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Heroes Community > Heroes 4 - Lands of Axeoth > Thread: Equilibris. Bug Report and Suggestions
Thread: Equilibris. Bug Report and Suggestions This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 01:21 PM

Equilibris. Bug Report and Suggestions

This thread is dedicated to notice if there are any bugs on this add-on and report them here.

First of all
1) Bugs

1. Demon fire (potion) does not do any damage.
2. Holy water effects undead heroes by doing damage to them.
3. Some spell icons, like "Raise Vampires" and "First Strike" are out of frames.


Some questions: Is it possible to add new spells to the game ?

2) Suggestion

1. Return the "Bloodlust" specialty to Ogre Mage, as a special ability. That ability allows to cast Bloodlust at mana cost of 1.
2. Genie's "Cowardice" must be changed, to an Order's 2nd level spell. For example "Steal Enchantment" or "Dispell"

That's all for now...

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Hired Hero
Equilibris Project Coordinator
posted October 06, 2003 09:53 PM

First of all I would like to thank you for this topic, hopefully it helps us to make Equilibris better.

When report bugs, please note your mod version and Wow or TGS version used.

1. Demon fire (potion) does not do any damage.

I could not reproduce the bug. My level 40 Archmage does 540 damage with Demod fire. Can you send me a save with bug?

2. Holy water effects undead heroes by doing damage to them.

Undead heroes (I assume you mean "lich" - chaos+death) have their own pros and cons. Vulnarability to holy water (word, shout) is one of cons. Invulnerability to hypnotize/berserk/sorrow is a pro.

3. Some spell icons, like "Raise Vampires" and "First Strike" are out of frames.

Again, I could not reproduce the bug. This bug was in mod version 3.2. If you have it in 3.21, please, send mó save.

1. Return the "Bloodlust" specialty to Ogre Mage, as a special ability. That ability allows to cast Bloodlust at mana cost of 1.
2. Genie's "Cowardice" must be changed, to an Order's 2nd level spell. For example "Steal Enchantment" or "Dispell"

Most critics say these 2 creatures are already overpowered, and both your proposals make them even stronger. I think we should wait for more opinions on their strenth.
[url=http://equilibris.celestialheavens.com]Equilibris project[/url]

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Supreme Hero
posted October 07, 2003 01:00 PM

Thank you for your reply.

I'm using Buka's English version WoW. And Equilibrils is 3.21.

I could not reproduce the bug. My level 40 Archmage does 540 damage with Demod fire. Can you send me a save with bug?

Well yes, it tells, that you do fire damage, but when my cousin's priest throwed the potion at my Necromancer, spell graphic worked, but nothing happened, I  mean the numbers were there and my necro said "AAAA" but he was at full health.

Undead heroes (I assume you mean "lich" - chaos+death) have their own pros and cons. Vulnarability to holy water (word, shout) is one of cons. Invulnerability to hypnotize/berserk/sorrow is a pro.

No, I was talking about the Death alignment heroes. I was a Shadow Mage (Death + Order) and holy water did damage to me.

Again, I could not reproduce the bug. This bug was in mod version 3.2. If you have it in 3.21, please, send mó save.

I have version 3.21 and the icons are still out of frames.

Most critics say these 2 creatures are already overpowered, and both your proposals make them even stronger. I think we should wait for more opinions on their strenth.

Yes, but Ogre Mage has a nasty habit to be left with 1 Mana. 1 SP cost Bloodlust could make full use of all Mana.

Maybe Frenzied Gnasher could cast it ? I mean since it is berserked, it could cast it randomly in the begining of the combat on 3 targets ?

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Tavern Dweller
Equilibris Leading programmer
posted October 10, 2003 12:29 PM bonus applied.

I could not reproduce the bug. My level 40 Archmage does 540 damage with Demod fire. Can you send me a save with bug?


Well yes, it tells, that you do fire damage, but when my cousin's priest throwed the potion at my Necromancer, spell graphic worked, but nothing happened, I  mean the numbers were there and my necro said "AAAA" but he was at full health.

Interesting... I'll try to reproduce bug.


Undead heroes (I assume you mean "lich" - chaos+death) have their own pros and cons. Vulnarability to holy water (word, shout) is one of cons. Invulnerability to hypnotize/berserk/sorrow is a pro.

