and make her pay for her insolence. Her fate was now tied to that of Gazal, whom I had every intention of destroying.
Hakeem explained that in front of us, stood the Tower of the Smith, a monument of Shantiri craftsmanship and elegance, the first of the five towers. Its builders had dedicated it to Arkath, the Dragon God of Fire. I could swear that some of the stones were molten and alive.
Atop the tower, the Arch-Demon Phrias bellowed out orders to his minions. Ignatius stared at his former master, his jaws clenched in grim determination. The Void magic had somehow severed Ignatius's bound to Phrias, and he was now free to seek revenge.

6.3 Akane, Mourner of Lost Memories
Ah… Akane. The Naga Wizard that stole our commander Kieran away.
She had safely tucked herself away within the tower built in honor of Shalassa, the Dragon Goddess of Water. How fitting a place for a Naga to defend!
The Sayamas were greatly moved, and told me that this was the Tower of the Dreamer, that had been described countless times by their artists, priests and soothsayers. It was a place of meditation and prayer they could visit in the Spirit World in time of need. Now they could see its physical manifestation with their very own eyes.
We could not let a Nethermancer control such a powerful edifice. Akane had abandoned her Dragon. And, now, she would suffer alone.

6.4 Kieran, Knight of Negation
The fourth tower, called Tower of the Inventor, was dedicated to Ylath, the Dragon God of Air. Before it stood our Commander Kieran. I could see in his eyes that he no longer remembered who we were.
Kieran asked us to bow low before the Herald of the Void, or he, the Knight of Negation, would sever our threads from the lying fabric of the Dragons.
I put my hand softly on Myranda's shoulder and bid her to make ready the men. We would attack in unison with the Orc tribes of the Sahaar behind us.
Kieran, like me, had not chosen his taint. It had been forced upon him, and like me, he would suffer its consequences. His fate now belonged to the Void, and mine was to destroy him.

6.5 Gazal, Herald of the Void
Gazal had chosen the most powerful pinnacle for herself. The hovering Twilight Tower, dedicated to the Elder Dragons, Elrath and Malassa, Light and Darkness. From it Gazal could see the entire world of Ashan, and atop it, when her power would become great enough to eclipse the All and Everything, she might rule or destroy us all.
Hakeem and Ignatius explained to me that the Void rift grew up from the tower's highest point, and Gazal was channeling its energy to create a shield of such power that all who touched it risked becoming plucked from the web of destiny.
I simply asked them to provide us enough magical protection so that I might manoeuver our armies to confront Gazal's elite guard. Once her army destroyed, we would find a way to fly up and rout her from the tower.

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Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted July 21, 2014 03:09 PM
Edited by Avonu at 15:16, 21 Jul 2014.

ShardofTruth said:
I'm currently wondering in which order Ubisoft's Might & Magic games take place, especially since some plots span several of them.
Here is my current idea:

1. Heroes Online
2. Heroes VI (with "The Heart of Nightmares" playing several years before it, probably even shortly before Heroes Online)
3. Pirates of the Savage Sea (ca. one year after Heroes IV)
4. Danse Macabre (not really sure where to put this, could also play after MMX I think)
5. Duel of Champions
6. Might & Magic X Legacy
7. Shades of Darkness
8. Clash of Heroes
9. Heroes V (and all of its addons)
10. Dark Messiah
11. Heroes Kingdoms (taking place after the bad ending of Dark Messiah


I really need to finish Ashan timeline someday.

As for games themselves:

1. 505-520 YSD
a) Duel of Champions - Heart of Nightmares, Griffin Bane and 2 more uncomming expansion packs for Base Set 2.
b) HoMM6 "Heart of Darkness" scenario - take place and is about same events as DoC BS2 XPs.

1.5 540 YSD
Sister of Blood - comics book
Adventures of Cate during War of Bitter Ashes.

2. 564 YSD

3. 565 YSD
HoMM6 Pirates of Savage Sea and Danse Macabre DLCs.

4. 570 YSD
Duel of Champions Herald of the Void (original) campaign.

5. 575 YSD

6. 654 YSD
HoMM6 Shade of Darkness expansion pack

7. 717+ YSD (after 3rd Eclipse)
Heroes Online

8. 931 YSD
Clash of Heroes

9. 969-971+ YSD

10. 989 YSD
Dark Messiah

(not sure if canon anymore)
11. 1600 YSD
Heroes Kingdom
It took place 600 years after DM, but NOTHING was said about, which DM ending occured. All things about "bad ending" were just fan assumptions.
"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

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Hired Hero
posted July 21, 2014 03:50 PM
Edited by ShardofTruth at 15:51, 21 Jul 2014.

Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for. So the next DoC campaigns will be set before Heroes VI, interesting.

Also, do you have any knowledge of the story of Heroes Kingdoms? I played it for a short time and I think it was basically just the resurrections of the dragons (which translated in more factions gameplay-wise). I also couldn't find anything about the comic you mentioned, could you link some info please?

