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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: swamp towns
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Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted October 15, 2007 12:19 AM

swamp towns

post your swamp town ideas here

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 22, 2007 11:45 AM
Edited by SBlister at 19:53, 25 Oct 2007.



Serpent Fly

Serpent Flies are native to the swamplands of Hashima that the Naga call home. These winged snakes prey on the smaller creatures of the swamps, immobilizing them with their numbing poison. Tamed by the Lizardmen to aid them in the hunt, they were introduced as pets of the Naga after both races formed their pact. Still very able predators, the Naga employ these swift creatures in their armies to hunt down their enemies.
This creature can move any unoccupied space during its turn, regardless of the obstacles in the way. They can fly over other creatures and castle walls as well.
Agonizing Bite
With each attack, this creature cause enemies take fewer actions in combat.

Dragon Fly
A subspecies of the Serpent Flies, the Dragon Flies are more adapted and with two pairs of wings they are even faster than their lesser cousins. Dragon Flies are legendary for their sheer beauty, magical powers and unwavering virtue. Their intelligence and goodness have made them a tamable pet amongst the Naga who inhabit the same swamplands as these flying creatures.
Agonizing Bite
Spray Attack

Creature simultaneously attacks three adjacent tiles occupied by the enemy.

The Naga believe that the Coatl are the pets of Shalassa and are thus blessed by their patron. During a minor skirmish with the wizards, the Naga discovered that the Coatl have the uncanny ability to drain the enchantments from their enemies and absorb them, thus gaining these magical properties for themselves.
Agonizing Bite
Devour Magic

Creatures with the ability can steal enemy enchantments and transfer it to itself.


Lizardman Prowler

Before making their pact with the Naga, the Lizardmen lived in small colonies, and fought few skirmishes with each other. The Lizardmen Prowlers are the hunters of the Nariya society and are skilled with trapping all forms of swamp life for food. Armed with a blowpipe, they are able blow bolts carved out of bones of the creatures they capture. They have learned to coat their bolts with their own highly corrosive saliva which can penetrate the hides of their foes with ease.
This creature can inflict damage remotely. When distance to target is longer than half the arena, the target suffers only half the normal damage. Shooter cannot use ranged attack when blocked by enemy creature. If there's no Ammo Cart in the army, the number of shots is limited by available ammo.
Corrosive Strike
This creature’s attack decreases enemy's defense per strike. The effects of this attack are cumulative until the end of the battle.

Skink Headhunter
Like their Lizardmen brethren, Skinks are one of the few races that developed without much Dragon intervention. They evolved in the treacherous marshes of Hashima, making their homes in the swamps. Skinks are hardier and stronger than their lizardmen cousins, preferring frontal assault and mass rushes, sometimes forcing their enemies into the water where they have the advantage. In combat however, they rather use their blowpipes to attack their enemies from a distance than moving in to close proximity to attack with their axes.
Corrosive Strike
No Melee Penalty

Shooter has no penalty for damage inflicted during a melee attack.

Chameleon Tracker
The Chameleon Prowlers are masters of camouflage. While all Lizardmen have the ability to change the color of their scales to some extent, the Chameleons are especially imbued with this ability. The pigments in their skin can take on the color of their surroundings, making them nearly impossible to spot. This ability has allowed for the Chameleons to serve as early warning scouts to any imminent threat to their lands.
Corrosive Strike

Once per combat, this creature can become invisible to the enemy for three turns. If the creature attacks anyone or stops on a tile adjacent to a hostile stack it will be revealed.  If an enemy movement is stopped by an invisible creature, the enemy stops and performs a melee attack. Enemies do not retaliate to the attacks of invisible creatures. No spells or affects, except area effect ones, can affect invisible creatures.



The Disciples are the military order of the Temples of Shalassa. In full, they are known as The Order of Shimmering Depths, but it is more of a ceremonial title. They make up the bulk of the Order and are adorned with heavy spiked maces, tear shields and helmets. They are known for their fanatical ferocity and devotion in battle. Their eagerness in combat allows them to strike faster than any opponent often retaliating before their enemies have a chance to attack.
No Enemy Retaliation
Enemies never retaliate after melee attacks by creatures with this ability.
The more damage this creature does during one round, the more Initiative it receives in the following round, enabling this creature’s next turn to arrive faster.

Disciple of the Coil
The Disciples of the Coil are the elites of the Order. They are equipped with longer reaching morning stars, allowing them to crush their enemies at extended range. Disciples of the Coil are the most fanatical of all the Disciples, who rival even the Orc Maulers in their lust for blood. With each life they take, they become more blood thirsty.
No Enemy Retaliation
Immune to Slow

This creature is immune to the Slow spell.