No, I was talking about the Death alignment heroes. I was a Shadow Mage (Death + Order) and holy water did damage to me.

Can you try to make same actions (maybe from same savegame) in original H4? Would it work similar? I can't recall we have changed holy water behavior.


Again, I could not reproduce the bug. This bug was in mod version 3.2. If you have it in 3.21, please, send mó save.

I have version 3.21 and the icons are still out of frames.

Please, email me screenshot of this. There was bug in 3.2, but I thought I fixed it in 3.21.


Yes, but Ogre Mage has a nasty habit to be left with 1 Mana. 1 SP cost Bloodlust could make full use of all Mana.

There is only one price of casting every spell in a game - it is used in every act of casting, with indifference of who casts spell - a hero or a creature. That's why Ressurection spell costs 20 mana, and Terror spell costs 6 mana, Luck costs 3 mana etc. If Bloodlust would cost 1 Mana for ogre mage, it would cost 1 Mana for all heroes, who can cast it.

Maybe Frenzied Gnasher could cast it ? I mean since it is berserked, it could cast it randomly in the begining of the combat on 3 targets ?

It is impossible to do right now. Again, all you need is to have 3 stacks of ogre mages, and you would get the same result.

As for me, I hate battles against neutral ogre mages, cause they always cast Spell Shacle and Power Drain on my weak mage, making almost impossible to cast any strong spell (4 or 5 level) and survive.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 11, 2003 11:48 PM

I was experimating.. Maybe you need some non existing spell icons, such as Life Ward (from the Artifact) It is just a draft, made with paint, but imagine, what you could do, when working with photoshop... Anyways here is it...


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posted October 27, 2003 09:14 AM

Discovered Bugs - WOW

Some bugs found in Winds of War

1) Before this add-on, duration of magic depends on the hero's level (lvl2 last 2 turns; lvl15 last 15 turns etc).  But now it seems until the end of battle.

2) The First Strike spell may NOT work occationally (on random).  I have a lvl 6 hero who has the ability to send "wave of terror" that force enemy to stepback.  I cast first strike on the hero.  In this case, everytime when melee enemy approach my hero (single group per battle), it will be countered by first strike, and then stepback due to terror.  Which means, my hero can just stand  still and kill any single group of melee units provided they are not undead and have no first strike ability, immunity and morale boost.  Killing 9999 archangels with single lvl6 hero without artifact is possible.

However, the first strike ability DOES NOT work 100%.  Sometimes the enemy could just ignore my first strike and both parties strike at the same time.  When I check on my hero, the first strike icon still there. In next turn, the first strike ability resume... off and on randomly.

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Tavern Dweller
Equilibris Leading programmer
posted October 27, 2003 05:23 PM


1) Before this add-on, duration of magic depends on the hero's level (lvl2 last 2 turns; lvl15 last 15 turns etc).  But now it seems until the end of battle.

When you wrote "before" did you mean Heroes 3? In Heroes 4 most of spell last until end of battle. It is not a bug, it is certainly main feature of magic system.


2) The First Strike spell may NOT work occationally (on random).

First Strike spell and ability works ONLY if attacker moves before attack. It is not a bug too, it is a feature. When sides come to a close battle, they deliver blows simultaneously.
[url=http://zone.ee/homm4/eng]Equilibris website[/url]

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posted October 28, 2003 01:58 AM

First Strike

First Strike spell and ability works ONLY if attacker moves before attack. It is not a bug too, it is a feature. When sides come to a close battle, they deliver blows simultaneously.

Yup, so what happen is, the attacker moves before attack but the spell just simply does not work.  The chance it doesnt work is random.  Since I have wave of terror, the enemy will be 'forced backward' each time, so it has to move again next turn to make an attack.  The enemy has no chance to stand close to my hero.  My hero just stand still until the end of battle, so the senario which the enemy tries to attack me but countered by first strike, then forced backward is keep repeating on the screen..... until one time the enemy and my hero deliver blows simultaneously, which means the first strike does not work in a sudden.  The enemy will then be forced back, but in next turn the first strike works again...

