Thread: When OOC is more than IC.... | |
Known Hero
Grannie Sweet Cheeks
posted October 13, 2003 06:24 PM |
When OOC is more than IC....
As a continuation from the topic touched in "Suicides". It saddens me so much to see a great deal of great topics forgotten, dead and buried on the go because two or more members start receiving aggravation from one another. In the end, what happens is that people go out hurt, the nice topic is ignored and there are .... how do I put it. A row of posts that don't belong where they belong.
That's how I came with the idea of this thread. If in any thread you have some remark to make to another member, please, kindly say whatever you'd like to say on the topic, and link your thread here, so that you could go on with members discussion away from the original thread. In this way good threads would be kept clean of people unhappy with one another and each other's throats and the differences could still be discussed.
I'm not sure you would like this idea or if it would be of any practical use but I would really, very politely and kindly, ask all of you to give it a try.
Happy gaming,
God does not need exist to save us...
Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2003 09:27 PM |
bonus applied. |
A good idea in theory, but in practice, won't this turn out to be a fight thread? There are two ways to take up your offer (to "say whatever you'd like to say on the topic"):
1) Say something disagreeing with a posted opinion on the "serious" thread. Why shouldn't this just go onto the original thread? Disagreement is part of discussion.
2) Say something about someone else on the "serious" thread. Personal attacks do not belong on discussion threads. I completely agree with you here. But I question whether they belong anywhere on a public venue.
That's not to say some of the issues can't be talked out; I just wonder how much good it will do.
What's going on in Suicides looks like (to me) a collision of personalities and styles and interpretations. Now people are taking sides. What's really silly about the whole thing is that if you look at the basic ideas inside each recent on-topic post, they're pretty much the same! Suicides are devestating; suicides shouldn't happen; suicide is an emotional topic for all concerned. Everyone agrees on these points.
Unfortunately, I don't see how you can extract the personal issues out of the topic because, well, people are people. They're going to bring their personalities and biases and baggage and whatnot into every topic they post to. You can't ask them to be an unemotional robot in "serious" threads and to only clash with other personalities in designated areas. People are too integrated for that (if that makes any sense...).
The only solution I can see is already in the CoC, specifically Philosophy of Anger. To borrow the cliche, if you can't say something nice about someone, perhaps you shouldn't say anything about them at all. And if you disagree with an idea, make it clear that it is the post, not the poster that you are attacking. On the recieving end, try not to take things too personally.
Of course, all this is common sense, and it hasn't stopped good threads from degenerating into personal firefights before, so I see no reason why it's ever going to stop. Offering a designated boxing arena isn't going to divert the (linguistic) violence; it only provides an additional venue for it. Sometimes, humans just suck.
disguised as a responsible adult
Known Hero
Grannie Sweet Cheeks
posted October 13, 2003 10:55 PM |
There is a difference.
If the topic shifts and it's STILL something people discuss, that's great, that's how long threads come into existence. However, what I disapprove of, is guys at each other's throats, with those "you-you-you" phrases. You know it easily by that "skip material" feeling. I'm not even talking about flaming. Not even whining. It's that I'm muuuuuch holier than you attitude. Somtimes it is not grounded, sometimes it is. That's not the point. The point is that after you've been online for years (3.5 for me. Actively. Like 6 hours every day), you get sick with it UP TO YOUR NECK.
So, I am trying to offer a solution. I'm doing whatever I can. I know I've done my best to contribue to the solution. The rest is... a matter of what time will show.
God does not need exist to save us...
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted October 14, 2003 03:04 AM |
I thought of a similar idea for futureistic formus.
These are called shadow threads. On the top of everythread you can click in, and out of off topic/on topic disscussion related to the thread. (Basicly, you can either view every post, or just on topic ones)
The thread goes on normaly, but after time hard working mods check a box on all the posts to keep in shadows, where only ppl who are interested in that would look..
1 pro, 1 con
pro: n00bs opening threads, would know the topic, and not our disscussion
con: some posts are on topic, and off topic all in one
What are you up to
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted October 15, 2003 06:12 AM |
I've read about the threadkilling issue many times, and I always remember the "threadkillers" blamed. But they can't actually stop the "non-threadkillers" from posting. So another way to look at it is that the people who didn't post after the "threadkiller" are the thread killers, since they've stopped posting which gave that thread life.
I think it is a matter of personal responsibility vs blame. Messageboards are an advantage over vocal conversations since certain posts can be very easily ignored.
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