Thread: New War Machines | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Famous Hero
posted November 08, 2008 08:21 PM |
Edited by Oscarius at 20:23, 08 Nov 2008.
Just a question, will the perks be something like this (Maybe with a better name though ):
Anti-Personnel Mastery: Increases the power of anti-personnel weapons and give them the following abilities:
Ballista: Double shot
Cheiroballista: No range penatly
Hwacha: Able to attack castle walls
Edit :Asheera was faster of course 
Need moar avatars!

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted November 08, 2008 08:26 PM |
Edited by radar at 20:28, 08 Nov 2008.
Shared comp blows your cover Zamfie. 
Hwacha: Giant crossbows which has lower initiative, but have No range penalty.
Isn't it like this already? I mean, afaik ballista's damage isn't reduced with distance.

Known Hero
posted November 09, 2008 01:08 AM |
All racial unique machines have been added (thanks to Asheera), the skill part is under development currently .

Legendary Hero
posted November 09, 2008 10:16 AM |
Mana Drain (Passive): All magical damage in adjacent areas is halved. Also, any unit targeted by Chain Lightning in this area counts as two targets, but receives only reduced first target damage.
Hive (Anti-Personnel): Basically acts as a permanent Summon Hive spell.
Theatre (Support): Allows you to pay gold to create phantom forces.
Seer's Tent (Support): Can raise the luck of a creature by 2 once every three hero turns.
Thunder Turret (Anti-Personnel): Does lightning damage to both selected target and nearer enemy units at a rate of [2*total/(2 + no. of nearer units)] and [total/(2 + no. of nearer units)] respectively.
Battle-Standard (Passive): creatures within [n] spaces of standard get a +[3-n] morale boost.

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted November 09, 2008 06:01 PM |
Quote: Hive (Anti-Personnel): Basically acts as a permanent Summon Hive spell.
Well the effect should be weaker I think... at least without any War Machine mastery and the perk...

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted November 09, 2008 06:33 PM |
Some really good ideas there Isabel . Love the new concept . And I'm also a big fan of the faction specific Warmachines^^.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted November 10, 2008 08:37 AM |
Yeah, this is developing really nicely! 
A couple of the specific machines are a little skewed in balance - the Arcane Machine (Academy racial) seems pretty week compared to the generally available Magic Amplifier (which seems pretty strong in itself!).
I love the idea of having the subperks of War Machines focus on the individual machine groups rather than individual machines. There might be advanced perks for some specific machines depending on your faction, then, to fokus on your special preferences.
Btw. I also think that it would be good to have the different groups use different properties. For instance, Anti-personnel might be affected by Attack and Defence, Support might be affected by Defence and Knowledge, and Passive might be affected by Deffence and Spellpower.
PS: Where is the Catapult in all this!? I think we need a forth group of Siege Machines, including Catapult, Siege Tower, Moat Bridges and Battering Ram.
What will happen now?

Legendary Hero
posted November 10, 2008 09:04 AM |
Edited by MattII at 09:24, 10 Nov 2008.
Quote: PS: Where is the Catapult in all this!? I think we need a forth group of Siege Machines, including Catapult, Siege Tower, Moat Bridges and Battering Ram.
Alternatively the catapult could get a perk allowing it to fire in normal combat and doing damage in a 2*2 square. Partly pulled this from LoTR:RoTK, and partly from AoE/AoK.
The problem with adding a fourth category is that it's so limited, Siege towers make no sense when you can't stand on the wall, Moat bridges only work for trench type moats, and Rams are useless if there are moats.

Known Hero
posted November 10, 2008 11:23 AM |
Edited by Isabel at 11:26, 10 Nov 2008.
Siege weapons are added as the fourth class! It includes the Ram, Catapult, Underminer and the new Academy unique: The Juggernaut.
The old Academy unique is also ungraded into the Mana Pool which recovers more mana for heroes and creatures.

Known Hero
posted November 10, 2008 01:36 PM |
Skills and perks section is added! The racial perks will be submitted later on.

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted November 10, 2008 05:32 PM |
I got the feeling that the ram is too weak. I mean, when you have the chooice betwenn a really slow melee-machine and several others dealing massive damage on the walls from the distance, you would probably choose the last ones, wouldn't you?
But I really like the different attempt on perks

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted November 12, 2008 01:52 PM |
Maybe make the Ram deal incredible damage, such as destroying the Walls, etc, in one shot?

Known Hero
posted November 12, 2008 01:54 PM |
Edited by Isabel at 13:54, 12 Nov 2008.
Racial perks are added!
@Jiriki9: The portable ram has other uses apart from siege 
Quote: Expert War Machines: War Machines gain +40% hitpoints. Portable Ram receives Large Shield, Shield Others and 50% Magic-Proof ability.