
Famous Hero
Wood cleaner
posted February 20, 2003 11:45 PM |
You remind me of the BOTSTHATISBOREDINCOUNTERSTRIKE type of person
Tagged officially as Noobegian two years ago. This typographic material is strictly copyrighted. All situations containing abuse will be brought to court.

Famous Hero
Bronzed God
posted February 21, 2003 07:16 AM |
H4 sucks !!
Frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick !

Known Hero
Dragon God
posted February 25, 2003 02:43 PM |
I never played Counter Strike
I am wrong to be wrongfully wrong about being wrongfully right, but in fact, I was actually right to be rightfully right about being rightfully wrong.

Adventuring Hero
God of Dragons,power dragon
posted February 25, 2003 03:29 PM |
my reason
GD the only reason you like HOMM4 is becuase you always play mine.
Your almighty ruler,
Divine Dragon

Famous Hero
posted February 26, 2003 10:18 AM |
I want more heroes 3 upgrades
yeah, Homm4 sucks, i played four homm and 4 is the worst, i prefer play the first now a days.
I really want more Homm3 upgrades, and patches, More spells, heroes, and artifacts, and fix those lame spells DD, FLy, AND TP and so on those super heroes, and make magic heroes as good as might heroes in main combats.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 26, 2003 11:32 AM |
Edited By: Nebuka on 26 Feb 2003
I don't know if H4 sucks or not.
One thing I'm sure is that it's boring for me to play it.
Maybe lousy connection and computer have something with that.


Hired Hero
posted February 26, 2003 12:51 PM |
Quote: I don't know if H4 sucks or not.
One thing I'm sure is that it's boring for me to play it.
Maybe lousy connection and computer have something with that.
H4 is a great game when you play in 2 or 3 players but when u play it by yourself of course it's gonna be boring man! the only thing that is bad in this game is the editor. So trust me and play it with ur bro or sis or a friend maybe and see how you're going to have fun

Adventuring Hero
God of Dragons,power dragon
posted February 27, 2003 03:25 PM |
I must agree with Lazy becuase i believe HOMM3 was alot better than 4.
And dont argue with me GD you know that 3 is alot better becuase even you told me so.
If 3 had more stuff to do on it would be even better.
Im just curious i have HOMM4complete but is there any expantion or upgrade to it to make it better..just curious.
Your almighty ruler,
Divine Dragon

Known Hero
Dragon God
posted February 27, 2003 05:59 PM |
I have changed my mind old dragon!!!!!!!!!!!
*looks at the ground with a look of surprise at what he just said*

Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted February 28, 2003 04:00 AM |
Have you tried the new WoG yet? There is almost nothing that you can't do in it.

Known Hero
Dragon God
posted February 28, 2003 06:03 PM |

Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted March 01, 2003 03:54 AM |
WoG = Wake of God. You can find out more about it here http://www.strategyplanet.com/homm/camelot/
This is a FREE add on to Heroes 3, you must have SoD complete or platnium. If you want to download wog you must download the all in one 3.57, and 3.57f **Must be done in this order**. If you want to see some of new features for WoG go to the link I posted and hit Game Info.
To download wog go here http://www.strategyplnaet.com/homm/wog/ and click on the download section.

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted March 01, 2003 04:00 AM |
WoG is a truely awsome, game adds a great intrest to an already wonderful game!!
Also there is a neat little feature most players don't know WoG has and that is the Ban Spell and Ban Artifact options You can ban dd fly water walk and all kinds of things!!
I was wondering if maybe we could get of list of Heroes that you would like to see ban from tournament play. Reason being I know alot of tournament players do not play with certian Heroes and I a am plainning on asking the wog team if this is even possible. So what Heroes do you guys think should NOT be allowed in tournament play?
Also 3.58 is something to really watch for There are going to be all kinds of neat new features!! Two of them are my babies!!
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.

Known Hero
posted March 01, 2003 04:13 AM |
i thought h4 rlly sucked....
but now that i have it i can say it even bttr then h3 
If we ever will time travel in the future . Why haven't people from the future visited us yet

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted March 04, 2003 07:51 AM |
So whats this thread about? How much homm4 suck? Well... Homm4 SUCKS DONKEY $h!T if you ask me!
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

Famous Hero
Wood cleaner
posted March 04, 2003 08:52 AM |
Don't say sh!it, say poo

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted March 04, 2003 09:57 AM |
(ducks head in shame)
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d


Hired Hero
posted March 05, 2003 12:20 PM |
Quote: So whats this thread about? How much homm4 suck? Well... Homm4 SUCKS DONKEY $h!T if you ask me!
Homm 4 is much better than Homm3 the only problem is that in homm 4 you are unable to build all the creatures but everything else is much better than homm3. So please give me a good reason why you hate homm4 that much!

Famous Hero
Wood cleaner
posted March 05, 2003 12:22 PM |

Adventuring Hero
God of Dragons,power dragon
posted March 06, 2003 03:18 PM |
all that matters is making creatures..thats all i really care about besides there is no really spark to it...i mean its quite boring and not that much you can do on it either....theres your reason
Your almighty ruler,
Divine Dragon