Disciple of the Fang
Armed with hooked sabers and clad in light plated armor which offers them greater flexibility in combat, the Disciples of the Fang are tasked with not only decimating their enemies but protecting their allies as well. Contrary to popular belief they are not frenzied killing machines but a disciplined fighting force. To this end, the Disciples are immune to dark magic spells, letting nothing interfere with the lethal force they deliver in battle.
No Enemy Retaliation
Immune to Curses

This creature is immune to the Cursing spells.



Lizardmen have trained to ride atop large crocodiles that are indigenous to Hashima's swamps. Serving as the defenders of the settlements, they are able to trek at great speeds through the swamps. The Naga quickly saw the strategic value of the Swampdwellers and integrated them into their armies. In the wild, crocodiles twist themselves in a visceral display of power to tear chunks of meat of their prey. The Swamp Guards have incorporated this maneuver into their stratagem, as their reptilian mounts roll out of the way of enemy strikes.
This creature's attack increases during combat when any friendly unit dies (except resurrected creatures or creatures summoned to battlefield by magic).
Death Roll
This creature has a chance to evade taking any damage from an enemy melee attack by moving to the adjacent tile.

The colossal crocolisks of the Hashima swamps proved to be valued allies of the Lizardmen tribes. The mighty beasts were charged with carrying the Lizardmen pounding war drums into battle. The huge crocolisks serve as symbols of Naga might and valor, also use their enormous size and strength to aid the Naga in battle.
Death Roll
War Drums

This creature increases all the neighboring adjacent friendly stacks' Attack and Defense.

The Basilisks share a similar ancestry with the crocodiles, but evolved differently in ages past. The Basilisks have gained a third pair of legs and bright colored frills around their necks. It's a strange sight to behold is a Basilisk standing upright, until its flashes its frill and quickly opens its maw to release a hideous shriek, which is more than enough to petrify any mortal being with fear. When the Naga and Lizardmen first encountered the Basilisks, they were able to tame them as mounts and given to the most able of Swampguards and made into swampwardens.

Three times per combat this creature can petrify any selected enemy on the field, immobilizing them. The number of turns a creature remains petrified depends on the number of these creatures present in the attacking stack.



The Templar are giants amongst the Naga warrior caste. They are larger than the average Naga and more knowledgeable in their mastery of the combat arts. Having been blessed with four arms, the Templar wield elegantly carved blades in each hand with lethal precision. Part of the warrior caste within Naga society, they have their own agenda and spend most of their time on prayer and training. Reserved and secretive, the proud Templar will defend the realms of Hashima to their last breath.
Unlimited Retaliation
Creature always retaliates after melee attacks by enemies except when attacked by creatures with No Enemy Retaliation ability.
Battle Stance
Any enemy stack that runs to or past this creature will be attacked before they are able to strike their designated targets.

Templar Sentinel
The Sentinels are a unique sect of the Templar ranks. Spending much of their time in deep trances, the Sentinels meditate shortly during battles to focus their concentration to better direct their blades against their foes.
Unlimited Retaliation
Battle Stance
Challenging Call

Using this ability, this creature causes an enemy stack to move and attack them if possible during that turn. If attacked, this creature will retaliate if possible.

Templar Guardian
Only the Naga known as the Chosen will grow a third pair of arms and only they will be allowed into the ranks of the Guardians. Wielding blades with all six limbs, the Guardians can outperform any normal Templar. The Chosen are also named as such because the Naga believe that they have been blessed by Shalassa, as these warriors are able to transform into puddles of water and flow behind enemy lines, wiping out entire battalions before they can react.
Unlimited Retaliation

These creatures can teleport itself on the battlefield, allowing them to avoid obstacles, other creatures and castle walls.
Attacking an enemy, this creature always attacks a 6-tile area (the half of its adjacent tiles in front of it), delivering damage to all who are within it.



The worship of Shalassa takes up the largest part of Naga society. Most Naga worship the Archons as they are the only link between them and their deity. The reason why only females become Archons of Shalassa has been lost and the Naga chose not to change this way. Able casters in and outside the many temples, they will render their aid should the sanctity of Hashima ever be threatened.
This creature can inflict damage remotely. When distance to target is longer than half the arena, the target suffers only half the normal damage. Shooter cannot use ranged attack when blocked by enemy creature. If there's no Ammo Cart in the army, the number of shots is limited by available ammo.
Caster (Divine Strength, Ice Bolt)
This creature can use a set of magical spells similar to those cast by heroes. Mana reserve is limited but always set to maximum at the beginning of combat. Spellpower depends on the number of creatures.

High Archon
The Grand Archons are the supreme leaders of the Naga. They play leading roles in the rituals and have a direct link with Shalassa. Only the most faithful and promising of Archons are allowed into this most sacred of conclaves. With monumental command over the forces of magic, they are deadly arcanists. Through her will, a Grand Archon can protects her allies, summoning the wrath of Shalassa herself in the form of destructive frost magic against any creature who would do her disciples harm.
Caster (Divine Strength, Cleansing, Ice Bolt, Circle of Winter)
Commanding Presence

This creature increases all the neighboring adjacent friendly stacks' Initiative by +1.