To replicate this, get a single hero with nobility and chaos magic until lvl6 (to have wave of terror as ability).  Only hero alone and look for fight with any large neutral army with only 1 group (melee, non undead, no first strike ability).  Cast the first strike on hero, stand still and watch the fight, select defend at your turn.  Theoritically u should win after great deal of turns, and the hero's life remain full shall the first strike works at all time.

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posted October 28, 2003 02:15 AM

First Strike (continue)

one more thing during replicating the bug -- get maximum morale by means of potion, or give negative morale to enemy.  This is to ensure that the morale factor does not come into play because morale boost at turns can affect the attack sequence and the hero will not be able to retaliate  if enemy gets morale boost at new turn.  I always stand by a lot of potion of immortability, and cast back first strike if hero dies.  This happens at the beginning of battle only when the enemy loses no or little units.

**** I love finishing the whole campaign by single hero alone. Units are used for town defense when my only hero goes wondering. Life, Order, Chaos hero can achieve this, but Might hero.......... I can't figure out how without help of units.

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posted November 10, 2003 02:33 AM

First Strike (discovery)

Ohh no...^%#@)$)_xxx

After all I found that there is nothing wrong with the First Strike ability, but another BIGGER issue with the common "retaliate" in combat.  Sometimes it just happened that the unit "forget" to retaliate in close battle. Out of about 20 simple hit and retaliate, occationally one of the army (either enemy or ours) will just stand still and forget to hit back, giving free hit. When I say "forget" it means without influence of sequence, morale, bla bla...  This bug make single hero tactic not possible (or very difficult) where we can't afford single mistake VS large army.  My single hero now can't fight 9999 archangles because of this stupid bug.

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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted November 10, 2003 03:54 PM

Well it might work vs neutrals, but won't work vs a human. He just waits you out.
Yes, I play the game only on the forums.

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Famous Hero
posted November 10, 2003 04:15 PM

u woulda have to have a massif amount of patients, cause to kill 10,000 angels, you it would probably take 100,000 rounds minimum maybe 200,000 rounds, at only 5-10 damage per hit from your hero

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posted November 13, 2003 05:01 AM

u woulda have to have a massif amount of patients, cause to kill 10,000 angels, you it would probably take 100,000 rounds minimum maybe 200,000 rounds, at only 5-10 damage per hit from your hero

LOL... low level hero would not be able to fight that amount of angels.  Well, some of the options i know are :-

1) First strike (or master melee) + amulet of terror artifact (or hero with combat and chaos magic skill) + mirth;
2) Devine sactuary + poison;
3) Infinite ammo artifact + quicksand + bind + teleport + a lot of mana potions.......
4) Activate cheat code.

For 1st and 2nd option, u can use external program to automate the fight.  3rd option require full attention.  I've tried first option.  The bug make it not possible though...

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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted November 13, 2003 08:01 AM

Ohh no...^%#@)$)_xxx

Out of about 20 simple hit and retaliate, occationally one of the army (either enemy or ours) will just stand still and forget to hit back, giving free hit. When I say "forget" it means without influence of sequence, morale, bla bla...

No bug, just you do not knwo everything about retaliation yet. There are two phases in a turn. 1st phase - when creatures move instantly, 2nd phase - when a creature moves after waiting. If you are hit in the second phase, you'll regain your retaliation next round second phase, if hit in 1st phase, you'll regain retal next round 1st phase.

Now you know how I can wait you out even if you have 10 morale. I just wait turn1 and hit you after waiting (2nd phase) and in turn2 I'll hit you without waiting, when you did not regain your retal yet

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted February 03, 2004 09:00 PM

Some suggestions for Equilibris

New experiments:


1) Behemoths -- Bring back the "reduce defence ability" or replace it with another one, for ex.: I suggest "Physical Block" or "Berserk"

2) Sea Monsters -- Give them "bonuses at sea" like Pirates have.


3) Halflings -- Extra 100% in ranged defence, because of their smallness (hard to hit)

4) Dwarfs -- Give them "magic mirror"

5) Genies -- Insubstantial (like Air Elementals and Ghosts)

6) Titans -- Melee Thunderclap (like Lord of Thunder in WoG)


7) Bandits -- Stealth in Battlefield (seen only whne moving)

8) Trolls -- Berserk (for sure...)