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Supreme Hero
Embracing light and darkness
posted July 23, 2014 06:39 AM
Edited by Avonu at 06:46, 23 Jul 2014.

I think there is not much back story in Heroes Kingdoms. What we have is only few seasons change/end videos and this:

Might and Magic Heroes Kingdoms TM, takes place around six centuries after the Dark Messiah. Asha, the Primordial Dragon, has left these lands, and civilisation has finally died out, ravaged by numerous wars. In season three, Ylath, the Air Dragon, has awoken and the Runic Fortresses of the Dwarves have appeared. The alliances must conquer and protect them from the Dark Elves lurking in the shadows.

IMO these vidoes speak about events during the end of Mythical Age, after Wars of Creation. That or Heroes Kingdoms creators repeated exactly the same events thousands years later.

Comic book was released only in France and IIRC it was planned for six issue total. When I last checked it, there was only one issue and second was work in progress, so I really don't know, if this project is still live.

Here you have cover of "Might and Magic - Soeurs de Sang":

"When someone desires information, they come to me."
"Details are everything."
Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi!

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Shaper of Lore
Designer & Writer, Ubisoft
posted July 23, 2014 11:38 AM

Avonu said:
I think there is not much back story in Heroes Kingdoms. What we have is only few seasons change/end videos and this:

Might and Magic Heroes Kingdoms TM, takes place around six centuries after the Dark Messiah. Asha, the Primordial Dragon, has left these lands, and civilisation has finally died out, ravaged by numerous wars. In season three, Ylath, the Air Dragon, has awoken and the Runic Fortresses of the Dwarves have appeared. The alliances must conquer and protect them from the Dark Elves lurking in the shadows.

IMO these vidoes speak about events during the end of Mythical Age, after Wars of Creation. That or Heroes Kingdoms creators repeated exactly the same events thousands years later.

Heroes Kingdoms is basically a "what if" universe set after one of the possible endings of Dark Messiah. But the game focused on a very systemic gameplay and not much storytelling, so they never really exploited that aspect. In any case the MMHK timeline only exists for the sake of offering a MMO experience, and it's not supposed to be the "canonical" future of Ashan.

Avonu said:
Comic book was released only in France and IIRC it was planned for six issue total. When I last checked it, there was only one issue and second was work in progress, so I really don't know, if this project is still live.

There was indeed at least at least one draft treatment for the second issue, and the plan was to include some story links with Shades of Darkness (especially regarding Raelag, Menan and Sylsai). But as the writer left Ubisoft to work on other projects the comic book has been put on hiatus as far as I know.

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Hired Hero
posted July 23, 2014 07:47 PM
Edited by ShardofTruth at 19:50, 23 Jul 2014.

Marzhin said:
Avonu said:
I think there is not much back story in Heroes Kingdoms. What we have is only few seasons change/end [url=http://www.heroeskingdoms.acidcave.net/galeria_i_filmy.html]videos[/url] and this:

Might and Magic Heroes Kingdoms TM, takes place around six centuries after the Dark Messiah. Asha, the Primordial Dragon, has left these lands, and civilisation has finally died out, ravaged by numerous wars. In season three, Ylath, the Air Dragon, has awoken and the Runic Fortresses of the Dwarves have appeared. The alliances must conquer and protect them from the Dark Elves lurking in the shadows.

IMO these vidoes speak about events during the end of Mythical Age, after Wars of Creation. That or Heroes Kingdoms creators repeated exactly the same events thousands years later.

Heroes Kingdoms is basically a "what if" universe set after one of the possible endings of Dark Messiah. But the game focused on a very systemic gameplay and not much storytelling, so they never really exploited that aspect. In any case the MMHK timeline only exists for the sake of offering a MMO experience, and it's not supposed to be the "canonical" future of Ashan.

That's very interesting. At least the German wiki offers a bit more detailed [url=http://wiki-mightandmagicheroeskingdoms.ubi.com/de/vorgeschichte-von-mmhk-die-ara-des-chaos]backstory[/url]. I don't know how official it is though if it's missing from the French and Russian site. It's because of this information I always assumed Kingdoms would have happened after the bad ending of Dark Messiah.
The only question left is the nature of the so-called "prophets". Are they just mere guides invented for tutorial purposes of Kingdoms or is there more to them?

Marzhin said:
Avonu said:
Comic book was released only in France and IIRC it was planned for six issue total. When I last checked it, there was only one issue and second was work in progress, so I really don't know, if this project is still live.

There was indeed at least at least one draft treatment for the second issue, and the plan was to include some story links with Shades of Darkness (especially regarding Raelag, Menan and Sylsai). But as the writer left Ubisoft to work on other projects the comic book has been put on hiatus as far as I know.

Thanks you two now I know why I haven't heard of it yet, maybe I'll import it although the discontinuation is a downer. What I'd love to see is a full comic book by Olivier Ledroit, his work for Heroes V is outstanding.

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Supreme Hero
posted February 27, 2015 01:18 AM
Edited by Sligneris at 15:07, 23 Mar 2015.

Official info from Heroes 7 development blog

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