Frost Archon
The Frost Archons are the oldest, wisest and most powerful Archons of the Naga sects. They are the chief advisers and true masters of the frost magic that make them the pinnacle of the Archon hierarchy. Nagas worship the Dragon of Water, Shalassa, and it is from her that the Archons are bestowed with their frost magical powers, which they channel through gem-embedded halberds.
Frost Strike

Once per combat this creature can attack any selected enemy on the field dealing more damage and subjecting it to Deep Freeze.
Cone of Cold
Attacking an enemy, this creature has a chance to produce a frost wave dealing physical damage to all enemies in a random radius in the targeted direction and slowing them as well.



The dark swamps of Hashima houses many predators, but none as great as the dreaded Leviathans. These monstrous, green-gray serpents rival any Dragon in both size and viciousness. Their scales are covered in spines, and owing to their massive size are able to crush lesser creatures as they rampage through the swamps in search for prey. The swamp vegetation tends to get stuck on the spines of these creatures as they make their way through the swamps giving them additional cover. Before the coming of the Naga, the Lizardmen worshiped the Leviathans by offering them game, hoping to appease these mighty serpents. After their pact with the Naga, the Lizardmen continued this as they started seeing these monsters as avatars of Shalassa.
This creature is able to move through obstacles and creatures, damaging all creatures it passes.
Crystalline Hide
This creature is immune to direct creature life threatening abilities such as Harm Touch, Vorpal Sword and Deadeye Shot.

Savage Leviathan
Like some reptiles, Leviathans shed their skin to better fit their ever growing bodies. They stop shedding their skin after once they reach maturity as they stop growing. These creatures are known as Savage Leviathans. Over the ages the Savage Leviathans have grown so accustomed to the presence of the Naga and Lizardmen that they tolerate their presence and have even formed a tenuous bond with them in order to fight off all intruders who invade the swamplands of Hashima. Ambush predators at their best, Savage Leviathans kill their prey by puncturing them with their needle-like teeth and draining their vital body fluids.
Crystalline Hide
Drain Strength

This creature drains 2 Attack points from an enemy it attacks and absorbs it for itself.
This creature can restore its health and even their numbers by devouring enemy corpses lying on the battlefield within its movement range

Emperor Leviathan
Emperor Leviathans are the one of the largest creatures on the face of Ashan. Their scales and spines, now rock hard and razor sharp, have a faint bluish hue about them. Since they have stopped growing, they need less food to sustain themselves. Unlike Savage Leviathans, Emperor Leviathans have been blessed by Shalassa; becoming elemental creatures of cold. They are completely immune to ice magic spells, and their cold-based breath weapon that can do shattering damage to enemies.
Frost Breath

During an attack, this creature damages not only the target but any other unit positioned directly behind it. The creatures attacked are slowed down.
This creature is not alive and cannot be affected by Poison, Blinding or Mind control related magic. Nor can it be resurrected or healed with First Aid Tent.
Immune to Cold
Cold Magic spells cannot harm this creature.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted October 22, 2007 11:57 AM

Wow, I LOVE the picts of these creatures.   If possible I would like to here more of your town.
Message received.

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Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted October 22, 2007 12:07 PM

Your faction is awsome.Thanks for posting somthing
Vini Vidi Vici

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Supreme Hero
Child of Malassa
posted October 22, 2007 12:24 PM

nice, but leave the draenei out, don't see them as swamp creatures

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 22, 2007 01:18 PM

Lol, Draenei = Naga?
Wind Serpent = Serpent Fly
Crocodile thing - Crocolisk/Warp Stalker

Otherwise it was good, i never find pictures for my creatures

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 22, 2007 06:02 PM

its using what resources are available.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 22, 2007 07:00 PM

Thanks guys. As far as the pictures go, I'm using whatever there is like Bixie said. Not easy to find renders of Naga creatures online so I decided to use the Draenei. Just imagine the bottom half as being snake-like.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 22, 2007 07:07 PM

is this stuff going to be strictly swamp?

cause i have a faction, that is based in a swamp/jungle with some swamp creatures but isn't like Homm3 fortress.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 22, 2007 08:57 PM

These creatures are children of Shalassa the Dragon of Water. They live in the swamps of Hashima, in Bastion like towns that resemble ancient Mayan/Incan civilization.