9) Nightmares -- Mind spell immunity (they need more abilities)

10) Hydras -- Devour (they used to eat humans)

11) Megadragons -- Complete magic immunity (they're mega ones, so...

OK, enough for now. I'll post some of them later.

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Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted July 25, 2004 03:03 PM
Edited By: Vlaad on 25 Jul 2004

I know I'm late,but...

Since those #@%!* Heroes Round Table forums don't work every other day, I might as well quote a problem listed over there by another fan:

1) I have HOMM IV only with The Gathering Storm expansion. I don't have Winds of War.
2) I've installed the Equilibris Rus and Eng 3.42
3)I downloaded the file update-sfx and executioned it to install in my Equilibris 3.42.
4) I replaced the file equi.aop into the Data subfolder.
5) I downloaded the mod for the campaign editor.

As you see, practically I downloaded all the files of the Equilibris Download section;

And it continues crashing after I highlight the WOW elements in the campaign editor. I guess it's because I don't have the WOW expansion.

But when I edit the heroes with starting troops and asign them WOW creatures, they act as if I have the WOW expansion (of course, with the figures of the mages that everybody speak of).

On the other hand, the new artifacts work and I can see them (like Slaves of the Geshi map), but not all WOW maps became playable.

Same problem here. In addition, not even the "Spellcasters" map can be played ("The file Spellcasters is bad").I've installed the mod on Serbian pirated Gathering Storm add-on, if that means anything to you.

According to Lost, I tried again to browse the installer to the Data subfolder and this time the c. edit doesn't crash and all WOW maps are now playable. In the Editor the Frenzied Gnasher looks like a Behemoth, the Catapult like a Ballista and Megadragon like a Black Dragon, and the WOW adventure objects like Archmage's Hat. But is cool.

It's not so cool, is it? Actually, it sucks big time.

What about the info? If I come across Megadragons that look like Blackies, is there the right description? If I right-click on the stack, does the text say they are Megadragons or Blackies?

Uninstalling and reinstalling the whole game, the add-on and the mod all the time is really annoying.

I hope the developers can change their homepage and warn the fans what would really happen if they installed the mod on Standard or Gathering Storm versions of the game.


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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted July 27, 2004 07:11 PM
Edited By: regnus_khan on 27 Jul 2004

I got a similar problem with installing Equilibris on TGS. It made my game crash and I couldn't access the new map editor...

When I accessed it... whole desktop went black and I had to reset my CPU.

Afterwards, I checked the game and it worked, though there were no icons indicating WOW version of the maps... plus I could not access WOW maps downloaded from the net...

Weird... is it just me and my friend... or this is a bug?

BTW, what is the stun ability of the orcs for? they're powerful even without it...

Furthermore : WHY did you change growths in Preserve. Decreased Sprites by 7 maybe it should be decreased, but max. would be 4.

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Hired Hero
Equilibris Project Coordinator
posted July 28, 2004 09:30 AM

To those of you who have problems installing Equilibris over TGS - please read FAQ:

WoW monsters can not be seen in the game as they are - but hey, you don't have WoW at all! What did you expect? We'll fix some of the problems with WoW creatures in 3.5, but in battle they will still look like they do now.

Rebalancing growth in preserve. When we made summoning controllable, it appeared that due to exp of some creatures some choices were completely not viable. So we changed exp of some creatures to balance out summoning (I think exp now better reflects battle value of creatures), then we had to change some growth numbers to make every creature exp growth similar (almost same amount of exp per week).

As far as I can see, nature did not suffer much in MP.
[url=http://equilibris.celestialheavens.com]Equilibris project[/url]

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 10, 2009 09:27 PM

Not to big a deal, this is using Equalibris v3.51.
In the Blacksmith's and Armories the arrows < [item] > to select and deselect items are gone. You need to click on an item to add them, but you can't subract. You need to exit and re-enter if you make a mistake.

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 10, 2009 09:32 PM
Edited by Ettercap at 21:36, 10 Sep 2009.


Did you copy the file named 'equi.h4r' from the H4 Data folder, to the H4 main directory and rename it to 'x2.h4r'?. If you don't do this the game will crash after the intro screens.

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