Thread: PICS :Photobucket | |

Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted November 21, 2007 02:23 PM |
Edited by kraken at 22:13, 27 Nov 2007.
PICS :Photobucket
Hi I joined a while ago in october so I'm not so new.However I have troubles uploading pictures. People tell me to go to photobucket but there's nothing helpful there. can somebody tell me how to upload pictures in steps. Please
Vini Vidi Vici

Supreme Hero
posted November 21, 2007 03:28 PM |
- Well step by step it is. Usually I use ImageShack so I will guide you through it from there.
1) Find out where your pict that you want to upload is located at ( on your comp that is - Usually at C:\documents and settings\xxx )
2) Go to ImageShack and look through your pict's then press host it
3) When you have hosted it, you'll get to a new site , scroll down to the option Direct link to image - Copy that link and return to your thread here.
4) Now you use the pallet on your left here
use the option Insert Image click it and insert your link from ImageShack there.
5) Should come out like this 
- Hope you can use that 
- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?

Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted November 21, 2007 08:21 PM |
Edited by kraken at 20:24, 21 Nov 2007.
I don't really get it like I still have troubles doing this.It's just I'm 13 so I don't understand it.
I am just really confused.I don't know how to upload anything      .
Vini Vidi Vici

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 21, 2007 08:50 PM |

Legendary Hero
posted November 21, 2007 09:41 PM |
1. Go to http://photobucket.com/
2. Press the big red button that says "Join Now"
3.Follow the prompts to create a username and password and enter
4. Make up some personal details and agree, enter
5. Once in your account click "Browse", this will show your computer files. Double click on the picture you want to upload.
When you have chosen all the files to upload, press "Upload" 
Once loaded, copy the bottom link under the picture (the one that starts with [img] to the HCM screen and Presto

Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted November 21, 2007 11:19 PM |
Thanks kookastar
No need to post anymore I created this topic so most people who don't know to create pictures can learn.
Vini Vidi Vici