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Supreme Hero
Child of Malassa
posted October 23, 2007 09:50 AM

These creatures are children of Shalassa the Dragon of Water. They live in the swamps of Hashima, in Bastion like towns that resemble ancient Mayan/Incan civilization.

the naga silksword in DM looks like a katana so surely there will be some japanese style buildings, armours & stuff

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 23, 2007 11:09 AM

Japanese you say? Hmmm... Could work. But if they live in swamps, I would rather see Mayan architecture than Japanese ones. Just seems to fit better. I'll try to do a render of what my town would look like and post it up.

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Supreme Hero
Child of Malassa
posted October 23, 2007 11:49 AM
Edited by watcher83 at 11:51, 23 Oct 2007.

check one of my threads in case you're interested

at page two you can see my line-up

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Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted October 24, 2007 01:40 AM

SBlister - Wasn't that the faction that was created long ago and sent off to Nival as a concept?

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 24, 2007 03:36 AM

It was crated as the Perfect Temple by the Heroes Community Stronghold Team. I just updated it and added the second updates as long as include pictures which were never put before. But some of the stuff has been changed and a lot of new stuff has been added.

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Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted October 24, 2007 04:19 AM

I recognize the Leviathin as a MTG card (or at least pretty darn close to one) A well,

Nyway, excellent, excellent (contiues for about an hour) work. I believe the Nagas will make an appearance with that work. If you improve stuff with the help of the masterminds here in the heroes community, I think you have a fine abstract to send into Nival.

Suggestions for Revision: It seems a little topsy-turvy. The desciples seem stronger than the archons. I know its complicated to shift things around. But, in my, opinion, it needs some work.

Okay now, the templars look amazing. Levithins, not so much. Needs some work. The Archon give away the fact they are Photoshopped onto a throne (sorry thats not supposed to sound rude). I don't think white is a very swampy color (Swamp Guard). More grandiose names would make it sound better.

You did a fine job. If Master Yoda were here, "Complete is your training. KNight are you no longer. Master you are now."
Steel Yourself for War

Next Set: Mirrodin

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 24, 2007 06:11 AM

It seems a little topsy-turvy. The desciples seem stronger than the archons. I know its complicated to shift things around. But, in my, opinion, it needs some work.

Disciples are the low level warriors, much like the blood maidens or blade dancers while the archons are almost like the shadow matriarchs, they are the spellcasters. So the disciples go out and attack direct on, while their immunities protect them from being pummeled by spells. The sorceries employed by the Archons are used to decimate enemy ranks with their destructive magics or boost the fighting prowess of the lesser ranked creatures.

Okay now, the templars look amazing. Levithins, not so much. Needs some work. The Archon give away the fact they are Photoshopped onto a throne (sorry thats not supposed to sound rude). I don't think white is a very swampy color (Swamp Guard). More grandiose names would make it sound better.

Leviathans... Yeah, they don't really look the way I wanted them to, except for the Emperor Leviathan. They are legless long serpentine creatures and it's really hard to find pictures of such creatures. Archons aren't sitting on thrones, that's part of their neck collars. (I took the picture of Draenei mages from WOW). Speaking of grandiose names, I prefer simpler names, keeping with the traditions of Heroes.

You did a fine job. If Master Yoda were here, "Complete is your training. KNight are you no longer. Master you are now."

Appreciate it man. If you have suggestions or ideas on how to better this faction, lemme know. I'll change em and add you to the Naga Bastion town's list of creators.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 24, 2007 10:49 PM

Better pics for the tier 7 creatures:

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Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted October 25, 2007 03:09 AM

Now those are unit thrashing leviathans!!! I think the savage leviathin looks.... well, i guess the best way to say it is, it wants to do some serious ponage.

Now, as for some pennies for your thought...

1. PS, so sorry about the mistake with the archons. Now that i know what that really is, it looks good

2. So , the naga are reptillian. Are there no Medusae? Or are those gonna be the heroes. Now that would be cool.

3. Point taken with the desciples.

4. What's the racial ability to the Naga?

5. Templars already look amazing. (as i've said before)

6. What hero stat will this race focus on?

7. I believe new water spells are required to supplement the Naga.

Okay thats all for now. And as always, "May the Force be with you."

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted October 25, 2007 05:13 AM
Edited by SBlister at 05:23, 25 Oct 2007.

Hehe. Thanks for the Leviathan and Templar comments. These ones are def more b*tchin than the ones I posted before.
Yes, the Naga are indeed reptilian, though they have some human features. Medusas as heroes... pure genius. That's a great idea! Haven't thought about a racial skill for the Nagas. The ones we suggested before in our Perfect Temple post have been somewhat implemented into the Rage skill currently being used by the Orcs (to a certain degree). I guess the Hero will be a spellcasting hero, so spellpower is probably the primary. Now all we have to figure out is whether the creatures are more of an attacking or defensive type, and that will be the secondary. New water spells are a definite and I think should be included as part of the racial skill. Keep up the good job Ziost!
ps- new tier 4 unit pics:

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